I'm an historian and theorist of modern international politics, with particular interests in the nuclear revolution, US foreign policy, and the Cold War. On these topics I have written several books and many articles, reviews, and essays.
- Craig, C. 2024. Who, exactly, will ban the bomb?. Journal of Strategic Studies 47(4), pp. 574-582. (10.1080/01402390.2024.2339867)
- Craig, C. 2024. Did the Bush Administration mean well?. Journal of Strategic Studies 47(2), pp. 316-324. (10.1080/01402390.2023.2236869)
- Craig, C. and Amadae, S. 2023. The myth of the nuclear revolution: Power politics in the atomic age. Journal of Strategic Studies 46(1), pp. 212-220. (10.1080/01402390.2021.1930534)
- Craig, C. 2022. The logic of American nuclear strategy: Why strategic superiority matters by Matthew Kroenig, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, 280 pp., £23.49, (HB), ISBN 9780190849184. Journal of Strategic Studies 45(1), pp. 161-165. (10.1080/01402390.2020.1798582)
- Craig, C. 2020. The atom bomb as policy maker: FDR and the road not taken. In: Gordin, M. D. and Ikenberry, G. J. eds. The Age of Hiroshima. Princeton, NJ and Woodstock: Princeton University Press, pp. 19-33., (10.2307/j.ctvkwnq1q.5)
- Craig, C. 2020. Can the danger of nuclear war be eliminated by disarmament?'. In: Sauer, T. and Kustermans, J. eds. Non-Nuclear Peace: Beyond the Nuclear Ban Treaty. Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 167-180.
- Craig, C. 2019. Solving the nuclear dilemma: Is a world state necessary?. Journal of International Political Theory 15(3), pp. 349-366. (10.1177/1755088218795981)
- Craig, C. 2019. The hell of good intentions: America’s foreign policy elite and the decline of U.S. primacy by Stephen Walt, New York, Farrar Straus Giroux [Book Review]. Journal of Strategic Studies 42(3-4), pp. 557. (10.1080/01402390.2019.1575024)
- Craig, C. and Radchenko, S. 2018. MAD, not Marx: Khrushchev and the nuclear revolution. Journal of Strategic Studies 41(1-2), pp. 208-233. (10.1080/01402390.2017.1330683)
- Craig, C. 2017. When the whip comes down: Marxism, the Soviet experience, and the nuclear revolution. European Journal of International Security 2(2), pp. 223-239. (10.1017/eis.2017.4)
- Craig, C. 2016. The nuclear revolution as theory. In: Booth, K. and Erskine, T. eds. International Relations Theory Today. Cambridge Press: Polity, pp. 139-152.
- Craig, C. 2016. Classical realism for the twenty-first century: responding to the challenge of globality. In: van Munster, R. and Sylvest, C. eds. Politics of globality since 1945: assembling the planet. Routledge, pp. 71-88.
- Craig, C. 2013. Kennedy's international legacy, fifty years on. International Affairs -London then Oxford- 89(6), pp. 1367-1378. (10.1111/1468-2346.12078)
- Craig, C. and Ruzicka, J. 2013. The nonproliferation complex. Ethics and International Affairs 27(3), pp. 329-348. (10.1017/S0892679413000257)
- Craig, C. 2010. The resurgent idea of world government. In: Tinnevelt, R. and De Schutter, H. eds. Global Democracy and Exclusion. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 27-36., (10.1002/9781444328288.ch3)
- Craig, C. 2009. American power preponderance and the nuclear revolution. Review of International Studies 35(1), pp. 27-44. (10.1017/S0260210509008316)
- Craig, C. and Logevall, F. 2009. America's Cold War: the politics of insecurity. US: Harvard University Press.
- Craig, C. and Radchenko, S. 2008. The atomic bomb and the origins of the cold war. U.S.: Yale University Press.
- Craig, C. 2004. Glimmer of a new leviathan: total war in the realism of Niebuhr, Morgenthau, and Waltz. Columbia University Press.
- Craig, C. 2024. Who, exactly, will ban the bomb?. Journal of Strategic Studies 47(4), pp. 574-582. (10.1080/01402390.2024.2339867)
- Craig, C. 2024. Did the Bush Administration mean well?. Journal of Strategic Studies 47(2), pp. 316-324. (10.1080/01402390.2023.2236869)
- Craig, C. and Amadae, S. 2023. The myth of the nuclear revolution: Power politics in the atomic age. Journal of Strategic Studies 46(1), pp. 212-220. (10.1080/01402390.2021.1930534)
- Craig, C. 2022. The logic of American nuclear strategy: Why strategic superiority matters by Matthew Kroenig, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, 280 pp., £23.49, (HB), ISBN 9780190849184. Journal of Strategic Studies 45(1), pp. 161-165. (10.1080/01402390.2020.1798582)
- Craig, C. 2019. Solving the nuclear dilemma: Is a world state necessary?. Journal of International Political Theory 15(3), pp. 349-366. (10.1177/1755088218795981)
- Craig, C. 2019. The hell of good intentions: America’s foreign policy elite and the decline of U.S. primacy by Stephen Walt, New York, Farrar Straus Giroux [Book Review]. Journal of Strategic Studies 42(3-4), pp. 557. (10.1080/01402390.2019.1575024)
- Craig, C. and Radchenko, S. 2018. MAD, not Marx: Khrushchev and the nuclear revolution. Journal of Strategic Studies 41(1-2), pp. 208-233. (10.1080/01402390.2017.1330683)
- Craig, C. 2017. When the whip comes down: Marxism, the Soviet experience, and the nuclear revolution. European Journal of International Security 2(2), pp. 223-239. (10.1017/eis.2017.4)
- Craig, C. 2013. Kennedy's international legacy, fifty years on. International Affairs -London then Oxford- 89(6), pp. 1367-1378. (10.1111/1468-2346.12078)
- Craig, C. and Ruzicka, J. 2013. The nonproliferation complex. Ethics and International Affairs 27(3), pp. 329-348. (10.1017/S0892679413000257)
- Craig, C. 2009. American power preponderance and the nuclear revolution. Review of International Studies 35(1), pp. 27-44. (10.1017/S0260210509008316)
Book sections
- Craig, C. 2020. The atom bomb as policy maker: FDR and the road not taken. In: Gordin, M. D. and Ikenberry, G. J. eds. The Age of Hiroshima. Princeton, NJ and Woodstock: Princeton University Press, pp. 19-33., (10.2307/j.ctvkwnq1q.5)
- Craig, C. 2020. Can the danger of nuclear war be eliminated by disarmament?'. In: Sauer, T. and Kustermans, J. eds. Non-Nuclear Peace: Beyond the Nuclear Ban Treaty. Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 167-180.
- Craig, C. 2016. The nuclear revolution as theory. In: Booth, K. and Erskine, T. eds. International Relations Theory Today. Cambridge Press: Polity, pp. 139-152.
- Craig, C. 2016. Classical realism for the twenty-first century: responding to the challenge of globality. In: van Munster, R. and Sylvest, C. eds. Politics of globality since 1945: assembling the planet. Routledge, pp. 71-88.
- Craig, C. 2010. The resurgent idea of world government. In: Tinnevelt, R. and De Schutter, H. eds. Global Democracy and Exclusion. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 27-36., (10.1002/9781444328288.ch3)
- Craig, C. and Logevall, F. 2009. America's Cold War: the politics of insecurity. US: Harvard University Press.
- Craig, C. and Radchenko, S. 2008. The atomic bomb and the origins of the cold war. U.S.: Yale University Press.
- Craig, C. 2004. Glimmer of a new leviathan: total war in the realism of Niebuhr, Morgenthau, and Waltz. Columbia University Press.
I have just completed work on Marxism and the nuclear revolution, in the form of an article on nuclear weapons and current Marxist theory in the European Journal of International Relations and, with my Cardiff colleague Sergey Radchenko, an article in the Journal of Strategic Studies on Khrushchev's encounter with nuclear weapons and what this says about contemporary attempts to revive nuclear strategy. My colleague Jan Ruzicka and I are working on our book on US preponderance and the nuclear nonproliferation regime, which will be published by Cornell University Press's series in Security Affairs.
I co-teach the first year undergraduate introduction to international relations, the second year module on the Cold War, and the third year module on nuclear politics. In addition, I convene the postgraduate core module on international relations. Ready to supervise research in Cold War history, US foreign policy, nuclear politics, and contemporary IR theory.
I've been a professor here at Cardiff since February 2016. Before that I was professor at Aberystwyth University (2009-16) and at Southampton University (2005-09). I have held senior visiting fellowships at Yale University (2004-05), the Norwegian Nobel Institute (2009), the European University Institute (2013), and Bristol University (2015).
Education: BA Carleton College (1986), MA University of Chicago (1988), PhD Ohio (1995)