Dr Mikhail Cherdantsev
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Mikhail Cherdantsev
Senior Lecturer
The main areas of my research are Periodic and Stochastic Homogenisation, High-contrast Homogenisation, Spectral Theory, Wave Propagation, Non-linear Elasticity, PDEs in Singular Domains, Multiscale Analysis.
Download My Curriculum Vitae
- P. Bella, M. Capoferri, M. Cherdantsev, I. Velčić. Quantitative estimates for high-contrast random media. arXiv:2502.09493, (2025).
- M. Capoferri, M. Cherdantsev, I. Velčić. High-contrast random systems of PDEs: homogenisation and spectral theory. accepted to Commun. Contemp. Math., (2025).
- M. Capoferri, M. Cherdantsev, I. Velčić. Eigenfunctions localised on a defect in high-contrast random media. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 55 (6), pp. 7449-7489 (2023).
- M. Cherdantsev, K. Cherednichenko, I. Velčić. High-contrast random composites: homogenisation framework and new spectral phenomena. arXiv:2110.00395 [math.SP], (2021).
- M. Cherdantsev, K. Cherednichenko, I. Velčić. Stochastic homogenisation of high-contrast media.
Applicable Analysis, 98 (1-2), pp. 91-117 (2019).
- M. Cherdantsev, K. Cherednichenko, S. Cooper. Extreme localisation of eigenfunctions in one-dimensional high-contrast problems with a defect. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 50(6), pp. 5825-5856 (2018).
- M. Cherdantsev, K. Cherednichenko, S. Neukamm. High contrast homogenisation in nonlinear elasticity under small loads. Asymptotic Analysis, 104 (1-2), pp. 67-102 (2017).
- M. Cherdantsev, K. Cherednichenko. Bending of thin periodic plates. Calc. Var. and PDEs, 54(4), pp. 4079–4117 (2015).
- M. Cherdantsev, K. Cherednichenko. Two-scale Γ-convergence of integral functionals and its application to homogenisation of nonlinear high-contrast periodic composites. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 204, pp. 445–478 (2012).
- M. Cherdantsev. Spectral convergence for high-contrast elliptic periodic problems with a defect via homogenization. Mathematika, 55 (1-2), pp. 29-57 (2009).
- M. Cherdantsev. Asymptotic expansion of eigenvalues of the Laplace operator in domains with singularly perturbed boundary. Math. Notes, 78(2), pp. 270–278 (2005).
- Capoferri, M., Cherdantsev, M. and Velčić, I. 2025. High-contrast random systems of PDEs: Homogenization and spectral theory. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (10.1142/s0219199725500294)
- Capoferri, M., Cherdantsev, M. and Velčić, I. 2025. High-contrast random systems of PDEs: homogenisation and spectral theory. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
- Capoferri, M., Cherdantsev, M. and Velčić, I. 2023. Eigenfunctions localised on a defect in high-contrast random media. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55(6) (10.1137/21M1468486)
- Cherdantsev, M., Cherednichenko, K. and Velcic, I. 2019. Stochastic homogenisation of high-contrast media. Applicable Analysis 98(1-2), pp. 91-117. (10.1080/00036811.2018.1495327)
- Cherdantsev, M., Cherednichenko, K. and Cooper, S. 2018. Extreme localisation of eigenfunctions to one-dimensional high-contrast periodic problems with a defect. Siam Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50(6), pp. 5825-5856. (10.1137/17M112261X)
- Cherdantsev, M., Cherednichenko, K. and Neukamm, S. 2017. High contrast homogenisation in nonlinear elasticity under small loads. Asymptotic Analysis 104(1-2), pp. 67-102. (10.3233/ASY-171430)
- Cherdantsev, M. and Cherednichenko, K. 2015. Bending of thin periodic plates. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 54, pp. 4079-4117. (10.1007/s00526-015-0932-0)
- Cherdantsev, M. and Cherednichenko, K. 2012. Two-scale Γ-convergence of integral functionals and its application to homogenisation of nonlinear high-contrast periodic composites. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 204(2), pp. 445-478. (10.1007/s00205-011-0481-4)
- Cherdantsev, M. 2009. Spectral convergence for high-contrast elliptic periodic problems with a defect via homogenization. Mathematika 55(1-2), pp. 29-57. (10.1112/S0025579300000942)
- Capoferri, M., Cherdantsev, M. and Velčić, I. 2025. High-contrast random systems of PDEs: Homogenization and spectral theory. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (10.1142/s0219199725500294)
- Capoferri, M., Cherdantsev, M. and Velčić, I. 2025. High-contrast random systems of PDEs: homogenisation and spectral theory. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
- Capoferri, M., Cherdantsev, M. and Velčić, I. 2023. Eigenfunctions localised on a defect in high-contrast random media. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55(6) (10.1137/21M1468486)
- Cherdantsev, M., Cherednichenko, K. and Velcic, I. 2019. Stochastic homogenisation of high-contrast media. Applicable Analysis 98(1-2), pp. 91-117. (10.1080/00036811.2018.1495327)
- Cherdantsev, M., Cherednichenko, K. and Cooper, S. 2018. Extreme localisation of eigenfunctions to one-dimensional high-contrast periodic problems with a defect. Siam Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50(6), pp. 5825-5856. (10.1137/17M112261X)
- Cherdantsev, M., Cherednichenko, K. and Neukamm, S. 2017. High contrast homogenisation in nonlinear elasticity under small loads. Asymptotic Analysis 104(1-2), pp. 67-102. (10.3233/ASY-171430)
- Cherdantsev, M. and Cherednichenko, K. 2015. Bending of thin periodic plates. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 54, pp. 4079-4117. (10.1007/s00526-015-0932-0)
- Cherdantsev, M. and Cherednichenko, K. 2012. Two-scale Γ-convergence of integral functionals and its application to homogenisation of nonlinear high-contrast periodic composites. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 204(2), pp. 445-478. (10.1007/s00205-011-0481-4)
- Cherdantsev, M. 2009. Spectral convergence for high-contrast elliptic periodic problems with a defect via homogenization. Mathematika 55(1-2), pp. 29-57. (10.1112/S0025579300000942)
Research interests
Homogenisation theory in general. Homogenisation of high-contrast problems, stochastic homogesation, homogenisation of integral operators, homogenisation of non-linear functionals, dimension reduction. Spectral convergence and quantitative results in homogenisation.
Research group
Autumn term: Calculus of Several Variables, Advanced Topics in Analysis: Sobolev Spaces and Elliptic PDEs
Degree in mathematics/applied mathematics from Ufa State Aviation Technical University in 2004.
2005-2009 PhD at the University of Bath under the supervision of Valery Smyshlyaev and Ilia Kamotski.
2008-2010 a postdoc position with Kirill Cherednichenko at Cardiff.
2010-2013 EPSRC Felloship at Cardiff.
From 2013 lecturer => senour lecturer in mathematics at Cardiff.
Homogenisation of linear and non-linear problems.
Contact Details
+44 29208 75549
Abacws, Room 5.54, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG