Professor Carla Edgley
Professor of Accounting and Finance
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Professor Carla Edgley MA BFP FCA FHEA
To provide an overview of my role, I am a Professor in the Accounting and Finance Section at Cardiff Business School, and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
My research and teaching interests are in interdisciplinary, social studies of accounting, including diversity/gender studies, taxation and the materiality concept.
Currently, I am a Co-Director of the Cardiff Interdisciplinary Tax Research Group (CITRG)
Regarding links with editorial boards, I am an Associate Editor of Critical Perspectives on Accounting Journal At present I am a guest editor of a special issue on critical perspectives on taxation for CPA journal.
My professional networks are as follows: I am a Chartered Accountant and fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), a member of the ICAEW Wales Strategy Board, member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation Welsh Technical Sub-Committee and a former co-opted ICAEW Council member representing UK academia.
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2024. Cultural circularities that limit diversity: emancipating voices. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 44(2), pp. 159-168. (10.1080/0969160X.2024.2374961)
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Sharma, N. and Robson, K. 2024. Diversity and the evaluation of talent in the accounting profession:the enigma of merit. Accounting Horizons 38(1), pp. 27-37. (10.2308/HORIZONS-2022-103)
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2022. Organizational responses to multiple logics: Diversity, identity and the professional service firm. Accounting, Organizations and Society 103, article number: 101336. (10.1016/j.aos.2022.101336)
- Edgley, C. R. and Holland, K. M. 2021. 'Unknown unknowns' and the tax knowledge gap: power and the materiality of discretionary tax disclosures. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 81, article number: 102227. (10.1016/
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2018. Professional identity and the enigma of diversity. Presented at: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Edinburgh Business School, 11-13 July 2018. pp. -.
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C. and Sharma, N. 2017. Qualitative data management and analysis software. In: Hoque, Z. et al. eds. The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods. Taylor & Francis, pp. 405-431.
- Edgley, C., Sharma, N., Anderson Gough, F. and Robson, K. 2017. Diversity and the accounting profession. Technical Report.
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2017. Let everyone win it on merit. Presented at: Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Quebec, 2-5 July 2017.
- Edgley, C., Sharma, N., Anderson-Gough, F. and Robson, K. 2017. Diversity and the accounting profession. Project Report. [Online]. ICAEW Charitable Trusts. Available at:
- Edgley, C. and Holland, K. 2017. Unknown unknowns and the tax knowledge gap: Evaluating materiality in tax disclosures.. Presented at: Critical perspectives on Accounting Conference 2017, Quebec, 2-5 July 2017. pp. -.
- Edgley, C., Sharma, N. and Anderson-Gough, F. 2016. Diversity and professionalism in the Big Four firms: expectation, celebration and weapon in the battle for talent. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 35, pp. 13-34. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C., Jones, M. J. and Atkins, J. 2015. The adoption of the materiality concept in social and environmental reporting assurance: A field study approach. British Accounting Review 47(1), pp. 1-18. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. 2014. A genealogy of accounting materiality. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 25(3), pp. 255-271. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. R. 2010. Backstage in legal theatre: a Foucauldian interpretation of 'Rationes Decidendi' on the question of taxable business profits. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 21(7), pp. 560-572. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. R., Jones, M. J. and Solomon, J. F. 2010. Stakeholder inclusivity in social and environmental report assurance. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 23(4), pp. 532-557. (10.1108/09513571011041615)
- Solomon, J. F. and Edgley, C. R. 2008. The abandoned mandatory OFR: a lost opportunity for SER?. Social Responsibility Journal 4(3), pp. 324-348. (10.1108/17471110810892848)
- Edgley, C. R. and Chandler, R. A. 1999. Certainly reasonable or reasonable certainty. British Tax Review(4), pp. 309-314.
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2024. Cultural circularities that limit diversity: emancipating voices. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 44(2), pp. 159-168. (10.1080/0969160X.2024.2374961)
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Sharma, N. and Robson, K. 2024. Diversity and the evaluation of talent in the accounting profession:the enigma of merit. Accounting Horizons 38(1), pp. 27-37. (10.2308/HORIZONS-2022-103)
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2022. Organizational responses to multiple logics: Diversity, identity and the professional service firm. Accounting, Organizations and Society 103, article number: 101336. (10.1016/j.aos.2022.101336)
- Edgley, C. R. and Holland, K. M. 2021. 'Unknown unknowns' and the tax knowledge gap: power and the materiality of discretionary tax disclosures. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 81, article number: 102227. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C., Sharma, N. and Anderson-Gough, F. 2016. Diversity and professionalism in the Big Four firms: expectation, celebration and weapon in the battle for talent. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 35, pp. 13-34. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C., Jones, M. J. and Atkins, J. 2015. The adoption of the materiality concept in social and environmental reporting assurance: A field study approach. British Accounting Review 47(1), pp. 1-18. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. 2014. A genealogy of accounting materiality. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 25(3), pp. 255-271. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. R. 2010. Backstage in legal theatre: a Foucauldian interpretation of 'Rationes Decidendi' on the question of taxable business profits. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 21(7), pp. 560-572. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. R., Jones, M. J. and Solomon, J. F. 2010. Stakeholder inclusivity in social and environmental report assurance. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 23(4), pp. 532-557. (10.1108/09513571011041615)
- Solomon, J. F. and Edgley, C. R. 2008. The abandoned mandatory OFR: a lost opportunity for SER?. Social Responsibility Journal 4(3), pp. 324-348. (10.1108/17471110810892848)
- Edgley, C. R. and Chandler, R. A. 1999. Certainly reasonable or reasonable certainty. British Tax Review(4), pp. 309-314.
Book sections
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C. and Sharma, N. 2017. Qualitative data management and analysis software. In: Hoque, Z. et al. eds. The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods. Taylor & Francis, pp. 405-431.
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2018. Professional identity and the enigma of diversity. Presented at: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Edinburgh Business School, 11-13 July 2018. pp. -.
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N. 2017. Let everyone win it on merit. Presented at: Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Quebec, 2-5 July 2017.
- Edgley, C. and Holland, K. 2017. Unknown unknowns and the tax knowledge gap: Evaluating materiality in tax disclosures.. Presented at: Critical perspectives on Accounting Conference 2017, Quebec, 2-5 July 2017. pp. -.
- Edgley, C., Sharma, N., Anderson Gough, F. and Robson, K. 2017. Diversity and the accounting profession. Technical Report.
- Edgley, C., Sharma, N., Anderson-Gough, F. and Robson, K. 2017. Diversity and the accounting profession. Project Report. [Online]. ICAEW Charitable Trusts. Available at:
- Edgley, C., Sharma, N. and Anderson-Gough, F. 2016. Diversity and professionalism in the Big Four firms: expectation, celebration and weapon in the battle for talent. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 35, pp. 13-34. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C., Jones, M. J. and Atkins, J. 2015. The adoption of the materiality concept in social and environmental reporting assurance: A field study approach. British Accounting Review 47(1), pp. 1-18. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. 2014. A genealogy of accounting materiality. Critical Perspectives On Accounting 25(3), pp. 255-271. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. R. 2010. Backstage in legal theatre: a Foucauldian interpretation of 'Rationes Decidendi' on the question of taxable business profits. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 21(7), pp. 560-572. (10.1016/
- Edgley, C. R., Jones, M. J. and Solomon, J. F. 2010. Stakeholder inclusivity in social and environmental report assurance. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 23(4), pp. 532-557. (10.1108/09513571011041615)
- Solomon, J. F. and Edgley, C. R. 2008. The abandoned mandatory OFR: a lost opportunity for SER?. Social Responsibility Journal 4(3), pp. 324-348. (10.1108/17471110810892848)
Primary research interests
- Diversity in the accounting profession
- Taxation, in particular, the taxation of business profits and interdisciplinary perspectives on taxation
- The materality concept
PhD supervision research interests
Diversity and the accounting profession, social studies of taxation, the materiality concept
Research projects
- Diversity and career progression in the accounting profession
- Ethical leaders of tomorrow - an international research project funded by CPA Ontario investigating the building of ethical leaders in the accounting professional field.
- Exploring public feeling in tax reform - a Civic Mission research project funded by Cardiff University
Published/accepted papers
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C., Robson, K. and Sharma, N., 2022. Organizational responses to multiple logics: Diversity, identity and the professional service firm. Accounting, Organizations and Society, p.101336.
- Edgley, C., & Holland, K. 2021. Unknown unknowns and the tax knowledge gap: Evaluating materiality in tax disclosures. Critical perspectives in Accounting.
- Anderson-Gough, F., Edgley, C. and Sharma, N. 2017. Qualitative data management and analysis software. The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods, p.405-431.
- Edgley, C., Sharma N., Anderson-Gough, F. and Robson, K. 2017. Diversity and the Accounting Profession, ICAEW. Academic and practitioner peer reviewed Professional Monograph and Practitioner Report for the ICAEW
- Edgley, C., Sharma N. and Anderson-Gough, 2017. Diversity and professionalism in the Big Four firms: expectation, celebration and weapon in the battle for talent. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, pp. 13-34.
- Edgley, C., Jones, M. and Atkins J. 2015. The Adoption of the Materiality Concept in Social and Environmental Reporting Assurance: A Field Study Approach. British Accounting Review.
- Edgley, C. 2014. A Genealogy of Materiality Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 25 (3), pp. 255-271.
- Edgley, C. 2010. Backstage in legal theatre: A Foucauldian interpretation of ‘Rationes Decidendi’ on the question of taxable business profits. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 21(7), pp. 560-572.
- Edgley, C., Jones, M. and Solomon, J. 2010. Stakeholder Inclusivity in Social and Environmental Report Assurance. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 23 (4), pp. 532-557.
- Solomon, J. and Edgley, C. 2008. SER in the OFR. Reflections on a Lost Opportunity. Social Responsibility Journal, 4 (3), pp. 324-348.
- Edgley, C. and Chandler, R. 1999. Certainly Reasonable or Reasonable Certainty? Herbert Smith v. Honour. British Tax Review, 4, pp. 309-314.
- Edgley, C. and Chandler, R. 1999. A Path through the Maze. Taxation, Tolley Publishing Company, 21 January 1999, pp. 382-385
- Chandler, R. Edgley, C. 1999. Principles: The likely consequences of Herbert Smith v Honour. Taxation, Tolley publishing company ltd- 143, 204-205
- Chandler R., and Edgley, C. 1999. The Last Straw. Accountancy, February 1999, pp. 100-101.
- Chandler R., and Edgley, C. 1999. Higher Tax Bills in 2000. RIBA Journal, May 1999, p. 82.
- Chandler R., and Edgley, C. 1999. Tax Accounts versus Commercial Accounts. Taxation, 20 May 1999, Tolley Publishing Company pp. 204-205.
Teaching commitments
- Taxation - module co-ordinator Year 2 undergraduate
- Taxation - Policy Practice and Administration module co-ordinator Year 3 undergraduate
- PhD supervision - Carla is a second/third supervisor for four PhD students in the subject areas of tax, impression management in reporting (Fintech), gender and business angel investment and social responsibility/bank financial reporting disclosures.
Previous teaching areas:
- Auditing and Assurance - module co-ordinator in Auditing Year 2 undergraduate
- Corporate Governance - module co-ordinator Year 3 undergraduate
- Lecturer on research methods in Accounting - Accounting and Finance MSc
Previous member of the staff student panel.
- OCAS award AHSS College - October 2014
- Teaching Excellence Award - Cardiff Business School September 2013
Carla Edgley is a Professor at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. She lectures in tax (and previously auditing/corporate governance) and is the chair of the professional accounting subject level group at Cardiff. She worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers, and in industry, for several years before moving into an academic career. She is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), a former co-opted member of the ICAEW Council representing academia and currently a member of the ICAEW Wales Strategy Group and also the Welsh Technical Sub Committee of the Chartered Institute of Taxation.
Her research and publications to date focus on social studies of accounting exploring the sociology of materiality as a reporting concept in accounting, taxation and corporate social responsibility and also how the diversity agenda is changing beliefs about professional identity/merit in professional services firms. Many of her publications to date have drawn on Foucauldian insights into the workings of materiality, power and knowledge in the accounting field.
She is joint co-ordinator of the Cardiff Interdisciplinary Tax Research Group and previous director of the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Research Group at Cardiff Business School.
Carla is currently is an Associate Editor of Critical Perspectives on Accounting Journal.
Her publications include papers in academic journals such as Accounting Organizations and Society, Critical Perspectives on Accounting Journal, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, the British Tax Review, the British Accounting Review and also practitioner journals such as Taxation.
- St. Hilda's College, Oxford University M.A. Classics
- Chartered Accountant, F.C.A.
- Member of the F.H.E.A.
Prior Experience
- West Glamorgan Health Authority - Deputy Director of Finance/Acting Director of Finance (1993-1997)
- EMAP Plc - Chief Accountant EMAP Consumer Magazines (1992-1993)
- Financial Training - Lecturer in Auditing and Tax, ICAEW and Institute of Taxation exams (1991-1992)
- Daily Mail - Finance Manager (1990-1991)
- Price Waterhouse - From trainee to Assistant Audit Manager, including secondment to the Training Dept. (1985-1990)
Current supervision
Jill Jones Jones
Contact Details
+44 29208 76567
Aberconway Building, Room D03, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU