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Emily Bush  BA and MA

Emily Bush


BA and MA

Teams and roles for Emily Bush


I am a third-year PhD student, and I am researching Japanese disaster narratives from an ecocritical perspective.

I have an MA in Comparative Literatures and Cultures from the University of Bristol. My master's thesis was titled 'The stories we tell: How literary responses to Chernobyl and Fukushima show a disruption of time, space, and the ‘stories we live by’ after environmental crisis.'

I also have a BA (Hons) in Japanese Studies with Anthropology from Oxford Brookes University. As part of this degree, I spent a year abroad studying at the University of Kitakyushu in Japan.

I am a member of the British Association for Japanese Studies (BAJS).

I am funded by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. 


Main Research Interests

My main research interests are Japanese culture and ecocriticism, and I am currently exploring Japanese disaster narratives in literature, films, and video games from an ecocritical perspective to see the role culture plays in formulating or reinforcing ideas about disaster and the environment. I first became interested in exploring narratives from an ecocritical perspective when I took a module during my master's on literature and the environment. 



  • Introduction to Translation Methods - Japanese to English Seminars.
  • Introduction to Specialised Translation - Japanese to English Seminars.


  • Introduction to Translation Methods - Japanese to English Seminars.


Professional memberships

  • British Association for Japanese Studies.

Speaking engagements

  • 2024. Seasonal Depictions in Literary Narratives about Hiroshima (lightning talk). Living with Seasons: Climate in Transition. Cardiff: Cardiff University. 22 July 2024.
  • 2024. Survivor Tree (poster presentation). Images of Research. Cardiff: Cardiff University Doctoral Academy. 3 June 2024.
  • 2024. Mutation or Adaptation? How Tawada Yōko’s Kentōshi Reflects on Nature in a Post-disaster Tōkyō (presentation). Urban Culture and Nature in Japan Symposium. Online: The Center for Japanese Studies of the University of Bucharest. 5 April 2024.
  • 2024. What Can Ecocritical Analyses of Japanese Disaster Narratives Tell Us About Ideas on Disaster and the Environment? (presentation). British Association for Japanese Studies and Japan Foundation Life After Your PhD Workshop. Sheffield: University of Sheffield. 2 February 2024.
  • 2023. My Research So Far (presentation). Year 2 Postgraduate Presentations. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Modern Languages. 21 November 2023.
  • 2023. Nonhumans and Death, Life, and Rebirth in Short Stories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (paper). Haunted Landscapes: Nature, Super-Nature, and Global Environments Conference. Falmouth: Falmouth University. 4-6 July 2023.
  • 2023. Japanese Disaster Narratives and Ideas on Disaster and the Environment (poster presentation). Breaking Boundaries Conference. Cardiff: Cardiff University Doctoral Academy. 14 June 2023.
  • 2023. What Can Ecocritical Analyses of Japanese Disaster Narratives Tell Us About Ideas on Disaster and the Environment? (presentation). Cardiff University School of Modern Languages Postgraduate Showcase. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Modern Languages. 2 May 2023.
  • 2023. What Can Ecocritical Analyses of Japanese Disaster Narratives Tell Us About Ideas on Disaster and the Environment? (presentation). British Association for Japanese Studies and Japan Foundation Fieldwork in Japan Workshop. Online. 18 March 2013
  • 2022. What Can Ecocritical Analyses of Japanese Disaster Narratives Tell Us About Ideas on Disaster and the Environment? (presentation) Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Studentship Day. London: SOAS. 11 November 2022.

Contact Details


  • Japanese studies
  • Environment and culture
  • Japanese popular culture
  • Literature in Japanese
  • Video gaming

External profiles