Professor Stuart Allan
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Stuart Allan
Interim Head of School
Stuart Allan is Interim Head of School in the School of Law and Politics, here at Cardiff University.
He is also Professor of Journalism and Communication in the School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC) at Cardiff University. He completed an extended term as Head of School (2015-2021).
Stuart has published widely in journalism, media and cultural studies. He has written several books, including Conflicting Images: Histories of War Photography in the News, co-authored with Tom Allbeson (Routledge, 2024). He has edited or co-edited fourteen others, including Photojournalism and Citizen Journalism: Co-operation, Collaboration and Connectivity (Routledge, 2017), The Future of Journalism: Risks, Threats and Opportunities (Routledge, 2018), Journalism, Gender and Power (Routledge, 2019) and, most recently, a second edition of The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism (Routledge, 2023). His research has also appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and contributions to edited collections, and has been translated into several languages. He is serves on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism; Digital Journalism; Media, War & Conflict; Text & Talk; Environmental Communication; Time & Society; Journalism & Communication Monographs; and Global Media and China.
- Allan, S. 2025. Afterword: Broadcast talk and journalism. Journalism 26(3), pp. 752-756. (
- Allan, S. 2025. Conflicted: Making News from Global War by Isaac Blacksin [Book review]. International Journal of Press/Politics (10.1177/19401612251317269)
- Allan, S. 2025. Visual war journalism. Digital Journalism 13(1), pp. 1-17. (10.1080/21670811.2024.2443153)
- Allan, S. 2025. “Digital Snappers”: Citizens, camera phones and photojournalism. In: Eldridge II, S. A. et al. eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. Second Edition. Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 112-121., (10.4324/9781003334774-14)
- Nieto McAvoy, E. and Allan, S. 2024. Mediations of cultural policymaking during COVID-19: British newspaper reporting of the Culture Recovery Fund. International Journal of Cultural Policy 30(6), pp. 794-814. (10.1080/10286632.2023.2268648)
- Allan, S. and Allbeson, T. 2024. Conflicting images: Histories of war photography in the news. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203129852)
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2024. A public value typology for public service broadcasting in the UK. Cultural Trends 33(2), pp. 205-221. (10.1080/09548963.2022.2151340)
- Allan, S. 2023. Understanding citizen journalism as civic participation [Book Review]. Mass Communication and Society 26(3), pp. 532-534. (10.1080/15205436.2022.2074687)
- Chivers, T., Allan, S., Carter, C., Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Noonan, C. 2023. Review of the broadcasting powers and responsibilities in selected countries Report for the expert panel on a shadow broadcasting and communications authority for Wales. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Allan, S. ed. 2023. The Routledge companion to news and journalism. 2nd edition.. London and New York: Routledge.
- Allan, S. 2023. Introduction: The value of truth-seeking in news and journalism. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-13.
- Allan, S. 2023. Photojournalism and the US-led invasion of Afghanistan. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 286-295.
- Allan, S. 2023. Incendiary images: Visual reportage of Syria’s Civil War. In: Mortensen, M. and McCrow-Young, A. eds. Social Media Images and Conflicts. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 47-62.
- Allan, S. 2023. Improving environmental reporting: Forging synergies with citizen science and citizen journalism. In: Hansen, A. and Cox, R. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 208-220.
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. Submission of written evidence to ‘Consultation on a change of ownership of Channel 4 Television Corporation'. Documentation. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Allan, S. 2022. Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the arts and cultural sector: British newspaper reporting of the Culture Recovery Fund. Available at:
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. Submission of written evidence to House of Lords, ‘Communications and digital select committee inquiry on BBC future funding,’. Documentation. UK Parliament - House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee. Available at:
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. What is the public value of public service broadcasting? Exploring challenges and opportunities in evolving media contexts. Nesta. Available at:
- Peters, C. and Allan, S. 2022. Weaponizing memes: the journalistic mediation of visual politicization. Digital Journalism 10(2), pp. 217-229. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1903958)
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2021. Submission of written evidence to ‘The future of Channel 4 Inquiry'. Documentation. UK Parliament - House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee. Available at:
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2021. Journalism’s digital publics: researching the “visual citizen”. In: Lievrouw, L. A. and Loader, B. D. eds. Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Communication. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 191-203.
- Allan, S. 2020. Im/partial inflections of 9/11 in photo-reportage. Digital War 1, pp. 131-137. (10.1057/s42984-020-00011-0)
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2020. The visual citizen in a digital news landscape. Communication Theory 30(2), pp. 149-168. (10.1093/ct/qtz028)
- Healy, A. et al. 2020. Domestic groundwater sbstraction in Lagos, Nigeria: A disjuncture in the science-policy-practice interface?. Environmental Research Letters 15(4), article number: 45006. (10.1088/1748-9326/ab7463)
- Allan, S. 2019. [Book Review] Deciding what’s true: The rise of political fact-checking in American journalism. Media, Culture and Society 41(8), pp. 1279-1281. (10.1177/0163443718764804)
- Allan, S. 2019. Book Review: Becoming the news: How ordinary people respond to the media spotlight. International Journal of Press/Politics 24(4), pp. 553-556. (10.1177/1940161219868435)
- Allan, S. and Hintz, A. 2019. Citizen journalism and participation. In: Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Hanitzsch, T. eds. The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Taylor & Francis, pp. 435-451.
- Zeng, X., Jain, S., Nguyen, A. and Allan, S. 2019. New perspectives on citizen journalism: Introduction to special issue. Global Media and China 4(1), pp. 3-12. (10.1177/2059436419836459)
- Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. eds. 2019. Journalism, gender and power. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Allan, S. 2019. Women and war photography: en/gendering alternative histories. In: Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism, Gender and Power. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 312-330.
- Allan, S. 2019. Recovering the real for news photography. Journalism 20(1), pp. 126-129. (10.1177/1464884918806731)
- Allbeson, T. and Allan, S. 2019. The war of images in the age of Trump. In: Happer, C., Hoskins, A. and Merrin, W. eds. Trump’s Media War. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-84.
- Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. 2019. Introduction. In: Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism, Gender and Power. London and New York: Routledge, pp. xvi-xxii.
- Gormley, A. and Allan, S. 2019. ‘Re-imagining human rights photography: Ariella Azoulay’s intervention'. In: Shaw, I. S. and Selvarajah, S. eds. Reporting Human Rights, Conflicts, and Peacebuilding: Critical and Global Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan-Springer, pp. 203-220.
- Bennett, L., Berry, M. and Allan, S. 2018. Introduction. Journalism Studies 19(13), pp. 1849-1853. (10.1080/1461670X.2018.1502922)
- Allan, S. et al. eds. 2018. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. London and New York: Routledge.
- Peters, C. and Allan, S. 2018. Everyday imagery: Users' reflections on smartphone cameras and communication. Convergence 24(4), pp. 357-373. (10.1177/1354856516678395)
- Allan, S. 2018. Review of Z.D. Gürsel’s image brokers: visualizing world news in the age of digital circulation. Media, War and Conflict 11(1), pp. 172-176. (10.1177/1750635218759392)
- Allan, S. 2018. Epilogue: redefining crisis reporting. In: Patrona, M. ed. Crisis and the Media Narratives of Crisis across Cultural Settings and Media. Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 261-266.
- Healy, A. et al. 2018. Resilience in groundwater supply systems: integrating resource based approaches with agency, behaviour and choice. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Allan, S. 2018. Foreword. In: Nguyen, A. ed. News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. xv-xvi.
- Mortensen, M., Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2017. The iconic image in a digital age: editorial mediations over the Alan Kurdi photographs. Nordicom Review 38(s2), pp. 71-86. (10.1515/nor-2017-0415)
- Dencik, L. and Allan, S. 2017. In/visible conflicts: NGOs and the visual politics of humanitarian photography. Media, Culture and Society 39(8), pp. 1178-1193. (10.1177/0163443717726865)
- Allan, S. and Redden, J. 2017. Making citizen science newsworthy in the era of big data. Journal of Science Communication 16(2), pp. 1-12., article number: C05. (10.22323/2.16020305)
- Allan, S. 2017. Citizen witnessing of human rights abuses. In: Tumber, H. and Waisbord, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 347-356.
- Allan, S. and Dencik, L. 2017. 'It's not a pretty picture': visualising the Baltimore crisis on social media. In: Steiner, L. and Waisbord, S. eds. News of Baltimore: Race Rage and the City. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 103-119.
- Allan, S. ed. 2017. Photojournalism and citizen journalism: co-operation, collaboration and connectivity. London and New York: Routledge.
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Studies 17(7), pp. 801-807. (10.1080/1461670X.2016.1199486)
- Allan, S. 2016. Afterword: Revisioning journalism and the “pictures in our heads”. In: Peters, C. and Broersma, M. eds. Rethinking Journalism Again: Societal Role and Public Relevance in a Digital Age. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 216-230.
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Digital Journalism 4(7), pp. 809-815. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1199469)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: the future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Practice 10(7), pp. 808-814. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1199485)
- Blaagaard, B. B. and Allan, S. 2016. Citizen mediations of connectivity: narrowing the “culture of distance” in television news. In: Baker, M. and Blaagaard, B. B. eds. Citizen Media and Public Spaces. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 58-75.
- Allan, S. 2016. Citizen witnesses. In: Witschge, T. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Journalism. London: Sage, pp. 266-279.
- Allan, S. 2016. Foreword. In: Mutsvairo, B. ed. Participatory Politics and Citizen Journalism in a Networked Africa: A Connected Continent. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. viii-xi.
- Allan, S. 2016. Documentare la guerra, visualizzare la pace: Verso una fotografia di pace. In: Salio, N. and De Michelis, S. eds. Giornalismo di Pace. Torino: Edizioni GruppoAbele, pp. 191-210.
- Allan, S. 2016. Photojournalism and citizen witnessing. In: Franklin, B. and Eldridge, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 487-497.
- Allan, S. and Sreedharan, C. 2016. Visualising war: Photojournalism under fire. In: Robinson, P., Seib, P. and Frohlich, R. eds. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 93-105.
- Farrell, N. and Allan, S. 2015. Redrawing boundaries: WITNESS and the politics of citizen videos. Global Media and Communication 11(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1177/1742766515606291)
- Allan, S. 2015. Afterword. In: Thorsen, E. et al. eds. Media, Margins and Civic Agency. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 209-213.
- Allan, S. 2015. London is burning: politics, protest and participation in newsmaking. In: Meso Ayerdi, K., Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia, I. and Larrondo Ureta, A. eds. Active Audiences and Journalism. Bilbao: Universidad del Pais Vasco, pp. 7-16.
- Allan, S. 2015. Visualizing human rights: The video advocacy of WITNESS. In: Cottle, S. and Cooper, G. eds. Humanitarianism, Communications and Change. Global Crises and the Media New York: Peter Lang, pp. 197-210.
- Allan, S. 2015. "iPhone-wielding amateurs”: The rise of citizen photojournalism. In: Atton, C. ed. The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 357-366.
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2015. ‘The “public eye” or “disaster tourists”: investigating public perceptions of citizen smartphone imagery. Digital Journalism 3(4), pp. 477-494. (10.1080/21670811.2015.1034517)
- Allan, S. 2015. Introduction: Photojournalism and citizen journalism. Journalism Practice 9(4), pp. 455-464. (10.1080/17512786.2015.1030131)
- Jukes, S. and Allan, S. 2015. Guarding the guardians: The Leveson Inquiry and the future of independent journalism. In: Bennett, J. and Strange, N. eds. Media Independence. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 31-51.
- Allan, S. 2015. Reconsidering “the report” in a digital age. Journalism and Discourse Studies 1(1), pp. 5-6.
- Allan, S. and Ewart, J. 2015. Citizen science, citizen journalism: New forms of environmental reporting. In: Hansen, A. and Cox, R. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. London: Routledge, pp. 186-196.
- Allan, S. 2015. Media history. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 358-360.
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2015. Visual truths of citizen reportage: Four research problematics. Information, Communication & Society 18(11), pp. 1348-1361. (10.1080/1369118X.2015.1061576)
- Allan, S. 2014. D. Bennett, Digital media and reporting conflict: Blogging and the BBC’s coverage of war and terrorism [Book Review]. European Journal of Communication 29(5), pp. 628-631. (10.1177/0267323114539430b)
- Allan, S. 2014. Witnessing in crisis: photo-reportage of terror attacks in Boston and London. Media, War and Conflict 7(2), pp. 133-151. (10.1177/1750635214531110)
- Montgomery, M. and Allan, S. 2014. Ideologia, discurso e estudos culturais: A contribuição de Michel Pêcheux. EID&A - Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Integrados em Discurso e Argumentação 6, pp. 245-281.
- Allan, S. 2014. Foreword. In: Mabweazara, H. M., Mudhai, O. F. and Whittaker, J. eds. Online Journalism in Africa: Trends, Practices and Emerging Cultures. Routledge advances in internationalizing media studies Vol. 12. New York: Routledge, pp. ix-x.
- Allan, S. 2014. Reformulating photojournalism: Interweaving professional and citizen photo-reportage of the Boston bombings. In: Thorsen, E. and Allan, S. eds. Citizen Journalism: Global perspectives., Vol. 2. Global Crises and the Media New York: Peter Lang
- Allan, S. 2014. Photo-reportage of the Libyan conflict. In: Kennedy, L. and Patrick, C. eds. The Violence of the Image: Photography and International Conflict. London and New York: I.B. Taurus, pp. 167-192.
- Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. 2014. Citizen journalism: global perspectives. Global Crises and the Media. New York: Peter Lang.
- Messenger-Davies, M., Carter, C., Allan, S. and Mendes, K. 2014. News, children and citizenship: User-generated content and the BBC’s Newsround website. In: Thornham, H. and Popple, S. eds. Content Cultures: Transformations of User Generated Content in Public Service Broadcasting. London: I.B. Taurus & Co Ltd, pp. 15-36.
- Hajek, R., Stefanikova, S. and Allan, S. 2014. Citizen journalism is as old as journalism itself: An interview with Stuart Allan. Medialní Studia 2, pp. 174-181.
- Allan, S. 2013. Book review: Adrienne Russell, Networked: a Contemporary History of News in Transition, and, Ansgard Heinrich, Network Journalism: Journalistic Practice in Interactive Spheres. Media, Culture & Society 35(3), pp. 411-414. (10.1177/0163443712473416d)
- Allan, S. 2013. Reconnecting science and journalism post-Leveson. Three-D(20), pp. 9.
- Allan, S. 2013. 'Humane truth-telling': photojournalism and the Syrian uprising. In: Moschovi, A., McKay, C. and Plouviez, A. eds. The Versatile Image: Photography, Digital Technologies and the Internet. Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 107-126.
- Allan, S. 2013. Citizen witnessing: revisioning journalism in times of crisis. Key concepts in journalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Allan, S. 2013. The emerging ecology of online news. In: Lee, F. L. . et al. eds. Frontiers in New Media Research. Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society Vol. 15. New York: Routledge, pp. 153-172.
- Allan, S. and Matheson, D. 2013. War reporting in a digital age. In: Orton-Johnson, K. and Prior, N. eds. Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151-168.
- Allan, S. 2013. The new politics of protest: young people, social media and news l literacy. Global Media Journal: Slovak Edition 1(1), pp. 10-25.
- Allan, S. 2013. Afterword. In: Scullion, R. et al. eds. The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment. Routledge Research in Political Communication Vol. 8. London: Routledge, pp. 255-262.
- Fowler-Watt, K. and Allan, S. eds. 2013. Journalism: new challenges. Bournemouth: Centre for Journalism & Communication Research, Bournemouth University.
- Allan, S. 2013. Blurring boundaries: professional and citizen photojournalism in a digital age. In: Lister, M. ed. The Photographic Image in Digital Culture (2nd ed.). Comedia Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
- Thorsen, E., Sreedharan, C. and Allan, S. 2013. Wikileaks and whistle-blowing: the framing of Bradley Manning. In: Brevini, B., Hintz, A. and McCurdy, P. eds. Beyond WikiLeaks: Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 101-122.
- Allan, S. ed. 2012. The Routledge companion to news and journalism (Rev. ed.). Routledge Companions. London: Routledge.
- Allan, S. 2012. Journalism as interpretive performance: the case of Wikileaks. In: Peters, C. and Broersma, M. J. eds. Rethinking Journalism: Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape. New York: Routledge, pp. 144-159.
- Allan, S. 2012. Online news reporting of crisis events: investigating the role of citizen witnessing. In: Veglis, A. and Siapera, E. eds. The Handbook of Global Online Journalism. Handbooks in Communication and Media Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 331-352., (10.1002/9781118313978.ch18)
- Allan, S. 2012. Civic voices: social media and political protest. In: Mihailidis, P. ed. News Literacy: Global Perspectives for the Newsroom and the Classroom. Mass communication and journalism Vol. 7. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 21-39.
- Allan, S. 2012. Citizen journalism and the rise of 'mass self-communication': reporting the London bombings. In: Wall, M. ed. Citizen Journalism: Valuable, Useless, or Dangerous?. London: International Debate Education Association, pp. 11-26.
- Allan, S. 2012. Foreword. In: Shaw Seaga, I. S. ed. Human Rights Journalism: Advances in Reporting Distant Humanitarian Interventions. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. xi-xiii.
- Sreedharan, C., Thorsen, E. and Allan, S. 2012. WikiLeaks and the changing forms of information politics in the "Network Society". In: Downey, E. and Jones, M. A. eds. Public Service, Governance and Web 2.0 Technologies: Future Trends in Social Media. Premier reference source Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference,, pp. 167-180., (10.4018/978-1-4666-0071-3.ch011)
- Allan, S. 2011. Introduction: Science journalism in a digital age. Journalism 12(7), pp. 771-777. (10.1177/1464884911412688)
- Allan, S. 2011. Book review: Vincent Kiernan, Embargoed Science. Public Understanding of Science 20(2), pp. 287-288. (10.1177/0963662510381199a)
- Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. eds. 2011. Journalism after September 11 (2nd ed.). Communication and Society. London: Routledge.
- Allan, S. 2011. Documenting war, visualizing peace: towards peace photography. In: Shaw, I. S., Lynch, J. and Hackett, R. A. eds. Expanding Peace Journalism: Comparative and Critical Approaches. Sydney: University of Sidney Press, pp. 147-167.
- Allan, S. 2011. Amateur photography in wartime: early histories. In: Andén-Papadopoulos, K. and Pantti, M. eds. Amateur Images and Global News. Bristol: Intellect, pp. 41-60.
- Allan, S. 2011. 'When discourse is torn from reality': Bakhtin and the principle of chronotopicity. In: Delamont, S. and Atkinson, P. A. eds. SAGE Qualitative Research Methods., Vol. 3. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods London: Sage, pp. 307-330.
- Walsh, M., Allan, S. and Nyre, L. 2011. Book reviews. Journalism Practice 5(2), pp. 249-254. (10.1080/17512786.2010.550411)
- Allan, S. 2011. Citizen journalism. In: Downing, J. ed. Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Island, CA: Sage, pp. 98-99.
- Allan, S. 2011. Book review: Natalie Fenton (ed.): New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age. London: Sage, 2010. 220 pp. ISBN 978-1-84787-574-7 (pbk). Journalism 12(1), pp. 129-131. (10.1177/1464884910390272)
- Allan, S. 2011. Book Review: Islam Dot Com: Contemporary Islamic Discourses in Cyberspace (2009). Mohammed el-Nawawy and Sahar Khamis. New York. Palgrave Macmillan. Journal of Middle East Media 7(1)
- Allan, S. 2010. News culture (3rd ed.). Issues in Cultural and Media Studies. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.
- Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. 2010. Keywords in news and journalism studies. Open University Press.
- Allan, S. ed. 2010. Rethinking communication: keywords in communication research. The ICA Conference Theme Book Series. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- Allan, S. 2010. Professionalism: journalism without professional journalists?. In: Steiner, L. and Christians, C. G. eds. Key Concepts in Critical Cultural Studies. The History of Communication Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 145-157.
- Allan, S. and Matheson, D. 2010. Images in wartime: the mediation of power. In: Klaehn, J. ed. The Political Economy of Media and Power. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 143-160.
- Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. 2010. Journalism, public service and BBC News Online. In: Meikle, G. and Redden, G. eds. News Online: Transformation and Continuities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 20-37.
- Allan, S. and Zelizer, B. 2010. Rules of engagement: journalism and war. In: Williams, K. ed. A Media Studies Reader. San Diego, CA: Cognella, pp. 25-42.
- Allan, S. 2010. OhmyNews (Korea). In: Downing, J. D. H. ed. Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, pp. 373-374.
- Allan, S., Delano, A., Muthukumaraswamy, K., Mendes, K., Dupagne, M., Youm, K. H. and Rupar, V. 2010. Book reviews. Journalism Studies 11(5), pp. 764-778. (10.1080/1461670X.2010.503026)
- Allan, S., Anderson, A. and Petersen, A. 2010. Framing risk: nanotechnologies in the news. Journal of Risk Research 13(1), pp. 29-44. (10.1080/13669870903135847)
- Allan, S. 2010. Journalism and the culture of othering. Brazilian Journalism Review 6(2), pp. 26-40.
- Matheson, D. and Allan, S. 2010. War blogs and the war in Iraq. In: Murdock, G. and Golding, P. eds. Digital Dynamics: Engagements and Connections. New York: Hampton Press, pp. 45-62.
- Matheson, D. and Allan, S. 2010. Social networks and the reporting of conflict. In: Keeble, R. L., Tulloch, J. and Zollman, F. eds. Peace Journalism, War and Conflict Resolution. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 173-192.
- Allan, S. and Andén-Papadopoulos, K. 2010. "Come on, let us shoot!": WikiLeaks and the cultures of militarization. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies(23-24), pp. 244-253.
- Petersen, A., Anderson, A., Allan, S. and Wilkinson, C. 2009. Opening the black box: scientists' views on the role of the news media in the nanotechnology debate. Public Understanding of Science 18(5), pp. 512-530. (10.1177/0963662507084202)
- Carter, C. and Allan, S. 2009. The visual culture of television news. In: Howells, R. and Matson, R. W. eds. Using Visual Evidence. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 139-152.
- Anderson, A., Petersen, A., Wilkinson, C. and Allan, S. 2009. Nanotechnology, risk and communication. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. eds. 2009. Citizen journalism: global perspectives. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 1. New York: Peter Lang.
- Allan, S. 2009. Making science newsworthy: exploring the conventions of science journalism. In: Holliman, R. et al. eds. Investigating Science Communication in the Information Age: Implications for Public Engagement and Popular Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 149-165.
- Thorsen, E., Allan, S. and Carter, C. 2009. Citizenship and public service: the case of BBC news online. In: Tunney, S. and Monaghan, G. eds. Web Journalism : a New Form of Citizenship?. Brighton: Sussex Academic, pp. 116-125.
- Matheson, D. and Allan, S. 2009. Digital war reporting. Digital Media and Society Series. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Allan, S. 2009. The future of science journalism. Journalism 10(3), pp. 280-282. (10.1177/1464884909102570)
- Allan, S. 2008. The cultural politics of news discourse. In: Ryan, M. ed. Cultural Studies: an Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 936-957.
- Anderson, A., Allan, S., Petersen, A. and Wilkinson, C. 2008. Nanoethics: the role of news media in shaping debate. In: Luppicini, R. and Adell, R. eds. Handbook of Research on Technoethics., Vol. 1. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, pp. 373-390., (10.4018/978-1-60566-022-6.ch025)
- Allan, S. 2008. Coffee houses as public sphere. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The International Encyclopedia of Communication., Vol. 3. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 539-541.
- Allan, S. 2008. Media history. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Volume VII. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 2915-2926.
- Allan, S. 2025. Afterword: Broadcast talk and journalism. Journalism 26(3), pp. 752-756. (
- Allan, S. 2025. Conflicted: Making News from Global War by Isaac Blacksin [Book review]. International Journal of Press/Politics (10.1177/19401612251317269)
- Allan, S. 2025. Visual war journalism. Digital Journalism 13(1), pp. 1-17. (10.1080/21670811.2024.2443153)
- Nieto McAvoy, E. and Allan, S. 2024. Mediations of cultural policymaking during COVID-19: British newspaper reporting of the Culture Recovery Fund. International Journal of Cultural Policy 30(6), pp. 794-814. (10.1080/10286632.2023.2268648)
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2024. A public value typology for public service broadcasting in the UK. Cultural Trends 33(2), pp. 205-221. (10.1080/09548963.2022.2151340)
- Allan, S. 2023. Understanding citizen journalism as civic participation [Book Review]. Mass Communication and Society 26(3), pp. 532-534. (10.1080/15205436.2022.2074687)
- Peters, C. and Allan, S. 2022. Weaponizing memes: the journalistic mediation of visual politicization. Digital Journalism 10(2), pp. 217-229. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1903958)
- Allan, S. 2020. Im/partial inflections of 9/11 in photo-reportage. Digital War 1, pp. 131-137. (10.1057/s42984-020-00011-0)
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2020. The visual citizen in a digital news landscape. Communication Theory 30(2), pp. 149-168. (10.1093/ct/qtz028)
- Healy, A. et al. 2020. Domestic groundwater sbstraction in Lagos, Nigeria: A disjuncture in the science-policy-practice interface?. Environmental Research Letters 15(4), article number: 45006. (10.1088/1748-9326/ab7463)
- Allan, S. 2019. [Book Review] Deciding what’s true: The rise of political fact-checking in American journalism. Media, Culture and Society 41(8), pp. 1279-1281. (10.1177/0163443718764804)
- Allan, S. 2019. Book Review: Becoming the news: How ordinary people respond to the media spotlight. International Journal of Press/Politics 24(4), pp. 553-556. (10.1177/1940161219868435)
- Zeng, X., Jain, S., Nguyen, A. and Allan, S. 2019. New perspectives on citizen journalism: Introduction to special issue. Global Media and China 4(1), pp. 3-12. (10.1177/2059436419836459)
- Allan, S. 2019. Recovering the real for news photography. Journalism 20(1), pp. 126-129. (10.1177/1464884918806731)
- Bennett, L., Berry, M. and Allan, S. 2018. Introduction. Journalism Studies 19(13), pp. 1849-1853. (10.1080/1461670X.2018.1502922)
- Peters, C. and Allan, S. 2018. Everyday imagery: Users' reflections on smartphone cameras and communication. Convergence 24(4), pp. 357-373. (10.1177/1354856516678395)
- Allan, S. 2018. Review of Z.D. Gürsel’s image brokers: visualizing world news in the age of digital circulation. Media, War and Conflict 11(1), pp. 172-176. (10.1177/1750635218759392)
- Mortensen, M., Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2017. The iconic image in a digital age: editorial mediations over the Alan Kurdi photographs. Nordicom Review 38(s2), pp. 71-86. (10.1515/nor-2017-0415)
- Dencik, L. and Allan, S. 2017. In/visible conflicts: NGOs and the visual politics of humanitarian photography. Media, Culture and Society 39(8), pp. 1178-1193. (10.1177/0163443717726865)
- Allan, S. and Redden, J. 2017. Making citizen science newsworthy in the era of big data. Journal of Science Communication 16(2), pp. 1-12., article number: C05. (10.22323/2.16020305)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Studies 17(7), pp. 801-807. (10.1080/1461670X.2016.1199486)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Digital Journalism 4(7), pp. 809-815. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1199469)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: the future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Practice 10(7), pp. 808-814. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1199485)
- Farrell, N. and Allan, S. 2015. Redrawing boundaries: WITNESS and the politics of citizen videos. Global Media and Communication 11(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1177/1742766515606291)
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2015. ‘The “public eye” or “disaster tourists”: investigating public perceptions of citizen smartphone imagery. Digital Journalism 3(4), pp. 477-494. (10.1080/21670811.2015.1034517)
- Allan, S. 2015. Introduction: Photojournalism and citizen journalism. Journalism Practice 9(4), pp. 455-464. (10.1080/17512786.2015.1030131)
- Allan, S. 2015. Reconsidering “the report” in a digital age. Journalism and Discourse Studies 1(1), pp. 5-6.
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2015. Visual truths of citizen reportage: Four research problematics. Information, Communication & Society 18(11), pp. 1348-1361. (10.1080/1369118X.2015.1061576)
- Allan, S. 2014. D. Bennett, Digital media and reporting conflict: Blogging and the BBC’s coverage of war and terrorism [Book Review]. European Journal of Communication 29(5), pp. 628-631. (10.1177/0267323114539430b)
- Allan, S. 2014. Witnessing in crisis: photo-reportage of terror attacks in Boston and London. Media, War and Conflict 7(2), pp. 133-151. (10.1177/1750635214531110)
- Montgomery, M. and Allan, S. 2014. Ideologia, discurso e estudos culturais: A contribuição de Michel Pêcheux. EID&A - Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Integrados em Discurso e Argumentação 6, pp. 245-281.
- Hajek, R., Stefanikova, S. and Allan, S. 2014. Citizen journalism is as old as journalism itself: An interview with Stuart Allan. Medialní Studia 2, pp. 174-181.
- Allan, S. 2013. Book review: Adrienne Russell, Networked: a Contemporary History of News in Transition, and, Ansgard Heinrich, Network Journalism: Journalistic Practice in Interactive Spheres. Media, Culture & Society 35(3), pp. 411-414. (10.1177/0163443712473416d)
- Allan, S. 2013. Reconnecting science and journalism post-Leveson. Three-D(20), pp. 9.
- Allan, S. 2013. The new politics of protest: young people, social media and news l literacy. Global Media Journal: Slovak Edition 1(1), pp. 10-25.
- Allan, S. 2011. Introduction: Science journalism in a digital age. Journalism 12(7), pp. 771-777. (10.1177/1464884911412688)
- Allan, S. 2011. Book review: Vincent Kiernan, Embargoed Science. Public Understanding of Science 20(2), pp. 287-288. (10.1177/0963662510381199a)
- Walsh, M., Allan, S. and Nyre, L. 2011. Book reviews. Journalism Practice 5(2), pp. 249-254. (10.1080/17512786.2010.550411)
- Allan, S. 2011. Book review: Natalie Fenton (ed.): New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age. London: Sage, 2010. 220 pp. ISBN 978-1-84787-574-7 (pbk). Journalism 12(1), pp. 129-131. (10.1177/1464884910390272)
- Allan, S. 2011. Book Review: Islam Dot Com: Contemporary Islamic Discourses in Cyberspace (2009). Mohammed el-Nawawy and Sahar Khamis. New York. Palgrave Macmillan. Journal of Middle East Media 7(1)
- Allan, S., Delano, A., Muthukumaraswamy, K., Mendes, K., Dupagne, M., Youm, K. H. and Rupar, V. 2010. Book reviews. Journalism Studies 11(5), pp. 764-778. (10.1080/1461670X.2010.503026)
- Allan, S., Anderson, A. and Petersen, A. 2010. Framing risk: nanotechnologies in the news. Journal of Risk Research 13(1), pp. 29-44. (10.1080/13669870903135847)
- Allan, S. 2010. Journalism and the culture of othering. Brazilian Journalism Review 6(2), pp. 26-40.
- Allan, S. and Andén-Papadopoulos, K. 2010. "Come on, let us shoot!": WikiLeaks and the cultures of militarization. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies(23-24), pp. 244-253.
- Petersen, A., Anderson, A., Allan, S. and Wilkinson, C. 2009. Opening the black box: scientists' views on the role of the news media in the nanotechnology debate. Public Understanding of Science 18(5), pp. 512-530. (10.1177/0963662507084202)
- Allan, S. 2009. The future of science journalism. Journalism 10(3), pp. 280-282. (10.1177/1464884909102570)
Book sections
- Allan, S. 2025. “Digital Snappers”: Citizens, camera phones and photojournalism. In: Eldridge II, S. A. et al. eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. Second Edition. Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 112-121., (10.4324/9781003334774-14)
- Allan, S. 2023. Introduction: The value of truth-seeking in news and journalism. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-13.
- Allan, S. 2023. Photojournalism and the US-led invasion of Afghanistan. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 286-295.
- Allan, S. 2023. Incendiary images: Visual reportage of Syria’s Civil War. In: Mortensen, M. and McCrow-Young, A. eds. Social Media Images and Conflicts. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 47-62.
- Allan, S. 2023. Improving environmental reporting: Forging synergies with citizen science and citizen journalism. In: Hansen, A. and Cox, R. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 208-220.
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2021. Journalism’s digital publics: researching the “visual citizen”. In: Lievrouw, L. A. and Loader, B. D. eds. Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Communication. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 191-203.
- Allan, S. and Hintz, A. 2019. Citizen journalism and participation. In: Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Hanitzsch, T. eds. The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Taylor & Francis, pp. 435-451.
- Allan, S. 2019. Women and war photography: en/gendering alternative histories. In: Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism, Gender and Power. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 312-330.
- Allbeson, T. and Allan, S. 2019. The war of images in the age of Trump. In: Happer, C., Hoskins, A. and Merrin, W. eds. Trump’s Media War. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-84.
- Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. 2019. Introduction. In: Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism, Gender and Power. London and New York: Routledge, pp. xvi-xxii.
- Gormley, A. and Allan, S. 2019. ‘Re-imagining human rights photography: Ariella Azoulay’s intervention'. In: Shaw, I. S. and Selvarajah, S. eds. Reporting Human Rights, Conflicts, and Peacebuilding: Critical and Global Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan-Springer, pp. 203-220.
- Allan, S. 2018. Epilogue: redefining crisis reporting. In: Patrona, M. ed. Crisis and the Media Narratives of Crisis across Cultural Settings and Media. Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 261-266.
- Allan, S. 2018. Foreword. In: Nguyen, A. ed. News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. xv-xvi.
- Allan, S. 2017. Citizen witnessing of human rights abuses. In: Tumber, H. and Waisbord, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 347-356.
- Allan, S. and Dencik, L. 2017. 'It's not a pretty picture': visualising the Baltimore crisis on social media. In: Steiner, L. and Waisbord, S. eds. News of Baltimore: Race Rage and the City. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 103-119.
- Allan, S. 2016. Afterword: Revisioning journalism and the “pictures in our heads”. In: Peters, C. and Broersma, M. eds. Rethinking Journalism Again: Societal Role and Public Relevance in a Digital Age. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 216-230.
- Blaagaard, B. B. and Allan, S. 2016. Citizen mediations of connectivity: narrowing the “culture of distance” in television news. In: Baker, M. and Blaagaard, B. B. eds. Citizen Media and Public Spaces. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 58-75.
- Allan, S. 2016. Citizen witnesses. In: Witschge, T. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Journalism. London: Sage, pp. 266-279.
- Allan, S. 2016. Foreword. In: Mutsvairo, B. ed. Participatory Politics and Citizen Journalism in a Networked Africa: A Connected Continent. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. viii-xi.
- Allan, S. 2016. Documentare la guerra, visualizzare la pace: Verso una fotografia di pace. In: Salio, N. and De Michelis, S. eds. Giornalismo di Pace. Torino: Edizioni GruppoAbele, pp. 191-210.
- Allan, S. 2016. Photojournalism and citizen witnessing. In: Franklin, B. and Eldridge, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 487-497.
- Allan, S. and Sreedharan, C. 2016. Visualising war: Photojournalism under fire. In: Robinson, P., Seib, P. and Frohlich, R. eds. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 93-105.
- Allan, S. 2015. Afterword. In: Thorsen, E. et al. eds. Media, Margins and Civic Agency. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 209-213.
- Allan, S. 2015. London is burning: politics, protest and participation in newsmaking. In: Meso Ayerdi, K., Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia, I. and Larrondo Ureta, A. eds. Active Audiences and Journalism. Bilbao: Universidad del Pais Vasco, pp. 7-16.
- Allan, S. 2015. Visualizing human rights: The video advocacy of WITNESS. In: Cottle, S. and Cooper, G. eds. Humanitarianism, Communications and Change. Global Crises and the Media New York: Peter Lang, pp. 197-210.
- Allan, S. 2015. "iPhone-wielding amateurs”: The rise of citizen photojournalism. In: Atton, C. ed. The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 357-366.
- Jukes, S. and Allan, S. 2015. Guarding the guardians: The Leveson Inquiry and the future of independent journalism. In: Bennett, J. and Strange, N. eds. Media Independence. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 31-51.
- Allan, S. and Ewart, J. 2015. Citizen science, citizen journalism: New forms of environmental reporting. In: Hansen, A. and Cox, R. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. London: Routledge, pp. 186-196.
- Allan, S. 2015. Media history. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 358-360.
- Allan, S. 2014. Foreword. In: Mabweazara, H. M., Mudhai, O. F. and Whittaker, J. eds. Online Journalism in Africa: Trends, Practices and Emerging Cultures. Routledge advances in internationalizing media studies Vol. 12. New York: Routledge, pp. ix-x.
- Allan, S. 2014. Reformulating photojournalism: Interweaving professional and citizen photo-reportage of the Boston bombings. In: Thorsen, E. and Allan, S. eds. Citizen Journalism: Global perspectives., Vol. 2. Global Crises and the Media New York: Peter Lang
- Allan, S. 2014. Photo-reportage of the Libyan conflict. In: Kennedy, L. and Patrick, C. eds. The Violence of the Image: Photography and International Conflict. London and New York: I.B. Taurus, pp. 167-192.
- Messenger-Davies, M., Carter, C., Allan, S. and Mendes, K. 2014. News, children and citizenship: User-generated content and the BBC’s Newsround website. In: Thornham, H. and Popple, S. eds. Content Cultures: Transformations of User Generated Content in Public Service Broadcasting. London: I.B. Taurus & Co Ltd, pp. 15-36.
- Allan, S. 2013. 'Humane truth-telling': photojournalism and the Syrian uprising. In: Moschovi, A., McKay, C. and Plouviez, A. eds. The Versatile Image: Photography, Digital Technologies and the Internet. Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 107-126.
- Allan, S. 2013. The emerging ecology of online news. In: Lee, F. L. . et al. eds. Frontiers in New Media Research. Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society Vol. 15. New York: Routledge, pp. 153-172.
- Allan, S. and Matheson, D. 2013. War reporting in a digital age. In: Orton-Johnson, K. and Prior, N. eds. Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151-168.
- Allan, S. 2013. Afterword. In: Scullion, R. et al. eds. The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment. Routledge Research in Political Communication Vol. 8. London: Routledge, pp. 255-262.
- Allan, S. 2013. Blurring boundaries: professional and citizen photojournalism in a digital age. In: Lister, M. ed. The Photographic Image in Digital Culture (2nd ed.). Comedia Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
- Thorsen, E., Sreedharan, C. and Allan, S. 2013. Wikileaks and whistle-blowing: the framing of Bradley Manning. In: Brevini, B., Hintz, A. and McCurdy, P. eds. Beyond WikiLeaks: Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 101-122.
- Allan, S. 2012. Journalism as interpretive performance: the case of Wikileaks. In: Peters, C. and Broersma, M. J. eds. Rethinking Journalism: Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape. New York: Routledge, pp. 144-159.
- Allan, S. 2012. Online news reporting of crisis events: investigating the role of citizen witnessing. In: Veglis, A. and Siapera, E. eds. The Handbook of Global Online Journalism. Handbooks in Communication and Media Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 331-352., (10.1002/9781118313978.ch18)
- Allan, S. 2012. Civic voices: social media and political protest. In: Mihailidis, P. ed. News Literacy: Global Perspectives for the Newsroom and the Classroom. Mass communication and journalism Vol. 7. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 21-39.
- Allan, S. 2012. Citizen journalism and the rise of 'mass self-communication': reporting the London bombings. In: Wall, M. ed. Citizen Journalism: Valuable, Useless, or Dangerous?. London: International Debate Education Association, pp. 11-26.
- Allan, S. 2012. Foreword. In: Shaw Seaga, I. S. ed. Human Rights Journalism: Advances in Reporting Distant Humanitarian Interventions. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. xi-xiii.
- Sreedharan, C., Thorsen, E. and Allan, S. 2012. WikiLeaks and the changing forms of information politics in the "Network Society". In: Downey, E. and Jones, M. A. eds. Public Service, Governance and Web 2.0 Technologies: Future Trends in Social Media. Premier reference source Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference,, pp. 167-180., (10.4018/978-1-4666-0071-3.ch011)
- Allan, S. 2011. Documenting war, visualizing peace: towards peace photography. In: Shaw, I. S., Lynch, J. and Hackett, R. A. eds. Expanding Peace Journalism: Comparative and Critical Approaches. Sydney: University of Sidney Press, pp. 147-167.
- Allan, S. 2011. Amateur photography in wartime: early histories. In: Andén-Papadopoulos, K. and Pantti, M. eds. Amateur Images and Global News. Bristol: Intellect, pp. 41-60.
- Allan, S. 2011. 'When discourse is torn from reality': Bakhtin and the principle of chronotopicity. In: Delamont, S. and Atkinson, P. A. eds. SAGE Qualitative Research Methods., Vol. 3. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods London: Sage, pp. 307-330.
- Allan, S. 2011. Citizen journalism. In: Downing, J. ed. Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Island, CA: Sage, pp. 98-99.
- Allan, S. 2010. Professionalism: journalism without professional journalists?. In: Steiner, L. and Christians, C. G. eds. Key Concepts in Critical Cultural Studies. The History of Communication Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 145-157.
- Allan, S. and Matheson, D. 2010. Images in wartime: the mediation of power. In: Klaehn, J. ed. The Political Economy of Media and Power. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 143-160.
- Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. 2010. Journalism, public service and BBC News Online. In: Meikle, G. and Redden, G. eds. News Online: Transformation and Continuities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 20-37.
- Allan, S. and Zelizer, B. 2010. Rules of engagement: journalism and war. In: Williams, K. ed. A Media Studies Reader. San Diego, CA: Cognella, pp. 25-42.
- Allan, S. 2010. OhmyNews (Korea). In: Downing, J. D. H. ed. Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, pp. 373-374.
- Matheson, D. and Allan, S. 2010. War blogs and the war in Iraq. In: Murdock, G. and Golding, P. eds. Digital Dynamics: Engagements and Connections. New York: Hampton Press, pp. 45-62.
- Matheson, D. and Allan, S. 2010. Social networks and the reporting of conflict. In: Keeble, R. L., Tulloch, J. and Zollman, F. eds. Peace Journalism, War and Conflict Resolution. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 173-192.
- Carter, C. and Allan, S. 2009. The visual culture of television news. In: Howells, R. and Matson, R. W. eds. Using Visual Evidence. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 139-152.
- Allan, S. 2009. Making science newsworthy: exploring the conventions of science journalism. In: Holliman, R. et al. eds. Investigating Science Communication in the Information Age: Implications for Public Engagement and Popular Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 149-165.
- Thorsen, E., Allan, S. and Carter, C. 2009. Citizenship and public service: the case of BBC news online. In: Tunney, S. and Monaghan, G. eds. Web Journalism : a New Form of Citizenship?. Brighton: Sussex Academic, pp. 116-125.
- Allan, S. 2008. The cultural politics of news discourse. In: Ryan, M. ed. Cultural Studies: an Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 936-957.
- Anderson, A., Allan, S., Petersen, A. and Wilkinson, C. 2008. Nanoethics: the role of news media in shaping debate. In: Luppicini, R. and Adell, R. eds. Handbook of Research on Technoethics., Vol. 1. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, pp. 373-390., (10.4018/978-1-60566-022-6.ch025)
- Allan, S. 2008. Coffee houses as public sphere. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The International Encyclopedia of Communication., Vol. 3. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 539-541.
- Allan, S. 2008. Media history. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Volume VII. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 2915-2926.
- Allan, S. and Allbeson, T. 2024. Conflicting images: Histories of war photography in the news. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203129852)
- Allan, S. ed. 2023. The Routledge companion to news and journalism. 2nd edition.. London and New York: Routledge.
- Carter, C., Steiner, L. and Allan, S. eds. 2019. Journalism, gender and power. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Allan, S. et al. eds. 2018. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. London and New York: Routledge.
- Allan, S. ed. 2017. Photojournalism and citizen journalism: co-operation, collaboration and connectivity. London and New York: Routledge.
- Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. 2014. Citizen journalism: global perspectives. Global Crises and the Media. New York: Peter Lang.
- Allan, S. 2013. Citizen witnessing: revisioning journalism in times of crisis. Key concepts in journalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Fowler-Watt, K. and Allan, S. eds. 2013. Journalism: new challenges. Bournemouth: Centre for Journalism & Communication Research, Bournemouth University.
- Allan, S. ed. 2012. The Routledge companion to news and journalism (Rev. ed.). Routledge Companions. London: Routledge.
- Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. eds. 2011. Journalism after September 11 (2nd ed.). Communication and Society. London: Routledge.
- Allan, S. 2010. News culture (3rd ed.). Issues in Cultural and Media Studies. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.
- Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. 2010. Keywords in news and journalism studies. Open University Press.
- Allan, S. ed. 2010. Rethinking communication: keywords in communication research. The ICA Conference Theme Book Series. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
- Anderson, A., Petersen, A., Wilkinson, C. and Allan, S. 2009. Nanotechnology, risk and communication. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. eds. 2009. Citizen journalism: global perspectives. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 1. New York: Peter Lang.
- Matheson, D. and Allan, S. 2009. Digital war reporting. Digital Media and Society Series. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Chivers, T., Allan, S., Carter, C., Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Noonan, C. 2023. Review of the broadcasting powers and responsibilities in selected countries Report for the expert panel on a shadow broadcasting and communications authority for Wales. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. Submission of written evidence to ‘Consultation on a change of ownership of Channel 4 Television Corporation'. Documentation. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Allan, S. 2022. Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the arts and cultural sector: British newspaper reporting of the Culture Recovery Fund. Available at:
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. Submission of written evidence to House of Lords, ‘Communications and digital select committee inquiry on BBC future funding,’. Documentation. UK Parliament - House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee. Available at:
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. What is the public value of public service broadcasting? Exploring challenges and opportunities in evolving media contexts. Nesta. Available at:
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2021. Submission of written evidence to ‘The future of Channel 4 Inquiry'. Documentation. UK Parliament - House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee. Available at:
- Healy, A. et al. 2018. Resilience in groundwater supply systems: integrating resource based approaches with agency, behaviour and choice. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
Previous research roles include serving as the lead for the ‘Arts, Culture and Public Service Broadcasting’ workstrand for the AHRC-funded Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC), co-ordinated by Nesta in London. Current projects include examining the forging of new relationships between professional and citizen journalists where the news coverage of war, conflict and crisis is concerned, with a particular interest in news images. He is currently co-authoring a book on visual citizenship, and co-editing one on citizen journalism. He has a longstanding interest in science journalism, including with respect to its transition to digital environments and, more recently, the citizen reporting of citizen science. Further research interests include journalism and human rights, media history, and young people’s civic engagement with digital media. Funding for his research has been awarded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), British Academy, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and Swedish Research Council, amongst others.
Stuart’s teaching focuses on journalism studies, with a particular interest in the ways in which journalism is evolving online in relation to emergent innovations in digital technologies. His teaching often draws on historical perspectives, and is informed by real-world concerns with social issues.
In 2023-24, Stuart teaches the first-year undergraduate module 'Understanding Journalism,' and the postgraduate module 'Civic Media.' He also delivers several guest lectures on other modules.
He supervises BA, MA and PhD students and welcomes inquiries from future doctoral students, especially in the areas signalled in his research interests noted above.
Contact Details
+44 29208 75420
Two Central Square, Room 2.50, Central Square, Cardiff, CF10 1FS
Law Building, Room 0.17, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX