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Rabeeah Aslam   MBBS MSc

Dr Rabeeah Aslam



Academic and research staff

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am an academic with a background in medicine and mixed-methods research. I am also a part of the National Institute of Health Research Public Health Reviews team.

My interests lie at the intersection of transnational migration, adolescent health, community engagement, cultural psychiatry, global mental health research, and policy.

I have led and been part of multiple projects funded and commissioned by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), European Union’s Horizon 2020, Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW), Cochrane, and the Department of Health in the United Kingdom.


MSc Health Policy, Planning, and Financing
London School of Economics & Political Science / London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (joint degree)

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery 
Sindh Medical College, University of Karachi













This section is divided into A) Research group, B) Research work, C) Publications

A) Research group

I sit within the Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer) at Cardiff University. (

B) Research work

1. Mental Health

I was also a Research consultant on a project where I am developing continuous professional development modules on Suicide and Self-Harm in Kenya.

I was also the Research Fellow on the UPSIDES (Using Peer Support In Developing Empowering Mental Health Services) project. This project also involves multiple sites and stakeholders across five countries. 

I was also a co-applicant and lead on evidence synthesis on an NIHR-funded feasibility and pilot study for a psychosocial intervention delivered by lay workers for asylum seekers and refugees. This study aims to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention programme designed to reduce emotional distress and health inequalities and improve functional ability and well-being among asylum seekers and refugees. I managed four researchers in this review. We are evaluating Project Management Plus (PM+), a psychosocial intervention the World Health Organization recommended for adults impaired by distress in communities exposed to adversity. PM+ provides clients with skills in managing practical problems and mental health problems.

I have held previous research roles, which directly contributed to UK mental health policy change. For example, as a researcher at the London School of Economics, I undertook the economic evaluation of the UK mental health policy for alcohol addiction in primary care. Furthermore, I was co-author of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Policy Briefing on the Parity of Esteem between mental and physical health services.

I was also a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Queen Mary, University of London, in a collaborative NIHR-HTA funded systematic review with the University of Warwick, London School of Economics, De Montfort University and the Afiya Trust. The project (THERACOM) was a systematic review of interventions to improve therapeutic communication between black and minority ethnicity patients receiving specialist psychiatric care and professionals who deliver that care. This research highlighted the importance of empowerment and motivational interviews as essential elements of the therapeutic transaction.

2. Public Health

I have been the study manager for multiple projects. Two projects, STRETCHED (STRategies to manage Emergency ambulance Telephone Callers with sustained High needs - an Evaluation using linked Data) and HEAR 2 (Health Experiences of Asylum seekers and Refugees). My primary responsibilities involve managing the day-to-day of these studies, from submission to the Health Research Authority (Research Ethics Committee, Confidentiality Advisory Group, NHS Digital Data Access Request Service) to planning and conducting interviews, the stakeholder event, engagement with public advisory members, and managing data items identification and collection and managing four research paramedics in the participating ambulances services.

I was a Mixed Methods Researcher at the University of Liverpool for the North-West Connected Health Cities programme. I have conducted qualitative research on the North-West Connected Health Cities programme, which is funded by the Department of Health and the Northern Health Science Alliance. The over-arching aim of CHC is to explore ways to use NHS and other data to make actionable information available to front-line staff in ways that support point-of-care decisions and help identify opportunities for improvements in safety, effectiveness and efficiency. 

I was a Systematic reviewer at the North Wales Organisation for Randomised Trials in Health & Social Care, Bangor University. I was the project manager and reviewer for collaborative NIHR-HTA-funded mixed methods systematic review of interventions for repeat teenage pregnancies (INTERUPT) with Cardiff University and the University of Sheffield. A Cochrane review was also embedded in this review. I was also responsible for the intervention development of two other projects on follow-up in gynaecological cancer. This project, TOPCAT G, has generated two Cochrane systematic reviews.

3. Evidence-based medicine/healthcare/policy

I am the study manager for the Development of an Emergency Department Violence Intervention Programme Evaluation (EDVIPE), which is evaluating the two Violence Prevention Teams in Emergency departments using anonymised linked data in a controlled longitudinal natural experiment. 

I was Senior Research Fellow at the Liverpool Reviews and Implementation Group (LRiG). I have led teams in conducting systematic reviews where all forms of data are considered for use in the synthesis of evidence, and application of the full range of synthesis methods is encouraged (e.g. quantitative, qualitative, realist). I have also been part of conducting clinical and cost-effectiveness reviews of new and existing health technologies. These Technology Assessment Reviews can take the form of either multiple technology assessments or single technology assessment reports. The team also conducts systematic reviews where all forms of data are considered for use in the synthesis of evidence, and application of the full range of synthesis methods is encouraged (e.g. quantitative, qualitative, realist).

This research is commissioned primarily by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme on behalf of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

I was also the lead reviewer for INTERUPT. This was a methodologically innovative review which sought to use different methods of synthesis, meta-analysis, subgroup analyses, realist synthesis and thematic analysis to understand the a)who is at greater risk of repeat unintended pregnancies amongst young mothers? b) which interventions are effective and cost-effective, how do they work, in what setting, and for whom? c) what are the barriers and facilitators to intervention uptake?

One of the critical components of these projects is organizing and conducting the process of stakeholder engagement from expert panels and service user groups in the review. It involved communicating specialist material to different audiences, gauging their reactions and thoughts, and assessing the usefulness of different data types. For THERACOM, there was considerable focus on patients’ experiences of health and illness. The process also highlighted a significant gap between knowledge production and implementation for evidence-based medicine, the voice of the population base for which the interventions are being sought.

C) Publications

Published peer-reviewed papers and reports

1. Aslam RW., Snooks, H., Porter. A, Khanom, K., Cole, R., Edwards. E., Evans, BA., Fothergill, R., Gripper, P., John, A., Petterson, R.,  Tee, A., Sewell B., Philips, CJ., Rees, N., Scott, J., Watkins, A. (2022)  STRategies to manage Emergency ambulance Telephone Callers with sustained High needs: an Evaluation using linked Data (STRETCHED) – a study protocol. BMJ Open 2022;12:e053123. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053123

2. Nixdorf, R.,  Nugent, L., Aslam, RW., Barber,S., Charles, A.,  Meir, LG.,  Grayzman, A., Hiltensperger, R., Kalha, J., Korde, P.,l Mtei, R., Niwemuhwezi, J., Ramesh, M., Ryan, G.,  Slade,M., Wenzel, L., &  Mahlke, C. (2022) A multi-national peer support intervention: the UPSIDES pilot phase, Advances in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/18387357.2021.2020140

3. Rawlinson, R., Aslam, R.W., Burnside, G. et al. Lay-therapist-delivered, low-intensity, psychosocial intervention for refugees and asylum seekers (PROSPER): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Trials 21, 367 (2020)

4. Katharine Abba, Rabeea’h Aslam, Keith Bodger (2020) How does current health information technology impact on patients and staff within urgent hospital care pathways? End of Project report, Connected Health Cities, Department of Health

5. Aslam RW, Hendry M, Booth A, et al. Intervention Now to Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT): a systematic review of intervention effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and qualitative and realist synthesis of implementation factors and user engagement. BMC Medicine. 2017
6. Aslam RW, Bates V, Dundar Y, Hounsome J, Richardson M, Krishan A, Dickson R, Boland A, Fisher J, Robinson L, Sikdar S. A systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy of automated tests for cognitive impairment. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Apr;33(4):561-575. doi: 10.1002/gps.4852. Epub 2018 Jan 22. 

7. Aslam RW, Bates V, Dundar Y, Hounsome J, Richardson M, Krishan K, Dickson R, Angela Boland A, Eleanor Kotas E, Joanne Fisher J, Sudip Sikdar S, Louise Robinson L.  Automated tests for diagnosing and monitoring cognitive impairment: a diagnostic accuracy review. Health Technol Assess. 2016 Oct; 20(77): 1–74

8. Greenhalgh, J, Mahon, J, Boland, A, Beale, S, Krishan, A, Abdulla, A, Aslam, R, Kotas, E, Banks, L and Green, John (2016) Pembrolizumab for untreated PD-L1 positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer [ID990]: A Single Technology Appraisal. LRiG, University of Liverpool, 2016

9. Greenhalgh, J, Aslam, RW, Mahon, J, Krishan, A, Boland, A, Beale, S, Kotas, E, Banks, L and Green, John (2016) Osimertinib for treating locally advanced or metastatic EGFR and T790M mutation-positive non-small cell lung cancer [ID874]: A Single Technology Appraisal. LRiG, University of Liverpool, 2016 

10. Charles JM, Rycroft-Malone J, Aslam R, Hendry M, Pasterfield D, Whitaker R. Reducing repeat pregnancies in adolescence: applying realist principles as part of a mixed-methods systematic review to explore what works, for whom, how and under what circumstances. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2016 Sep 20;16:271

11. Greenhalgh J, Mahon J, Richardson M, Krishan A, Aslam RW, Beale S, Boland A, Stainthorpe A, Bagust A, Kotas E, Banks L, Payne E. Pembrolizumab for treating advanced melanoma previously untreated with ipilimumab: A Single Technology Appraisal. LRiG, University of Liverpool, 2015

12. Whitaker R, Hendry M, Aslam R, Booth A, Carter B, Charles JM, Craine N, Tudor-Edwards R, Noyes J, Ntambwe LI, Pasterfield D, Rycroft-Malone J, Williams N. Intervention Now to Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT): A systematic review of intervention effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, qualitative and realist synthesis of implementation factors and user engagement. Health Technology Assessment Volume: 20, Issue:16, March 2016

13. Bhui, K; Aslam, RW; Palinski, A; McCabe, R; Johnson, M. Weich; S. Singh, SP; Knapp, M; Vittoria, A; Szczepura, A. Interventions designed to improve therapeutic communications between black and minority ethnic people and professionals working in psychiatric services: a systematic review of the evidence for their effectiveness. Health Technology Assessment Volume: 19, Issue:31, April 2015

14. Bhui, K; Aslam, RW; Palinski, A; McCabe, R; Johnson, M. Weich; S. Singh, SP; Knapp, M; Vittoria, A; Szczepura, A. Interventions to improve therapeutic communications between Black and minority ethnic patients and professionals in psychiatric services: systematic review. British Journal of Psychiatry Aug 2015, 207 (2) 95-103

15. Aslam RW, Bhui K. Parity of Esteem as a guiding principle for commissioning, service provision and laws related to health care: what do we know. Ethnicity and Health, Volume 17, Issue 1-2, 2012

16. Aslam R, Knapp M, Parsonage M. Screening and brief intervention in primary care for alcohol misuse’, in Martin Knapp, David McDaid and Michael Parsonage (editors) Mental Health Promotion and Prevention: the Economic Case, 2010.  PSSRU, LSE

Accepted for publication

Dowrick C., Rosala-Hallas, A., Rawlinson, R., Khan, N., Eira Winrow, E., Chiumento, A,. Burnside, G., Aslam RW ., Billow, L., Eriksson-Lee, M, Lawrence, D., McCluskey, R., MacKinnon, A., Moitt, T., Orton, L., Roberts, E, Atif Rahman, A.,Smith, G., Edwards, RT., Uwamaliya, P., Ross White, R. Feasibility study and pilot trial of an evidence-based low intensity psychosocial intervention delivered by lay therapists for asylum seekers and refugees (PROSPER), NIHR report



  • Current debates in Global Mental Health, for BSc Global Health course in Imperial College London (2020)
  • Seminar lead in the Design & Evaluation of Mental Health Programme module for the MSc. Global Mental Health for (2021)
    • Integrating mental health into primary health care,
      Design and evaluation of mental health and psychosocial support programme for refugees in Lebanon
    • Critiquing Quality in Research Papers, third-year DClin Psychology students at the University of Liverpool (2017 - current)
  • Introduction to Systematic Reviews, first-year DClin Psychology students at the University of Liverpool (2016 - 2017)
  • Therapeutic Communication in culturally diverse populations in Continuous Professional Development course on Global Mental Health and Cultural Psychiatry at Queen Mary, University of London (2013)
  • Peer Teaching I have mentored several juniors from my medical school during their medical school studies, examinations and postgraduate examinations (2007-2009)
  • Medical Student Bedside Teaching Focusing on history taking and clinical examination (2007-2009)


  • Marking of undergraduate and post-graduate thesis


I am an academic with a background in medicine and mixed-methods research. I am also a part of the National Institute of Health Research Public Health Reviews team.

My interests lie at the intersection of transnational migration, adolescent health, community engagement, cultural psychiatry, global mental health research, and policy.

I have led and been part of multiple projects funded and commissioned by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), European Union’s Horizon 2020, Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW), Cochrane, and the Department of Health in the United Kingdom.

Honours and awards

Successful grant applications

NIHR PHR Project: 17/44/42 - Feasibility study and pilot trial of an evidence-based low-intensity psychosocial intervention delivered by lay therapists for asylum seekers and refugees (PROSPER).
PI: Professor Christopher Dowrick (University of Liverpool)
Funded 8/2018 – 2020
Award: £543,069.17
Co-applicants: Lois Catherine Orton, Ewan Roberts, Ross George White, Rabeea'h Waseem Aslam, Helen Hickey, Atif Rahman, Girvan Burnside, Rhiannon Tudor Edwards, Philomene Uwamaliya, Malena Eriksson-Lee,  Julia Purvis, Ella Johnson

HCRW RfPPB on evaluation of interpretation services for asylum seekers & refugees in primary and emergency care
Funded 10/2020 - 09/2022
Award: £229,988.00
PI: Gill Richardson (Public Health Wales)
Co-applicants: Alicia Evans (BRC), Diethart B., Faruk Ogut (DPIA), Holly Taylor (WRC); Ian Russell, Ann John, Khanom A. Niro Siriwardena, Porter A.M., Rabeea'h Waseem Aslam, Rebecca Fogarty, Sam Baig, Samuel Moyo, Snooks H.A., Solmaz Safari, Watkins A.

 To deliver three continuous professional development modules on depression, substance use, and self-harm & suicide to frontline healthcare professionals, and the formation of clinical reference teams, in Kisumu and Siaya Counties, Kenya.
PI: John Owiti
Funder: Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Amount: £10,000
Christine Kapopo, Jane Wells, Director of Nursing, Samr Dawood, Mandisa Maplanka, Sunita Sahu, Priscilla Gicheru, Margaret Taylor, Peter De Backer, Neil Springham, Omer Hamour, Caleb Othieno, Joan Ahero, Miriam Wagoro Linda Mogambi, John Foster, Rabeea’h Waseem Aslam

 Evaluation of diaspora volunteering in Kenya
PI: John Owiti
Funder: Diaspora volunteering Bursaries for Health Partnerships, THET
September 2022 – February 2023
Christine Kapopo, Jane Wells, Director of Nursing, Samr Dawood, Mandisa Maplanka, Sunita Sahu, Priscilla Gicheru, Margaret Taylor, Peter De Backer, Neil Springham, Omer Hamour, Caleb Othieno, Joan Ahero, Miriam Wagoro Linda Mogambi, John Foster, Rabeea’h Waseem Aslam

Academic positions

January 2023 
Study Manager
School of Dentistry
Cardiff University

Collaborative National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) on the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of a Clinical Violence Prevention Team Based in the Emergency Department

October 2022 – February 2023    
Research Consultant
Developed a Continuous Professional Development course for Kenyan clinicians on Suicide and Self-harm.
Developed the evaluation strategy for a scheme on diaspora volunteering in Kenya.

April  2019 to September 2022
Study Manager & Researcher
Swansea University Medical School 

Collaborative National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme on strategies to manage emergency ambulance telephone callers with sustained high needs in England & Wales
Collaborative Health & Care Research Wales project with Public Health Wales on evaluating interpretation services for refugees and asylum seekers when accessing health services

May 2020 to April 2021
Research Fellow in Global Mental Health
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Collaborative European Union’s Horizon 2020 project on replicating and scaling-up peer support interventions for people with severe mental illness, generating evidence of sustainable best practices in the high-, middle- and low-resource settings through mixed-methods implementation research.
Review of the literature on the relationship of global mental health and power with colleagues in the Centre for Global Mental Health

April  2019 to April 2021 
Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Biostatistics 
University of Liverpool

April 2017 to March 2019
Mixed-methods Researcher
Department of Biostatistics 
University of Liverpool

Collaborative Department of Health programme, the overarching aim for Connected Health Cities is to explore ways to use NHS and other data to make actionable information available to front-line staff.

April 2015 to March 2017    
Senior Research Fellow
Liverpool Review and Implementation Group
University of Liverpool

Collaborative NIHR-funded diagnostic review on automated tests for cognitive impairment. 
Single Technology Assessment (STA) for melanoma and lung cancer drugs

Sept 2013 to March 2015  
Systematic Reviewer (Research Officer)
North Wales Organisation for Randomised Trials in Health & Social Care 
Bangor University

Collaborative NIHR-HTA funded systematic review with Cardiff University and the University of Sheffield on Intervention Now To Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancies in Teenagers. 
Intervention development: a)     TOPCAT – G, b)    CHARISMA II 

Feb 2012 to Aug 2013    
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Psychiatry, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary, University of London     

Collaborative NIHR-HTA funded systematic review with the University of Warwick, De Montfort University and the Afiya Trust Therapeutic Communications in Black and Minority Ethnic Populations: a synthesis of the evidence base.
Policy brief on Parity of Esteem between physical and mental health briefing prepared for the Royal College of Psychiatrists

July 2010 to Nov 2010      
Research Assistant 
LSE Health, London School of Economics & Political Science
Project on Screening and brief intervention in primary care for alcohol misuse     

March 2002
Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi
Research Assistant     
Project on recording hepatitis B and C occurrence for a registry                                                                                     

Committees and reviewing

  • Previous member of the University of Liverpool Central Research Ethics committee (Committee B)
  • Peer reviewer for the University of Liverpool Research Ethics team
  • Peer reviewer for Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council (UK) and National Institute of Health Research Studies (UK)
  • Peer-reviewer for several journals, including BMC Medicine, BMJ, Systematic Reviews, Conflict and Health


I contribute to both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision.

for example,

  • full undergraduate thesis supervision on a qualitative study to understand the barriers and facilitators to access emergency care by asylum seekers and refugees.
  • full supervision of undergraduate thesis on the process of conducting a stakeholder event for vulnerable groups
  • supported the supervision of PhD student's systematic reviews
  • I have mentored and supervised junior researchers and clinicians

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29 2251 0083
Campuses sbarc|spark, Room 2nd floor, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ