I am a Professor of Social Sciences and was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2012. I have written for over 30 years on the sociology of gravitational wave physics.
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- My main books described in a list
- Centre For The Study Of Knowledge Expertise and Science - (KES)
- All @ SEE - The Expertise Network hosted by Harry Collins, Rob Evans and KES
- Harry Collins's Gravitational Wave Project
- Collins, H. 2024. Establishing veritocracy: Society, truth, and science. Transcultural Psychiatry 61(5), pp. 783-794. (10.1177/13634615241260726)
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Reyes-Galindo, L. 2024. Virtual diversity: Resolving the tension between the wider culture and the institution of science. Social Studies of Science (10.1177/03063127241263609)
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2024. Studies of expertise and experience: Demarcating and defending the role of science in democracy. In: Pritchard, D., Farina, M. and Lavazza, A. eds. Expertise: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 147-168., (10.1093/oso/9780198877301.003.0009)
- Collins, H. 2024. The most important thing about science is values. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 48(2), pp. 264-275. (10.1080/03080188.2022.2150414)
- Collins, H. 2024. Why artificial intelligence needs sociology of knowledge: parts I and II. AI and Society (10.1007/s00146-024-01954-8)
- Caudill, D., Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2024. Judges should be discerning consensus, not evaluating scientific expertise. University of Cincinnati Law Review 92(4), article number: 11.
- Collins, H. 2023. Science as a counter to the erosion of truth in society. Synthese 202(5), article number: 145. (10.1007/s11229-023-04357-2)
- Collins, H., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Mason-Wilkes, W. 2023. Scientific conferences, socialization, and the Covid-19 pandemic: A conceptual and empirical enquiry. Social Studies of Science 53(3), pp. 379-401. (10.1177/03063127221138521)
- Collins, H., Shrager, J., Bartlett, A., Conley, S., Hale, R. and Evans, R. 2023. Hypernormal science and its significance. Perspectives on Science 31(2), pp. 262-292. (10.1162/posc_a_00572)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Durant, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. The Third Wave and populism: Scientific expertise as a check and balance. In: Eyal, G. and Medvetz, T. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics. Oxford University Press, pp. 52-77., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190848927.001.0001)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Innes, M., Kennedy, E. B., Mason-Wilkes, W. and McLevey, J. 2022. The face-to-face principle: science, trust, democracy and the internet. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. (10.18573/book7)
- Evans, R., Collins, H., Weinel, M., O'Mahoney, H., Lyttleton-Smith, J. and Wehrens, R. 2021. Evaluating the Imitation Game as a method for comparative research: a replication study using Imitation Games about religion. International Journal of Social Research Methodology (10.1080/13645579.2021.1986316)
- Collins, H. 2021. The science of artificial intelligence and its critics. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 46(1-2), pp. 53-70. (10.1080/03080188.2020.1840821)
- Collins, H. 2020. Interactional Imogen: language, practice and the body. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19, pp. 933-960. (10.1007/s11097-020-09679-x)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Durant, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. Experts and the will of the people: society, populism and science. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave. (10.1007/978-3-030-26983-8)
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2019. Studies of expertise and experience: a sociological perspective on expertise. In: Ward, P. et al. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expertise. Oxford Handbooks Online, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198795872.013.4)
- Evans, R., Collins, H., Weinel, M., Lyttleton-Smith, J., O'Mahoney, H. and Leonard-Clarke, W. 2019. Groups and individuals: conformity and diversity in the performance of gendered identities. British Journal of Sociology 70(4), pp. 1561-1581. (10.1111/1468-4446.12507)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Hall, M., O'Mahoney, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Bonfire Night and Burns Night: Using the Imitation Game to research English and Scottish identities. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109-131., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_7)
- Evans, R., Collins, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Imitation Game. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage, pp. 1-23.
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2019. Populism and science. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science 56(4), pp. 200-218. (10.5840/eps201956476)
- Collins, H. 2018. Are experts right or are they members of expert groups?. Social Epistemology 32(6), pp. 351-357. (10.1080/02691728.2018.1546346)
- Collins, H. 2018. Artifictional intelligence: against humanity's surrender to computers. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Collins, H. 2018. Studies of expertise and experience. Topoi 37(1), pp. 67-77. (10.1007/s11245-016-9412-1)
- Collins, H. 2018. Gravitational waves and scientific realism. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 9(1), pp. 38-41. (10.4245/sponge.v9i1.27042)
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2017. A general theory of the use of technology in sport and some consequences. In: Schulenkorf, N. and Frawley, S. eds. Critical Issues in Global Sport Management. Routledge, pp. 219-237.
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Weinel, M., Lyttleton-Smith, J., Bartlett, A. and Hall, M. 2017. The Imitation Game and the nature of mixed methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 11(4), pp. 510-527. (10.1177/1558689815619824)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Weinel, M. 2017. STS as science or politics. Social Studies of Science 47(4), pp. 580-586. (10.1177/0306312717710131)
- Collins, H., Bartlett, A. and Reyes Galindo, L. 2017. Demarcating fringe science for policy. Perspectives on Science 25(4), pp. 411-438. (10.1162/POSC_a_00248)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2017. The bearing of studies of expertise and experience on ethnography. Qualitative Inquiry 23(6), pp. 445-451.
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2017. Probes, surveys, and the ontology of the social. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 11(3), pp. 328-341. (10.1177/1558689815619825)
- Collins, H. M., Reyes-Galindo, L. and Ginsparg, P. 2017. A note concerning primary source knowledge. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68(5), pp. 1105-1110. (10.1002/asi.23753)
- Collins, H. 2017. Gravity's kiss: the detection of gravitational waves. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2017. Why democracies need science. Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press.
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Weinel, M. 2017. Interactional expertise. In: Felt, U. et al. eds. Handbook of Scinece and Technology Studies (4th Edition). MIT Press, pp. 765-792.
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Higgins, C. 2017. Bad call: Technology's attack on referees and umpires and how to fix it. MIT Press.
- Collins, H., Leonard-Clarke, W. and O'Mahoney, H. 2016. Uhm, er: How meaning varies between speech and its typed transcript. [Online]. arViv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.01207
- Collins, H. 2016. An Imitation Game concerning gravitational wave physics. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.07373
- Collins, H. 2016. Knowledge as it says on the tin: response to Moodey. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 5(7), pp. 50-51.
- Collins, H. M. 2016. Reproducibility of experiments: the experimenter's regress, statistical uncertainty principle and the replication imperative. In: Atmanspacher, H. and Maasen, S. eds. Reproducibility: Principles, Problems, Practices, and Prospects. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, pp. 65-82.
- Collins, H. 2016. Collectivities and tacit knowledge. Social Epistemology 5(4), pp. 26-28.
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2016. A thousand words is worth a picture. Social Studies of Science 46(2), pp. 312-324. (10.1177/0306312716637437)
- Collins, H. 2016. Social construction of reality. Human Studies 39(1), pp. 161-165. (10.1007/s10746-016-9388-2)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Weinel, M. 2016. Expertise revisited, Part II: Contributory expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56, pp. 103-110. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2015.07.003)
- Collins, H. M. 2016. The notion of incommensurability. In: Towards a history of the history of science: 50 years since 'Structure'. Berlin: Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J., Pineda, S. and Weinel, M. 2016. Modelling architecture in the world of expertise. Room One Thousand 4, pp. 24-34.
- Collins, H. M. and Franklin, A. 2016. Two kinds of case study and a new agreement. In: Sauer, T. and Scholl, R. eds. The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Vol. 319. Springer
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2015. Expertise revisited, Part I - interactional expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54, pp. 113-123. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2015.07.004)
- Collins, H. M. 2015. Contingency and "the art of the soluble". In: Soler, L., Trizio, E. and Pickering, A. eds. Science as it Could Have Been. Discussing the Contingent / Inevitable Aspects of Scientific Practices. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press, pp. 177-186.
- Collins, H. M. 2015. Can we teach people what science is really like?. Science Education 99(6), pp. 1049-1054. (10.1002/sce.21189)
- Collins, H. M. 2015. Symmetry, forced asymmetry, direct apprehension, and elective modernism. Journal of Critical Realism 13(4), pp. 411-421. (10.1179/1476743014Z.00000000036)
- Collins, H. M. 2015. Scientific knowledge, sociology of. In: Wright, J. D. ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition., Vol. 21. Elsevier, pp. 308-312.
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2014. Actor and analyst: A response to Coopmans and Button. Social Studies of Science 44(5), pp. 786-792. (10.1177/0306312714546242)
- Collins, H. 2014. Rejecting knowledge claims inside and outside science. Social Studies of Science 44(5), pp. 722-735. (10.1177/0306312714536011)
- Collins, H. . M. and Bornmann, L. 2014. On scientific misconduct. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(5), pp. 1089-1090. (10.1002/asi.23159)
- Collins, H. M. 2014. Are we all scientific experts now?. Polity Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2014. Luka w samym sercu medycyny: efekt placebo. In: Binczyk, E. and Derra, A. eds. Studia nad nauka i technologia, Wybór tekstów [Science and Technology Studies. A Selection of Texts]. Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, pp. 335-354.
- Collins, H. M. 2013. Gravity's Ghost and Big Dog: Scientific discovery and social analysis in the twenty-first century. Chicago: The Unversity of Chicago Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2013. Three dimensions of expertise. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12(2), pp. 253-273. (10.1007/s11097-011-9203-5)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2013. Quantifying the tacit: the imitation game and social fluency. Sociology n/a (10.1177/0038038512455735)
- Collins, H. M. 2013. Refining the tacit. Philosophia Scientae(17-3), pp. 155-178. (10.4000/philosophiascientiae.895)
- Collins, H. M. and Reber, A. 2013. Ships that pass in the night. Philosophia Scientiae 17(3), pp. 135-154.
- Collins, H. M. 2013. Building an antenna for tacit knowledge. Philosophia Scientiae 17(3), pp. 25-39. (10.4000/philosophiascientiae.882)
- , . 2013. The role of the sociologist after half-a-century of studying science. South African Review of Sociology 44(1), pp. 158-179. (10.1080/21528586.2013.784454)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2012. Sport-decision aids and the 'CSI-effect': why cricket uses Hawk-Eye well and tennis uses it badly. Public Understanding of Science 21(8), pp. 904-921. (10.1177/0963662511407991)
- Collins, H. M. 2012. The core of expertise. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12(2), pp. 399-416. (10.1007/s11097-012-9277-8)
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Expert systems and the science of knowledge. In: Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P. and Pinch, T. eds. The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology. MIT Press, pp. 321-340.
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Performances and arguments: Bruno Latour: The modern cult of the factish Gods. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2010, x+157pp, £69.95 HB, £19.95 PB [Book Review]. Metascience 21(2), pp. 409-418. (10.1007/s11016-011-9562-0)
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Inside and outside science: beware of acting too hastily on Climategate. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Symbols, strings and social cartesianism: response to Mihaly Heder. Polanyiana 21(1), pp. 59-70.
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Inside and outside science: beware of acting too hastily on ClimateGate. In: Almlund, P., Homann Jespersen, P. and Riis, S. eds. Rethinking Climate Change Research: Clean-Technology, Culture, and Communication,. Routledge, pp. 9-10.
- Collins, H. . M. 2012. Comment on Kuhn. Social Studies of Science 42(3), pp. 420-423. (10.1177/0306312712436571)
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Language as a repository of tacit knowledge. Biosemiotics: The Symbolic Species Evolved 6, pp. 225-239. (10.1007/978-94-007-2336-8_11)
- Collins, H. M. and Weinel, M. 2011. Transmuted expertise: how technical non-experts can assess experts and expertise. Argumentation 25(3), pp. 401-413. (10.1007/s10503-011-9217-8)
- Collins, H. M. 2011. Language and practice. Social Studies of Science 41(2), pp. 271-200. (10.1177/0306312711399665)
- Selinger, E., Thompson, P. and Collins, H. M. 2011. Catastrophe ethics and activist speech: Reflections on moral norms, advocacy, and technical judgment. Metaphilosophy 42(1-2), pp. 118-144. (10.1111/j.1467-9973.2010.01671.x)
- Collins, H. M., Weinel, M. and Evans, R. J. 2011. Object and shadow: responses to the CPS critiques of Collins, Weinel and Evans', "Politics and policy of the Third Wave". Critical Policy Studies 5(3), pp. 340-348. (10.1080/19460171.2011.606309)
- Collins, H. M. 2011. Rejecting knowledge claims: a case study. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. M. 2011. Simulating what?. JASSS - The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 14(4), article number: 16. (10.18564/jasss.1866)
- Collins, H. M. 2011. Analysing tacit knowledge: response to Henry and Lowney. Tradition & Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical 8(1), pp. 34-38. (10.5840/traddisc2011/201238110)
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Gravitational waves: inside the Equinox Event. New Scientist 208(2788), pp. 30-31.
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Answer to 5 questions. In: Rosenberger, R. ed. Philosophy of Science: 5 Questions. Automatic Press, pp. 1-11.
- Collins, H. M., Weinel, M. and Evans, R. J. 2010. The politics and policy of the Third Wave: new technologies and society. Critical Policy Studies 4(2), pp. 185-201. (10.1080/19460171.2010.490642)
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Tacit knowledge: you don’t know how much you know. New Scientist 206(2762), pp. 30-31.
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Gorman, M. E. 2010. Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise. In: Gorman, M. E. ed. Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise: Creating New Kinds of Collaboration. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 7-24.
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Humans not instruments. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 4(1), pp. 138-147. (10.4245/sponge.v4i1.11354)
- Collins, H. M. 2010. The philosophy of umpiring and the introduction of decision-aid technology. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37(2), pp. 135-146. (10.1080/00948705.2010.9714772)
- Evans, R. J. and Collins, H. M. 2010. Interactional expertise and the imitation game. In: Gorman, M. E. ed. Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise: Creating New Kinds of Collaboration. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 53-70.
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Tacit and explicit knowledge. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Gravity’s ghost: scientific discovery in the twenty-first century. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Interdisciplinary peer review and interactional expertise?. Sociologica 2010(3) (10.2383/33638)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2010. The third wave of science studies: studies of expertise and experience. In: Sergio, D. and Juhno, P. eds. Themes in Transdisciplinary Research. IEAT, pp. 299-363.
- Collins, H. M. and Kusch, M. 2010. The shape of actions: what humans and machines can do. Fabrefactum Editora.
- Collins, H. M. 2009. Walking the talk: doing gravity’s shadow. In: Puddephatt, A. J., Shaffir, W. and Kleinknecht, S. W. eds. Ethnographies Revisited: Constructing Theory in the Field. London: Routledge, pp. 289-304.
- Collins, H. M. 2009. The social construction of science. In: Olsen, J. K. B., Pedersen, S. A. and Hendricks, V. F. eds. A companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 84-87.
- Collins, H. M. 2009. We cannot live by scepticism alone. Nature 458(7234), pp. 30-31. (10.1038/458030a)
- Collins, H. M. 2009. The new orthodoxy: humans, animals, Heidegger and Dreyfus. In: Leidlmair, K. ed. After cognitivism: a reassessment of cognitive science and philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 75-85.
- Collins, H., Clark, A. and Shrager, J. 2008. Keeping the collectivity in mind?. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7(3), pp. 353-374. (10.1007/s11097-008-9100-8)
- Collins, H. M. 2008. Response to Selinger on Dreyfus. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7(2), pp. 309-311. (10.1007/s11097-007-9049-z)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2008. You cannot be serious! Public understanding of technology with special reference to 'Hawk-Eye'. Public Understanding of Science 17(3), pp. 283-308. (10.1177/0963662508093370)
- Collins, H. M. 2008. The meaning of hoaxes. In: Mazzotti, M. ed. Knowledge as Social Order: Rethinking the Sociology of Barry Barnes. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, pp. 77-83.
- Collins, H. M. 2008. Actors' and analysts' categories in the social analysis of science. In: Meusburger, P., Meusburger, M. and Wunder, E. eds. Clashes of Knowledge: Orthodoxies and Heterodoxies in Science and Religion., Vol. 1. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 101-110.
- Collins, H. M. 2008. Codes, signs and the explicit. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Gorman, M. 2007. Trading zones and interactional expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 657-666. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.003)
- Collins, H. M. ed. 2007. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. Special Issue: Case studies of expertise and experience. Elsevier.
- Collins, H. M. 2007. A new programme of research?. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 615-620. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.004)
- Collins, H. M. and Sanders, G. 2007. They give you the keys and say 'drive it!' Managers, referred expertise, and other expertises. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 621-641. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.002)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Mathematical understanding and the physical sciences. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 667-685. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.001)
- Selinger, E., Dreyfus, H. and Collins, H. M. 2007. Interactional expertise and embodiment. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 722-740. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.008)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Perspectives: When is an expert not an expert?. New Scientist 196(2631), pp. 58-59.
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. 2007. Rethinking expertise. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2007. Expertise: from attribute to attribution and back again?. In: Hackett, E. et al. eds. The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 609-630.
- Collins, H. M. and Ribeiro, R. 2007. The bread-making machine: Tacit knowledge and two types of action. Organization Studies 28(9), pp. 1417-1433. (10.1177/0170840607082228)
- Collins, H. M. and Pinch, T. 2007. Who is to blame for the Challenger explosion?. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(1), pp. 254-255. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2006.12.006)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Bicycling on the Moon: Collective tacit knowledge and somatic-limit tacit knowledge. Organization Studies 28(2), pp. 257-262. (10.1177/0170840606073759)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Actor’s and analysts’ categories in the social analysis of science. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. M., Clark, A. and Shrager, J. 2007. Keeping the collectivity in mind?. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. M. 2007. The new orthodoxy: humans, animals, Heidegger and Dreyfus. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. M. 2007. The meaning of hoaxes. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Answers to 5 questions. In: Olsen, J. B. and Selinger, E. eds. Philosophy of Technology. Automatic Press/VIP, pp. 31-43.
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J., Ribeiro, R. and Hall, M. 2006. Experiments with interactional expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37(4), pp. 656-674. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2006.09.005)
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2006. The third wave of science studies: studies of expertise and experience. In: Selinger, E. and Crease, R. eds. The Philosophy of Expertise. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 39-110.
- Collins, H. M. and Pinch, T. 2006. On chance and contingency in science and art. Public 33, pp. 58-62.
- Collins, H. M. 2006. The uses of sociology of science for scientists and educators. Science & Education 16(3-5), pp. 217-230. (10.1007/s11191-005-2389-6)
- Collins, H. M. and Pinch, T. 2005. Dr Golem: how to think about medicine. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2005. The TEA Set. In: Smith, M. ed. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences. Sage
- Collins, H. M. 2004. The trouble with Madeleine. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3(2), pp. 165-170. (10.1023/B:PHEN.0000040823.21983.19)
- Collins, H. M. 2004. Interactional expertise as a third kind of knowledge. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3(2), pp. 125-143. (10.1023/B:PHEN.0000040824.89221.1a)
- Collins, H. M. 2004. Qualitative methodology in practice: my experience. In: Humphrey, C. and Lee, B. eds. The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research. Elsevier, pp. 481-490.
- Collins, H. M. 2004. Gravity's shadow: the search for gravitational waves. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2004. How do you know you've alternated?. Social Studies of Science 34(1), pp. 103-106. (10.1177/0306312704041342)
- Collins, H. M. 2003. Lead into gold: the science of finding nothing. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34(4), pp. 661-691. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2003.09.002)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2003. King Canute meets the Beach Boys: responses to the Third Wave. Social Studies of Science 33(3), pp. 435-452. (10.1177/03063127030333007)
- Collins, H. M. 2003. LIGO becomes big science. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 33(2), pp. 261-297. (10.1525/hsps.2003.33.2.261)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2002. The Third Wave of Science Studies: Studies of Expertise and Experience. Social Studies of Science 32(2), pp. 235-296. (10.1177/0306312702032002003)
- Collins, H. M. 2002. The third wave of science studies: studies of expertise and experience?. Social Studies of Science 32(2), pp. 235-296. (0.1177/0306312702032002003)
- Collins, H. M. and Pinch, T. J. 2002. The Golem at large: what you should know about technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2002. The experimenter's regress as philosophical sociology. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33(1), pp. 149-156. (10.1016/S0039-3681(01)00033-4)
- Collins, H. M. 2001. Crown jewels and rough diamonds: the source of science's authority. In: Collins, H. M. and Labinger, J. A. eds. The One Culture?: A Conversation about Science,. University of Chicago Press, pp. 255-260.
- Collins, H. M. and Labinger, J. eds. 2001. The one culture? A conversation about science. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. Tacit Knowledge, Trust, and the Q of Sapphire. Social Studies of Science 31(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1177/030631201031001004)
- Collins, H. M. 2001. Wissenschaftsgeschichte fur den Politischen Burger. In: Scharping, M. ed. Wissenschaftsfeinde: Science Wars und die Provokation der Wissenschaftsforschung. Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 33-41.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. One more round with relativism. In: Collins, H. M. and Labinger, J. A. eds. The One Culture?: A Conversation About Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 184-195.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. A Martian sends a postcard home. In: Collins, H. M. and Labinger, J. A. eds. The One Culture? A Conversation about Science. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 156-166.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. A perspective on scientific research and its findings. In: Borland, C. ed. Progressive Disorder. Dundee Contemporary Arts/ Book Works, pp. 62-63.
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- Collins, H. M. 2010. Interdisciplinary peer review and interactional expertise?. Sociologica 2010(3) (10.2383/33638)
- Collins, H. M. 2009. We cannot live by scepticism alone. Nature 458(7234), pp. 30-31. (10.1038/458030a)
- Collins, H., Clark, A. and Shrager, J. 2008. Keeping the collectivity in mind?. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7(3), pp. 353-374. (10.1007/s11097-008-9100-8)
- Collins, H. M. 2008. Response to Selinger on Dreyfus. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7(2), pp. 309-311. (10.1007/s11097-007-9049-z)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2008. You cannot be serious! Public understanding of technology with special reference to 'Hawk-Eye'. Public Understanding of Science 17(3), pp. 283-308. (10.1177/0963662508093370)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Gorman, M. 2007. Trading zones and interactional expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 657-666. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.003)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. A new programme of research?. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 615-620. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.004)
- Collins, H. M. and Sanders, G. 2007. They give you the keys and say 'drive it!' Managers, referred expertise, and other expertises. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 621-641. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.002)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Mathematical understanding and the physical sciences. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 667-685. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.001)
- Selinger, E., Dreyfus, H. and Collins, H. M. 2007. Interactional expertise and embodiment. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 722-740. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.008)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Perspectives: When is an expert not an expert?. New Scientist 196(2631), pp. 58-59.
- Collins, H. M. and Ribeiro, R. 2007. The bread-making machine: Tacit knowledge and two types of action. Organization Studies 28(9), pp. 1417-1433. (10.1177/0170840607082228)
- Collins, H. M. and Pinch, T. 2007. Who is to blame for the Challenger explosion?. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(1), pp. 254-255. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2006.12.006)
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Bicycling on the Moon: Collective tacit knowledge and somatic-limit tacit knowledge. Organization Studies 28(2), pp. 257-262. (10.1177/0170840606073759)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J., Ribeiro, R. and Hall, M. 2006. Experiments with interactional expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37(4), pp. 656-674. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2006.09.005)
- Collins, H. M. and Pinch, T. 2006. On chance and contingency in science and art. Public 33, pp. 58-62.
- Collins, H. M. 2006. The uses of sociology of science for scientists and educators. Science & Education 16(3-5), pp. 217-230. (10.1007/s11191-005-2389-6)
- Collins, H. M. 2004. The trouble with Madeleine. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3(2), pp. 165-170. (10.1023/B:PHEN.0000040823.21983.19)
- Collins, H. M. 2004. Interactional expertise as a third kind of knowledge. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3(2), pp. 125-143. (10.1023/B:PHEN.0000040824.89221.1a)
- Collins, H. M. 2004. How do you know you've alternated?. Social Studies of Science 34(1), pp. 103-106. (10.1177/0306312704041342)
- Collins, H. M. 2003. Lead into gold: the science of finding nothing. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34(4), pp. 661-691. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2003.09.002)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2003. King Canute meets the Beach Boys: responses to the Third Wave. Social Studies of Science 33(3), pp. 435-452. (10.1177/03063127030333007)
- Collins, H. M. 2003. LIGO becomes big science. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 33(2), pp. 261-297. (10.1525/hsps.2003.33.2.261)
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2002. The Third Wave of Science Studies: Studies of Expertise and Experience. Social Studies of Science 32(2), pp. 235-296. (10.1177/0306312702032002003)
- Collins, H. M. 2002. The third wave of science studies: studies of expertise and experience?. Social Studies of Science 32(2), pp. 235-296. (0.1177/0306312702032002003)
- Collins, H. M. 2002. The experimenter's regress as philosophical sociology. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33(1), pp. 149-156. (10.1016/S0039-3681(01)00033-4)
- Collins, H. M. 2001. Tacit Knowledge, Trust, and the Q of Sapphire. Social Studies of Science 31(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1177/030631201031001004)
- Collins, H. M. 2000. Surviving Closure: Post Rejection Adaptation and Plurality in Science. American Sociological Review 65(6), pp. 824-845. (10.2307/2657515)
- Collins, H. M. 2000. On Beyond 2000. Studies in Science Education 35(1), pp. 169-173. (10.1080/03057260008560160)
- Collins, H. M. 2000. What computers can't do and what they can do/Les capacites des ordinateurs et leurs limites. Reseaux 100, pp. 19-36.
- Collins, H. M. 1999. Tantalus and the aliens: Publications, audiences and the search for gravitational waves. Social Studies of Science 29(2), pp. 163-197. (10.1177/030631299029002001)
- Collins, H. M. 1999. Philosophy of Science and SSK: Reply to Koertge. Social Studies of Science 29, 5, pp. 785-790.
- Collins, H. M. and Lynch, M. 1998. Introduction: humans, animals, and machines. Science Technology and Human Values 23(4), pp. 371-383. (10.1177/016224399802300401)
- Collins, H. M. 1998. Socialness and the undersocialized conception of society. Science, Technology & Human Values 23(4), pp. 494-516. (10.1177/016224399802300408)
- Collins, H. M. 1998. The meaning of data: Open and closed evidential cultures in the search for gravitational waves. American Journal of Sociology 104(2), pp. 293-338. (10.1086/210040)
- Collins, H. M., De Vries, G. and Bijker, W. 1997. Ways of going on: An analysis of skill applied to medical practice. Science, Technology & Human Values 22(3), pp. 267-285. (10.1177/016224399702200301)
- Collins, H. M. 1997. The editing test for the deep problem of AI. Psycoloquy 8(1), article number: 8.
- Collins, H. M. 1997. Expertise: Between the Scylla of certainty and the new age charybdis. Accountability in Research 5(1-3), pp. 127-135. (10.1080/08989629708573904)
- Collins, H. M. 1996. Theory dopes: A critique of Murphy. Sociology 30(2), pp. 367-373. (10.1177/0038038596030002010)
- Pinch, T., Collins, H. M. and Carborne, L. 1996. Inside knowledge: second order measures of skill. The Sociological Review 44(2), pp. 163-186. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.1996.tb00420.x)
- Collins, H. M. 1996. In praise of futile gestures: how scientific is the sociology of scientific knowledge?. Social Studies of Science 26(2), pp. 229-244. (10.1177/030631296026002002)
- Collins, H. M. 1996. Embedded or embodied? a review of Hubert Dreyfus' What Computers Still Can't Do [Book Review]. Artificial Intelligence 80(1), pp. 99-117. (10.1016/0004-3702(96)00083-6)
- Collins, H. M. 1996. Scientific evidence: a common sense approach is needed. Expert Evidence 4(4), pp. 156-158.
- Collins, H. M. and Kusch, M. 1995. Two kinds of actions: A phenomenological study. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55(4), pp. 799-819. (10.2307/2108333)
- Collins, H. M. and Kusch, M. 1995. Automating air pumps: an empirical and conceptual analysis. Technology and Culture 36(4), pp. 802-829. (10.2307/3106916)
- Collins, H. M. 1995. Humans, machines, and the structure of knowledge. Stanford Humanities Review 4(2), pp. 67-84.
- Collins, H. M. 1995. Cooperation and the two cultures: Response to Labinger. Social Studies of Science 25(2), pp. 306-309. (10.1177/030631295025002005)
- Collins, H. M. 1995. Humans, machines and the structure of knowledge. Stanford Humanities Review 4(1), pp. 67-83.
- Collins, H. M. 1994. A strong confirmation of the experimenters' regress. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25(3), pp. 493-503. (10.1016/0039-3681(94)90063-9)
- Collins, H. M. 1994. Scene from afar. Social Studies of Science 24(2), pp. 369-389. (10.1177/030631279402400209)
- Collins, H. M. 1994. Dissecting surgery: forms of life depersonalized. Social Studies of Science 24(2), pp. 311-333. (10.1177/030631279402400205)
- Collins, H. M. 1994. The nature of scientific knowledge: some implications for Artificial Intelligence.. National Forum 74(Spring), pp. 28-31.
- Collins, H. M. 1993. Comment on "open peer commentary on the scientific status of econometrics". Social Epistemology 7(3), pp. 233-236. (10.1080/02691729308578696)
- Collins, H. M. 1993. The structure of knowledge. Social Research: An International Quarterly 60(1), pp. 95-116.
- Collins, H. M. 1992. Hubert L. Dreyfus, forms of life, and a simple test for machine intelligence. Social Studies of Science 22(4), pp. 726-739. (10.1177/030631292022004008)
- Collins, H. M. 1992. Ai-Vey!: Response to Slezak. Social Studies of Science 22(1), pp. 201-203. (10.1177/0306312792022001011)
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- Collins, H. M. 1991. Captives and victims: Comment on Scott, Richards, and Martin. Science, Technology & Human Values 16(2), pp. 249-251. (10.1177/016224399101600207)
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Book sections
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2024. Studies of expertise and experience: Demarcating and defending the role of science in democracy. In: Pritchard, D., Farina, M. and Lavazza, A. eds. Expertise: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 147-168., (10.1093/oso/9780198877301.003.0009)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Durant, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. The Third Wave and populism: Scientific expertise as a check and balance. In: Eyal, G. and Medvetz, T. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics. Oxford University Press, pp. 52-77., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190848927.001.0001)
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2019. Studies of expertise and experience: a sociological perspective on expertise. In: Ward, P. et al. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expertise. Oxford Handbooks Online, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198795872.013.4)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Hall, M., O'Mahoney, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Bonfire Night and Burns Night: Using the Imitation Game to research English and Scottish identities. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109-131., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_7)
- Evans, R., Collins, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Imitation Game. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage, pp. 1-23.
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2017. A general theory of the use of technology in sport and some consequences. In: Schulenkorf, N. and Frawley, S. eds. Critical Issues in Global Sport Management. Routledge, pp. 219-237.
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Weinel, M. 2017. Interactional expertise. In: Felt, U. et al. eds. Handbook of Scinece and Technology Studies (4th Edition). MIT Press, pp. 765-792.
- Collins, H. M. 2016. Reproducibility of experiments: the experimenter's regress, statistical uncertainty principle and the replication imperative. In: Atmanspacher, H. and Maasen, S. eds. Reproducibility: Principles, Problems, Practices, and Prospects. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, pp. 65-82.
- Collins, H. M. 2016. The notion of incommensurability. In: Towards a history of the history of science: 50 years since 'Structure'. Berlin: Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge
- Collins, H. M. and Franklin, A. 2016. Two kinds of case study and a new agreement. In: Sauer, T. and Scholl, R. eds. The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Vol. 319. Springer
- Collins, H. M. 2015. Contingency and "the art of the soluble". In: Soler, L., Trizio, E. and Pickering, A. eds. Science as it Could Have Been. Discussing the Contingent / Inevitable Aspects of Scientific Practices. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press, pp. 177-186.
- Collins, H. M. 2015. Scientific knowledge, sociology of. In: Wright, J. D. ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition., Vol. 21. Elsevier, pp. 308-312.
- Collins, H. M. 2014. Luka w samym sercu medycyny: efekt placebo. In: Binczyk, E. and Derra, A. eds. Studia nad nauka i technologia, Wybór tekstów [Science and Technology Studies. A Selection of Texts]. Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, pp. 335-354.
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Expert systems and the science of knowledge. In: Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P. and Pinch, T. eds. The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology. MIT Press, pp. 321-340.
- Collins, H. M. 2012. Inside and outside science: beware of acting too hastily on ClimateGate. In: Almlund, P., Homann Jespersen, P. and Riis, S. eds. Rethinking Climate Change Research: Clean-Technology, Culture, and Communication,. Routledge, pp. 9-10.
- Collins, H. M. 2010. Answer to 5 questions. In: Rosenberger, R. ed. Philosophy of Science: 5 Questions. Automatic Press, pp. 1-11.
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Gorman, M. E. 2010. Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise. In: Gorman, M. E. ed. Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise: Creating New Kinds of Collaboration. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 7-24.
- Evans, R. J. and Collins, H. M. 2010. Interactional expertise and the imitation game. In: Gorman, M. E. ed. Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise: Creating New Kinds of Collaboration. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 53-70.
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2010. The third wave of science studies: studies of expertise and experience. In: Sergio, D. and Juhno, P. eds. Themes in Transdisciplinary Research. IEAT, pp. 299-363.
- Collins, H. M. 2009. Walking the talk: doing gravity’s shadow. In: Puddephatt, A. J., Shaffir, W. and Kleinknecht, S. W. eds. Ethnographies Revisited: Constructing Theory in the Field. London: Routledge, pp. 289-304.
- Collins, H. M. 2009. The social construction of science. In: Olsen, J. K. B., Pedersen, S. A. and Hendricks, V. F. eds. A companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 84-87.
- Collins, H. M. 2009. The new orthodoxy: humans, animals, Heidegger and Dreyfus. In: Leidlmair, K. ed. After cognitivism: a reassessment of cognitive science and philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 75-85.
- Collins, H. M. 2008. The meaning of hoaxes. In: Mazzotti, M. ed. Knowledge as Social Order: Rethinking the Sociology of Barry Barnes. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, pp. 77-83.
- Collins, H. M. 2008. Actors' and analysts' categories in the social analysis of science. In: Meusburger, P., Meusburger, M. and Wunder, E. eds. Clashes of Knowledge: Orthodoxies and Heterodoxies in Science and Religion., Vol. 1. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 101-110.
- Collins, H. M. and Evans, R. J. 2007. Expertise: from attribute to attribution and back again?. In: Hackett, E. et al. eds. The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 609-630.
- Collins, H. M. 2007. Answers to 5 questions. In: Olsen, J. B. and Selinger, E. eds. Philosophy of Technology. Automatic Press/VIP, pp. 31-43.
- Collins, H. and Evans, R. 2006. The third wave of science studies: studies of expertise and experience. In: Selinger, E. and Crease, R. eds. The Philosophy of Expertise. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 39-110.
- Collins, H. M. 2005. The TEA Set. In: Smith, M. ed. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences. Sage
- Collins, H. M. 2004. Qualitative methodology in practice: my experience. In: Humphrey, C. and Lee, B. eds. The Real Life Guide to Accounting Research. Elsevier, pp. 481-490.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. Crown jewels and rough diamonds: the source of science's authority. In: Collins, H. M. and Labinger, J. A. eds. The One Culture?: A Conversation about Science,. University of Chicago Press, pp. 255-260.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. Wissenschaftsgeschichte fur den Politischen Burger. In: Scharping, M. ed. Wissenschaftsfeinde: Science Wars und die Provokation der Wissenschaftsforschung. Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 33-41.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. One more round with relativism. In: Collins, H. M. and Labinger, J. A. eds. The One Culture?: A Conversation About Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 184-195.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. A Martian sends a postcard home. In: Collins, H. M. and Labinger, J. A. eds. The One Culture? A Conversation about Science. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 156-166.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. A perspective on scientific research and its findings. In: Borland, C. ed. Progressive Disorder. Dundee Contemporary Arts/ Book Works, pp. 62-63.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. The Turing Test and the Imitation Game: humans and machines. In: Obrist, H. U., Ulrich, H. and Vanderlinden, B. eds. The Theatre of Proof: Catalogue of the Antwerp Laboratorium on the Occasion of the Antoine van Dyke Exhibition catalogue. Dumont,: Antwerpen Open, Roomade, pp. 234-237.
- Collins, H. M. 2001. What is tacit knowledge?. In: Cetina, K. K., Schatzki, T. R. and Savigny, E. v. eds. The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. London: Routledge, pp. 107-119.
- Collins, H. M. 2000. Four kinds of knowledge, two (or maybe three) kinds of embodiment, and the question of artificial intelligence. In: Wrathall, M. and Malpas, J. eds. Heidegger, Coping, and Cognitive Science, Vol 2: Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus. Boston: MIT Press, pp. 179-195.
- Collins, H. M. 1999. A cumunidade cientifica em tempos de disputa. In: Gil, F. ed. A ciencia tal qual se faz. Lisbon: Ministerio da Ciencia e da Technologia/Edicoes Joao sa da Costa LDA, pp. 53-64.
- Collins, H. M. 1997. Rat tale: sociology's contribution to the problem of human and machine cognition in context. In: Feltovich, P. J., Ford, K. M. and Hoffman, R. R. eds. Expertise in Context. MIT/ AAAI, pp. 293-311.
- Pinch, T., Collins, H. M. and Carbone, L. 1997. Cutting up skills: estimating difficulty as an element of surgical and other abilities. In: Barley, S. R. and Orr, J. E. eds. Between Craft and Science: Technical Work in the United States. Collection on Technology and Work Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, pp. 101-112.
- Collins, H. M. 1996. Interaction without society? What avatars can't do. In: Stefik, M. J. ed. Internet Dreams: Archetypes, Myths, and Metaphors. MIT Press, pp. 317-326.
- Collins, H. M. 1995. Science studies and machine intelligence. In: Jasanoff, S. et al. eds. Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. London: Sage Publications Inc., pp. 286-301.
- Collins, H. M. 1993. Experiences et demonstration. In: Bacon, E. ed. Les Scientifiques et le Spectacle da la Science: Actes de la IVeme Recontre Internationale du Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche sur la Science de l'Universite Louis Pasteur. Strasbourg: GERSULP, pp. 15-18.
- Collins, H. M. and Yearley, S. 1992. Journey into space. In: Pickering, A. ed. Science as Practice and Culture. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 369-389.
- Collins, H. M. and Yearley, S. 1992. Epistemological chicken. In: Pickering, A. ed. Science as Practice and Culture. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 301-326.
- Collins, H. M. 1991. Comment on Smith, McCabe and Rassenti,`Experiments and simulations'. In: De Marchi, N. and Blaug, M. eds. Appraising Modern Economics: Studies in the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes,. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 227-231.
- Collins, H. M. 1991. History and sociology of science and history and methodology of economics. In: Marchi, N. d. and Blaug, M. eds. Appraising Economic Theories: Studies in the Methodology of Research Programs. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 492-498.
- Collins, H. M. 1989. Learning through enculturation. In: Gellatly, A., Rogers, D. and Sloboda, J. eds. Cognition and Social Worlds. Keele Cognition Seminars Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 205-215.
- Collins, H. M. 1989. The meaning of experiment: replication and reasonableness. In: Lawson, H. and Appignanesi, L. eds. Dismantling Truth: Reality in the Post-Modern World. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, pp. 82-92.
- Collins, H. M. 1987. Expert systems, artificial intelligence and the behavioural co-ordinates of skill. In: Bloomfield, B. ed. The Question of Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives. London: Croom-Helm, pp. 258-282.
- Collins, H. M. 1985. The medical literature: obviating ignorance or creating knowledge?. In: Brittain, M. ed. Consensus and Penalties for Ignorance in the Medical Sciences - Implications for Information Transfer,. London: Taylor Graham,, pp. 148-159.
- Collins, H. M., Draper, R. and Green, R. H. 1985. Where's the expertise: expert systems as a medium of knowledge transfer. In: Merry, M. J. ed. Expert Systems 85. Cambridge University Press, pp. 323-334.
- Collins, H. M. 1984. Concepts and methods of participatory fieldwork. In: Bell, C. and Roberts, H. eds. Social Researching: Politics, Problems, Practice. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 54-69.
- Collins, H. M. 1983. The meaning of lies: accounts of action and participatory research. In: Gilbert, G. N. and Abell, P. eds. Accounts and Actions: Conference Proceedings. Surrey Conferences on Sociological Theory & Method Gower, pp. 69-78.
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- The Nature of Scientific Knowledge and knowledge in general;
- Public Understanding of Science;
- The Nature of Skills and Expertise;
- Artificial Intelligence and the relationship between humans and machines;
- Medical Knowledge and Skills; Science Education;
- A long term project on the detection of cosmic gravitational radiation.
Graduate supervision
- The nature of knowledge;
- The nature of expertise;
- Medical knowledge and practice;
- Public understanding of science;
- Artificial Intelligence;
- Humans and machines.
Other appointments and positions
- 2003 - Jan-Mar Andrew W Mellon Visiting Professor of History, California Institute of Technology
- 2002 - Apr/May Visiting Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
- 2001 - Oct/Nov Visiting Research Fellow, Cornell University Dept of Science and Technology Studies
- 1999 - Affiliated Research Scholar, Dept of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University
- 1993 - Mar-Jun Visiting Professor, University of California at San Diego
- 1991-1993 President, Society for Social Studies of Science Short visiting positions at Xerox PARC (1987) and Princeton University History of Science (1983)
Honours and awards
- 2012 - elected a Fellow of the British Academy
- 1997 - Society for Social Studies of Science, J. D. Bernal award for contributions to the social studies of science (awarded at the Tucson meeting in October 1997).
- 1995 - American Sociological Association, Robert K Merton Book Prize ( The Golem ).
- 1994/5 - Emory and Henry College Virginia, USA. Book of the year ( The Golem ).
- 1985 - British Computer Society Specialist Group in Expert Systems, Prize for technical merit: best paper at conference.