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India Bingham

India Bingham


Teams and roles for India Bingham


Currenly undertaking PhD research for my thesis on 'Material culture and official narratives: An examination of the Palestaine Campaign of the First World War.' My supervisors are Dr Stephen Mills and Prof. Paul Nicholson. This research focuses on exploring the experiences of ordinary soldiers in the campaign, rather than the narrative created or controlled by officialdom. 

I contribute to the 'Views of an Antique Land: Imaging Egypt and Palestine in the First World War' project run at Cardiff University, and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The goal of the project is to create a resource to explore the visual history of the region during the First World War by collecting images taken by soldiers, British residents, and Egyptian families.


Honours and awards

2020: BA Archaeology (first class honours), Cardiff University

2022: MA Archaeology (distinction), University College London

2023-Present: PhD Archaeology, Cardiff University 

Contact Details

Research themes


  • 20th Century
  • warfare
  • Heritage, archive and museum studies