Ian Dennis
Senior Lecturer in Archaeology
- Davis, O., Dennis, I. and Muller-Kissing, J. 2023. Neue Forschungen zu eisenzeitlichen Höhenbefestigungen im Kreis Lippe / Nord-Rhine-Westphalia. In: Von Schumann, R. et al. eds. Eisenzeitliche Erinnerungskulturen - Zum Umgang eisenzeitlicher Gemeinschaften mit Relikten der Vergangenheit. Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas Vol. 107. Weißbach: Beier und Beran, pp. 209-21.
- Davis, O., Dennis, I. and Muller-Kissing, J. 2018. Excavations at the Grotenburg and Piepenkopf Hillforts, Westphalia, Germany: An Interim Report. Project Report. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology.
- Sharples, N. and Dennis, I. 2016. Combs and comb production in the Western Isles during the Norse period. In: Hunter, F. and Sheridan, A. eds. Ancient Lives. Object, people and place in early Scotland. Essays for David V. Clarke on his 70th birthday.. Leiden, Netherlands: Sidestone Press, pp. 331-357.
- Mattick, K., Dennis, I., Bradley, P. and Bligh, J. 2008. Content specificity: is it the full story? Statistical modelling of a clinical skills examination. Medical Education 42(6), pp. 589-599. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03020.x)
- Mattick, K., Dennis, I., Bradley, P. and Bligh, J. 2008. Content specificity: is it the full story? Statistical modelling of a clinical skills examination. Medical Education 42(6), pp. 589-599. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03020.x)
Book sections
- Davis, O., Dennis, I. and Muller-Kissing, J. 2023. Neue Forschungen zu eisenzeitlichen Höhenbefestigungen im Kreis Lippe / Nord-Rhine-Westphalia. In: Von Schumann, R. et al. eds. Eisenzeitliche Erinnerungskulturen - Zum Umgang eisenzeitlicher Gemeinschaften mit Relikten der Vergangenheit. Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas Vol. 107. Weißbach: Beier und Beran, pp. 209-21.
- Sharples, N. and Dennis, I. 2016. Combs and comb production in the Western Isles during the Norse period. In: Hunter, F. and Sheridan, A. eds. Ancient Lives. Object, people and place in early Scotland. Essays for David V. Clarke on his 70th birthday.. Leiden, Netherlands: Sidestone Press, pp. 331-357.
- Davis, O., Dennis, I. and Muller-Kissing, J. 2018. Excavations at the Grotenburg and Piepenkopf Hillforts, Westphalia, Germany: An Interim Report. Project Report. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology.
Research Project
My current research focuses on the Piepenkopf and Grotenburg, La Tène/Iron Age Hillforts in Northeast Westphalia, Germany.
Other Research Interests
The use of experimental and experiential archaeology to explore craft manufacturing techniques from Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age and Norse Britain.
I am particularly interested in:
- Archaeological illustration
- Bornais/Viking antler combs and associated working debris in order to understand the manufacturing process
- Conflict archaeology
- Prehistoric lithic technology
- Antler and Bone Heritage Crafts
PI - On the CBRL research project with Prof. Denys Pringle, Aqaba Castle (Qal¿at/Khan al-¿Aqaba): Final Publication of the British-Belgian Survey and Excavations of 2000–4
Impact and engagement
Lead on the Arts and Hummanities Reseach Funding (AHRC) Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account (HIAA) project, Embedding Heritage Crafts on the Outer Hebrides, Scotland.
I currently lead Archaeology modules:
- Archaeological Illustration & Photography,
- Reseaching the Past,
- Archaeological Science in Practice,
- Archaeological Dissertation,
- The Scientific Reseach Project.
- Artefact Illustration as part of the Archaeology MSc & MA PGT scheme.
I also contribute to
- Analysing Arcaheology on analysing flint assemblages and Experimental and Experiential Archaeology,
- Crossing Boudaries: Interdisciplinary Dissertation,
- Evidence Based Presevation of Organics.
Currently I lead a collaborative research project with Detmold Lippesches Landesmuseum excavating the Piepenkopf Iron Age Hillfort in Germany.
I am a field archaeologist and archaeological illustrator with over 30 years experience of practical archaeology. My research interests include: ancient antler working, lithic analysis and experimental archaeology. I recently illustrated artefacts from the Staffordhire Hoard and have completed finds and reconstruction illustrations for numerous publications and exhibitions over the years.
Contact Details
Research themes
- Antler and Bone artefacts
- Archaeological Illustration
- European Iron Age
- Experimental & Experiential Archaeology
- Lithics