Dr Alia Abdelmoty
BEng, MSc, PhD (Heriot-Watt Uni)
Senior Lecturer
- Available for postgraduate supervision
My research is in the area of Geoinformatics. I am currently active in the areas of user and place profiling on the social web, privacy implications of location sharing online, manipulating geographic information on the semantic web and qualitative modeling of place information in GIS.
- Darwish, R., Abdelmoty, A. and Turner, L. 2025. Investigating social network structures and interests on X audio spaces. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Istanbul, Turkey, 10-12 Dec 2024 Presented at Cherifi, H. et al. eds.Complex Networks & Their Applications XIII. Studies in Computational Intelligence Vol. 1187. Springer
- Abdelmoty, A. I. and Satoti, A. 2024. A homogeneous approach to reasoning over global geographic data. Presented at: 44th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, 17-19 December 2024 Presented at Bramer, M. and Stahl, F. eds.Artificial Intelligence XLI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 15446. Springer Cham pp. 285-298., (10.1007/978-3-031-77915-2_20)
- Alrayes, F. S., Abdelmoty, A. I. and El-Geresy, W. 2024. User profile visualisation for privacy awareness on Geo-Social Networks. Journal of Location Based Services (10.1080/17489725.2024.2399512)
- Abdelmoty, A. I., Muhajab, H. and Satoti, A. 2024. Spatial semantics for the evaluation of administrative geospatial ontologies. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 13(8), article number: 291. (10.3390/ijgi13080291)
- Muhajab, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Hassoulas, A. 2023. Reuse and enrichment for building an ontology for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Presented at: International Conference on Biomedical Ontology, Brazil, 28 August - 1 September 2023, Vol. 360. CEUR Workshop Proceedings pp. 142-153.
- Alrayes, F., Abdelmoty, A. and Theodorakopoulos, G. 2020. Modelling perceived risks to personal privacy from location disclosure on online social networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 34(1), pp. 150-176. (10.1080/13658816.2019.1654109)
- Abdelmoty, A. 2018. Towards modelling privacy risks in geo-social networks. Presented at: The Tenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Rome, Italy, 25 - 29 March 2018GEOProcessing 2018: The 10th International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services.
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2017. Spatio-semantic user profiles in location-based social networks. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 4(2), pp. 127-142. (10.1007/s41060-017-0059-9)
- Abdelmoty, A. and Alrayes, F. 2017. Towards understanding location privacy awareness on geo-social networks. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6(4), pp. 109. (10.3390/ijgi6040109)
- Alrayes, F. and Abdelmoty, A. 2016. Towards location privacy awareness on geo-social networks. Presented at: 2016 10th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Security and Technologies (NGMAST), Cardiff, UK, 24-26 August 2016Next Generation Mobile Applications, Security and Technologies (NGMAST), 2016 10th International Conference on. IEEE pp. 105., (10.1109/NGMAST.2016.26)
- Abdelmoty, A. and Almuzaini, K. 2016. A computational model of place on the linked data web. International Journal on Advances in Software 9(3&4), pp. 238-247.
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2016. Computing similarity between users on location-based social networks. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems 9(3&4), pp. 542-553.
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2016. Uncovering user profiles in location-based social networks. Presented at: GEOProcessing 2016 : The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Venice, Italy, 24-28 April 2016GEOProcessing 2016 : The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Servi. pp. 14-21.
- Abdelmoty, A. and Almuzaini, K. 2016. Reasoning with place information on the Linked Data Web. Presented at: Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data (Alldata 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, 21 - 25 February 2016ALLDATA 2016 : The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data (includes KESA 20. pp. 48-53.
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. I. and El-Geresy, B. 2014. Spatial reasoning with place information on the semantic Web. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 23(5), article number: 1450011. (10.1142/S0218213014500110)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. 2014. Spatial reasoning with place information on the Semantic Web. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 23(5), article number: 1450011. (10.1142/S0218213014500110)
- ElGindy, E. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Enriching user profiles using geo-social place semantics in geo-folksonomies. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28(7), pp. 1439-1458. (10.1080/13658816.2014.894194)
- ElGindy, E. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Capturing place semantics on the GeoSocial web. Journal on Data Semantics 3(4), pp. 207-223. (10.1007/s13740-014-0034-8)
- Alrayes, F. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. No place to hide: a study of privacy concerns due to location sharing on geo-social networks. International Journal On Advances in Security 7(3/4), pp. 62-75.
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Dynamic place profiles from geo-folksonomies on the geosocial web. In: Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXI. Springer, pp. 239-251., (10.1007/978-3-319-12069-0_18)
- Alrayes, F. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Privacy concerns in location-based social networks. Presented at: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2014,, Barcelona, Spain, 23-27 March 2014.
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2012. What can I do there? Towards the automatic discovery of place-related services and activities. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26(2), pp. 345-364. (10.1080/13658816.2011.595954)
- Younis, E. E. G., Jones, C. B., Tanasescu, V. and Abdelmoty, A. 2012. Hybrid geo-spatial query methods on the semantic web with a spatially-enhanced index of DBpedia. Presented at: GIScience 2012: 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Columbus, OH, USA, 18-21 September 2012 Presented at Xiao, N. et al. eds.Geographic Information Science: 7th International Conference, GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH, USA, September 18-21, 2012. Proceedings, Vol. 7478. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer pp. 340-353., (10.1007/978-3-642-33024-7_25)
- ElGindy, E. and Abdelmoty, A. 2012. Enhancing the quality of place resources in geo-folksonomies. Presented at: WAIM 2011: International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, Wuhan, China, 14-16 September 2011 Presented at Wang, L. et al. eds.Web-Age Information Management: WAIM 2011 International Workshops: WGIM 2011, XMLDM 2011, SNA 2011, Wuhan, China, September 14-16, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 7142. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer pp. 1-12., (10.1007/978-3-642-28635-3_1)
- El-Geresy, B. A., Abdelmoty, A. and Ware, A. J. 2010. Deriving extensional spatial composition tables. Presented at: 29th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, England Presented at Bramer, M., Ellis, R. and Petridis, M. eds.Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI: Incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XVII. London: Springer pp. 93-106., (10.1007/978-1-84882-983-1_7)
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2010. An ontology of place and service types to facilitate place-affordance geographic information retrieval. Presented at: 6th ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10), Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19th February 2010 Presented at Purves, R., Clough, P. and Jones, C. B. eds.GIR '10 Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010. New York, NY: ACM, (10.1145/1722080.1722085)
- Reitsma, F., Laxton, J., Ballard, S., Kuhn, W. and Abdelmoty, A. 2009. Semantics, ontologies and eScience for the geosciences. Computers & Geosciences 35(4), pp. 706-709. (10.1016/j.cageo.2008.03.014)
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2009. Supporting frameworks for the geospatial semantic web. Presented at: 11th international symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, 8-10 July 2009 Presented at Mamoulis, N. et al. eds.Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 11th International Symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, July 8-10, 2009. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag pp. 355-372., (10.1007/978-3-642-02982-0_23)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2009. Semantic web rule languages for geospatial ontologies. In: Giurca, A., Gasevic, D. and Taveter, K. eds. Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open Solutions and Approaches. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 149-169., (10.4018/978-1-60566-402-6.ch007)
- Schockaert, S., Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Mining topological relations from the Web. Presented at: 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Turin, Italy, 1-5 September 2008 Presented at Tjoa, A. M. and Wagner, R. R. eds.DEXA 2008: 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications : proceedings, 1-5 September, 2008, Turin, Italy. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 652-656., (10.1109/DEXA.2008.15)
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2008. Modeling spatial relations between places to support geographic information retrieval. Presented at: International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Zagreb, Croatia, 3-5 September 2008 Presented at Lovrek, I., Howlett, R. J. and Jain, L. C. eds.KES '08 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag pp. 689-694.
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Building place ontologies for the semantic web: Issues and approaches. Presented at: GIR 2007 4th ACM Workshop On Geographic Information Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 November 2007GIR '07 Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Geographical information retrieval. New York, NY: ACM pp. 7-12., (10.1145/1316948.1316951)
- Alazzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Spatio-temporal Personalised Web Search. Presented at: GISRUK 15th Annual Conference 2007, Maynooth, Ireland, 11-13 April 2007 Presented at Winstanley, A. C. ed.GISRUK 2007: Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference. Maynooth, Ireland: National University of Ireland pp. 457-459.
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. A framework for combining rules and geo-ontologies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4524, pp. 133-147. (10.1007/978-3-540-72982-2_10)
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2006. Towards the practical use of qualitative spatial reasoning in geographic information retrieval. Presented at: 3rd International IEEE Conference "Intelligent Systems", London, UK, 4-6 September 20062006 3rd International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, Vol. 1. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 67-72., (10.1109/IS.2006.348396)
- Cudré-Mauroux, P. et al. 2006. Viewpoints on emergent semantics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4090, pp. 1-27. (10.1007/11803034_1)
- Smart, P., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. 2006. A visual editor for validating Geo-Ontologies in OWL. Presented at: GISRUK 2006: 14th Annual GIS Research UK Conference, Nottingam , UK, 5-7 April 2006 Presented at Priestnall, G. and Aplin, P. eds.Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 14th Annual Conference. pp. 222-226.
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2006. Qualitative representation and reasoning with uncertainty in space and time. Presented at: Proceedings of AI-2005, the Twenty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK December 2005, Cambridge, UK, December 2005Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXII. London: Springer pp. 345-355., (10.1007/978-1-84628-226-3_26)
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Building a geographical ontology for intelligent spatial search on the web. Presented at: The IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications - DBA 2005, Innsbruck, Austria, 14-16 February 2005 Presented at Hamza, M. H. ed.Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications. Anaheim, CA: ACTA Press pp. 167-172.
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Ontology-based spatial query expansion in information retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3761, pp. 1466-1482. (10.1007/11575801_33)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. I. 2005. Imprecise qualitative spatial reasoning. Presented at: SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, 13-15 December 2004 Presented at Bramer, M., Coenen, F. and Allen, T. eds.Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI : Proceedings of AI-2004, the Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence. London: Springer pp. 299-312., (10.1007/b138783)
- Morris, A. J., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. A filter flow visual querying language and interface for spatial databases. GeoInformatica 8(2), pp. 107-141. (10.1023/B:GEIN.0000017744.85002.4c)
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. 2004. SPARQS: a Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Engine. Knowledge-Based Systems 17(2-4), pp. 89-102. (10.1016/j.knosys.2004.03.004)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2004. SPARQS: a qualitative spatial reasoning engine. Knowledge-Based Systems 17(2-4), pp. 89-102. (10.1016/j.knosys.2004.03.004)
- Jones, C. B., Abdelmoty, A., Finch, D. J., Fu, G. and Vaid, S. 2004. The SPIRIT spatial search engine: Architecture, ontologies and spatial indexing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3234, pp. 125-139. (10.1007/978-3-540-30231-5_9)
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-geresy, B. A. 2004. Schema visualisation using a metadata approach for GIS. Presented at: GIS Research UK 12th annual conference GISRUK 2004, Norwich, UK, 28 -30 April 2004Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 12th Annual Conference GISRUK 2004, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 28th-30th April 2004. Norwich: University of East Anglia pp. Ch. 19.
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. An evaluation of geo-ontology representation languages for supporting web retrieval of geographical information. Presented at: GIS Research UK 12th annual conference (GISRUK 2004), Norwich, UK, 28th-30th April 2004.
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. 2002. Towards a general theory for modelling qualitative space. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(3), pp. 347-367. (10.1142/S0218213002000939)
- Morris, A. J., Abdelmoty, A., Tudhope, D. S. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2002. Design and implementation of a visual query language for large spatial databases. Presented at: Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation, London, UK, 10-12 July 2002Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation, 2002.. IEEE pp. 226-233., (10.1109/IV.2002.1028781)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2002. Towards a general theory for modelling qualitative space. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(3), pp. 347-368. (10.1142/S0218213002000939)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2001. Towards a general theory for qualitative space. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Dallas, TX, USA, 7-9 November 2001ICTAI 2001: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Dallas, TX, 7-9 Nov. 2001. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 111-118., (10.1109/ICTAI.2001.974455)
- El-Geresy, B. A., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2000. Episodes in space: qualitative representation and reasoning over spatio-temporal objects. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 9(1), article number: 131. (10.1142/S0218213000000100)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 1997. Order in space: a general formalism for spatial reasoning. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 6(4), pp. 423-445. (10.1142/S0218213097000232)
- Alrayes, F. S., Abdelmoty, A. I. and El-Geresy, W. 2024. User profile visualisation for privacy awareness on Geo-Social Networks. Journal of Location Based Services (10.1080/17489725.2024.2399512)
- Abdelmoty, A. I., Muhajab, H. and Satoti, A. 2024. Spatial semantics for the evaluation of administrative geospatial ontologies. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 13(8), article number: 291. (10.3390/ijgi13080291)
- Alrayes, F., Abdelmoty, A. and Theodorakopoulos, G. 2020. Modelling perceived risks to personal privacy from location disclosure on online social networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 34(1), pp. 150-176. (10.1080/13658816.2019.1654109)
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2017. Spatio-semantic user profiles in location-based social networks. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 4(2), pp. 127-142. (10.1007/s41060-017-0059-9)
- Abdelmoty, A. and Alrayes, F. 2017. Towards understanding location privacy awareness on geo-social networks. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6(4), pp. 109. (10.3390/ijgi6040109)
- Abdelmoty, A. and Almuzaini, K. 2016. A computational model of place on the linked data web. International Journal on Advances in Software 9(3&4), pp. 238-247.
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2016. Computing similarity between users on location-based social networks. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems 9(3&4), pp. 542-553.
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. I. and El-Geresy, B. 2014. Spatial reasoning with place information on the semantic Web. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 23(5), article number: 1450011. (10.1142/S0218213014500110)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. 2014. Spatial reasoning with place information on the Semantic Web. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 23(5), article number: 1450011. (10.1142/S0218213014500110)
- ElGindy, E. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Enriching user profiles using geo-social place semantics in geo-folksonomies. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28(7), pp. 1439-1458. (10.1080/13658816.2014.894194)
- ElGindy, E. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Capturing place semantics on the GeoSocial web. Journal on Data Semantics 3(4), pp. 207-223. (10.1007/s13740-014-0034-8)
- Alrayes, F. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. No place to hide: a study of privacy concerns due to location sharing on geo-social networks. International Journal On Advances in Security 7(3/4), pp. 62-75.
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2012. What can I do there? Towards the automatic discovery of place-related services and activities. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26(2), pp. 345-364. (10.1080/13658816.2011.595954)
- Reitsma, F., Laxton, J., Ballard, S., Kuhn, W. and Abdelmoty, A. 2009. Semantics, ontologies and eScience for the geosciences. Computers & Geosciences 35(4), pp. 706-709. (10.1016/j.cageo.2008.03.014)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. A framework for combining rules and geo-ontologies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4524, pp. 133-147. (10.1007/978-3-540-72982-2_10)
- Cudré-Mauroux, P. et al. 2006. Viewpoints on emergent semantics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4090, pp. 1-27. (10.1007/11803034_1)
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Ontology-based spatial query expansion in information retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3761, pp. 1466-1482. (10.1007/11575801_33)
- Morris, A. J., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. A filter flow visual querying language and interface for spatial databases. GeoInformatica 8(2), pp. 107-141. (10.1023/B:GEIN.0000017744.85002.4c)
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. 2004. SPARQS: a Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Engine. Knowledge-Based Systems 17(2-4), pp. 89-102. (10.1016/j.knosys.2004.03.004)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2004. SPARQS: a qualitative spatial reasoning engine. Knowledge-Based Systems 17(2-4), pp. 89-102. (10.1016/j.knosys.2004.03.004)
- Jones, C. B., Abdelmoty, A., Finch, D. J., Fu, G. and Vaid, S. 2004. The SPIRIT spatial search engine: Architecture, ontologies and spatial indexing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3234, pp. 125-139. (10.1007/978-3-540-30231-5_9)
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. 2002. Towards a general theory for modelling qualitative space. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(3), pp. 347-367. (10.1142/S0218213002000939)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2002. Towards a general theory for modelling qualitative space. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(3), pp. 347-368. (10.1142/S0218213002000939)
- El-Geresy, B. A., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2000. Episodes in space: qualitative representation and reasoning over spatio-temporal objects. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 9(1), article number: 131. (10.1142/S0218213000000100)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 1997. Order in space: a general formalism for spatial reasoning. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 6(4), pp. 423-445. (10.1142/S0218213097000232)
Book sections
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Dynamic place profiles from geo-folksonomies on the geosocial web. In: Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXI. Springer, pp. 239-251., (10.1007/978-3-319-12069-0_18)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2009. Semantic web rule languages for geospatial ontologies. In: Giurca, A., Gasevic, D. and Taveter, K. eds. Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open Solutions and Approaches. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 149-169., (10.4018/978-1-60566-402-6.ch007)
- Darwish, R., Abdelmoty, A. and Turner, L. 2025. Investigating social network structures and interests on X audio spaces. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Istanbul, Turkey, 10-12 Dec 2024 Presented at Cherifi, H. et al. eds.Complex Networks & Their Applications XIII. Studies in Computational Intelligence Vol. 1187. Springer
- Abdelmoty, A. I. and Satoti, A. 2024. A homogeneous approach to reasoning over global geographic data. Presented at: 44th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, 17-19 December 2024 Presented at Bramer, M. and Stahl, F. eds.Artificial Intelligence XLI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 15446. Springer Cham pp. 285-298., (10.1007/978-3-031-77915-2_20)
- Muhajab, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Hassoulas, A. 2023. Reuse and enrichment for building an ontology for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Presented at: International Conference on Biomedical Ontology, Brazil, 28 August - 1 September 2023, Vol. 360. CEUR Workshop Proceedings pp. 142-153.
- Abdelmoty, A. 2018. Towards modelling privacy risks in geo-social networks. Presented at: The Tenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Rome, Italy, 25 - 29 March 2018GEOProcessing 2018: The 10th International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services.
- Alrayes, F. and Abdelmoty, A. 2016. Towards location privacy awareness on geo-social networks. Presented at: 2016 10th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Security and Technologies (NGMAST), Cardiff, UK, 24-26 August 2016Next Generation Mobile Applications, Security and Technologies (NGMAST), 2016 10th International Conference on. IEEE pp. 105., (10.1109/NGMAST.2016.26)
- Mohamed, S. and Abdelmoty, A. 2016. Uncovering user profiles in location-based social networks. Presented at: GEOProcessing 2016 : The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Venice, Italy, 24-28 April 2016GEOProcessing 2016 : The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Servi. pp. 14-21.
- Abdelmoty, A. and Almuzaini, K. 2016. Reasoning with place information on the Linked Data Web. Presented at: Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data (Alldata 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, 21 - 25 February 2016ALLDATA 2016 : The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data (includes KESA 20. pp. 48-53.
- Alrayes, F. and Abdelmoty, A. 2014. Privacy concerns in location-based social networks. Presented at: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2014,, Barcelona, Spain, 23-27 March 2014.
- Younis, E. E. G., Jones, C. B., Tanasescu, V. and Abdelmoty, A. 2012. Hybrid geo-spatial query methods on the semantic web with a spatially-enhanced index of DBpedia. Presented at: GIScience 2012: 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Columbus, OH, USA, 18-21 September 2012 Presented at Xiao, N. et al. eds.Geographic Information Science: 7th International Conference, GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH, USA, September 18-21, 2012. Proceedings, Vol. 7478. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer pp. 340-353., (10.1007/978-3-642-33024-7_25)
- ElGindy, E. and Abdelmoty, A. 2012. Enhancing the quality of place resources in geo-folksonomies. Presented at: WAIM 2011: International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, Wuhan, China, 14-16 September 2011 Presented at Wang, L. et al. eds.Web-Age Information Management: WAIM 2011 International Workshops: WGIM 2011, XMLDM 2011, SNA 2011, Wuhan, China, September 14-16, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 7142. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer pp. 1-12., (10.1007/978-3-642-28635-3_1)
- El-Geresy, B. A., Abdelmoty, A. and Ware, A. J. 2010. Deriving extensional spatial composition tables. Presented at: 29th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, England Presented at Bramer, M., Ellis, R. and Petridis, M. eds.Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI: Incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XVII. London: Springer pp. 93-106., (10.1007/978-1-84882-983-1_7)
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2010. An ontology of place and service types to facilitate place-affordance geographic information retrieval. Presented at: 6th ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10), Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19th February 2010 Presented at Purves, R., Clough, P. and Jones, C. B. eds.GIR '10 Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010. New York, NY: ACM, (10.1145/1722080.1722085)
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2009. Supporting frameworks for the geospatial semantic web. Presented at: 11th international symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, 8-10 July 2009 Presented at Mamoulis, N. et al. eds.Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 11th International Symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, July 8-10, 2009. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag pp. 355-372., (10.1007/978-3-642-02982-0_23)
- Schockaert, S., Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Mining topological relations from the Web. Presented at: 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Turin, Italy, 1-5 September 2008 Presented at Tjoa, A. M. and Wagner, R. R. eds.DEXA 2008: 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications : proceedings, 1-5 September, 2008, Turin, Italy. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 652-656., (10.1109/DEXA.2008.15)
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2008. Modeling spatial relations between places to support geographic information retrieval. Presented at: International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Zagreb, Croatia, 3-5 September 2008 Presented at Lovrek, I., Howlett, R. J. and Jain, L. C. eds.KES '08 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag pp. 689-694.
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Building place ontologies for the semantic web: Issues and approaches. Presented at: GIR 2007 4th ACM Workshop On Geographic Information Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 November 2007GIR '07 Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Geographical information retrieval. New York, NY: ACM pp. 7-12., (10.1145/1316948.1316951)
- Alazzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Spatio-temporal Personalised Web Search. Presented at: GISRUK 15th Annual Conference 2007, Maynooth, Ireland, 11-13 April 2007 Presented at Winstanley, A. C. ed.GISRUK 2007: Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference. Maynooth, Ireland: National University of Ireland pp. 457-459.
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2006. Towards the practical use of qualitative spatial reasoning in geographic information retrieval. Presented at: 3rd International IEEE Conference "Intelligent Systems", London, UK, 4-6 September 20062006 3rd International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, Vol. 1. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 67-72., (10.1109/IS.2006.348396)
- Smart, P., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. 2006. A visual editor for validating Geo-Ontologies in OWL. Presented at: GISRUK 2006: 14th Annual GIS Research UK Conference, Nottingam , UK, 5-7 April 2006 Presented at Priestnall, G. and Aplin, P. eds.Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 14th Annual Conference. pp. 222-226.
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2006. Qualitative representation and reasoning with uncertainty in space and time. Presented at: Proceedings of AI-2005, the Twenty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK December 2005, Cambridge, UK, December 2005Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXII. London: Springer pp. 345-355., (10.1007/978-1-84628-226-3_26)
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Building a geographical ontology for intelligent spatial search on the web. Presented at: The IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications - DBA 2005, Innsbruck, Austria, 14-16 February 2005 Presented at Hamza, M. H. ed.Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications. Anaheim, CA: ACTA Press pp. 167-172.
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. I. 2005. Imprecise qualitative spatial reasoning. Presented at: SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, 13-15 December 2004 Presented at Bramer, M., Coenen, F. and Allen, T. eds.Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI : Proceedings of AI-2004, the Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence. London: Springer pp. 299-312., (10.1007/b138783)
- Abdelmoty, A. and El-geresy, B. A. 2004. Schema visualisation using a metadata approach for GIS. Presented at: GIS Research UK 12th annual conference GISRUK 2004, Norwich, UK, 28 -30 April 2004Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 12th Annual Conference GISRUK 2004, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 28th-30th April 2004. Norwich: University of East Anglia pp. Ch. 19.
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. An evaluation of geo-ontology representation languages for supporting web retrieval of geographical information. Presented at: GIS Research UK 12th annual conference (GISRUK 2004), Norwich, UK, 28th-30th April 2004.
- Morris, A. J., Abdelmoty, A., Tudhope, D. S. and El-Geresy, B. A. 2002. Design and implementation of a visual query language for large spatial databases. Presented at: Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation, London, UK, 10-12 July 2002Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation, 2002.. IEEE pp. 226-233., (10.1109/IV.2002.1028781)
- El-Geresy, B. A. and Abdelmoty, A. 2001. Towards a general theory for qualitative space. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Dallas, TX, USA, 7-9 November 2001ICTAI 2001: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Dallas, TX, 7-9 Nov. 2001. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE pp. 111-118., (10.1109/ICTAI.2001.974455)
My interests cover a range of topics related to modeling, structuring, visualisation and intelligent retrieval of spatially referenced and spatiotemporal information. One key area of interest is the development of qualitative spatiotemporal representation and reasoning techniques and their practical realisation and use in large spatial data stores and on the Semantic Web. I am actively working in the area of geographic information retrieval, researching methods for developing and managing geo-ontologies, as well as methods for modeling and discovering spatiotemporal semantics in the context of the Social and Semantic Geospatial Web.
Education and qualifications
- 1994: PhD in Computer Science, University of Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 1990: MSc in Knowledge-Based Systems, University of Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 1987: BEng in Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Career overview
- 2018 - present: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff Univeristy, School of Computer Science & Informatics
- 2001 - July 2018: Lecturer, Cardiff University School of Computer Science & Informatics
Honours and awards
Sustained exceptional performance | Cardiff University | 01/06/2014 |
Best paper award | IARIA ALLDATA 2016 | 15/03/2016 |
Best paper award | IARIA GEOProcessing 2014 | 06/05/2014 |
Best paper award | AI-2003 | 01/03/2004 |
Finalist | Machine Intelligence competition 2003 | 07/11/2003 |
Professional memberships
Fellow | Higher Education Academy | 2007-present |
Member | IFIP WG 2.6 on Databases | 2005-2014 |
Academic positions
- 1995 - 2000: Senior Lecturer, School of Computing, University of Glamorgan, Wales
- 1990-1994: Research Associate, Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering, University of Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Modelling geographic places and neighbourhoods on the Linked Data Web
- Privacy of personal location
- Personal activity monitoring
- Indoor mobility tracking for healthy living