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Adriana Chitez  BEng, MSc, PhD

Dr Adriana Chitez


BEng, MSc, PhD

Lecturer in Civil Engineering

Available for postgraduate supervision


I have been a lecturer in the Architectural, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at Cardiff University’s School of Engineering since January 2023. I graduated as the top student from Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest in 2008 and subsequently undertook a Master Degree in Structural Engineering at the same institution. In 2010 I started my Doctoral Studies at Cardiff University on the development of a coupled thermo-hygro-chemical numerical model for the simulation of autogenous self-healing in cementitious materials. 

After successfully defending my PhD thesis in 2015, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at EMPA, Switzerland in the interdisciplinary research project THRIVE focused on development of thermally driven adsorption heat pumps for substitution of electricity and fossil fuels. My contribution in the project consisted in the optimization modelling for high transport rates in adsorber heat exchangers.

From 2016 to 2022, I have worked as a Lecturer at the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest with teaching duties focusing on mechanics of materials and finite element method. During this period my research interests shifted towards damage assessment due to extreme wind events.

Research Group: Resilient Structures and Construction Materials (RESCOM)













I am currently ACE Year 4 Tutor and I am contributing to several modules related to structural design and building materials in year 2 Structural Analysis and Design, and year 4 Design Feasibility modules. 

In year 2 module Structural Analysis and Design I deliver lectures on loss of stability of the steel structures and I run the Concrete Lab sessions where tests on fresh and hardended paste are carried out.

In year 4 module Design Feasibility I organize and lead the Field Course to London. Within this module students learn about the feasibility principles in civil engineering projects by means of descriptive and computed-based tasks focused on investigating the structural solutions adopted for different types of bridges, roof structures, and health care buildings.

I am also supervising individual and research projects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 


Areas of supervision:

Corrosion in cementitious materials

Electrically conductive concrete

Numerical modelling of cementitious materials

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 14633
Campuses Queen's Buildings - East Building, Room Room E/3.14, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA


  • Cement and Concrete Science
  • Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation
  • corrosion
  • wind engineering