With a postgraduate degree in Biostatistics, I started my career as an Associate Research Officer in the Department of Biostatistics at Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. I am currently employed as a Research Assistant in Centre for Trials Research (CTR) at Cardiff University, where I work on studies in the field of mental health, infectious diseases, and cancer trials. I have collaborated on numerous research projects and published nearly 20 research papers.
At the CTR, I am part of the Statistics team and currently I am involved in the following studies as the Trial Statistician:
1. A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of a peer volunteer led active ageing programme to prevent decline in physical function in older people at risk of mobility disability:ACE Trial.
2. AML 18 Cancer Trial (https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/centre-for-trials-research/research/studies-and-trials/view/aml18).
Completed studies:
1. A multicenter cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of KiVa to reduce bullying in primary schools: The Stand Together.
2. A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of azithromycin for the prevention of chronic lung disease of prematurity in preterm infant (https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/centre-for-trials-research/research/studies-and-trials/view/aztec).
My research interests also include Bayesian Inference, Machine Learning, and Meta Analysis. My dedication to biostatistics is reflected in my continuous learning and contributions to the field.
- Bowes, L. et al. 2024. The effects and costs of an anti-bullying programme (KiVa) in UK primary schools: a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine (10.1017/S0033291724002666)
- Lowe, J. et al. 2024. Azithromycin therapy for prevention of chronic lung disease of prematurity (AZTEC): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 12(8), pp. 608-618. (10.1016/S2213-2600(24)00079-1)
- Prithishkumar, I. J. et al. 2024. Double burden of malnutrition among women of reproductive age: Trends and determinants over the last 15 years in India. PLoS ONE 19(6), article number: e0304776. (10.1371/journal.pone.0304776)
- Babu, M., Mani, T., Sappani, M., George, S., Bangdiwala, S. I. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2024. Exact correction factor for estimating the OR in the presence of sparse data with a zero cell in 2 × 2 tables. International Journal of Biostatistics 20(1), pp. 229-243. (10.1515/ijb-2022-0040)
- Joy, M. et al. 2023. Reduction in prevalence of spousal physical violence against women in India: evidence from three national surveys. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 30(3), pp. 352-361. (10.1080/17457300.2023.2188468)
- Sappani, M., Mani, T., Asirvatham, E. S., Joy, M., Babu, M. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2023. Trends in prevalence and determinants of severe and moderate anaemia among women of reproductive age during the last 15 years in India. PLoS ONE 18(6), article number: e0286464. (10.1371/journal.pone.0286464)
- Loganathan, A. K., Joselyn, A. S., Babu, M. and Jehangir, S. 2022. Implementation and outcomes of enhanced recovery protocols in pediatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Pediatric Surgery International 38, pp. 157-168. (10.1007/s00383-021-05008-8)
- Malavika, B., Marimuthu, S., Joy, M., Nadaraj, A., Asirvatham, E. S. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2021. Forecasting COVID-19 epidemic in India and high incidence states using SIR and logistic growth models. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 9(Jan-Ma), pp. 26-33. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cegh.2020.06.006)
- Joy, M., Malavika, B., Asirvatham, E. S., Sudarsanam, T. D. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2021. Is BCG associated with reduced incidence of COVID-19? A meta-regression of global data from 160 countries. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 9, pp. 202-203. (10.1016/j.cegh.2020.08.015)
- Marimuthu, S., Joy, M., Malavika, B., Nadaraj, A., Asirvatham, E. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2021. Modelling of reproduction number for COVID-19 in India and high incidence states. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 9, pp. 57-61. (10.1016/j.cegh.2020.06.012)
- Bowes, L. et al. 2024. The effects and costs of an anti-bullying programme (KiVa) in UK primary schools: a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine (10.1017/S0033291724002666)
- Lowe, J. et al. 2024. Azithromycin therapy for prevention of chronic lung disease of prematurity (AZTEC): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 12(8), pp. 608-618. (10.1016/S2213-2600(24)00079-1)
- Prithishkumar, I. J. et al. 2024. Double burden of malnutrition among women of reproductive age: Trends and determinants over the last 15 years in India. PLoS ONE 19(6), article number: e0304776. (10.1371/journal.pone.0304776)
- Babu, M., Mani, T., Sappani, M., George, S., Bangdiwala, S. I. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2024. Exact correction factor for estimating the OR in the presence of sparse data with a zero cell in 2 × 2 tables. International Journal of Biostatistics 20(1), pp. 229-243. (10.1515/ijb-2022-0040)
- Joy, M. et al. 2023. Reduction in prevalence of spousal physical violence against women in India: evidence from three national surveys. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 30(3), pp. 352-361. (10.1080/17457300.2023.2188468)
- Sappani, M., Mani, T., Asirvatham, E. S., Joy, M., Babu, M. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2023. Trends in prevalence and determinants of severe and moderate anaemia among women of reproductive age during the last 15 years in India. PLoS ONE 18(6), article number: e0286464. (10.1371/journal.pone.0286464)
- Loganathan, A. K., Joselyn, A. S., Babu, M. and Jehangir, S. 2022. Implementation and outcomes of enhanced recovery protocols in pediatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Pediatric Surgery International 38, pp. 157-168. (10.1007/s00383-021-05008-8)
- Malavika, B., Marimuthu, S., Joy, M., Nadaraj, A., Asirvatham, E. S. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2021. Forecasting COVID-19 epidemic in India and high incidence states using SIR and logistic growth models. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 9(Jan-Ma), pp. 26-33. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cegh.2020.06.006)
- Joy, M., Malavika, B., Asirvatham, E. S., Sudarsanam, T. D. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2021. Is BCG associated with reduced incidence of COVID-19? A meta-regression of global data from 160 countries. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 9, pp. 202-203. (10.1016/j.cegh.2020.08.015)
- Marimuthu, S., Joy, M., Malavika, B., Nadaraj, A., Asirvatham, E. and Jeyaseelan, L. 2021. Modelling of reproduction number for COVID-19 in India and high incidence states. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 9, pp. 57-61. (10.1016/j.cegh.2020.06.012)
Career overview:
Dec 2021 – present: Research Assistant (Statistics), Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
Oct 2017 – Oct 2021: Associate Research Officer, Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical College, Vellore, TN, India
Professional memberships
- Life member of Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS).
- American Statistical Association (ASA)
- Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
Academic positions
Education and qualifications:
2015 - 2017: Mahatma Gandhi University, India : MSc. Biostatistics– First class with university thrid rank.
20012- 2015: Mahatma Gandhi University, India : BSc. Mathematics – First class honours
Speaking engagements
- Participated and presented a poster presentation in Wales Cancer Research Conference 2024 organized by Wales Cancer Research Centre on March 4, 2024.
- Participated and gave an oral presentation in The Young Statisticians' Meeting (YSM) 2023 organized by University of Leicester, United Kingdom during 16 – 17 August 2023.
- Participated and gave an oral presentation in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Statistical Methodology with Applications in Clinical and Official Statistics organized by the Department of Statistics and Biostatistics, St. Thomas College, Pala in collaboration with Christian Medical College, Vellore and University of Maryland, USA during 03 – 05 January 2018.
- Participated and gave an oral presentation in the 36th Annual Conference on Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMSCON -2018) organized by the Department of Biostatistics, NIMHANS, Bengaluru during 01-03 November 2019.
Contact Details
Neuadd Meirionnydd, Floor 5, Room 509, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS