I am currently a research associate studying three-dimensional thermoelectric and magnetic nanostructures with Dr. Sam Ladak.
I studied my PhD at Cardiff University (2018-2022) studying non-linear optical fabrication and characterisation techniques and how these can be applied to nanostructured magnetic and artificial biological systems, under the supervision of Dr. Sam Ladak and Prof. Wolfgang Langbein.
I received my BSc (Hons) in Physics from the University of Bristol in 2017, and my MSc in Physics from Cardiff University in 2018. As of 2022, I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), previously Associate Fellow (AFHEA) in 2020.
- Askey, J. et al. 2024. Direct visualization of domain wall pinning in sub-100 nm 3D magnetic nanowires with cross-sectional curvature †. Nanoscale 2024(38), pp. 17793-17803. (10.1039/d4nr02020k)
- Payne, L., Askey, J., Pitsios, I., Ladak, S. and Langbein, W. 2024. Isotropic sub-100nm direct laser writing using spherical reflector-enabled 4Pi excitation at 405nm wavelength. Presented at: SPIE Photonics Europe 2024, Strasbourg, France, 26-30 April 2024Proceedings 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV, Vol. 12995. SPIE pp. 3., (10.1117/12.3021957)
- Askey, J. 2023. Exploiting two-photon direct laser writing for fabrication of 3D magnetic nanowires. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Askey, J., Hunt, M., Langbein, W. and Ladak, S. 2022. Asymmetric dual Bloch point domain walls in cylindrical magnetic nanowires. APL Materials 10(7), article number: 71105. (10.1063/5.0089291)
- Anderson, M., Askey, J., Eknath, G., Norman, M. and Sztranyovszky, Z. 2021. "The Research Group Teaching Model": PhD students as research group leaders, mentors, and role models. Presented at: Centre for Education Innovation Annual Learning & Teaching Conference 2021, 1-2 July 2021.
- May, A., Saccone, M., Van Den Berg, A., Askey, J., Hunt, M. and Ladak, S. 2021. Magnetic charge propagation upon a 3D artificial spin-ice. Nature Communications 12, article number: 3217. (10.1038/s41467-021-23480-7)
- Lewis, R., Roche, P., Askey, J., Sztranyovszky, Z., Eknath, G., Norman, M. and Anderson, M. 2021. The Online Research Group teaching model – ensuring authentic and robust remote learning for MSc students. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2021, Virtual, 1-2 July 2021.
- Askey, J., Hunt, M. O., Langbein, W. and Ladak, S. 2020. Use of two-photon lithography with a negative resist and processing to realise cylindrical magnetic nanowires. Nanomaterials 10(3), article number: 429. (10.3390/nano10030429)
- Hunt, M. et al. 2020. Harnessing multi-photon absorption to produce three-dimensional magnetic structures at the nanoscale. Materials 13(3), article number: 761. (10.3390/ma13030761)
- Askey, J. et al. 2024. Direct visualization of domain wall pinning in sub-100 nm 3D magnetic nanowires with cross-sectional curvature †. Nanoscale 2024(38), pp. 17793-17803. (10.1039/d4nr02020k)
- Askey, J., Hunt, M., Langbein, W. and Ladak, S. 2022. Asymmetric dual Bloch point domain walls in cylindrical magnetic nanowires. APL Materials 10(7), article number: 71105. (10.1063/5.0089291)
- May, A., Saccone, M., Van Den Berg, A., Askey, J., Hunt, M. and Ladak, S. 2021. Magnetic charge propagation upon a 3D artificial spin-ice. Nature Communications 12, article number: 3217. (10.1038/s41467-021-23480-7)
- Askey, J., Hunt, M. O., Langbein, W. and Ladak, S. 2020. Use of two-photon lithography with a negative resist and processing to realise cylindrical magnetic nanowires. Nanomaterials 10(3), article number: 429. (10.3390/nano10030429)
- Hunt, M. et al. 2020. Harnessing multi-photon absorption to produce three-dimensional magnetic structures at the nanoscale. Materials 13(3), article number: 761. (10.3390/ma13030761)
- Payne, L., Askey, J., Pitsios, I., Ladak, S. and Langbein, W. 2024. Isotropic sub-100nm direct laser writing using spherical reflector-enabled 4Pi excitation at 405nm wavelength. Presented at: SPIE Photonics Europe 2024, Strasbourg, France, 26-30 April 2024Proceedings 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV, Vol. 12995. SPIE pp. 3., (10.1117/12.3021957)
- Anderson, M., Askey, J., Eknath, G., Norman, M. and Sztranyovszky, Z. 2021. "The Research Group Teaching Model": PhD students as research group leaders, mentors, and role models. Presented at: Centre for Education Innovation Annual Learning & Teaching Conference 2021, 1-2 July 2021.
- Lewis, R., Roche, P., Askey, J., Sztranyovszky, Z., Eknath, G., Norman, M. and Anderson, M. 2021. The Online Research Group teaching model – ensuring authentic and robust remote learning for MSc students. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2021, Virtual, 1-2 July 2021.
- Askey, J. 2023. Exploiting two-photon direct laser writing for fabrication of 3D magnetic nanowires. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
My work currently focuses on:
- Nanostructured 3D magnetic systems including nanowires and curved nanowires.
- Non-linear optical techniques for the fabrication and characterisation of polymers and magnetic nanostructures.
- Non-linear optics for improving feature sizes and resolution in two-photon lithography.
- Electrochemistry and its application to magnetic nanostrucutre fabrication.
- Micro-magnetic simulations of nanostructured systems.
Specifically I use the following techniques in my research:
- Two-photon lithography.
- Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) magnetometry.
- Electrochemical and electroless deposition.
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
- Finite difference micro-magnetic modelling (MuMax3, Ubermag).
- UV lithography.
- Hunt, M.; Taverne, M.; Askey, J.; May, A.; Van Den Berg, A.; Ho, Y.-L.D.; Rarity, J.; Ladak, S. Harnessing Multi-Photon Absorption to Produce Three-Dimensional Magnetic Structures at the Nanoscale. Materials 2020, 13, 761.
- Askey, J.; Hunt, M.O.; Langbein, W.; Ladak, S. Use of Two-Photon Lithography with a Negative Resist and Processing to Realise Cylindrical Magnetic Nanowires. Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 429.
- Askey, J.; Hunt, M.O.; Langbein, W.; Ladak, S. Use of Two-Photon Lithography with a Negative Resist and Processing to Realise Cylindrical Magnetic Nanowires. 65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2020.
- May, A.; Saccone, M.; van den Berg, A.; Askey, J.; Hunt, M.; Ladak, S. Magnetic charge propagation upon a 3D artificial spin-ice. Nat Commun 12, 3217 (2021).
- Lewis, R.; Roche, P.; Anderson, M.; Askey, J.; Athikkat-Eknath, G.; Norman, M.; Sztranyovszky, Z. The Online Research Group Teaching Model: Ensuring Authentic and Robust Remote Learning for MSc Students.
Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2021.
- Anderson, M.; Askey, J.; Athikkat-Eknath, G.; Norman, M.; Sztranyovszky, Z. "The Research Group Teaching Model": PhD Students as Research Group Leaders, Mentors, and Role Models. Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2021.
I design and lead micro-project groups, plenary sessions, and demand-driven skills workshops for Physics and Astrophysics modules. These modules include:
- PXT991 (formerly PXT101/201) - Advanced Experimental Techniques in Physics (2018-2023)
- PXT992 (formerly PXT102/202) - Study and Research Skills in Physics (2018-2023)
- PXT103 - Advanced LabVIEW Programming for Physicists (2018-2020)
Contact Details
Research themes
- 3D Nanomagnetism