I am a Research Associate at Cardiff University, currently working in the field of Architectural Design on the GW4 'Transfroming Housing and Homes for Future Generations' project. Committed to developing effective and equitable solutions to the Climate Crisis, my experience spans a broad range of disciplines, both technical and creative, with a focus on promoting the use of bio-based materials and holistic approaches to the decarbonisation of the historic built environment.
I have designed and led innovative projects in the Climate Action sector in her previous role as Development Manager at Nottingham Energy Partnership. I was involved in developing and gaining funding for the £1.5m Lottery funded 'Green Meadows' Community Climate Action project, which aimed to co-create a local model for community engagement and action on sustainability. I also developed and led the £400k Energy Redress funded ‘Conservation Retrofit Catalyst’, which piloted archetype based approaches to retrofitting homes in conservation areas. Through this project I co-developed an accredited level 2 ‘Practical Conservation Retrofit’ course for tradespeople to encourage the use of bio-based materials and a conservation led approach to retrofit.
In 2023 I completed the SPAB scholarship, gaining a critical understanding of Building Conservation philosophy, the use of traditional materials and craft techniques, and materials science. A passion for built heritage informs much of my work, and leads me to explore the intersections between cultural, social, economic and environmental sustainability.