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Siddhi Chopda

Miss Siddhi Chopda


Teams and roles for Siddhi Chopda


I hold a Master's in Urban Design from Cardiff University, UK and a Bachelor's in Architecture from Pune University, India. In Oct 2021, I started my PhD at the School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, UK. My research focuses on Global Cities - discourses and practices, intervening and exploring critical urban theories and a non-representational inquiry of place/s. With critical ontologies and creative methods, it articulates to rethink and problematize notions of 'global' through the lens of everyday life. 


My research interests are into critical urban theories on Global cities, everyday life practices, politics and aesthetics, alternative imaginaries (geographies). With my PhD, I am also exploring notions of Deleuze and Guattari's 'Body-without-Organs', non-representational theory and creative methodologies in Human geography and Urban studies that intersect in a socio-spatial reading of place/s. The research examines the case of global city, London, and explores the possibilities of nuanced, diverse and deep engagement with everyday places and experiences in Southall (London Borough of Ealing), undertaking a pluralistic turn on global city imaginaries. 

PhD title:

Beyond City Image: Re-thinking the [un]seen urban imaginaries for London 







Graduate tutor / Teaching Assistant roles:

  • CPT771 Urban Design Thinkers
  • CPT924 Urban Development Debates 
  • CPT852 Urban Design Foundation
  • CPT927 Urban Design Research Methods
  • AR1111 Architectural Design 

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