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Christos Andrikopoulos

Dr Christos Andrikopoulos

Lecturer in Law


Christos joined Cardiff University in 2023 as a Lecturer in Law, having previously completed a fully funded PhD from the School of Law at the University of Nottingham. He holds undergraduate degrees (1st class) in Business Administration BA (Hons) and European Studies BA (Ptychion), and postgraduate degrees (with distinction) in International Business (MBA) and International Business Law (LLM).

Christos has been a tutor in law at the University of Nottingham and taught various law and business modules in Greece. Prior to this, he worked extensively as an entrepreneur in the entertainment industry and event management. Subsequently, Christos was appointed as a policy advisor in the Hellenic Organisation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and worked on projects related to the H2020 research programme in the Robotics Unit (DG Connect) at the European Commission.

Research Summary

Christos' research interests lie in the fields of law & technology, law & economics, company law, contract law, tort law, EU law, business clusters and regional development.

As part of his PhD, Christos conducted interdisciplinary research to explore legal implications, opportunities, and challenges for the business clustering of SMEs related to the agro-food supply chain (agro-food SME clusters), and consider the extent to which this business networking can contribute to the socio-economic development of EU regions. By proposing a combined contractual and corporate legal structure for clusters, his thesis contended that SMEs should be connected via contracts with the network centre of cluster organisation, which would operate as a central business with a 'commons' approach for the benefit of society and the economy.

Christos currently conducts comparative, empirical, doctrinal, intra-disciplinary, and trans-disciplinary research on legal aspects and socio-economic implications stemming from the impact of technological advancements on agro-food SME clustering. He primarily focuses on the emerging area of law and autonomous systems, which have already begun to transform modern agriculture, food processing, and food distribution sectors. Furthermore, he examines the regulation of blockchain-based organisations as facilitators for the cooperative activities of SMEs within agro-food SME clusters.

Teaching Summary

Undergraduate teaching (LLB):

  • Tort Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Company Law
  • Law, Technology, and Society

Postgraduate teaching (LLM):

  • International Investment Law


Christos Andrikopoulos 2025. The supranational corporate form of cluster organisations: a commons approach for business clustering in the European Union. European Business Law Review 36(4).

Christos Andrikopoulos 2023. Agro-food SME clustering: towards an EU legal framework for achieving socio-economic development. PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham.

Christos Andrikopoulos 2021. Robotics technology in agro-food SME clustering after the COVID-19 crisis in Europe: Legal aspects and socio-economic implications. European Journal of Law and Technology 12(2).

Christos Andrikopoulos 2019. Addressing the legal challenges of technological development in agro-food SME clusters. Commerce, Law and Policy - University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre (UNCLC).

Christos Andrikopoulos 2024. Regulating contractual networks: towards a common frame of reference for SME clustering in Europe (in review).

Christos Andrikopoulos 2024. SME clusters as commons: a new governance and legal framework for wider socio-economic sustainability (in review).

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