Professor Susan Baker
Teams and roles for Susan Baker
Emerita Professor, Co-director Sustainable Places Research Institute
- English: mother tongue;
- Irish: second language;
- Dutch: advanced working knowledge;
- French: good working knowledge;
- Italian: working knowledge.
- The Sustainable Places Research Institute
- Royal Guest Professor, Susan Baker returns from the "Faith in the Future" environmental symposium
I am interested in supervising research on sustainable development, including the role of governance processes and institutions.
Work addressing governance in the context of global environmental change (climate change and biodiversity loss) is particularly welcome. This can include both a European Union focus as well as the wider global context.
The study of sustainable development as it relates to understanding the interrelationship between ecological systems and social processes is of direct interest, including the study of the value attributed to nature in environmental management through restoration policy and initiatives.
- Minter, M., Baker, S., Bowditch, E., Carlisle, S., Constant, N., Syder, A. and Finch, T. 2025. Using participatory scenario planning to explore the synergies and trade-offs from upland treescape expansion.. People and Nature (10.1002/pan3.70025)
- Baker, S., Constant, N. and Nicol, P. 2023. Oceans justice: Trade-offs between sustainable development goals in the Seychelles. Marine Policy 147, article number: 105357. (10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105357)
- Baker, S., Bruford, M. W., MacBride-Stewart, S., Essam, A., Nicol, P. and Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2022. COVID-19: Understanding novel pathogens in coupled social–ecological systems. Sustainability 14(18), article number: 11649. (10.3390/su141811649)
- Baker, S. and Constant, N. 2020. Epistemic justice and the integration of local ecological knowledge for marine conservation: lessons from the Seychelles. Marine Policy 117, article number: 103921. (10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103921)
- Petursdottir, T., Baker, S. and Aradottir, A. L. 2020. Functional silos and other governance challenges of rangeland management in Iceland. Environmental Science and Policy 105, pp. 37-46., article number: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.12.006.
- Baker, S., Ayala-Orozco, B. and García-Frapolli, E. 2020. Hybrid, public and private environmental governance: The case of sustainable coastal zone management in Quintana Roo, Mexico. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 27(7), pp. 625-637. (10.1080/13504509.2020.1722764)
- 2019. New perspectives on welfare and governance in contemporary China. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at:
- Baker, S. 2019. Novel ecosystems and the return of nature in the anthropocene. In: Arias-Maldonado, M. and Trachtenberg, Z. eds. Rethinking the environment for the anthropocene: Political theory and socionatural relations in the new geological epoch. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 51-64., (10.4324/9780203731895-4)
- Dunkley, R., Baker, S., Constant, N. and Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2018. Enabling the IPBES conceptual framework to work across knowledge boundaries. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 18, pp. 779-799. (10.1007/s10784-018-9415-z)
- Simon-Kumar, R., MacBride-Stewart, S., Baker, S. and Patnaik Saxena, L. 2018. Towards north-south interconnectedness: a critique of gender dualities in sustainable development, the environment and women's health. Gender, Work and Organization 25(3), pp. 246-263. (10.1111/gwao.12193)
- Baker, S. and Chapin III, F. S. 2018. Going beyond 'it depends:' the role of context in shaping participation in natural resource management. Ecology and Society 23(1), article number: 20. (10.5751/ES-09868-230120)
- Baker, S. 2017. Social engagement in ecological restoration. In: Allison, S. K. and Murphy, S. D. eds. Routledge Handbook of Ecological and Environmental Restoration. Routledge, pp. 76-90.
- Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. 2016. Ecological restoration success: a policy analysis understanding. Restoration Ecology 24(3), pp. 284-290. (10.1111/rec.12339)
- Beland Lindahl, K., Baker, S. C., Rist, L. and Zachrisson, A. 2016. Theorising pathways to sustainability. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 23(5), pp. 399-411. (10.1080/13504509.2015.1128492)
- Sampson, H., Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C. and Dahlgren, K. 2016. Greener shipping? A consideration of the issues associated with the introduction of emission control areas. Maritime Policy & Management 43(3), pp. 295-308. (10.1080/03088839.2015.1040862)
- Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. 2015. Enforcement issues in the governance of ships' carbon emissions. Laws 4(3), pp. 335-351. (10.3390/laws4030335)
- Baker, S. 2015. Sustainable development. 2nd ed.. Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203121177)
- Baker, S., Paddock, J., Smith, A. M., Unsworth, R. K. F., Cullen-Unsworth, L. C. and Hertler, H. 2015. An ecosystems perspective for food security in the Caribbean: seagrass meadows in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Ecosystem Services 11, pp. 12-21. (10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.07.011)
- Baker, S. C. 2015. EU conditionality and environmental policy in Southeastern Europe. Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society 63(20), pp. 372-392.
- Baker, S. C. and Mehmood, A. 2015. Social innovation and the governance of sustainable places. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 20(3), pp. 321-334. (10.1080/13549839.2013.842964)
- Baker, S. C. 2015. European Union environmental policy. In: Gladman, I. ed. The Euroepean Union Encyclopaedia and Directory 2016. Routledge
- Cullen-Unsworth, L. C., Mtwana Nordlund, L., Paddock, J., Baker, S., McKenzie, L. J. and Unsworth, R. K. F. 2014. Seagrass meadows globally as a coupled social-ecological system: Implications for human wellbeing. Marine Pollution Bulletin 83(2), pp. 387-397. (10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.06.001)
- Bloor, M. J., Sampson, H., Baker, S. C. and Dahlgren, K. 2014. The instrumental use of technical doubts: technological controversies, investment decisions and air pollution controls in the global shipping industry. Science and Public Policy 41(2), pp. 234-244. (10.1093/scipol/sct050)
- Baker, S. C. et al. 2014. Policy language in restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology 22(1), pp. 1-4. (10.1111/rec.12069)
- Baker, S. C., Eckerberg, K. and Zachrisson, A. 2014. Political science and ecological restoration. Environmental Politics 23(3), pp. 509. (10.1080/09644016.2013.835201)
- Baker, S. C., Cullen-Unsworth, L. C., Paddock, J. and Smith, A. 2013. Biodiversity and food security: Developing a collaborative policy for seagrass management in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Available at:
- Petursdottir, T., Arnalds, O., Baker, S. C., Montanarella, L. and Aradottir, A. 2013. A Social–Ecological System Approach to Analyze Stakeholders’ Interactions within a Large-Scale Rangeland Restoration Program. Ecology and Society 18(2), article number: 29. (10.5751/ES-05399-180229)
- Bloor, M. J., Sampson, H., Baker, S. C., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. J. K. and James, P. 2013. Room for manoeuvre? Regulatory compliance in the global shipping industry. Social and Legal Studies 22(2), pp. 171-189. (10.1177/0964663912467814)
- Lindahl, K. B., Baker, S. C. and Waldenstrom, C. 2013. Place perceptions and controversies over forest management: Exploring a Swedish example. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 15(2), pp. 201-223. (10.1080/1523908X.2012.753316)
- Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. 2013. Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Final Report. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C. and Sampson, H. 2013. Issues in the enforcement of future international regulations on ships’ carbon emissions. Project Report. Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. 2013. A policy analysis perspective on ecological restoration. Ecology and Society 18(2), article number: 17. (10.5751/ES-05476-180217)
- Bloor, M. J., Sampson, H., Baker, S. C. and Dahlgren, K. 2013. Useful but no oracle: reflections on the use of a Delphi Group in a multi-methods policy research study. Qualitative Research (10.1177/1468794113504103)
- Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. 2013. The governance of ships’ sulphur emissions: issues of enforcement and equal treatment. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2013Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2013). Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre pp. 73-82.
- Baker, S. C. 2012. Environmental governance: EU influence beyond its borders. In: Gladman, I. ed. Central and South-Eastern Europe. Europa Regional Surveys of the World London: Europa Publications
- Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C. and Sampson, H. 2012. Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Interim Report. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Baker, S. C. 2012. Climate change, the common good and the promotion of sustainable development. In: Meadowcroft, J., Langhelle, O. and Ruud, A. eds. Democracy, Governance and Sustainable Development: Moving Beyond the Impasse. Edward Elgar, pp. 249-271.
- Baker, S. C. 2011. Environmental governance and EU enlargement: Developments in new member states and the Western Balkans. In: Gladman, I. ed. Central and South-Eastern Europe 2012 (12th ed.). Europa Regional Surveys of the World London: Europa Publications
- Baker, S. C. and Morrison, R. 2011. Environmental spirituality:grounding our response to climate change. In: Bergmann, S. and Eaton, H. eds. Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics. Studies in Religion and the Environment Vol. 3. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 59-76.
- Baker, S. C. 2010. Environmental governance and EU enlargement: developments in new member states, the Western Balkans and the near neighbours. In: Gladman, I. ed. Central and South-Eastern Europe 2011 (11 ed.). London: Europa Publications
- Baker, S. C. and Morrison, R. 2008. Environmental spirituality: Grounding our response to climate change. European Journal of Science and Theology 4(2), pp. 35-50.
- Baker, S. C. 2008. In pursuit of sustainable development at the sub-national level: the 'new' governance agenda. In: Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in Europe. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science London: Routledge, pp. 1-25.
- Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. 2008. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in European States. London: Routledge.
- Baker, S. C. 2008. Economic instruments and the promotion of sustainable development: governance experiences in key European states. In: Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in Europe. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science London: Routledge, pp. 50-73.
- Baker, S. C. 2008. Combining old and new governance in pursuit of sustainable development. In: Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in Europe. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science London: Routledge, pp. 208-228.
- Baker, S. C. 2005. Sustainable development. Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts. London: Routledge.
- Baker, S. C. and McCormack, J. 2004. Sustainable development: comparative understandings and responses. In: Vig, N. J. and Faure, M. G. eds. Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 277-302.
- Baker, S. C. 2004. The challenge of ecofeminism for European politics. In: Barry, J., Dunphy, R. and Baxter, B. eds. Europe, Globalization and Sustainable Development. Routledge Research in Environmental Politics London: Routledge, pp. 15-30.
- Baker, S. C. 2003. The Dynamics of European Biodiversity Policy: Interactive, Functional and Institutional Logics. Environmental Politics 12(3), pp. 23-41. (10.1080/09644010412331308264)
- Baker, S. 2001. Environmental governance in the EU. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Baker, S. C. and Welsh, I. 2000. Differentiating Western influences on transition societies in Eastern Europe: A preliminary exploration. Journal of European Area Studies 8(1), pp. 79-103. (10.1080/14608460050021427)
- Minter, M., Baker, S., Bowditch, E., Carlisle, S., Constant, N., Syder, A. and Finch, T. 2025. Using participatory scenario planning to explore the synergies and trade-offs from upland treescape expansion.. People and Nature (10.1002/pan3.70025)
- Baker, S., Constant, N. and Nicol, P. 2023. Oceans justice: Trade-offs between sustainable development goals in the Seychelles. Marine Policy 147, article number: 105357. (10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105357)
- Baker, S., Bruford, M. W., MacBride-Stewart, S., Essam, A., Nicol, P. and Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2022. COVID-19: Understanding novel pathogens in coupled social–ecological systems. Sustainability 14(18), article number: 11649. (10.3390/su141811649)
- Baker, S. and Constant, N. 2020. Epistemic justice and the integration of local ecological knowledge for marine conservation: lessons from the Seychelles. Marine Policy 117, article number: 103921. (10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103921)
- Petursdottir, T., Baker, S. and Aradottir, A. L. 2020. Functional silos and other governance challenges of rangeland management in Iceland. Environmental Science and Policy 105, pp. 37-46., article number: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.12.006.
- Baker, S., Ayala-Orozco, B. and García-Frapolli, E. 2020. Hybrid, public and private environmental governance: The case of sustainable coastal zone management in Quintana Roo, Mexico. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 27(7), pp. 625-637. (10.1080/13504509.2020.1722764)
- Dunkley, R., Baker, S., Constant, N. and Sanderson Bellamy, A. 2018. Enabling the IPBES conceptual framework to work across knowledge boundaries. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 18, pp. 779-799. (10.1007/s10784-018-9415-z)
- Simon-Kumar, R., MacBride-Stewart, S., Baker, S. and Patnaik Saxena, L. 2018. Towards north-south interconnectedness: a critique of gender dualities in sustainable development, the environment and women's health. Gender, Work and Organization 25(3), pp. 246-263. (10.1111/gwao.12193)
- Baker, S. and Chapin III, F. S. 2018. Going beyond 'it depends:' the role of context in shaping participation in natural resource management. Ecology and Society 23(1), article number: 20. (10.5751/ES-09868-230120)
- Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. 2016. Ecological restoration success: a policy analysis understanding. Restoration Ecology 24(3), pp. 284-290. (10.1111/rec.12339)
- Beland Lindahl, K., Baker, S. C., Rist, L. and Zachrisson, A. 2016. Theorising pathways to sustainability. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 23(5), pp. 399-411. (10.1080/13504509.2015.1128492)
- Sampson, H., Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C. and Dahlgren, K. 2016. Greener shipping? A consideration of the issues associated with the introduction of emission control areas. Maritime Policy & Management 43(3), pp. 295-308. (10.1080/03088839.2015.1040862)
- Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. 2015. Enforcement issues in the governance of ships' carbon emissions. Laws 4(3), pp. 335-351. (10.3390/laws4030335)
- Baker, S., Paddock, J., Smith, A. M., Unsworth, R. K. F., Cullen-Unsworth, L. C. and Hertler, H. 2015. An ecosystems perspective for food security in the Caribbean: seagrass meadows in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Ecosystem Services 11, pp. 12-21. (10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.07.011)
- Baker, S. C. 2015. EU conditionality and environmental policy in Southeastern Europe. Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society 63(20), pp. 372-392.
- Baker, S. C. and Mehmood, A. 2015. Social innovation and the governance of sustainable places. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 20(3), pp. 321-334. (10.1080/13549839.2013.842964)
- Cullen-Unsworth, L. C., Mtwana Nordlund, L., Paddock, J., Baker, S., McKenzie, L. J. and Unsworth, R. K. F. 2014. Seagrass meadows globally as a coupled social-ecological system: Implications for human wellbeing. Marine Pollution Bulletin 83(2), pp. 387-397. (10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.06.001)
- Bloor, M. J., Sampson, H., Baker, S. C. and Dahlgren, K. 2014. The instrumental use of technical doubts: technological controversies, investment decisions and air pollution controls in the global shipping industry. Science and Public Policy 41(2), pp. 234-244. (10.1093/scipol/sct050)
- Baker, S. C. et al. 2014. Policy language in restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology 22(1), pp. 1-4. (10.1111/rec.12069)
- Baker, S. C., Eckerberg, K. and Zachrisson, A. 2014. Political science and ecological restoration. Environmental Politics 23(3), pp. 509. (10.1080/09644016.2013.835201)
- Petursdottir, T., Arnalds, O., Baker, S. C., Montanarella, L. and Aradottir, A. 2013. A Social–Ecological System Approach to Analyze Stakeholders’ Interactions within a Large-Scale Rangeland Restoration Program. Ecology and Society 18(2), article number: 29. (10.5751/ES-05399-180229)
- Bloor, M. J., Sampson, H., Baker, S. C., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. J. K. and James, P. 2013. Room for manoeuvre? Regulatory compliance in the global shipping industry. Social and Legal Studies 22(2), pp. 171-189. (10.1177/0964663912467814)
- Lindahl, K. B., Baker, S. C. and Waldenstrom, C. 2013. Place perceptions and controversies over forest management: Exploring a Swedish example. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 15(2), pp. 201-223. (10.1080/1523908X.2012.753316)
- Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. 2013. A policy analysis perspective on ecological restoration. Ecology and Society 18(2), article number: 17. (10.5751/ES-05476-180217)
- Bloor, M. J., Sampson, H., Baker, S. C. and Dahlgren, K. 2013. Useful but no oracle: reflections on the use of a Delphi Group in a multi-methods policy research study. Qualitative Research (10.1177/1468794113504103)
- Baker, S. C. and Morrison, R. 2008. Environmental spirituality: Grounding our response to climate change. European Journal of Science and Theology 4(2), pp. 35-50.
- Baker, S. C. 2003. The Dynamics of European Biodiversity Policy: Interactive, Functional and Institutional Logics. Environmental Politics 12(3), pp. 23-41. (10.1080/09644010412331308264)
- Baker, S. C. and Welsh, I. 2000. Differentiating Western influences on transition societies in Eastern Europe: A preliminary exploration. Journal of European Area Studies 8(1), pp. 79-103. (10.1080/14608460050021427)
Book sections
- Baker, S. 2019. Novel ecosystems and the return of nature in the anthropocene. In: Arias-Maldonado, M. and Trachtenberg, Z. eds. Rethinking the environment for the anthropocene: Political theory and socionatural relations in the new geological epoch. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 51-64., (10.4324/9780203731895-4)
- Baker, S. 2017. Social engagement in ecological restoration. In: Allison, S. K. and Murphy, S. D. eds. Routledge Handbook of Ecological and Environmental Restoration. Routledge, pp. 76-90.
- Baker, S. C. 2015. European Union environmental policy. In: Gladman, I. ed. The Euroepean Union Encyclopaedia and Directory 2016. Routledge
- Baker, S. C. 2012. Environmental governance: EU influence beyond its borders. In: Gladman, I. ed. Central and South-Eastern Europe. Europa Regional Surveys of the World London: Europa Publications
- Baker, S. C. 2012. Climate change, the common good and the promotion of sustainable development. In: Meadowcroft, J., Langhelle, O. and Ruud, A. eds. Democracy, Governance and Sustainable Development: Moving Beyond the Impasse. Edward Elgar, pp. 249-271.
- Baker, S. C. 2011. Environmental governance and EU enlargement: Developments in new member states and the Western Balkans. In: Gladman, I. ed. Central and South-Eastern Europe 2012 (12th ed.). Europa Regional Surveys of the World London: Europa Publications
- Baker, S. C. and Morrison, R. 2011. Environmental spirituality:grounding our response to climate change. In: Bergmann, S. and Eaton, H. eds. Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics. Studies in Religion and the Environment Vol. 3. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 59-76.
- Baker, S. C. 2010. Environmental governance and EU enlargement: developments in new member states, the Western Balkans and the near neighbours. In: Gladman, I. ed. Central and South-Eastern Europe 2011 (11 ed.). London: Europa Publications
- Baker, S. C. 2008. In pursuit of sustainable development at the sub-national level: the 'new' governance agenda. In: Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in Europe. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science London: Routledge, pp. 1-25.
- Baker, S. C. 2008. Economic instruments and the promotion of sustainable development: governance experiences in key European states. In: Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in Europe. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science London: Routledge, pp. 50-73.
- Baker, S. C. 2008. Combining old and new governance in pursuit of sustainable development. In: Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in Europe. Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science London: Routledge, pp. 208-228.
- Baker, S. C. and McCormack, J. 2004. Sustainable development: comparative understandings and responses. In: Vig, N. J. and Faure, M. G. eds. Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 277-302.
- Baker, S. C. 2004. The challenge of ecofeminism for European politics. In: Barry, J., Dunphy, R. and Baxter, B. eds. Europe, Globalization and Sustainable Development. Routledge Research in Environmental Politics London: Routledge, pp. 15-30.
- Baker, S. 2015. Sustainable development. 2nd ed.. Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203121177)
- Baker, S. C. and Eckerberg, K. eds. 2008. In pursuit of sustainable development: new governance practices at the sub-national level in European States. London: Routledge.
- Baker, S. C. 2005. Sustainable development. Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts. London: Routledge.
- Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. 2013. The governance of ships’ sulphur emissions: issues of enforcement and equal treatment. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2013Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2013). Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre pp. 73-82.
- 2019. New perspectives on welfare and governance in contemporary China. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at:
- Baker, S. C., Cullen-Unsworth, L. C., Paddock, J. and Smith, A. 2013. Biodiversity and food security: Developing a collaborative policy for seagrass management in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Available at:
- Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. 2013. Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Final Report. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C. and Sampson, H. 2013. Issues in the enforcement of future international regulations on ships’ carbon emissions. Project Report. Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Bloor, M. J., Baker, S. C. and Sampson, H. 2012. Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Interim Report. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Baker, S. 2001. Environmental governance in the EU. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
1. Environmental governance in the European Union, including
- The promotion of sustainable development;
- Environmental governance and eastern enlargement, including in Bulgaria;
- Governance and democratic participation.
2. Eco feminism, gender and the environment.
Current research
- Environmental governance and participatory democracy in the European Union;
- Environmental management in Bulgaria;
- Eastern enlargement of the EU and its impact on environmental governance.
- The European Union and its Public Policy Significance;
- European Union Environmental and Social Policy;
- Social and Environmental Change in Eastern Europe;
- Feminist Perspectives and Social Policy;
- Any of the above are areas of interest for PhD supervision.