Megan Barnes-Wood
Teams and roles for Megan Barnes-Wood
PhD Researcher
Research student
I am currently part of the highly successful Medical Experiment, Design + Computational Laboratory (MED+CL) working as a PhD researcher specialising in enhancing head protection and brain health in sports impacts. My research focuses on the biomechanics of heading in football, utilising advanced techniques like Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to study its effects. Alongside my academic work, I have consulted on several additional projects including:
- Investigating the risk of anterior cruciate ligament rupture in female athletes
- Using patient-specific approaches to minimise radiation exposure when surgically stabilising distal radial fractures
Recent Work:
Fig 1. (1) Examples of headers a returning the ball in the same direction, b deflecting the ball in a different trajectory and, c corresponding kinematic time-series data (2) Kinematic data against MPS for 7 participants across three pass delivery distances (Barnes-Wood et al., 2024)
- Barnes-Wood, M., McCloskey, H., Connelly, S., Gilchrist, M. D., Annaidh, A. N. and Theobald, P. S. 2024. Investigation of head kinematics and brain strain response during soccer heading using a custom-fit instrumented mouthguard. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 52, pp. 934-945. (10.1007/s10439-023-03430-8)
- Barnes-Wood, M., McCloskey, H., Connelly, S., Gilchrist, M. D., Annaidh, A. N. and Theobald, P. S. 2024. Investigation of head kinematics and brain strain response during soccer heading using a custom-fit instrumented mouthguard. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 52, pp. 934-945. (10.1007/s10439-023-03430-8)
My career started in 2021, graduating in Medical Engineering (Year in Industry) from Cardiff University (1st class (Hons)). I continued my academic progression at Cardiff University School of Engineering where I am reading my PhD in enhancing brain health in sports impacts, focusing on repetitive head impacts in football during a header, of which I am currently coming to the end stages.
My research predominantly utilises Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to computationally simulate football headers allowing investigation into tissue- and kinematic-based injury metrics. To establish the fundamentals of these simulations, I have performed a series of mechanical tests on composite materials used to manufacture elite footballs, collaborating with colleagues at the Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi. Utilising multi-strain rate data, I have created a pipeline to characterise the mechanical behaviour of multi-layer composite rubber materials, establishing a complex hyper-elastic viscoelastic material model for creation of an elite football to inform dynamic FEA models.
Part of my research has provided me with opportunity to use state-of-the-art 'gold standard' instrumented mouthguard technology to capture estimations of brain acceleration during football headers. A cohort of 7 amateur footballers performed 10 headers within a laboratory environment, from a combination of short, medium, and long passes. Kinematic-based injury metrics were calculated using the 6DOF data and the acceleration-time data were also inputted into a widely accepted FE brain model to estimate strain-response using mean peak strain and cumulative strain damage measure values.
Speaking engagements
February 2024 | Invited talk to 520+ high school students for STEMUntapped x Techniquest “STEM opens doors to exciting careers” International Day of Women and Girls in Science event to share PhD insights |
February 2024 | Published in the Institute of Physics children’s book “Mimi’s Rainbow Adventure” Wales edition as a science role model |
December 2023 | Invited guest blog post – “An honest conversation with women doing PhDs” ( |
June 2023 | Invited guest blog post – “An insight into PhDs” ( |
June 2022 | Presented at ISEA 2022 Conference at Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA) - titled 'Development and Validation of a Hyper-Elastic, Finite Element Soccer Ball' |
March 2022 | Invited talk at Gatwick School careers week to primary (STEM engagement workshop) and secondary age students (PhD insights) |
Contact Details
Queen's Buildings - West Building, Room Room 1.09, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Research themes
- Finite Element Modelling
- Head Injury
- Biomechanics
- Biomedical instrumentation
- Materials engineering