Miss Kimberley Stanford
Research student
- StanfordK@cardiff.ac.uk
- Tower Building, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT
Research Summary
To what extent can individuals process visual information in a visual scene to allow them to make action-scaled judgements. Does this change with the duration of viewing or number of objects?
- Undergraduate Education - 2018 - 2019: First class degree in Bsc Psychology at Bangor University
- Postgraduate Education - 2019 - 2020: MSc Psychological Research at Bangor University.
- Employment - July - August 2021: RA role with Cardiff University (Vision for Action)
To what extent can individuals process visual information in a visual scene to allow them to make action-scaled judgements. Does this change with the duration of viewing or number of objects?
External Research Supervisor
Dr Eli Brenner - Faculty of Human Movement Sciences- Vrije Universiteit
Research Group
Undergraduate teaching assistant
Support for final year vision module