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Maurizio Albano   PhD  MIET MIEEE

Dr Maurizio Albano


Senior Lecturer

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a lecturer in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering School with research focus in high voltage systems, in particular in outdoor insulation. I have worked on EPSRC and industry-funded projects on the performance of outdoor insulators under various pollution conditions, insulation coordination, and electromagnetic field computation. I am also contributing to the ongoing discussions on establishing relevant standards for polymeric insulators (BS PEL36 and IEC TC 36 Insulators working group PT 63414).

In recent years, I have been developing monitoring techniques based on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning technologies applied to overhead line insulator design at distribution and transmission voltage levels and I joined the Research Group on "Robotics and Autonomous Intelligent Machines" as associated member.

I am currently EEE & IEN Year 2 Tutor. I am contributing to several modules related to the power theme, sharing previous experience as a consultant on various aspects of power system analysis: impact of power plant connection to the transmission system, protection selectivity analysis on industrial power plants, and electric and magnetic field evaluations generated by transmission lines or substations.



















  • Albano, M., Haddad, A., Griffiths, H. and Coventry, P. 2008. Air insulated compact substations. Presented at: UPEC 2008 : 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Padova, Italy, 1-4 September 2008Proceedings of the 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008. UPEC 2008.. IEEE pp. 1-4., (10.1109/UPEC.2008.4651626)
  • Albano, M., Haddad, A., Griffiths, H. and Coventry, P. 2008. Air insulated compact substations. Presented at: Proceedings of 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (IUEPC), Padova, Italy. Vol. 414.






Recent completed projects

  • "CHAMPIONS - Performance, and characterisation of insulator interface sealing and grading”, funded by National Grid

  • “Development of outdoor insulation test facility at Deeside”, funded by National Grid

  • "Textured Insulators”, funded by National Grid

  • "FLEXIS - WP16: Environmentally-friendly Electrical Power Plant and Insulation”, funded by ERDF-WEFO

  • "Traction Power 25 kV Insulator Contamination Study", funded by Network Rail



I am currently EEE & IEN Year 2 Tutor and I am contributing to several modules related to the power theme in the year 2 "Power Systems Analysis", and "Machine and Power Electronics" modules. In addition I deliver "Power Systems Analysis", "Advanced Power Systems & High Voltage Technology" modules to MSc students.

In a year 2 module "Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3" I explore appropriate computational techniques using Laplace transforms to electrical transient problems demonstrating to the students their advantages versus differential equation approach. 

I am supervising individual and research projects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 


Education and Qualifications

  • 2004: PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Padova, Italy

  • 2003 National Qualification, Federazione Ordine degli Ingegneri  (Italian CEng)

  • 1999: Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering, University of Padova, Italy


Honours and awards

  • 2005, awarded "Prof. Marenesi" awards by University of Padova, Italy


Professional memberships

  • 2016 -present Member of the IEEE

  • 2014 - present, Member of the IET


Academic positions

  • 2016-present Lecturer, Cardiff University, Wales

  • 2012-2016 Research Fellow, Cardiff University, Wales

  • 2006-2012 Research Associate, Cardiff University, Wales

  • 2005-2006 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Padova, Italy 

  • 2004-2005 Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Padova, Italy


Committees and reviewing


  • IEC TC 36 working group PT 63414 “Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage insulators made of hydrophobicity transfer materials to be used on a.c. and d.c. systems”

  • British Standards committee PEL/36 Insulators for Power Systems

 Reviewing contributions

  • MDPI Energies

  • MDPI Electronics and Instrumentations

  • MDPI Applied Science, Reviewer Board

  • IET High Voltage

  • IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

  • IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation

  • IET Science, Measurement & Technology 




Areas of supervision

  • Artificial Intelligence applied to monitoring techniques and overhead line

  • insulator design

  • insulation co-ordination

  • air insulated compact substations

  • electromagnetic fields computation


Current supervision

Mohamed Aboshwerb Aboshwerb

Mohamed Aboshwerb Aboshwerb

Past projects

PhD students

  • Davide Pinzan, "Performance of polluted composite insulators for the conversion of selected UK tower lines to HVDC operation under severe pollution conditions"

  • Jonathan Colin James, "Investigation of transient and safety issues in gas insulated systems"

  • Samuel Jacob Collins, "Mitigation of ashover events on outdoor insulation at substations under polluted conditions"

  • Adnan El-hadi Salama Krzma, "Comparative laboratory performance characterisation of silicone rubber textured insulators"

MSc students

  • Zhuo Liu, "Design of leakage current sensors for high voltage insulators"

  • Siva Akhil Vuyyuri, "Design of leakage current sensor for high voltage applications"

  • Yzeed Althunayan, "Design of a Wireless Fog, Dew Point and absolute humidity measurement system in clean-fog chamber for High voltage experiments"

  • Sibo Sun, "Development of high voltage data post-processing tool in MATLAB"

  • Ahmad Alenezi, "Mechanical and electrical constraints on innovative electric systems for public transport"

  • Jiayi Shao, "Fast charging technology and high voltage limitation"

  • Alexis Frangoullides, "New sensors for high voltage insulator inspection"

  • Mohammed Salah, "Construction of a precise coulombmeter"

  • Bernar Mustafa, "Visual spark activity analysis on 11 kV Silicone rubber insulator"


Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70672
Campuses Queen's Buildings - East Building, Room E/3.18, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA


  • Electrical engineering
  • High Voltage Engineering
  • Modelling and simulation
  • AI