Professor David Clarke
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for David Clarke
Head of School and Professor in Modern German Studies
I am Head of the School of Modern Languages, where I am also Professor of Modern German Studies.
- Clarke, D. and Parish, N. 2025. Memory books: mapping histories of ethnic coexistence. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
- Clarke, D., Czyżewska-Poncyljusz, W. and Parish, N. 2024. Performance and peacebuilding between consensus and agonism: The Sejny chronicles and moush, sweet moush.. In: Horvath, C. and Rawski, T. eds. Pathways to Agonism: Theoretical and Practical Approaches to the Memories of Disputed Territories. Mobilizing Memories Leiden: Brill
- Clarke, D., Parish, N., Winfield, P. and Lecrivain, A. 2023. Diasporic memory practice on the internet: Remembering lost homelands. Memory Studies 16(4), pp. 1003-1019. (10.1177/17506980221122174)
- Clarke, D. 2023. The rhetoric of civil-military relations in contemporary armed forces museums. Journal of War and Culture Studies 16(1), pp. 80-99. (10.1080/17526272.2021.1878321)
- Clarke, D., Parish, N. and Sené, A. 2022. Taking agonism online: creating a mass open online course to disseminate the findings of the UNREST project. In: Berger, S. and Kansteiner, W. eds. Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 179-202., (10.1007/978-3-030-86055-4_7)
- Berger, S., Cento Bull, B., Cercel, C., Clarke, D., Parish, N., Rowley, E. and Wóycicka, Z. 2022. Memory cultures of war in European war museums. In: Berger, S. and Kansteiner, W. eds. Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-114., (10.1007/978-3-030-86055-4_4)
- Clarke, D. 2021. Making a space for ritual: regime loyalists after the end of the German Democratic Republic. In: Hoondert, M. et al. eds. Handbook of Disaster Ritual Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases and Themes. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 437-452.
- Cento Bull, A. and Clarke, D. 2021. Agonistic interventions into public commemorative art: An innovative form of counter-memorial practice?. Constellations 28(2), pp. 192-206. (10.1111/1467-8675.12484)
- Boret, S. et al. 2021. Ritualizing the global pandemic. In: Hoondert, M. et al. eds. Handbook of Disaster Rituals: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases and Themes. Liturgia Condenda Leuven: Peeters, pp. 509-531.
- Clarke, D. 2020. Cultural diplomacy. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedias: International Studies. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.543)
- Clarke, D. and Duber, P. 2020. Polish cultural diplomacy and historical memory: the case of the museum of the second world war in Gdańsk. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 33, pp. 49-66. (10.1007/s10767-018-9294-x)
- Clarke, D., Czyżewska-Poncyljusz, W., bin Ibad, U. and Wawrzyniak, J. 2020. The role of cultural practitioners in managing memories of disputed territories: a literature review. Bath: DisTerrMem. Available at:
- Clarke, D. and Wóycicka, Z. 2019. Cultural diplomacy in the War Museum: the case of the German-Russian Museum Berlin-Karlshorst. History and Memory 31(2), pp. 78-116. (10.2979/histmemo.31.2.0078)
- Cento Bull, A. and Clarke, D. 2019. Administrations of memory and modes of remembering: some comments on the special issue. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 32(2), pp. 245-250. (10.1007/s10767-018-9307-9)
- Clarke, D. 2019. Constructions of victimhood: remembering the victims of state socialism in Germany. Palgrave Studies in Cultural Heritage and Conflict. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-04804-4)
- Clarke, D. 2019. Tourists as post-witnesses in documentary film: Sergei Loznitsa's Austerlitz (2016) and Rex Bloomstein's KZ (2006). Oñati Socio-Legal Series 10(3), article number: (10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1045)
- Clarke, D. 2018. Constructing victimhood in divided Germany. Memory Studies 11(4), pp. 422-436. (10.1177/1750698016688239)
- Clarke, D. 2018. Representing the experience of victims at the Berlin Wall Memorial Museum. In: Hoondert, M., Mutsaers, P. and Arfman, W. eds. Cultural Practices of Victimhood. New York: Routledge, pp. 83-103.
- Clarke, D. 2018. Remembering National Socialism in the German Democratic Republic. In: Baranowski, S., Nolzen, A. and Szejnmann, C. W. eds. A Companion to Nazi Germany. Hoboken, N.J.; Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 599-613., (10.1002/9781118936894.ch36)
- Clarke, D., Cento Bull, A. and Deganutti, M. 2017. Soft power and dark heritage: multiple potentialities. International Journal of Cultural Policy 23(6), pp. 660-674. (10.1080/10286632.2017.1355365)
- Clarke, D. and Bull, A. 2017. From antagonistic to agonistic memory: Should the statues fall?. [Online]. The Policy Space. Available at:
- Clarke, D. 2017. Understanding controversies over Memorial Museums: The case of the Leistikowstraße Memorial Museum, Potsdam. History and Memory 29(1), pp. 41-71.
- Clarke, D. 2016. Theorising the role of cultural products in cultural diplomacy from a Cultural Studies perspective. International Journal of Cultural Policy 22(2), pp. 147-163. (10.1080/10286632.2014.958481)
- Clarke, D. 2015. The representation of victimhood in Sofi Oksanen’s novel Purge. Journal of European Studies 45(3), pp. 220-235. (10.1177/0047244115586922)
- Clarke, D. 2014. Communism and memory politics in the European Union. Central Europe 12(1), pp. 99-114. (10.1179/1479096314Z.00000000018)
- Clarke, D. and Goodbody, A. eds. 2012. The self in transition: East German autobiographical writing before and after unification. Leiden: Brill.
- Clarke, D. 2012. Compensating the victims of human rights abuses in the German democratic republic: The struggle for recognition. German Politics 21(1), pp. 17-33. (10.1080/09644008.2012.654958)
- Clarke, D. 2012. 'Wer schreibt, kann nicht töten': Writing and Life in Reinhard Jirgl's Abtrünnig: Roman aus der nervösen Zeit. In: Clarke, D., Goodbody, A. and Wallace, I. eds. The self in transition: East German autobiographical writing before and after unification. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 241-252.
- Clarke, D. 2012. "Capitalism Has No More Natural Enemies": The Berlin School. In: Ginsberg, T. and Mensch, A. eds. A Companion to German Cinema. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 134-154., (10.1002/9781444345605.ch5)
- Clarke, D. 2011. The capitalist uncanny in Kathrin Rögglas's wir schlafen nicht: ghosts in the machine. Angermion: Yearbook for Anglo-German Literary Criticism, Intellectual History and Cultural Transfers / Jahrbuch für britisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen 4, pp. 147-163. (10.1515/9783110239201.147)
- Clarke, D. 2011. The place of German wartime suffering in Hans-Ulrich treichel’s family texts. In: Taberner, S. and Berger, K. eds. Germans As Victims in the Literary Fiction of the Berlin Republic. Rochester: Camden House, pp. 118-132.
- Clarke, D. 2011. The absent heimat: Hans-Christian Schmid’s Requiem (2006). In: Cooke, P. and Homewood, C. eds. New directions in German cinema. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 147-162.
- Clarke, D. 2010. Space, time and power: The chronotopes of Uwe Tellkamp's Der Turm. German Life and Letters 63(4), pp. 490-503. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.2010.01512.x)
- Clarke, D. 2010. German martyrs: Images of Christianity and resistance to national socialism in German cinema. In: Cooke, P. and Silberman, M. eds. Screening war: Perspectives on German suffering. Rochester, New York: Camden House, pp. 36-55.
- Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. eds. 2009. The politics of place in post-war Germany: Essays in literary criticism. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen.
- Clarke, D. 2009. The (socialist) ideology of the aesthetic: The visual artist in the GDR's industrial literature. Glossen 29
- Clarke, D. 2009. Bilder der Sehnsucht: Christoph Heins Künstler und Künstlerinnen. In: Egyptien, J. ed. Literatur in der Moderne: Jahrbuch der Walter-Hasenclever-Gesellschaft Bd. 6 (2008/2009). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. -.
- Clarke, D. 2009. In dialogue with the city: Gert Neumann's Leipzig. In: Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. eds. The Politics of Place in Post-War Germany: Essays in Literary Criticism. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, pp. 217-238.
- Clarke, D. 2009. Introduction: Place in Literature. In: Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. eds. The Politics of Place in Post-War Germany: Essays in Literary Criticism. Edwin Mellen: Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, pp. 1-23.
- Clarke, D. 2008. Requiem für Michael Kohlhaas: Der Dialog mit den Toten in Christoph Heins Horns Ende und In seiner frühen Kindheit ein Garten. In: De Winde, A. and Gilleir, A. eds. Literatur im Krebsgang: Totenbeschwörung und Memoria in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1989. Brill / Rodopi
- Clarke, D. 2007. 'Störstellen': Architecture in the Work of Reinhard Jirgl. In: Finlay, F. and Preece, J. eds. Interactions: Contemporary German-Language Literature's Dialogue with the Arts. Frankfurt: Peter Lang
- Clarke, D. and De Winde, A. eds. 2007. Reinhard Jirgl: Perspektiven, Lesarten, Kontexte. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Clarke, D. 2007. Anti-Ödipus in der DDR: Zur Darstellung des Verhältnisses von Familie und Staat bei Reinhard Jirgl. In: Clarke, D. and De Winde, A. eds. Reinhard Jirgl: Perspektiven, Lesarten, Kontexte. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 89-110.
- Clarke, D. 2006. Welcome to Tykwer-World: Tom Tykwer as Auteur. German as a Foreign Language 3, pp. 7--21.
- Clarke, D. 2006. Parteischule oder Dichtershmiede? The Institut für Literatur "Johannes R. Becher" from its founding to its Abwicklung. German Studies Review 29(1), pp. 87-106.
- Clarke, D. 2006. German cinema since unification. London: Bloomsbury.
- Clarke, D. 2006. In search of home: Filming post-unification Berlin. In: Clarke, D. ed. German Cinema since unification. London: Continuum, pp. 151-80.
- Clarke, D. 2005. Going West: Migration and the Post-communist World in Recent European Film. Cultural Politics 1(3), pp. 279-294.
- Clarke, D. 2005. Dandyism and homosexuality in the novels of Christian Kracht. Seminar - A Journal of Germanic Studies 41(1), pp. 36-54. (10.3138/sem.v41.1.36)
- Clarke, D. 2004. Guilt and Shame in Hans-Ulrich Treichel's Der Verlorene. In: Basker, D. ed. Hans-Ulrich Treichel. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 61-78.
- Clarke, D. 2004. Introduction. Seminar - A Journal of Germanic Studies 40(3), pp. 187-190. (10.3138/sem.v40.3.187)
- Clarke, D. 2002. 'Diese merkwürdige Kleinigkeit einer Vision': Christoph Hein's Social Critique in Transition. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Clarke, D. 2002. Representations of East German masculinity in Hannes Stöhr’s Berlin is in Germany and Andreas Kleinert’s Wege in die Nacht. German Life and Letters 55(4), pp. 434-449. (10.1111/1468-0483.00239)
- Clarke, D. 2002. Representations of the East German character since unification. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 10(1), pp. 51-71. (10.1080/09651560220150486)
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Ich arbeite nicht in der Abteilung Prophet': Gespräch mit Christoph Hein am 4. März 1998. In: Niven, B. and Clarke, D. eds. Christoph Hein. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 14-24.
- Niven, B. and Clarke, D. eds. 2000. Christoph Hein. Contemporary German Writers. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Spiele aus Notwehr': Re-Reading Christoph Hein's Critique of the West in Das Napoleon-Spiel. In: Niven, B. and Clarke, D. eds. Christoph Hein. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 83-99.
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Mit Kunst der Welt beikommen': Christoph Hein on Literature, Ideology and the Possibility of Change in the GDR. In: Cooke, P. and Grix, J. eds. East Germany: continuity and change. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 25-32.
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Himmel auf Erden? Christoph Hein, capitalism and the "Wende". In: Jackman, G. ed. Christoph Hein in Perspective. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 21-44.
- Clarke, D. and Parish, N. 2025. Memory books: mapping histories of ethnic coexistence. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
- Clarke, D., Parish, N., Winfield, P. and Lecrivain, A. 2023. Diasporic memory practice on the internet: Remembering lost homelands. Memory Studies 16(4), pp. 1003-1019. (10.1177/17506980221122174)
- Clarke, D. 2023. The rhetoric of civil-military relations in contemporary armed forces museums. Journal of War and Culture Studies 16(1), pp. 80-99. (10.1080/17526272.2021.1878321)
- Cento Bull, A. and Clarke, D. 2021. Agonistic interventions into public commemorative art: An innovative form of counter-memorial practice?. Constellations 28(2), pp. 192-206. (10.1111/1467-8675.12484)
- Clarke, D. and Duber, P. 2020. Polish cultural diplomacy and historical memory: the case of the museum of the second world war in Gdańsk. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 33, pp. 49-66. (10.1007/s10767-018-9294-x)
- Clarke, D. and Wóycicka, Z. 2019. Cultural diplomacy in the War Museum: the case of the German-Russian Museum Berlin-Karlshorst. History and Memory 31(2), pp. 78-116. (10.2979/histmemo.31.2.0078)
- Cento Bull, A. and Clarke, D. 2019. Administrations of memory and modes of remembering: some comments on the special issue. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 32(2), pp. 245-250. (10.1007/s10767-018-9307-9)
- Clarke, D. 2019. Tourists as post-witnesses in documentary film: Sergei Loznitsa's Austerlitz (2016) and Rex Bloomstein's KZ (2006). Oñati Socio-Legal Series 10(3), article number: (10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1045)
- Clarke, D. 2018. Constructing victimhood in divided Germany. Memory Studies 11(4), pp. 422-436. (10.1177/1750698016688239)
- Clarke, D., Cento Bull, A. and Deganutti, M. 2017. Soft power and dark heritage: multiple potentialities. International Journal of Cultural Policy 23(6), pp. 660-674. (10.1080/10286632.2017.1355365)
- Clarke, D. 2017. Understanding controversies over Memorial Museums: The case of the Leistikowstraße Memorial Museum, Potsdam. History and Memory 29(1), pp. 41-71.
- Clarke, D. 2016. Theorising the role of cultural products in cultural diplomacy from a Cultural Studies perspective. International Journal of Cultural Policy 22(2), pp. 147-163. (10.1080/10286632.2014.958481)
- Clarke, D. 2015. The representation of victimhood in Sofi Oksanen’s novel Purge. Journal of European Studies 45(3), pp. 220-235. (10.1177/0047244115586922)
- Clarke, D. 2014. Communism and memory politics in the European Union. Central Europe 12(1), pp. 99-114. (10.1179/1479096314Z.00000000018)
- Clarke, D. 2012. Compensating the victims of human rights abuses in the German democratic republic: The struggle for recognition. German Politics 21(1), pp. 17-33. (10.1080/09644008.2012.654958)
- Clarke, D. 2011. The capitalist uncanny in Kathrin Rögglas's wir schlafen nicht: ghosts in the machine. Angermion: Yearbook for Anglo-German Literary Criticism, Intellectual History and Cultural Transfers / Jahrbuch für britisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen 4, pp. 147-163. (10.1515/9783110239201.147)
- Clarke, D. 2010. Space, time and power: The chronotopes of Uwe Tellkamp's Der Turm. German Life and Letters 63(4), pp. 490-503. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.2010.01512.x)
- Clarke, D. 2009. The (socialist) ideology of the aesthetic: The visual artist in the GDR's industrial literature. Glossen 29
- Clarke, D. 2006. Welcome to Tykwer-World: Tom Tykwer as Auteur. German as a Foreign Language 3, pp. 7--21.
- Clarke, D. 2006. Parteischule oder Dichtershmiede? The Institut für Literatur "Johannes R. Becher" from its founding to its Abwicklung. German Studies Review 29(1), pp. 87-106.
- Clarke, D. 2005. Going West: Migration and the Post-communist World in Recent European Film. Cultural Politics 1(3), pp. 279-294.
- Clarke, D. 2005. Dandyism and homosexuality in the novels of Christian Kracht. Seminar - A Journal of Germanic Studies 41(1), pp. 36-54. (10.3138/sem.v41.1.36)
- Clarke, D. 2004. Introduction. Seminar - A Journal of Germanic Studies 40(3), pp. 187-190. (10.3138/sem.v40.3.187)
- Clarke, D. 2002. Representations of East German masculinity in Hannes Stöhr’s Berlin is in Germany and Andreas Kleinert’s Wege in die Nacht. German Life and Letters 55(4), pp. 434-449. (10.1111/1468-0483.00239)
- Clarke, D. 2002. Representations of the East German character since unification. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 10(1), pp. 51-71. (10.1080/09651560220150486)
Book sections
- Clarke, D., Czyżewska-Poncyljusz, W. and Parish, N. 2024. Performance and peacebuilding between consensus and agonism: The Sejny chronicles and moush, sweet moush.. In: Horvath, C. and Rawski, T. eds. Pathways to Agonism: Theoretical and Practical Approaches to the Memories of Disputed Territories. Mobilizing Memories Leiden: Brill
- Clarke, D., Parish, N. and Sené, A. 2022. Taking agonism online: creating a mass open online course to disseminate the findings of the UNREST project. In: Berger, S. and Kansteiner, W. eds. Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 179-202., (10.1007/978-3-030-86055-4_7)
- Berger, S., Cento Bull, B., Cercel, C., Clarke, D., Parish, N., Rowley, E. and Wóycicka, Z. 2022. Memory cultures of war in European war museums. In: Berger, S. and Kansteiner, W. eds. Agonistic Memory and the Legacy of 20th Century Wars in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-114., (10.1007/978-3-030-86055-4_4)
- Clarke, D. 2021. Making a space for ritual: regime loyalists after the end of the German Democratic Republic. In: Hoondert, M. et al. eds. Handbook of Disaster Ritual Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases and Themes. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 437-452.
- Boret, S. et al. 2021. Ritualizing the global pandemic. In: Hoondert, M. et al. eds. Handbook of Disaster Rituals: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases and Themes. Liturgia Condenda Leuven: Peeters, pp. 509-531.
- Clarke, D. 2020. Cultural diplomacy. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedias: International Studies. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.543)
- Clarke, D. 2018. Representing the experience of victims at the Berlin Wall Memorial Museum. In: Hoondert, M., Mutsaers, P. and Arfman, W. eds. Cultural Practices of Victimhood. New York: Routledge, pp. 83-103.
- Clarke, D. 2018. Remembering National Socialism in the German Democratic Republic. In: Baranowski, S., Nolzen, A. and Szejnmann, C. W. eds. A Companion to Nazi Germany. Hoboken, N.J.; Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 599-613., (10.1002/9781118936894.ch36)
- Clarke, D. 2012. 'Wer schreibt, kann nicht töten': Writing and Life in Reinhard Jirgl's Abtrünnig: Roman aus der nervösen Zeit. In: Clarke, D., Goodbody, A. and Wallace, I. eds. The self in transition: East German autobiographical writing before and after unification. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 241-252.
- Clarke, D. 2012. "Capitalism Has No More Natural Enemies": The Berlin School. In: Ginsberg, T. and Mensch, A. eds. A Companion to German Cinema. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 134-154., (10.1002/9781444345605.ch5)
- Clarke, D. 2011. The place of German wartime suffering in Hans-Ulrich treichel’s family texts. In: Taberner, S. and Berger, K. eds. Germans As Victims in the Literary Fiction of the Berlin Republic. Rochester: Camden House, pp. 118-132.
- Clarke, D. 2011. The absent heimat: Hans-Christian Schmid’s Requiem (2006). In: Cooke, P. and Homewood, C. eds. New directions in German cinema. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 147-162.
- Clarke, D. 2010. German martyrs: Images of Christianity and resistance to national socialism in German cinema. In: Cooke, P. and Silberman, M. eds. Screening war: Perspectives on German suffering. Rochester, New York: Camden House, pp. 36-55.
- Clarke, D. 2009. Bilder der Sehnsucht: Christoph Heins Künstler und Künstlerinnen. In: Egyptien, J. ed. Literatur in der Moderne: Jahrbuch der Walter-Hasenclever-Gesellschaft Bd. 6 (2008/2009). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. -.
- Clarke, D. 2009. In dialogue with the city: Gert Neumann's Leipzig. In: Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. eds. The Politics of Place in Post-War Germany: Essays in Literary Criticism. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, pp. 217-238.
- Clarke, D. 2009. Introduction: Place in Literature. In: Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. eds. The Politics of Place in Post-War Germany: Essays in Literary Criticism. Edwin Mellen: Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, pp. 1-23.
- Clarke, D. 2008. Requiem für Michael Kohlhaas: Der Dialog mit den Toten in Christoph Heins Horns Ende und In seiner frühen Kindheit ein Garten. In: De Winde, A. and Gilleir, A. eds. Literatur im Krebsgang: Totenbeschwörung und Memoria in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1989. Brill / Rodopi
- Clarke, D. 2007. 'Störstellen': Architecture in the Work of Reinhard Jirgl. In: Finlay, F. and Preece, J. eds. Interactions: Contemporary German-Language Literature's Dialogue with the Arts. Frankfurt: Peter Lang
- Clarke, D. 2007. Anti-Ödipus in der DDR: Zur Darstellung des Verhältnisses von Familie und Staat bei Reinhard Jirgl. In: Clarke, D. and De Winde, A. eds. Reinhard Jirgl: Perspektiven, Lesarten, Kontexte. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 89-110.
- Clarke, D. 2006. In search of home: Filming post-unification Berlin. In: Clarke, D. ed. German Cinema since unification. London: Continuum, pp. 151-80.
- Clarke, D. 2004. Guilt and Shame in Hans-Ulrich Treichel's Der Verlorene. In: Basker, D. ed. Hans-Ulrich Treichel. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 61-78.
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Ich arbeite nicht in der Abteilung Prophet': Gespräch mit Christoph Hein am 4. März 1998. In: Niven, B. and Clarke, D. eds. Christoph Hein. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 14-24.
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Spiele aus Notwehr': Re-Reading Christoph Hein's Critique of the West in Das Napoleon-Spiel. In: Niven, B. and Clarke, D. eds. Christoph Hein. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 83-99.
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Mit Kunst der Welt beikommen': Christoph Hein on Literature, Ideology and the Possibility of Change in the GDR. In: Cooke, P. and Grix, J. eds. East Germany: continuity and change. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 25-32.
- Clarke, D. 2000. 'Himmel auf Erden? Christoph Hein, capitalism and the "Wende". In: Jackman, G. ed. Christoph Hein in Perspective. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 21-44.
- Clarke, D. 2019. Constructions of victimhood: remembering the victims of state socialism in Germany. Palgrave Studies in Cultural Heritage and Conflict. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-04804-4)
- Clarke, D. and Goodbody, A. eds. 2012. The self in transition: East German autobiographical writing before and after unification. Leiden: Brill.
- Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. eds. 2009. The politics of place in post-war Germany: Essays in literary criticism. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen.
- Clarke, D. and De Winde, A. eds. 2007. Reinhard Jirgl: Perspektiven, Lesarten, Kontexte. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Clarke, D. 2006. German cinema since unification. London: Bloomsbury.
- Clarke, D. 2002. 'Diese merkwürdige Kleinigkeit einer Vision': Christoph Hein's Social Critique in Transition. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Niven, B. and Clarke, D. eds. 2000. Christoph Hein. Contemporary German Writers. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Clarke, D., Czyżewska-Poncyljusz, W., bin Ibad, U. and Wawrzyniak, J. 2020. The role of cultural practitioners in managing memories of disputed territories: a literature review. Bath: DisTerrMem. Available at:
- Clarke, D. and Bull, A. 2017. From antagonistic to agonistic memory: Should the statues fall?. [Online]. The Policy Space. Available at:
My research primarily concerns itself with the politics of memory in Germany and Europe, with a particular focus on issues relating to victimhood (see my monograph Constructions of Victimhood, 2019). I have published work on questions of memory in literature, film and museums, and also have an interest in cultural diplomacy and the role of heritage in soft power.
I was a researcher on the Horizon 2020 project Unsettling Memory and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe (UNREST) and am currently a visiting researcher on an MSCA project on memory of disputed territory.
I currently contribute to the teaching of the MA in Global Cultures.
Following previous roles at Nottingham Trent University and the University of Bath, I joined Cardiff University as Professor of Modern German Studies in October 2018.
I am available to supervise PhD projects in any of the following areas:
- the culture and politics of memory in Germany and Europe
- memorials and memorialization
- Victimhood and Memory Activism
- war museums and military museums