Professor David Courpasson
- Sanson, D. and Courpasson, D. 2022. Resistance as a way of life: How a group of workers perpetuated insubordination to neoliberal management. Organization Studies 43(11), pp. 1693-1717. (10.1177/01708406221077780)
- Burrow, R., Scott, R. and Courpasson, D. 2022. Where "rules don't apply": Organizational isolation and misbehaviour in elite kitchens. Journal of Management Studies 59(5), pp. 1103-1131. (10.1111/joms.12759)
- Parsons, K., Courpasson, D. and Delbridge, R. 2022. Futures of organizational ethnography: (Post)pandemic reflections and new possibilities. In: Pandeli, J. and Sutherland, N. eds. Organizational Ethnography: An Experiential and Practical Guide. London: Routledge, pp. 213-226., (10.4324/9781003021582-18)
- Courpasson, D. 2017. Beyond the hidden/public resistance divide: how bloggers defeated a big company. Organization Studies 38(9), pp. 1277-1302. (10.1177/0170840616685363)
- Courpasson, D. 2017. The politics of everyday. Organization Studies 38(6), pp. 843-859. (10.1177/0170840617709310)
- Courpasson, D., Dany, F. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Politics of place: the meaningfulness of resisting places. Human Relations 70(2), pp. 237-259. (10.1177/0018726716641748)
- Courpasson, D. and Monties, V. 2017. 'I am my body'. Physical selves of police officers in a changing institution. Journal of Management Studies 54(1), pp. 32-57. (10.1111/joms.12221)
- Burrow, R., Scott, R. and Courpasson, D. 2024. Bloody suffering and durability: How chefs forge embodied identities in elite kitchens. Human Relations 77(1), pp. 111-139. (10.1177/00187267221132936)
- Taskin, L., Courpasson, D. and Donis, C. 2023. Objectal resistance: The political role of personal objects in workers? resistance to spatial change. Human Relations 76(5), pp. 715-745. (10.1177/00187267211067142)
- Sanson, D. and Courpasson, D. 2022. Resistance as a way of life: How a group of workers perpetuated insubordination to neoliberal management. Organization Studies 43(11), pp. 1693-1717. (10.1177/01708406221077780)
- Burrow, R., Scott, R. and Courpasson, D. 2022. Where "rules don't apply": Organizational isolation and misbehaviour in elite kitchens. Journal of Management Studies 59(5), pp. 1103-1131. (10.1111/joms.12759)
- Courpasson, D., Younes, D. and Reed, M. 2021. Durkheim in the neoliberal organization: taking resistance and solidarity seriously. Organization Theory 2(1), pp. 1-24. (10.1177/2631787720982619)
- Lindebaum, D. and Courpasson, D. 2019. Becoming the next Charlie Parker: rewriting the role of passions in bureaucracies with Whiplash. Academy of Management Review 44(1), pp. 227. (10.5465/amr.2017.0414)
- Courpasson, D. and Younes, D. 2018. Double or quits: understanding the links between secrecy and creativity in a project development process. Organization Studies 39(2-3), pp. 271-295. (10.1177/0170840617727780)
- Courpasson, D. 2017. Beyond the hidden/public resistance divide: how bloggers defeated a big company. Organization Studies 38(9), pp. 1277-1302. (10.1177/0170840616685363)
- Courpasson, D. 2017. The politics of everyday. Organization Studies 38(6), pp. 843-859. (10.1177/0170840617709310)
- Courpasson, D., Dany, F. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Politics of place: the meaningfulness of resisting places. Human Relations 70(2), pp. 237-259. (10.1177/0018726716641748)
- Courpasson, D. and Monties, V. 2017. 'I am my body'. Physical selves of police officers in a changing institution. Journal of Management Studies 54(1), pp. 32-57. (10.1111/joms.12221)
- Courpasson, D. 2016. Looking away? Civilized indifference and the carnal relationships of the contemporary workplace. Journal of Management Studies 53(6), pp. 1094-1100. (10.1111/joms.12175)
- Courpasson, D., Dany, F. and Martí, I. 2016. Organizational entrepreneurship as active resistance: a struggle against outsourcing. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40(1), pp. 131-160. (10.1111/etap.12109)
- Courpasson, D. 2016. Impactful resistance: the persistence of recognition politics in the workplace. Journal of Management Inquiry 25(1), pp. 96-100. (10.1177/1056492615600354)
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