Dr Edidiong Bassey
BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Lecturer in Accounting, specializing in Taxation, at Cardiff Business School, where I joined in September 2024. Before this, I served as a Post-Doctoral Career Development Fellow at the School of Business and Society, University of York. I hold a PhD in Accounting (Taxation) from the University of Galway, Ireland, as well as an MRes from Norwich Business School and an MSc from Kent Business School.
My research focuses on how taxation can help achieve sustainable development goals, with an emphasis on boosting domestic revenue mobilisation in developing countries (SDG 17), creating accountable, inclusive and transparent institutions (SDG 16) and addressing climate change (SDG 13). I have been involved in projects examining tax regulation, advisory professions, and the transparency of tax systems. I have published in Government Information Quarterly (ABS 3) and was part of a commissioned study for the European Union on the regulatory landscape of tax advisory services.
Currently, I am the principal investigator on a British Academy-funded project that explores the role of civil society in tax administration.
I have a blog where i regularly talk about tax and public finance issues. See link below Posts ‹ Tax & Spend with Edi — WordPress
BS - 2509 Taxation
- PhD in Accounting, University of Galway, Ireland
- MRes in Social Sciences Research Methods, University of East Anglia, UK
- MSc in International Accounting and Finance, University of Kent, UK
- BSc Accounting, Lead City University, Nigeria
Academic Positions
- 2024 - Present: Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, Cardiff University
- 2023 - 2024: Post-Doctoral Career Development Fellow, University of York
- 2023 - 2023: Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Galway
- 2019 - 2022: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Galway
Honours and awards
- James Hardiman Fellow (PhD Scholarship)
- Finalist, annual NUIG threesis PhD Competition on research impact and public engagement
- UEA Faculty of Social Sciences Scholarship
- Kent Business School (KBS) Silver Tiered Award for Academic Excellence
- Chancellors Prize for Best Graduating Student (Valedictorian)
Professional memberships
- European Accounting Association (EAA)
- British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA)
- American Accounting Association (AAA)
- Tax Research Network (TRN)
- Associate, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ACA)
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (FCTI)
- Associate Member, Nigerian Institute of Management (AMNIM)
Committees and reviewing
British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring Group (2021 - Date)
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Tax Administration
- Environmental Taxation
- Digital Taxation
- International Taxation
- Technology Acceptance Models
- Public Sector Accountability
Contact Details
Aberconway Building, Floor 1, Room B12, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Active Learning
- Taxation and revenue
- Tax Administration
- public sector accountability