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Dr Monica Thomas

Research student

School of Social Sciences


Dr Monica Thomas recently completed her ESRC funded PhD at Cardiff University. Her thesis focused on Black mothers’ narratives during and after imprisonment, as informed by a Black feminist criminological approach. More broadly, her research interests include black feminist thought, critical race theories, narrative methodologies, participatory methods as well as other critical and creative approaches to research. 

During her PhD, Monica co-founded the Migration, Ethnicity, Race & Diversity research group (MEAD) at Cardiff University, which she co-convened from December 2019 to July 2021. 





Book sections



SOCSCI Doctoral Conference. 2019. Experiences of Mothering amongst Black Women in Prison [Research Poster]. 14 June 2019.

MEAD Launch. 2019. The Blame Game: The Construction and Portrayal of Black Victims in British Crime Reports [Research Poster]. 11 December 2019

MEAD Webinar. 2020. Unlocking Stories and Conducting Race Conscious Research [Presentation]. 8 April 2020

SOCSCI Doctoral Conference. 2020. Getting on to Get Out [Presentation]. 27 July 2020

SOCSCI Doctoral Conference. 2021. Restricted Mothering [Presentation]. 28 June 2021.

The Black Criminology Network. 2021. "Straight Away I Was Aware That I Was Black": Narratives From Black mothers In and After Prison [Presentation]. 28 November 2021.

Capabilities and Carers Conference. 2022. Narrative Methods: Centring Black Mothers' experiences of imprisonment [Panel]. 27 April 2022.


Funding sources


Monica has gained her Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) qualification to teach in higher education. 

Her previous experience includes, but is not limited to, teaching on the following modules: 

  • Prisons and Prisoners 
  • Offending and Victimisation
  • Qualitative Research Methods 
  • Foundations of Contemporary Criminology
  • Developing Scholarship in the Social Sciences 
  • Crime, Violence and Harm
  • The Criminological Imagination
  • Advanced Criminological Theory

She also have experience marking undergraduate assesments, as well as supervising undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations. 


Alisa Stevens

Alisa Stevens

Senior Lecturer