I am a Professor in the School of Social Sciences with a keen interest in collaborative and inter-disciplinary research including work with lawyers, political scientists, computer scientists and sociologists who are interested in the impact of emergent technologies, particularly social media and smart cities, on issues of law, governance and regulation in relation to problems of crime, security and justice. I also have a track record of research on the politics of security in European city-regions and on the organisation of serious crimes and their reduction.
- Edwards, A. and Calaresu, M. 2023. Smart cities and security: a quantitative narrative analysis of urban security strategies in Italy and the UK. Polis 2/2023, pp. 197-228. (10.1424/107753)
- Brewster, D. and Edwards, A. 2023. Explaining the reproduction of illegal drug use control regimes in Japan: the multi-centred governance thesis. Global Crime 24(1), pp. 73-92. (10.1080/17440572.2022.2162508)
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Ftizgerald, R. Housley, W. et al. eds. 2022. The SAGE handbook of digital society. 1st Edition. London: SAGE.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. The emerging contours of digital society: remastering, reconsideration, reorientation and new socio-digital domains. In: Housley, W. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 3-18.
- Edwards, A., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. Freedom of speech and online harm in liberal democracies: a triadic concept. In: Housley, W. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 543-558.
- Edwards, A., Webb, H., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2021. Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi. Policing and Society 31(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1080/10439463.2020.1839073)
- Procter, R., Webb, H., Jirotka, M., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. and Williams, M. 2019. A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.11732
- Housley, W. et al. 2018. Interaction and transformation on social media: the case of Twitter campaigns. Social Media and Society 4(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1177/2056305117750721)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 627-644. (10.1177/1468794117715063)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations. Discourse and Communication 11(6), pp. 567-590. (10.1177/1750481317726932)
- Webb, H. et al. 2017. The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination. Presented at: WebSci'17: ACM Web Science Conference, Troy, NY, USA, 25-28 June 2017Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference. ACM pp. 339-348., (10.1145/3091478.3091489)
- Edwards, A. M., Chambers, S. J., Fyfe, N. and Henry, A. 2017. Metropolitan policing agendas in Britain: Divergent tendencies in a fragmenting state?. In: Elke, D., Edwards, A. M. and Paul, P. eds. Policing European Metropolises: The Politics of Security in City-Regions. Routledge, pp. 201-228.
- Edwards, A., Devroe, E. and Ponsaers, P. 2017. The European world of metropolitan policing: Interpreting patterns of governance, policy and politics. In: Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. eds. Policing European Metropolises: The Politics of Security in City-Regions. Routledge Studies in Crime, Security and Justice Routledge, pp. 303-331.
- Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. 2017. Policing European metropolises: the politics of security in city-regions. Routledge.
- Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. 2017. Processes of convergence and divergence in the policy formulation of policing strategies for European metropolises. In: Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. eds. Policing European Metropolises: The Politics of Security in City-Regions. Routledge, pp. 3-22.
- Edwards, A. M. 2017. Multi-centred governance in liberal modes of security: a realist approach. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Edwards, A. M. 2016. Actors, scripts, scenes and scenarios: key trends in policy and research on the organisation of serious crimes. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 6(4), pp. 975-998.
- Edwards, A. 2016. Big data, predictive machines and security: the minority report. In: McGuire, M. and Holt, T. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice. Routledge International Handbooks Routledge, pp. 451-460.
- Edwards, A. 2016. Multi-centred governance and circuits of power in liberal modes of security. Global Crime 17(3-4), pp. 240-263. (10.1080/17440572.2016.1179629)
- Scourfield, J. B. et al. 2016. The response in Twitter to an assisted suicide in a television soap opera. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 37(5), pp. 392-395. (10.1027/0227-5910/a000377)
- Edwards, A. M. 2016. Organized crime. In: Dunn Cavelty, M. and Balzacq, T. eds. Routledge Handbook of Security Studies. Routledge Handbooks Routledge, pp. 150-160.
- Webb, H. et al. 2016. Digital wildfires: propagation, verification, regulation, and responsible innovation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 34(3), article number: 15. (10.1145/2893478)
- Webb, H. et al. 2015. Digital wildfires: hyper-connectivity, havoc, and a global ethos to govern social media. Computers and Society 45(3), pp. 193-201.
- Edwards, A. 2015. Big data, predictive machines and security: enthusiasts, critics and sceptics. Discover Society
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. Detecting tension in online communities with computational Twitter analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 95, pp. 96-108. (10.1016/j.techfore.2013.04.013)
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Jirotka, M., Procter, R. and Webb, H. 2015. Social media and civil society: participation, regulation and governance. Presented at: WISERD 2015 Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Swann, R. 2015. Community safety and the policing of young people in austere times. In: Goldson, B. and Muncie, J. eds. Youth Crime and Justice. SAGE Publications, pp. 191-208.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. COSMOS: Towards an integrated and scalable service for analysing social media on demand. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 30(2), pp. 80-100. (10.1080/17445760.2014.902057)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2014. Tweeting the terror: modelling the social media reaction to the Woolwich terrorist attack. Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, article number: 206. (10.1007/s13278-014-0206-4)
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G., Solly, R. and Follett, M. 2014. Crime control and community safety in Milton Keynes, UK. In: Sessar, K., Stangl, W. and Swaaningen, R. v. eds. GrossStadtangste - Anxious cities: Untersuchungen zu Unsicherheitsgefuhlen und Sicherheitspolitiken in europaischen Kommunen. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 257-278.
- Housley, W. et al. 2014. Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: a collaborative response. Big Data & Society 1(2) (10.1177/2053951714545135)
- Edwards, A. M. and Prins, R. 2014. Policing and crime in contemporary London: a developmental agenda?. European Journal of Policing Studies 2(1), pp. 61-93.
- Sloan, L., Morgan, J., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Knowing the Tweeters: Deriving sociologically relevant demographics from Twitter. Sociological Research Online 18(3), article number: 7. (10.5153/sro.3001)
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2013. Comparative European criminology and the question of urban security. European Journal of Criminology 10(3), pp. 257-259. (10.1177/1477370813482611)
- Edwards, A. M., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Sloan, L. and Williams, M. D. 2013. Digital social research, social media and the sociological imagination: Surrogacy, augmentation and re-orientation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 245-260. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774185)
- Gilling, D., Hughes, G., Bowden, M., Edwards, A. M., Henry, A. and Topping, J. 2013. Powers, liabilities and expertise in community safety: Comparative lessons for 'urban security' from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. European Journal of Criminology 10(3), pp. 326-340. (10.1177/1477370813482612)
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Lord, N. J. 2013. Urban security in Europe: Translating a concept in public criminology. European Journal of Criminology 10(3), pp. 260-283. (10.1177/1477370813483386)
- Williams, M. L. et al. 2013. Policing cyber-neighbourhoods: Tension monitoring and social media networks. Policing and Society 23(4), pp. 461-481. (10.1080/10439463.2013.780225)
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Williams, M. D. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Special issue: Introduction. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 173-175. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774164)
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Lord, N. J. 2013. Crime prevention and public safety in Europe: challenges for comparative criminology. In: Body-Gendrot, S. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology. Routledge International Handbooks Routledge, pp. 368-384.
- Williams, M. L., Procter, R., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Sloan, L. and Voss, A. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: COSMOS Launch, London, England, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Rob, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. The Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science? Blurring the Boundaries: One Year On, London, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Using social media with survey data. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science?, London, UK, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Demonstration of pre-alpha COSMOS. Presented at: Invited Presentation, Brisbane, Australia, 2013.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: Web Observatory Launch, Royal Society, London, UK, 2013.
- Rob, P. et al. 2013. Enabling social media research through citizen social science. Presented at: 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Paphos, Cyprus, 21-25 September 2013.
- Burnap, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Sloan, L. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Detecting tension in social media. Presented at: Third International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2012. Public safety regimes: Negotiated orders and political analysis in criminology. Criminology and Criminal Justice 12(4), pp. 433-458. (10.1177/1748895811431850)
- Edwards, A. M. 2012. The criminological imagination by Jock Young [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 39(2), pp. 312-316. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2012.00584.x)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Working paper 153: social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics 2012 [working paper]. Working paper. Cardiff: School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/Working%20Paper%20153%20-%20Burnap%20et%20al.%20(2013)%20Social%20Media%20Analysis,%20Twitter%20and%20the%20London%20Olympics%202012%20-%20A%20Research%20Note.pdf
- Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M. and Housley, W. 2012. Big data and criminology. Presented at: CCLJ Postgraduate Conference on Theory and Method in Criminological Research, Cardiff, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational and transformational social science. Presented at: Digital Social Research Experts Meeting, Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Supporting empirical digital social research for the social sciences. Presented at: Digital Research 2012 Conference, St Catherines College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Treating social media as data: computational sociological Methods, data analysis and the Cardiff online social media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. D., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational social science and methodological innovation: surrogacy, augmentation or reorientation. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: Blurring the boundaries: New social media, new social science?, London, UK, 2012.
- Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Mining tension and cohesion using the Cardiff Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival,St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics (a research note). Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Edwards, A. M. 2011. The organisation of serious crimes: key trends in policy and research. In: Rafailovich, J., Gabova, S. and Popov, S. eds. Organized Crime, Civil Society and the Policy Process. RiskMonitor Foundation and Open Society Institute, Sofia, pp. 32-44.
- Edwards, A. 2010. Evaluation of the Cardiff Night-Time Economy Co-ordinator (NTEC) post. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Edwards, A. M. and Sheptycki, J. 2009. Third Wave criminology: Guns, crime and social order. Criminology and Criminal Justice 9(3), pp. 379-397. (10.1177/1748895809336698)
- Hughes, G., Case, S., Edwards, A. M., Haines, K. and Liddle, M. 2009. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Safer Communities Fund, 2006-2009. Working paper. Welsh Assembly Government.
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. Post-Westphalian security? The articulation of crime, terror and immigration as global risks. Presented at: Manufacturing Global Risks workshop, Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, 8-9 Jan 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Third wave criminology. Presented at: British Criminology Conference, Cardiff, UK, 29 June – 1 July 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Crime, science and politics [Abstract]. Presented at: 9th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9−12 September 2009Criminology and crime policy between human rights and effective crime control: 9th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Book of Abstracts. Ljubljana, Slovenia: The European Society of Criminology pp. 40-41.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Third wave criminology. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Cardiff, 16 April 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. The preventive turn and the promotion of safer communities in England and Wales. Presented at: European Union Crime Prevention Research Programme (CRIMPREV), final meeting of Work Package 6 on ‘Local Social Policies of Prevention’, Technische Unive, Germany, 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Conceptual frameworks for comparative research into crime prevention. Presented at: European Union Crime Prevention Research Programme (CRIMPREV) final conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 17-19 June 2009.
- Sheptycki, J. and Edwards, A. M. 2009. Preface: Guns, crime and social order. Criminology and Criminal Justice 9(3), pp. 259-264. (10.1177/1748895809336699)
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. Crime, terror and Immigration as one global risk?. Risk & Regulation: the Magazine of the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation.(17), pp. 8-9.
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. Policy transfer. In: Wakefield, A. and Fleming, J. eds. The Sage Dictionary of Policing. London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 234-237.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. The preventive turn and the promotion of safer communities in England and Wales: political inventiveness and governmental instabilities. In: Crawford, A. ed. Crime Prevention Policies in Comparative Perspective. London: Willan publishing Ltd, pp. 62-85.
- Hughes, G., Case, S., Edwards, A., Haines, K., Liddle, M., Smith, A. and Wright, S. 2009. Gwerthusiad o Effeithiolrwydd y Gronfa Cymunedau Diogelach (SCF) 2006 -2009. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Hughes, G., Case, S., Edwards, A., Haines, K., Liddle, M., Smith, A. and Wright, S. 2009. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Safer Communities Fund 2006 -2009. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Edwards, A. M. and Levi, M. 2008. Researching the organization of serious crimes. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 363-388. (10.1177/1748895808097403)
- Edwards, A. M. and Levi, M. 2008. Preface: the organization of serious crimes: developments in research and theory. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 359-361. (10.1177/1748895808097402)
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Inventing community safety. In: Carlen, P. ed. Imaginary Penalities. Abingdon, UK: Willan, pp. 64-83.
- Carr, S. and Edwards, A. M. 2008. Dragonisation: Policy responses to anti-social behaviour in Wales. Presented at: ESRC Research Seminar Series on Anti-Social Behaviour, University of Leeds, UK, 18 September 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. 2008. Inventing community safety: an anglophone politics of security. Presented at: 8th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 September 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Resilient Fabians? Anti-social behaviour and community safety work in Wales. In: Squires, P. ed. ASBO Nation: The criminalisation of nuisance. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 57-72.
- Carr, S. and Edwards, A. M. 2008. Partnership working in community safety. Presented at: 21st Anniversary Conference of the University of Leeds Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, Crime and Disorder Act: 10 years on, Leeds, UK, 7-8th May 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. 2008. Post-Westphalian security. Presented at: ESRC Research Seminar Series on the New Economy of Security, University of Bristol, UK, 4 January 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. 2008. Gun crimes and the politics of public safety: Implicating social science. Presented at: Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council colloquium, ‘Guns, Crime and Social Order’, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Strategic problem-solving for safer communities in Wales. Presented at: Welsh Governance Centre, Cardiff Univeristy, UK, 19 March 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Inventing community safety: representation and performativity in the criminological imagination. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp105.pdf
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Tregidga, J. 2007. The role of the community safety officer within Wales: challenges and opportunities. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp104.pdf
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. eds. 2006. Transnational organised crime: perspectives on global security. London: Routledge.
- Edwards, A. M. 2006. Governance. In: McLaughlin, E. and Muncie, J. eds. The SAGE Dictionary of Criminology, 2nd Ed.. SAGE Publications, pp. 189-191.
- Hughes, G. and Edwards, A. M. 2005. Crime prevention in context. In: Tilley, N. ed. The Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety. London: Willan, pp. 14-34.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2005. Comparing the Governance of Safety in Europe: A Geo-Historical Approach. Theoretical Criminology 9(3), pp. 345-363. (10.1177/1362480605054815)
- Edwards, A. M. 2005. Transnational organised crime. In: Sheptycki, J. and Wardak, A. eds. Transnational and Comparative Criminology in a Global Context. London: Glasshouse Press, pp. 211-255.
- Stenson, K. and Edwards, A. M. 2004. Icy transfer in local crime control: beyond naïve emulation?. In: Newburn, T. and Sparks, R. eds. Criminal Justice and Political Cultures: National and International Dimensions of Crime Control. Collumpton: Willlan, pp. 209-233.
- Stenson, K. and Edwards, A. M. 2004. Policy transfer in local crime control: beyond naïve emulation. In: Newburn, T. and Sparks, R. eds. Criminal Justice and Political Cultures. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 209-233.
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2003. After transnational organised crime: The politics of public safety. In: Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. eds. Transnational Organised Crime: Perspectives on Global Security. London: Routledge, pp. 264-281.
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2003. Introduction. In: Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. eds. Transnational Organised Crime: Perspectives on Global Security. London: Routledge, pp. 1-6.
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2002. The politics of 'transnational organized crime': discourse, reflexivity and the narration of 'threat'. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 4(2), pp. 245-270. (10.1111/1467-856X.t01-1-00004)
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2002. Crime as enterprise? The case of transnational organised crime. Crime, Law and Social Change 37(3), pp. 203-223. (10.1023/A:1015025509582)
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. eds. 2002. Crime control and community: The new politics of public safety. London: Willan.
- Edwards, A. M. 2002. Learning from diversity: the strategic dilemmas of community-based crime control. In: Hughes, G. and Edwards, A. M. eds. Crime Control and Community: The New Politics of Public Safety. Collumpton: Willan, pp. 140-166.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2002. Introduction: the community governance of crime control. In: Hughes, G. and Edwards, A. M. eds. Crime Control and Community: The New Politics of Public Safety. Collumpton: Willan, pp. 1-19.
- Stenson, K. and Edwards, A. M. 2001. Crime control and liberal government: the 'third way' and the return to the local. In: Stenson, K. and Sullivan, R. R. eds. Crime, Risk and Justice: The Politics of Crime Control in Liberal Democracies. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 68-86.
- Edwards, A. M. and Beynon, J. 2001. Networking and crime control at the local level. In: Ryan, M., Savage, S. P. and Wall, D. eds. Policy Networks in Criminal Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151-180.
- Edwards, A. M. and Benyon, J. 1999. Community governance and crime prevention. In: Stoker, G. ed. The New Management of British Local Governance. Government Beyond the Centre Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 145-167.
- Edwards, A. M. and Benyon, J. 1997. Crime and public order. In: Dunleavy, P. et al. eds. Developments in British Politics Book 5. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 326-341.
- Edwards, A. M. and Matthews, R. 1996. Reflections on recent developments in 'social control'. In: Hammerschick, W., Karazman-Morawetz, I. and Stangl, W. eds. Jahrbuck fur Rechts und Kriminalsoziologie. Ausflag: Nomos, pp. 209-227.
- Edwards, A. and Calaresu, M. 2023. Smart cities and security: a quantitative narrative analysis of urban security strategies in Italy and the UK. Polis 2/2023, pp. 197-228. (10.1424/107753)
- Brewster, D. and Edwards, A. 2023. Explaining the reproduction of illegal drug use control regimes in Japan: the multi-centred governance thesis. Global Crime 24(1), pp. 73-92. (10.1080/17440572.2022.2162508)
- Edwards, A., Webb, H., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2021. Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi. Policing and Society 31(1), pp. 1-19. (10.1080/10439463.2020.1839073)
- Housley, W. et al. 2018. Interaction and transformation on social media: the case of Twitter campaigns. Social Media and Society 4(1), pp. 1-12. (10.1177/2056305117750721)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data. Qualitative Research 17(6), pp. 627-644. (10.1177/1468794117715063)
- Housley, W., Webb, H., Edwards, A., Procter, R. and Jirotka, M. 2017. Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations. Discourse and Communication 11(6), pp. 567-590. (10.1177/1750481317726932)
- Edwards, A. M. 2016. Actors, scripts, scenes and scenarios: key trends in policy and research on the organisation of serious crimes. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 6(4), pp. 975-998.
- Edwards, A. 2016. Multi-centred governance and circuits of power in liberal modes of security. Global Crime 17(3-4), pp. 240-263. (10.1080/17440572.2016.1179629)
- Scourfield, J. B. et al. 2016. The response in Twitter to an assisted suicide in a television soap opera. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 37(5), pp. 392-395. (10.1027/0227-5910/a000377)
- Webb, H. et al. 2016. Digital wildfires: propagation, verification, regulation, and responsible innovation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 34(3), article number: 15. (10.1145/2893478)
- Webb, H. et al. 2015. Digital wildfires: hyper-connectivity, havoc, and a global ethos to govern social media. Computers and Society 45(3), pp. 193-201.
- Edwards, A. 2015. Big data, predictive machines and security: enthusiasts, critics and sceptics. Discover Society
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. Detecting tension in online communities with computational Twitter analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 95, pp. 96-108. (10.1016/j.techfore.2013.04.013)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2015. COSMOS: Towards an integrated and scalable service for analysing social media on demand. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 30(2), pp. 80-100. (10.1080/17445760.2014.902057)
- Burnap, P. et al. 2014. Tweeting the terror: modelling the social media reaction to the Woolwich terrorist attack. Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, article number: 206. (10.1007/s13278-014-0206-4)
- Housley, W. et al. 2014. Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: a collaborative response. Big Data & Society 1(2) (10.1177/2053951714545135)
- Edwards, A. M. and Prins, R. 2014. Policing and crime in contemporary London: a developmental agenda?. European Journal of Policing Studies 2(1), pp. 61-93.
- Sloan, L., Morgan, J., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Knowing the Tweeters: Deriving sociologically relevant demographics from Twitter. Sociological Research Online 18(3), article number: 7. (10.5153/sro.3001)
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2013. Comparative European criminology and the question of urban security. European Journal of Criminology 10(3), pp. 257-259. (10.1177/1477370813482611)
- Edwards, A. M., Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Sloan, L. and Williams, M. D. 2013. Digital social research, social media and the sociological imagination: Surrogacy, augmentation and re-orientation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 245-260. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774185)
- Gilling, D., Hughes, G., Bowden, M., Edwards, A. M., Henry, A. and Topping, J. 2013. Powers, liabilities and expertise in community safety: Comparative lessons for 'urban security' from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. European Journal of Criminology 10(3), pp. 326-340. (10.1177/1477370813482612)
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Lord, N. J. 2013. Urban security in Europe: Translating a concept in public criminology. European Journal of Criminology 10(3), pp. 260-283. (10.1177/1477370813483386)
- Williams, M. L. et al. 2013. Policing cyber-neighbourhoods: Tension monitoring and social media networks. Policing and Society 23(4), pp. 461-481. (10.1080/10439463.2013.780225)
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L., Williams, M. D. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Special issue: Introduction. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16(3), pp. 173-175. (10.1080/13645579.2013.774164)
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2012. Public safety regimes: Negotiated orders and political analysis in criminology. Criminology and Criminal Justice 12(4), pp. 433-458. (10.1177/1748895811431850)
- Edwards, A. M. 2012. The criminological imagination by Jock Young [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 39(2), pp. 312-316. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2012.00584.x)
- Edwards, A. M. and Sheptycki, J. 2009. Third Wave criminology: Guns, crime and social order. Criminology and Criminal Justice 9(3), pp. 379-397. (10.1177/1748895809336698)
- Sheptycki, J. and Edwards, A. M. 2009. Preface: Guns, crime and social order. Criminology and Criminal Justice 9(3), pp. 259-264. (10.1177/1748895809336699)
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. Crime, terror and Immigration as one global risk?. Risk & Regulation: the Magazine of the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation.(17), pp. 8-9.
- Edwards, A. M. and Levi, M. 2008. Researching the organization of serious crimes. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 363-388. (10.1177/1748895808097403)
- Edwards, A. M. and Levi, M. 2008. Preface: the organization of serious crimes: developments in research and theory. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 359-361. (10.1177/1748895808097402)
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2005. Comparing the Governance of Safety in Europe: A Geo-Historical Approach. Theoretical Criminology 9(3), pp. 345-363. (10.1177/1362480605054815)
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2002. The politics of 'transnational organized crime': discourse, reflexivity and the narration of 'threat'. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 4(2), pp. 245-270. (10.1111/1467-856X.t01-1-00004)
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2002. Crime as enterprise? The case of transnational organised crime. Crime, Law and Social Change 37(3), pp. 203-223. (10.1023/A:1015025509582)
Book sections
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. The emerging contours of digital society: remastering, reconsideration, reorientation and new socio-digital domains. In: Housley, W. ed. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 3-18.
- Edwards, A., Housley, W., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Fitzgerald, R. 2022. Freedom of speech and online harm in liberal democracies: a triadic concept. In: Housley, W. et al. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Society - First Edition. London: SAGE, pp. 543-558.
- Edwards, A. M., Chambers, S. J., Fyfe, N. and Henry, A. 2017. Metropolitan policing agendas in Britain: Divergent tendencies in a fragmenting state?. In: Elke, D., Edwards, A. M. and Paul, P. eds. Policing European Metropolises: The Politics of Security in City-Regions. Routledge, pp. 201-228.
- Edwards, A., Devroe, E. and Ponsaers, P. 2017. The European world of metropolitan policing: Interpreting patterns of governance, policy and politics. In: Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. eds. Policing European Metropolises: The Politics of Security in City-Regions. Routledge Studies in Crime, Security and Justice Routledge, pp. 303-331.
- Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. 2017. Processes of convergence and divergence in the policy formulation of policing strategies for European metropolises. In: Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. eds. Policing European Metropolises: The Politics of Security in City-Regions. Routledge, pp. 3-22.
- Edwards, A. 2016. Big data, predictive machines and security: the minority report. In: McGuire, M. and Holt, T. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice. Routledge International Handbooks Routledge, pp. 451-460.
- Edwards, A. M. 2016. Organized crime. In: Dunn Cavelty, M. and Balzacq, T. eds. Routledge Handbook of Security Studies. Routledge Handbooks Routledge, pp. 150-160.
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Swann, R. 2015. Community safety and the policing of young people in austere times. In: Goldson, B. and Muncie, J. eds. Youth Crime and Justice. SAGE Publications, pp. 191-208.
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G., Solly, R. and Follett, M. 2014. Crime control and community safety in Milton Keynes, UK. In: Sessar, K., Stangl, W. and Swaaningen, R. v. eds. GrossStadtangste - Anxious cities: Untersuchungen zu Unsicherheitsgefuhlen und Sicherheitspolitiken in europaischen Kommunen. Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 257-278.
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Lord, N. J. 2013. Crime prevention and public safety in Europe: challenges for comparative criminology. In: Body-Gendrot, S. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology. Routledge International Handbooks Routledge, pp. 368-384.
- Edwards, A. M. 2011. The organisation of serious crimes: key trends in policy and research. In: Rafailovich, J., Gabova, S. and Popov, S. eds. Organized Crime, Civil Society and the Policy Process. RiskMonitor Foundation and Open Society Institute, Sofia, pp. 32-44.
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. Policy transfer. In: Wakefield, A. and Fleming, J. eds. The Sage Dictionary of Policing. London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 234-237.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. The preventive turn and the promotion of safer communities in England and Wales: political inventiveness and governmental instabilities. In: Crawford, A. ed. Crime Prevention Policies in Comparative Perspective. London: Willan publishing Ltd, pp. 62-85.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Inventing community safety. In: Carlen, P. ed. Imaginary Penalities. Abingdon, UK: Willan, pp. 64-83.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Resilient Fabians? Anti-social behaviour and community safety work in Wales. In: Squires, P. ed. ASBO Nation: The criminalisation of nuisance. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 57-72.
- Edwards, A. M. 2006. Governance. In: McLaughlin, E. and Muncie, J. eds. The SAGE Dictionary of Criminology, 2nd Ed.. SAGE Publications, pp. 189-191.
- Hughes, G. and Edwards, A. M. 2005. Crime prevention in context. In: Tilley, N. ed. The Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety. London: Willan, pp. 14-34.
- Edwards, A. M. 2005. Transnational organised crime. In: Sheptycki, J. and Wardak, A. eds. Transnational and Comparative Criminology in a Global Context. London: Glasshouse Press, pp. 211-255.
- Stenson, K. and Edwards, A. M. 2004. Icy transfer in local crime control: beyond naïve emulation?. In: Newburn, T. and Sparks, R. eds. Criminal Justice and Political Cultures: National and International Dimensions of Crime Control. Collumpton: Willlan, pp. 209-233.
- Stenson, K. and Edwards, A. M. 2004. Policy transfer in local crime control: beyond naïve emulation. In: Newburn, T. and Sparks, R. eds. Criminal Justice and Political Cultures. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp. 209-233.
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2003. After transnational organised crime: The politics of public safety. In: Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. eds. Transnational Organised Crime: Perspectives on Global Security. London: Routledge, pp. 264-281.
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. 2003. Introduction. In: Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. eds. Transnational Organised Crime: Perspectives on Global Security. London: Routledge, pp. 1-6.
- Edwards, A. M. 2002. Learning from diversity: the strategic dilemmas of community-based crime control. In: Hughes, G. and Edwards, A. M. eds. Crime Control and Community: The New Politics of Public Safety. Collumpton: Willan, pp. 140-166.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2002. Introduction: the community governance of crime control. In: Hughes, G. and Edwards, A. M. eds. Crime Control and Community: The New Politics of Public Safety. Collumpton: Willan, pp. 1-19.
- Stenson, K. and Edwards, A. M. 2001. Crime control and liberal government: the 'third way' and the return to the local. In: Stenson, K. and Sullivan, R. R. eds. Crime, Risk and Justice: The Politics of Crime Control in Liberal Democracies. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 68-86.
- Edwards, A. M. and Beynon, J. 2001. Networking and crime control at the local level. In: Ryan, M., Savage, S. P. and Wall, D. eds. Policy Networks in Criminal Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151-180.
- Edwards, A. M. and Benyon, J. 1999. Community governance and crime prevention. In: Stoker, G. ed. The New Management of British Local Governance. Government Beyond the Centre Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 145-167.
- Edwards, A. M. and Benyon, J. 1997. Crime and public order. In: Dunleavy, P. et al. eds. Developments in British Politics Book 5. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 326-341.
- Edwards, A. M. and Matthews, R. 1996. Reflections on recent developments in 'social control'. In: Hammerschick, W., Karazman-Morawetz, I. and Stangl, W. eds. Jahrbuck fur Rechts und Kriminalsoziologie. Ausflag: Nomos, pp. 209-227.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Beneito-Montagut, R. and Ftizgerald, R. Housley, W. et al. eds. 2022. The SAGE handbook of digital society. 1st Edition. London: SAGE.
- Devroe, E., Edwards, A. and Ponsaers, P. 2017. Policing European metropolises: the politics of security in city-regions. Routledge.
- Edwards, A. M. and Gill, P. eds. 2006. Transnational organised crime: perspectives on global security. London: Routledge.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. eds. 2002. Crime control and community: The new politics of public safety. London: Willan.
- Webb, H. et al. 2017. The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination. Presented at: WebSci'17: ACM Web Science Conference, Troy, NY, USA, 25-28 June 2017Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference. ACM pp. 339-348., (10.1145/3091478.3091489)
- Housley, W., Edwards, A., Jirotka, M., Procter, R. and Webb, H. 2015. Social media and civil society: participation, regulation and governance. Presented at: WISERD 2015 Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, 30 June - 2 July 2015.
- Williams, M. L., Procter, R., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Sloan, L. and Voss, A. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: COSMOS Launch, London, England, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Rob, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P. and Rana, O. F. 2013. The Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science? Blurring the Boundaries: One Year On, London, UK, 2013.
- Sloan, L., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Using social media with survey data. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: New Social Media, New Social Science?, London, UK, 2013.
- Housley, W., Williams, M. L. and Edwards, A. M. 2013. Demonstration of pre-alpha COSMOS. Presented at: Invited Presentation, Brisbane, Australia, 2013.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2013. Collaborative online social media observatory. Presented at: Web Observatory Launch, Royal Society, London, UK, 2013.
- Rob, P. et al. 2013. Enabling social media research through citizen social science. Presented at: 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Paphos, Cyprus, 21-25 September 2013.
- Burnap, P., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Sloan, L. and Rana, O. F. 2013. Detecting tension in social media. Presented at: Third International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications, Karlsruhe, Germany, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013.
- Williams, M. L., Edwards, A. M. and Housley, W. 2012. Big data and criminology. Presented at: CCLJ Postgraduate Conference on Theory and Method in Criminological Research, Cardiff, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational and transformational social science. Presented at: Digital Social Research Experts Meeting, Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Supporting empirical digital social research for the social sciences. Presented at: Digital Research 2012 Conference, St Catherines College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Treating social media as data: computational sociological Methods, data analysis and the Cardiff online social media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Williams, M. D., Housley, W., Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Computational social science and methodological innovation: surrogacy, augmentation or reorientation. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: Blurring the boundaries: New social media, new social science?, London, UK, 2012.
- Edwards, A. M., Williams, M. L., Housley, W., Burnap, P., Rana, O. F. and Avis, N. 2012. Mining tension and cohesion using the Cardiff Online Social Media Observatory. Presented at: NCRM, Research Methods Festival,St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2012.
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. Post-Westphalian security? The articulation of crime, terror and immigration as global risks. Presented at: Manufacturing Global Risks workshop, Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, 8-9 Jan 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Third wave criminology. Presented at: British Criminology Conference, Cardiff, UK, 29 June – 1 July 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Crime, science and politics [Abstract]. Presented at: 9th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9−12 September 2009Criminology and crime policy between human rights and effective crime control: 9th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Book of Abstracts. Ljubljana, Slovenia: The European Society of Criminology pp. 40-41.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Third wave criminology. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Cardiff, 16 April 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. 2009. The preventive turn and the promotion of safer communities in England and Wales. Presented at: European Union Crime Prevention Research Programme (CRIMPREV), final meeting of Work Package 6 on ‘Local Social Policies of Prevention’, Technische Unive, Germany, 2009.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2009. Conceptual frameworks for comparative research into crime prevention. Presented at: European Union Crime Prevention Research Programme (CRIMPREV) final conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 17-19 June 2009.
- Carr, S. and Edwards, A. M. 2008. Dragonisation: Policy responses to anti-social behaviour in Wales. Presented at: ESRC Research Seminar Series on Anti-Social Behaviour, University of Leeds, UK, 18 September 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. 2008. Inventing community safety: an anglophone politics of security. Presented at: 8th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, University of Edinburgh, UK, 2-5 September 2008.
- Carr, S. and Edwards, A. M. 2008. Partnership working in community safety. Presented at: 21st Anniversary Conference of the University of Leeds Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, Crime and Disorder Act: 10 years on, Leeds, UK, 7-8th May 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. 2008. Post-Westphalian security. Presented at: ESRC Research Seminar Series on the New Economy of Security, University of Bristol, UK, 4 January 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. 2008. Gun crimes and the politics of public safety: Implicating social science. Presented at: Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council colloquium, ‘Guns, Crime and Social Order’, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2008.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Strategic problem-solving for safer communities in Wales. Presented at: Welsh Governance Centre, Cardiff Univeristy, UK, 19 March 2008.
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Working paper 153: social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics 2012 [working paper]. Working paper. Cardiff: School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/Working%20Paper%20153%20-%20Burnap%20et%20al.%20(2013)%20Social%20Media%20Analysis,%20Twitter%20and%20the%20London%20Olympics%202012%20-%20A%20Research%20Note.pdf
- Burnap, P. et al. 2012. Social media analysis, Twitter and the London Olympics (a research note). Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Edwards, A. 2010. Evaluation of the Cardiff Night-Time Economy Co-ordinator (NTEC) post. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Hughes, G., Case, S., Edwards, A. M., Haines, K. and Liddle, M. 2009. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Safer Communities Fund, 2006-2009. Working paper. Welsh Assembly Government.
- Hughes, G., Case, S., Edwards, A., Haines, K., Liddle, M., Smith, A. and Wright, S. 2009. Gwerthusiad o Effeithiolrwydd y Gronfa Cymunedau Diogelach (SCF) 2006 -2009. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Hughes, G., Case, S., Edwards, A., Haines, K., Liddle, M., Smith, A. and Wright, S. 2009. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Safer Communities Fund 2006 -2009. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Edwards, A. M. and Hughes, G. 2008. Inventing community safety: representation and performativity in the criminological imagination. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp105.pdf
- Edwards, A. M., Hughes, G. and Tregidga, J. 2007. The role of the community safety officer within Wales: challenges and opportunities. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wp104.pdf
- Edwards, A. M. 2017. Multi-centred governance in liberal modes of security: a realist approach. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Procter, R., Webb, H., Jirotka, M., Burnap, P., Housley, W., Edwards, A. and Williams, M. 2019. A study of cyber hate on Twitter with implications for social media governance strategies. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.11732
Funded Research Projects:
2015 – 2016, Digital Wildfires, responsible citizenship and social media. Funded by the British Academy, £10,000 (with Girvan, Housley, Jirotka and Procter).
2015 - 2016, Urban Governance and Security in "Smart" Cities'. Cardiff University Research Fellowship, £15,000 Principal Investigator (sole award).
2014 – 2016, Digital Wildfire: (Mis)information flows, propagation and responsible governance. Economic and Social Research Council, (Global Uncertainties), £248,413, Co-Investigator (with Jirotka, Procter, Housley, Williams, Burnap and Rana).
2014 – 2015, Detecting Tension and Cohesion in Local Communities with Social Media, Funded by Airbus Group, £51,040 Co-investigator (with Rana, Burnap, Housley and Williams)
2014 – 2016, Sage Postdoctoral Fellowship Funding, Co-sponsored Research Methods Fellowship at Cardiff University, £38,000, Co-investigator (with Coffey, Housley and Brindle, SAGE).
2013 – 2015, Understanding the role of social media in the aftermath of youth suicides. Funded by Department of Health, England. £200,000, Co-investigator (with Scourfield, Williams, Burnap and Housley).
2013-2014, Hate Speech and Social Media: Understanding Users, Networks and Information Flows. Funded by ESRC and Google (Google Data Analytics Social Science Research Call) £124, 986, Co-Investigator (with Williams, Housley, Burnap, Rana, Procter, Voss and Knight).
2013-2014, Social Media and Prediction: Crime Sensing, Data Integration and Statistical Modelling. Funded by ESRC /NCRM Methodological Innovation, £195,000, Co-Investigator (with Williams, Housley, Burnap, Rana, Procter, Voss and Knight).
2013-2014, Supporting Empirical Digital Social Research for the Social Sciences with a Virtual Research Environment. Funded by JISC, £55,519, Co-Investigator (with Burnap, Williams, Rana, Housley & Avis).
2011 - 2014, Urban Manager for Security, Safety and Crisis Management ('project Urbis'), Leonardo Life Long Learning Programme of the Education and Culture DG of the European Commission, Euro 505,475 (with Sinergie (Italy), European Forum for Urban Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia, and the regional government of Izmir, Turkey).
2011-12, Digital Social Research Tools, Tension Indicators and Safer Communities: A Demonstration of the Cardiff Online Social Media Observatory (COSMOS). Funded by the ESRC £79,000 Co-Investigator (with Matthew Williams, William Housley, Malcolm Williams, Omer Rana and Nick Avis).
2012, Requirements Analysis for Social Media Research Tools. Funded by the ESRC £5,000, Co Investigator (with Burnap, Housley, Rana, Housley, Avis & Proctor).
2008 - 2010, Evaluation of the Office for Night-Time Economy Co-ordination in Cardiff, Home Office Tackling Violent Crime Programme, £5,000 Principal Investigator (sole award).
2008 - 2009, ' Evaluation of the Welsh Assembly Government's Safer Communities Fund for Youth Crime Prevention', Welsh Assembly Government , £117,000, Co-Investigator (with G. Hughes, K. Haines and M. Liddle).
2007 - 2008, 'The Role of the Community Safety Officer in Wales', Wales Association of Community Safety Officers, £5,000 Co-Investigator (with G. Hughes).
2005 - 2006, Systematic Review of Research on Victims of Organised Crime, Home Office, £2,600 Principal Investigator (sole award).
1999 - 2001, Policy Responses to Transnational Organised Crime', UK Economic and Social Research Council, £12,000 Principal Investigator, (sole award).
1998 – 1999, Community Safety and Crime Prevention Curriculum Development, Home Office, £2,500, Principal Investigator (sole award).
1994 – 1995, Local Strategies for Crime Prevention: Co-ordination and Accountability', UK Economic and Social Research Council, £42,000, Co-Investigator (with J. Benyon).
I have been centrally involved in the design as well as the delivery of the single honours degree programme in criminology in Cardiff University's School of Social Sciences and its MSc in Crime, Safety and Justice. This involvement reflects my pedagogic interests in the interrelationship of theory, method and data, how this can distinguish the social sciences from other narratives about social life and how it can facilitate their contribution to deliberative democracy.
Current Undergraduate Teaching
- Theory and Method in Contemporary Criminology (SI0200)
- Criminological Practice (SI0204)
- Dissertation supervision (SI0301)
Current Postgraduate Teaching
- Researching Crime, Safety and Justice
Principles and Practice of Research Design & Methods
Dissertation supervision
PhD Supervision
Thomas Cartwright: Community Safety in an age of Austerity: An urban regime analysis of Cardiff 1999-2015, awarded 13th December 2016.
Danielle Rayner: Informal Social Control in the Context of De-industrialisation and Disinvestment, awarded 30th May 2013.
Rachel Southworth: Financial Crime Control: Risk, Regulation and the Role(s) of the UK Banking Sector, awarded 10th January 2013.
Rachel Taylor Swann: Class, Status and Partying: an exploration of women's 'responsibilisation' for their safety in the night-time economy, awarded 31st May 2012.
Nicholas Lord: Regulating transnational corporate bribery in the UK and Germany, awarded 19th April 2012.
Jasmin Tregidga: The securitisation of routine policing? A case study of the impact of counter terrorism policy on local policing, awarded March 2011.
Honours and awards
- Member of The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), University of the West Indies: 2016+
- Visiting Fellow, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University: 2016 – 2017
- Visiting Scholar, Institute of European Studies, University of California, Berkeley: February – August 2016
- Editor of the Routledge Research Series on Crime, Security and Justice, 2016 – present.
- Appointed external reviewer for the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), 2015 - present.
- Appointed external reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 2015 - present.
- Appointed expert referee for the International Post-Doctoral Programme at Bordeaux University, France. 2015
- Regional editor of the European Journal of Policing Studies, 2012-present
- Editor of the journal Policing and Society, 2011 - 2014
- Associate Board member of Sociology, 2010 – 2013
Professional memberships
- Member of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics (FRR)
- British Society of Criminology
- European Society of Criminology
- The Howard League for Penal Reform
Academic positions
- Reader in Politics and Criminology, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University: August 2015 - present.
- Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University: Aug. 2009 – July 2015.
- Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University: Sept. 2004 – July 2009.
- Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Nottingham Trent University: May 2000 – Sept. 2004.
- Lecturer in Politics and Criminology, University of Leicester: Oct. 1997 – April 2000.
- Researcher, Scarman Centre, University of Leicester: Mar. 1994 – Sept. 1997.
Committees and reviewing
Cardiff University
- Programme Leader, BSc (Hons) Criminology and Sociology, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (2016/17 – present)
- Deputy Director Cardiff Centre for Crime, Law and Justice (2014/15 – present)
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (2014/15)
- Cardiff University Pathway Leader for Criminology, Wales Doctoral Training Centre (2014/15)
- Programme Leader, MSc Crime, Safety and Justice, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (2014/15)
- Director, Cardiff Centre for Crime, Law and Justice (2010/11 – 2013/14)
- Research Committee member, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (2011/12 – 2013/14)
- Research Committee member, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (2011/12 – 2013/14)
- Director of the Professional Doctorate Programme Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (2008/9 – 2010/11)
- Co-Director, The Sociology of Social Control in European Metropolises Project, European Society of Criminology (2013/14 – present)
- Director, Crime, Science and Politics Working Group of the European Society of Criminology (2009 - 2011)
- Director, European Governance of Public Safety Working Group of the European Society of Criminology (2003 - 2008)