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Sean Strong

Sean Strong

Teams and roles for Sean Strong


I am a PhD candidate researching leadership depictions in Theophylact Simocatta's History. My main research area is the reign of Emperor Maurice (AD 582-602), but also extends to his predecessors, Emperor Justin II (AD 565-578) and Tiberius II Constantine (AD 578-582). I have particular interest in the political and military leadership of the Roman Empire, Sasanian Empire, and the Avar Khaganate; encompassing the internal and external perception of leadership in the landscape of Eastern Europe and the Near East. My general research interests are expansive varying throughout the Late Roman and Byzantine world, incorporating its neighbouring peoples and cultures of Eastern Europe, the Steppe, and the Near East. 






  • Late Roman and 'Byzantine' History (AD 330-1204)
  • Arsacid (BC 247 - 224 AD) and Sasanian Iran (AD 224-651)
  • The Steppe Nomads and Danubian Powers (Dacians, Avars, Lombards, Slavs, and Pechenegs) 
  • Imperial Leadership 
  • Usurpation in Late Antiquity and Byzantium 
  • Generalship, Warfare, and Frontiers 

CfPs 2023/24:

  • No Active CfPs. 


  • Strong, S, 'Death, Confusion, and Darkness: Late Antique Military Operations at Twilight', in J. Oorthuys (ed.), Ancient Warfare Magazine (2021), pp. 44-49.  
  • Strong, S, ‘Reconstructing the Narrative: The Usurpation of Nikephoros Bryennios the Elder’, SHARE: Studies in History, Archaeology, Religion and Conservation 4.1 (2020), 1-27.
  • Strong, S, 'The Sword that Became Blunt: The Usurpation of Nikephoros Bryennios', in P. Konieczy (ed.), Medieval Warfare Magazine, 10, 2 (2020), 34-7.

In Preparation: 

  • (Article, Edited Volume) 'Passing Judgement on Ideas of Treason: Theophylact Simocatta on the Distinctions between Methods of Sedition in Roman and Sasanian Contexts' in N. Websdale (ed.), Passing Judgment: Distinctions, Separations, and Contradictions in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Conference Proceedings of the 25th OUBS International Graduate Conference (Brill) 
  • (Article, Edited Volume) 'Theophylact Simocatta on the Identity of Bahram Chobin and Khosrow II: A Narrative of Alliances, Legitimacy, and Treason' - ICBS, Venice and Padua 2022 Proceedings
  • (Article, Edited Volume) 'The Generalship of Philippicus: Commanding, Fighting, and Attaining Martial Masculinity and Virtue in the Late Roman Near East' in M. E. Stewart (ed.), Images of Generalship and Authority in the Age of Justinian: A Study of Twelve Generals [Amsterdam University Press]
  • (Article, Edited Volume) 'Becoming the Sasanian King of Kings: Rituals of Investiture in Ērānshahr during the Late Sixth Century AD' in S. Tougher, D. Rossi, and S. Strong (eds.), Constantinople to Ctesiphon: The Climate between the Roman and Sasanian Empire in Late Antiquity


  • (Co-Editor, Edited Volume) Constantinople to Ctesiphon: The Climate between the Roman and Sasanian Empire in Late Antiquity, co-editing with Shaun Tougher and Domiziana Rossi (Cardiff University) - [Proposal with Brepols] 

Book Reviews:


  • BIPS (British Institute of Persian Studies) Travel Grant (£1060) 
  • Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture Panel Sponsorship ($1,400) - BSC 2023 
  • BIPS (British Institute of Persian Studies) Travel Grant (£374) 
  • Chalke Valley History Trust Bursary (£500) - Thesis Completion 
  • The Iran Society (2022/23) Bursary (£4,000) - Thesis Completion 
  • BIPS (British Institute of Persian Studies) Research Grant (£2,250) - IMC 2023.
  • BIPS (British Institute of Persian Studies) Travel Grant (£935) – ICBS 2022 (Venice/Padua).  
  • BIPS (British Institute of Persian Studies) Research Grant (£1,275) – IMC 2021.
  • The Keith Hopwood Prize (2017) – Student Representative Excellence.

Public Engagement:


Graduate Tutor (2021/22, 2022/23): 

  • HS1112: Medieval Worlds, 500-1500 
  • HS3106: Introduction to Ancient History 2 - Empires East and West, 323 BC to 680 AD 


Honours and awards

  • PhD, Ancient History - Cardiff University (2019 - Present) Thesis Title: 'Generals and Rulers in Theophylact Simocatta's History: A Practical Commentary on Roman and Sasanian Leadership in an Age of Transition?', Supervisors: Professor Shaun Tougher and Dr Eve MacDonald
  • Mst, Medieval History (Byzantine Studies) - University of Oxford (2017-18) Thesis Title: 'Triumph and Treachery: A Comparative Study of Usurpation in the Late-Eleventh Century Byzantium - The ‘Saviour’, the ‘Tragic Insurgent’ and, the ‘Wolf in Waiting’', Supervisor: Professor James Howard-Johnston 
  • BA, Ancient and Medieval History - University of Wales, Lampeter (2014-17) Thesis Title: 'The Role of Emperor Justinian in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire', Supervisor: Dr Harriett Webster 

Professional memberships

  • Postgraduate Member of the Royal Historical Society (RHS) - (2022-Present)
  • Cardiff's Centre for Late Antique Culture and Religion - (2019-Present)
  • The British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS) - (2018-Present)
  • Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (SPBS) - (2017-Present)

Speaking engagements

Seminars and Lectures

  • [Postponed] Cardiff University - Ancient History Seminar Series (March 2024) Paper Title: Fighting the Eastern Enemy: Military Leadership during Maurice's War with Persia 
  • Army and Navy Club, London - The Iran Society and British Institute of Persian Studies Lecture Series (May 2023) Paper Title: 'You're Fired': A Comparison of Roman and Sasanian Military Careers [Invited]
  • Cardiff University - Ancient History Seminar Series (February 2023) Paper Title: Military Careers and the Aftermath of Battle in Late Antiquity: Evidence from the Late Roman and Sasanian World [invited]
  • Cardiff University - C.L.A.M.E.R (Cardiff Late Antique and Medieval Early Researcher) Seminar Series (November 2022) Paper Title: Conflict, Alliances, and Ideology: Theophylact Simocatta on Bahram Chobin's Revolt
  • Cardiff University - C.L.A.M.E.R (Cardiff Late Antique and Medieval Early Researcher) Seminar Series (April 2022) - Paper Title: Emperor Maurice: The Proto-Return of the Soldier-Emperor? Interconnected Identities and Shifting Ideals of Military Leadership in Late Antiquity
  • UWTSD Lampeter – Classics Research Seminar (April 2021) - Paper Title: Theophylact Simocatta and Leadership at Times of Transition: Approaches and Evidence from the Late Roman and Sasanian Empire, AD 565-602 [Invited] 


  • Cardiff University - Celtic Conference in Classics (C.C.C): Strand Title - 'Near Eastern and Classical Conceptions of Dynasty and Rulership' - (July 2024) - Paper Title: Between Emperor and King: Decoding Khosrow II's Correspondence to Emperor Maurice during the Crisis of Bahram Chobin
  • University of Leeds - International Medieval Congress: Panel Title - Roman and Sasanian Crises, II: Understanding Identity and Power through Military and Diplomatic Ventures - (July 2024) - Paper Title: 'Do Not Let Usurpers Prevail, Lest You Should Share the Precedent' Theophylact Simocatta on Military Rebellion and Unrest in the Age of Maurice
  • Simon Fraser University (Vancouver) - The 49th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference (BSC): Panel Title: Intersecting Sexes: Byzantine, Sasanian, and Eurasian Masculinity - (October 2023) - Paper Title: 'What a Man, What a Man, What a Mighty Good Man': Theophylact Simocatta on the Masculinity of Military Men in the Late Roman and Sasanian World 
  • University of Leeds - International Medieval Congress: Panel Title - Roman and Sasanian Networks and Entanglements, III: Identifying Networks and Communities at Court and within the Military - (July 2023) - Paper Title: Emperor Maurice and his Eastern Generals: Military Careers and Networks along the Roman-Sasanian Frontier
  • University of Oxford - The 25th Oxford University Byzantine Society International Graduate Conference (Theme - Passing Judgements: Distinctions, Separations, and Contradictions in Late Antiquity and Byzantium) - (February 2023) Paper Title: Passing Judgement on Ideas of Treason in Late Antiquity: Theophylact Simocatta on the Distinctions between the Methods of Sedition in Roman and Sasanian Contexts
  • 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice and Padua - Thematic Strand: 'The Edge of Traitors.' Part 1: Treason and Disloyalty in Civil and Military Affairs, 4th-6th c. (August 2022) - Paper Title: Bahram Chobin's Revolt: A Sasanian Asset and Ally of East Rome in the Late Sixth Century? 
  • University of Leeds - International Medieval Congress: Panel Title - Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, I - Politics and Warfare along the Mesopotamian Front - (July 2022) Paper Title: Rivalry Halted: Enemies Turned Allies? - The Impact of Bahram Chobin's Revolt on Roman-Sasanian Relations 
  • University of Oxford - The 24th Oxford University Byzantine Society International Graduate Conference (Theme - Reshaping the World: Utopias, Ideals, and Aspirations in Late Antiquity and Byzantium) - (February 2022) - Paper Title: Communicating the Changing Ideals of Imperial Leadership: Theophylact Simocatta on the Military Identity of Emperor Maurice, AD 578-602
  • Cardiff University (UWICAH) - Communication and Interaction in the Ancient World and its Study (November 2021) - Paper Title: Communicating and Transferring Legitimacy in the Roman Court: The Use of Emotion in Literary Context of Emperor Maurice's Inauguration 
  • University of Leeds – International Medieval Congress: Panel Title – Between Byzantium and Sasanian Persia: The Climate of Leadership between Ērānshahr and the Eastern Roman Empire - (July 2021) - Paper Title: Vindicated, Dismissed, or Crushed: Roman-Sasanian Generalship and Punishment in the Late Sixth Century AD
  • University of Birmingham - The 21st Annual Postgraduate Colloquium of the Centre of Byzantine, Ottoman, and Modern Greek Studies (Theme: Colour, Emotion, and Senses) - (May 2021) - Paper Title: Emotion as Evidence for Legitimacy? The Public Reception of Emperor Maurice 
  • University of Exeter - Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (March 2021) - Paper Title: Becoming Šāhanšāh in Ērānshahr: Visual and Literary Evidence for Sasanian Investiture Rituals in the Late Sixth Century AD
  • University of Wales, Lampeter (UWICAH) - Themes of Isolation in, and in the Study of, the Ancient World (November 2020) - Paper Title: Being a Byzantinist: An Academic Discipline on the Periphery
  • (Cancelled: Covid-19) Cardiff University – Breaking Boundaries: An Interdisciplinary Conference for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (May 2020) - Paper Title: Byzantium and Sasanian Persia: A Comparative Study of Eastern Kingship
  • (Cancelled: Covid-19) University of Exeter – Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (March 2020) - Paper Title: Panegyric and the Perception of Rulership in Early Byzantium
  • University of Bristol - Follow the Leader: Medieval Leaders and Leadership (January 2020) - Paper Title: Rulership in Early Byzantium: The Case of Inauguration Speeches 
  • Sapienza: Università di Roma - Apprendistato dello Storico -  Dialettiche del Potere: rivendicazione, usurpazione, giustificazione (May 2019) - Paper Title: Nikephoros III Botaneiates and Nikephoros Bryennios: The Means and Ends to Usurp an Imperial Throne and the Precedent it set for Alexios I Komnenos in 1081 AD
  • St Anne’s College, Oxford – ‘Lampeter Legacies’, (November 2018) – Event in Honour of Professor Janet Burton - Paper Title: ό διπλωματία των Βυζαντινών: Religious Missionaries and their Role along the Northern Frontier, 8th Century – 12th Century AD [Invited]
  • Lancaster University - HistFest (June 2018) - Paper Title: Realism in Late Roman Warfare: A Military Arms Race between Rome and Sassanid Persia (The Concept of Development Over Time between the 4th and 6th Century AD)
  • UWTSD Lampeter - Undergraduate Humanities Conference (May 2017) - Paper Title: The Role of Emperor Justinian in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire

Committees and reviewing

  • September 2024 - Present: Founder of Network for the Study of Roman and Ancient Iranian Relations (NSRAIR). Twitter: NSRAIR
  • March 2021 - Present: 'Graduate Associate' of the Executive Committee of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (SPBS)


  • November 2022 - September 2023: PGR Representative (SHARE), Cardiff University [Elected, Teaching - Board of Studies]
  • November 2021 – September 2023: C.L.A.M.E.R Seminar Series Co-organiser [Colleagues – Ben Morris and Teifion Gambold] - (Cardiff Late Antique and Medieval Early Researcher) Twitter: CLAMER Seminar Series - Twitter
  • May 2020 - June 2022: Committee Member of the South-West and Wales Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine Network (SWW-LAEMB) Twitter: SWW-LAEMB Network - Twitter
  • Select Editor for Diogenes. 11 (May 2021) – Online Student-led Academic Journal for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (Birmingham University)

Conference/Events Organisation

  • Co-organiser (w/Clare Parry and Ana Garcia-Espinosa) of C.C.C (Celtic Conference in Classics) 2024 Strand: "Near Eastern and Classical Conceptions of Dynasty and Rulership." July 2024, Cardiff University. 
  • Co-organiser (w/Domiziana Rossi) of IMC 2024 Strand: Crisis, Resilience, and Transformation: The Roman and Sasanian Empires in Late Antiquity” – Four Panels.
  • Committee Organiser (Secretary) for A.M.P.A.H (Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Students in Ancient History) Theme: 'Interdisciplinary Approaches to People, Power, and Place', April 2024. Keynote Speaker: Professor Laurence Totelin (Cardiff University) Paper Title: 'The Power of Blood: Blood Consumption in Antiquity.'
  • Co-organiser (w/Domiziana Rossi) of IMC 2023 Strand: "The Roman and Sasanian Empires: Networks and Entanglements in the Late Antique Near East" - Four Panels [Funded by BIPS - British Institute of Persian Studies
  • Co-organiser (w/Domiziana Rossi) of IMC 2022 Strand: Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empire in Late Antiquity” – Four Panels.
  • Committee Organiser (SWW-LAEMB Network) of IMC 2022 Strand: Borders in Late Antique, Islamic, Early Medieval, and Byzantine Worlds, 300-1200 CE” – Six Panels.
  • Committee Organiser for UWICAH (Universities of Wales Institute of Classics and Ancient History) 2021 – Theme: Communication and Interaction in the Ancient World and its Study, 19th – 20th November 2021. Keynote Speaker: Dr Tiffany Treadway, Cardiff University.
  • Co-organiser (w/Domiziana Rossi) of IMC 2021 Strand: Byzantium and Sasanian Persia: The Climate of the Near East in Late Antiquity” – Four Panels [Funded by BIPS - British Institute of Persian Studies]
  • Lead Committee Organiser for the SWW-LAEMB Network Summer Colloquium – CfP: ‘Connectivity and Networks’, Thursday 3rd June 2021. Keynote Speaker: Dr Byron Waldron, University of Sydney
  • Lead Committee Organiser for the SWW-LAEMB Network Autumn Event: 'The Transmission of Knowledge in Late Antique Iran' Friday 27th November 2020. Speakers: Professor Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones and Dr Eve MacDonald
  • Committee Organiser for the 20th Annual International Byzantine Conference, University of Oxford - 'Space and Dimension in Late Antiquity and Byzantium', 23-24 February 2018. 

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Archaeology of Europe, the Mediterranean and the Levant
  • Classical Greek and Roman history
  • Byzantine History
  • Sasanian History