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Lydia Buckingham  FHEA

Dr Lydia Buckingham


Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship)


I am a teaching-focussed lecturer who enjoys teaching a wide variety of different mathematics disciplines. This year, I am looking forward to delivering first-year Classical Mechanics and second-year Vibrations & Waves! My research mostly focusses on Mathematical Biology (my PhD was all about modelling the evolution of infectious diseases) but I am also interested in pedagogy, trying to understand the best ways to teach maths in higher education.







My research focusses on the evolution of infectious diseases and the hosts which catch them. I am particularly interested in why organisms have evolved to respond differently to diseases as they age. My PhD was entitled “Host-Pathogen Dynamics in the Evolution of Ageing and Immunity” and was funded by the Evolution Education Trust.


I am very enthusiastic about teaching mathematics in higher education and have sought to teach as many different areas of maths and statistics as possible. I always enjoy teaching (and learning) something new.

At the University of Bath, I taught tutorials to mathematics undergraduates in probability, statistics, vector calculus, PDEs, ODEs, numerical analysis, linear algebra, analysis and programming in MATLAB. I also delivered lectures on chaos theory and dynamical systems, and lectured biology and natural sciences students in modelling and differential equations. I also co-supervised two master’s students writing dissertations on mathematical biology. In my role with the mathematics & statistics teaching service, I developed modules in mathematics and statistics for chemistry and natural sciences undergraduates, as well as study skills sessions for mathematics students.

At Loughborough University, I taught mathematics and statistics to undergraduate engineers, natural scientists and sport scientists. I also delivered statistics and data science sessions to mathematics students, including using R and SPSS, and supported students with a wide variety of topics in the mathematics learning support centre.

At Cardiff University, I am lecturing first-year Classical Mechanics and second-year Vibrations & Waves.



  • Cardiff University: Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics (September 2024 onwards)
  • Loughborough University: University Teacher in Mathematics & Statistics, Department of Mathematics Education (January 2024 – June 2024)
  • University of Bath: MAST Development Officer, Mathematics & Statistics Teaching Service (March 2022 – January 2024)
  • University of Bath: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematical Sciences (October 2020 – January 2024)


  • PhD in Mathematical Sciences: University of Bath (September 2020 – January 2024)
  • MMath in Mathematics: Merton College, University of Oxford (September 2016 – July 2020)

Honours and awards

  • University of Bath Doctoral Recognition Award (May 2024)
  • Journal of Evolutionary Biology Highly-Read Paper Award (March 2024)
  • EMPSEB Conference Best Poster Presentation Award (June 2023)
  • University of Bath Education Awards: Postgraduate Teacher Certificate of Excellence (May 2022)
  • Postmastership from Merton College, Oxford (July 2019)

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Mathematical Biology