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Dominique Cook

Dominique Cook

Lecturer, MSc Critical Care

Welsh speaking


I work within the Centre for Medical Education as a lecturer on the MSc in Critical Care, which is an international, inter-professional programme delivered entirely online to learners from various acute and critical care backgrounds. As part of a programme team, I'm responsible for engaging, teaching and supporting students, updating and developing module content, delivering tutorials, setting and marking assessments and responding to student queries. I also provide pastoral support within my personal tutor role.

Whilst I contribute to all MSc Critical Care modules, I am module lead on the Advanced Management: Cardiovascular System module and lead on ethics, organ donation, transplantation, end of life care and renal care within Critical Care settings. 

I’m from a nursing background and was awarded both my undergraduate degree and Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from Cardiff University. I worked within the NHS as a critical care nurse, clinical nurse specialist (in organ donation and living kidney donation) and as the education co-ordinator and the education and service development manager within NHS Blood and Transplant prior to becoming a lecturer.









I am a lecturer on the following modules of the MSc Critical Care programme:

  • Research Governance and Evidence Based Practice
  • Advanced Management - Cardiovascular System (module lead)
  • Quality and Safety - Quality Improvement
  • Advanced Management - Respiratory System
  • Professional Practice and Management Issues (Ethics)
  • Management of Clinical Specialities (Organ Donation and Renal)
  • MSc Critical Care Dissertation

I'm also module lead for the Introduction to Organ Donation stand alone CPD module, which I designed and developed.

I contribute to the undergraduate MBBCh programme and the Bachelor of Nursing, focusing on teaching managing death in a hospital setting, communication and the role of the specialist nurse in organ donation.



2018 -  present: Lecturer, MSc Critical Care, Cardiff University

2013 - 2018: Specialist Nurse, Living Kidney Donation, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

2012 - 2013: Education and Service Development Manager, Organ Donation and Transplantation, NHS Blood and Transplant

2009 - 2012: Organ Donation and Transplantation Service Education Co-ordinator, NHS Blood and Transplant

2003 - 2009: Specialist Nurse, Organ Donation/Transplant Co-ordinator, South and South West Wales, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

1998 - 2003: Staff Nurse/Senior Staff Nurse, Critical Care (General ICU), Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Publications and Conferences:

Lanos, C., Drennan, I., Batt, A., Solimon, K., Lin, S., Vaillancourt, C., Dhanani, S., Cook, D., Jenkins, S. 2022. PP37 Examining the potential for uncontrolled organ donation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Canada – a sub analysis of the canROC registry. Emergency Medicine Journal. Vol.39, Issue 9.

Pyart, Rh., Dibbur, V.S. Eylert, M., Marsden, A., Cooke, Rh., Cook, D., Burt, H., Griffin, S. 2019. Should older hypertensive patients be kidney donors? Journal of Kidney Care. Vol. 4, No. 6. 314–321.

Bailey, PK; Tomson, CRV; MacNeill, S; Marsden, A; Cook, D; Cooke, R; Biggins, F; O’Sullivan, J; Ben-Shlomo, Y. 2017. ‘A multicenter cohort study of potential living kidney donors provides predictors of living kidney donation and non-donation’. Kidney International. Vol. 92 no.5, pp. 1249-1260.

Bailey, PK; Tomson, CRV; MacNeill, S; Marsden, A; Cook, D; Cooke, R; Burt, H: Biggins, F; O’Sullivan, Russell, K; Dimmick, K; J; Ben-Shlomo, Y. 2017. ‘Will they donate? Predictors of non-donation and withdrawal in a UK multicenter prospective cohort study of potential living kidney donors’. Transplant International. Vol. 30, pp. 81-82.

Editorials and Perspectives: Forum—Conditional Organ Donation—List of Contributing Organizations, Transplantation: June 15, 2008 - Volume 85 - Issue 11 - p 1530-1531 doi: 10.1097/TP.0b013e318172d86c.

Athisayaraj, TW, Ilham, M, Fitzgibbon, G, Faulkner, A, Cook, D, Frude, N, Kumar, N. 2007. Awareness and attitude to organ donation in young adults - A critical analysis. Transplant International. Vol.20, p.23

Cook, Dominique H and Eggert, Sabine M. 2007. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B diagnosed in a potential organ donor: Confidentiality versus disclosure and donor family care. Transplant International. 20. 338-339.

Price, Dominique. 1999. Book review: AACCN’s Clinical Reference for Critical Care Nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 1999; 8: 764.

Professional memberships

  • Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 
  • Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

Committees and reviewing

  • 2024: British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) South Wales Regional Committee member
  • 2023: Extenuating Circumstances Committee member, Post Graduate Taught (MEDIC)
  • 2021: Fitness to Practice Committee member, Cardiff University School of Healthcare Sciences
  • 2010: European Board of Transplant Co-ordination. UK representative.
  • 2010: European Certificate of Transplant Co-ordination. Examiner.
  • 2010: European Transplant Co-ordinator Organisation Annual Congress. Local organising committee member.
  • 2007: Transplant West Symposium. Local organising committee member.
  • 2005-2009: British Transplantation Society, Ethics Committee. Elected representative of the UK Transplant Co-ordinator Association.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 11569
Campuses Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 903, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS