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Geoffrey Deverteuil

Professor Geoffrey Deverteuil


Teams and roles for Geoffrey Deverteuil


My research is at the grand intersection of inequality, its spatial expressions and its management within cities. I am interested more specifically in inequality as it manifests itself in terms of mental health, substance abuse treatment, homelessness, precarious migrants, gentrification and the voluntary sector. I am also interested in the forces arrayed against inequality, including a critical articulation of social and spatial resilience.

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View my CV (2025).

View my Google Scholar page.




















Book sections



Research interests

Urban geography; facility location; welfare reform; homelessness and housing; local state; health geography; substance abuse treatment; therapeutic landscapes; social policy; global cities; resilience

Medium and major grants

2018 - Principal Investigator, BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, for ‘Service hubs in global city-regions: From a survival geography to a new commons?’, £9,525

2013 Principal Investigator, BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, for "Transnational gentrification: Immigrant enclaves and 'safe haven' investment", £9,717

2012 Principal Investigator, Worldwide Universities Network Research Development Fund, for "Precarious migrants, access to social support and wellbeing in global cities", £24,374 (co-applicants Lucy Jordan, David Manley, Rong Tian, Qiaobing Hu)

2010 Principal Investigator, Worldwide Universities Network Research Mobility Programme, for "Evidence of gentrification-induced displacement of voluntary sector organizations: How does Sydney compare to London and Los Angeles", £3,440

2009 Principal Investigator, British Academy Small Research Grant, for "Contours of the ethnic welfare state in London and Los Angeles", £5,369

2008  Principal Investigator, The Nuffield Foundation Social Science Small Grant, for "Gentrification and displacement of human services in global cities", £6,220

2006 Principal Investigator, University of Manitoba/Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Small Research Grant), for "Polarization and polycentricity in global city-regions: Local implications in Sao Paulo, Brazil", $6,580 Cdn

2004 Principal Investigator, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Standard Research Grant), for "Clean and sober places: Exploring the therapeutic landscapes of
addiction recovery", $71,092 Cdn (2004-2007)   (Co-applicant Robert Wilton, McMaster

2004 Principal Investigator, University Research Leave Program, for "Revanchism and homelessness in Auckland NZ", $5,790 Cdn (July-December 2004)

2002 Co-Applicant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, for "Mental Health Service Utilization and Population Mobility in Manitoba: A Longitudinal Analysis" (CIHR Competition on Improving Access to Appropriate Health Services for Marginalized Groups), Principal Investigator Lisa Lix, $245,000 Cdn (2002-2004)

1999 Co-Principal Investigator, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award, for 'Welfare Reform and Welfare Neighborhoods: Institutional and Individual Perspectives', Principal Investigator Jennifer Wolch (BCS-0000248)  $7,957 US   (1999-2001)

1998 Haynes Dissertation Fellowship, Haynes Foundation  $14,000 US



Canadian; UK Indefinite Leave to Remain July 2012+  (permanent residency)

Present Appointment

Reader, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University

Academic Qualifications

2001 Doctor of Philosophy (Geography), University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA
Dissertation: "Welfare Reform and Welfare Neighborhoods: Institutional and Individual Perspectives", (Jennifer Wolch supervisor)

1995 Graduate Diploma (Geographic Information Systems), Université du Québec à Montréal (en français), Montreal Canada

1993 Master of Arts (Community and Regional Planning), University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada

1991 Bachelor of Arts (Geography), McGill University, Montreal Canada

Professional Affiliations

Royal Geographical Society with IBG

Honours and awards

Minor grants, awards and honours

2013 University of Southampton Vice-Chancellor Teaching Award, £1,000

2013 Principal Investigator, AAG Research Grant, for "Transnational gentrification", $900 US

2012 Association of American Geographers Photo Competition (Best Photographic Story), $100 US

2010 School of Geography, Mike Clark teaching award, £1,000

2009 Principal Investigator, AAG Research Grant, for "Ethnic welfare state formation in London and Los Angeles", $850 US

2008  Fellow status, Higher Education Academy (United Kingdom)

2008 Principal Investigator, School of Geography, Economy/Culture/Space theme seed grant for "Ethnic Welfare States", £1,500

2008 School of Geography Summer Bursary Scheme, £700 (for summer student)

2007 British Academy, Overseas Conference Grant, £400 (for 2008 AAGs)

2003 Principal Investigator, University Research Grant Program, for "Concentrated poverty and white flight in Canadian cities? Evidence from Winnipeg, 1986-2001', $4,321 Cdn

2002 Best Dissertation Award for the AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group, $250 US

Academic positions

Lecturer, University of Southampton Geography, July 1st 2007- January 25th 2014
University of Southampton, UK

Assistant Professor of Geography (granted tenure, December 2006), 2001-2007

University of Manitoba, Canada; Adjunct Professor (2007-2009)

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76089
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Room Room 2.67, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA

External profiles