I am currently a PhD researcher at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University. I received my BS-MS integrated degree in physics major and mathematics minor from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal. My research projects are in condensed matter theory, quasicrystalline tilings, quantum many body systems, and tensor networks. My supervisors are Dr. Felix Flicker and Prof. Dr. Sean Giblin.
A Hamiltonian cycle visits every vertex on a graph exactly once before returning to the start. A classic example is a Knight's Tour on a chessboard. Finding these paths is, in general, a very hard problem (NP-complete). Unexpectedly, we found a polynomial-time algorithm to construct them on certain quasicrystals. As a result, many formerly intractable problems can now be solved in this setting. The Hamiltonian cycles also make fantastically complicated mazes. The work has been published in PRX, and also received write-ups here:
- Singh, S., Lloyd, J. and Flicker, F. 2024. Hamiltonian cycles on Ammann-Beenker tilings. Physical Review X 14, article number: 31005. (10.1103/PhysRevX.14.031005)
- Singh, S. and Flicker, F. 2024. Exact solution to the quantum and classical dimer models on the spectre aperiodic monotiling. Physical Review B (condensed matter and materials physics) 109(22), article number: L220303. (10.1103/PhysRevB.109.L220303)
- Saccone, M., Van Den Berg, A., Harding, E., Singh, S., Giblin, S. R., Flicker, F. and Ladak, S. 2023. Exploring the phase diagram of 3D artificial spin-ice. Communications Physics 6(1), article number: 217. (10.1038/s42005-023-01338-2)
- Singh, S., Lloyd, J. and Flicker, F. 2024. Hamiltonian cycles on Ammann-Beenker tilings. Physical Review X 14, article number: 31005. (10.1103/PhysRevX.14.031005)
- Singh, S. and Flicker, F. 2024. Exact solution to the quantum and classical dimer models on the spectre aperiodic monotiling. Physical Review B (condensed matter and materials physics) 109(22), article number: L220303. (10.1103/PhysRevB.109.L220303)
- Saccone, M., Van Den Berg, A., Harding, E., Singh, S., Giblin, S. R., Flicker, F. and Ladak, S. 2023. Exploring the phase diagram of 3D artificial spin-ice. Communications Physics 6(1), article number: 217. (10.1038/s42005-023-01338-2)
Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms / Graph Mining.
Constrained Models on Aperiodic Tilings.
Quantum and Classical Dimer models.
Tensor network algorithms: Density Matrix Renormalisation Group.
Funding sources
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grant details
I have achieved the status of Associate Fellow from the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), which has greatly enriched my approach to teaching and learning. As part of my teaching experience, I have been involved in the following courses at the Cardiff University:
- Optics - Spring Semester 2024
- Optics - Spring Semester 2023
- Pathways to Success in the Physics Workplace - Autumn Semester 2022
- Optics - Spring Semester 2022
Honours and awards
- [March 2024] Distinguished Student Travel Award: Issued by Forum on International Physics (FIP), American Physical Society, for attending the March Meeting 2024.
[Oct 2021- Present] EPSRC PhD studentship: Funds to support PhD, which covers tution fees and stipend. This is administred by Cardiff University and funded by EPSRC.
[May 2019] MITACS Scholarship: Received fellowship for doing a summer internship project at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada for three months. This award is issued by MITACS Globalink.
- [May 2018] DAAD-WISE Scholarship: Received fellowship for doing a summer internship project at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany for three months. This award is issued by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
[Aug 2015 - Aug 2020] INSPIRE scholarship: Received during my BS-MS degree at Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal and issued by Department of Science and Technology (DST), India.
Speaking engagements
- 26/06/2024 (Invited) : "Hamiltonian Cycles on AB tilings", at 11th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals, Caen, France.
- 10/04/2024 (Invited) : "Exact Solution to the Quantum and Classical Dimer Models on the Spectre Aperiodic Monotiling", at British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC), Newcastle, UK.
- 04/03/2024 : "2D MPS-DMRG: Quantum dimer and loop models on a two-dimensional quasicrystal", at APS March Meeting, Minneapolis, USA.
- 18/07/2023 (Invited) : "The O(n) loop model on Ammann-Beenker Tilings", at The Grimm Netwwork Meet, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
- Poster Presentation : Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials Conference (CMQM 2023), University of Birmingham.
Conferences / Schools attended:
- 16-18 Oct 2023 : Delft Many-Body Workshop Series, Tensor networks for constrained systems, TU Delft, Netherlands.
- 10-15 Sept 2023 : European Tensor Network 2023 School - Tensor Network based approaches of Quantum Many-Body Systems, Abingdon, UK.
- 26-28 July 2023 : 3rd Plenary meeting of International Quantum Tensor Network, TU Munich, Germany.
- 20-21 July 2023 : The HatFest : Celebrating the discovery of an Aperiodic Monotile, The Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, UK.
Contact Details
Queen's Buildings - North Building, Floor 3, Room N3.14, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Research themes
- Condensed matter physics
- Quantum Many-Body Theory
- Tensor Networks
- Quasicrystal
- Graph Optimisation Problems