Mr Ethan Evans
MA (Cardiff) BA (Bath Spa)
Teams and roles for Ethan Evans
Teaching Associate and PhD student
Research student
I commenced my PhD studies in October 2019 and am currently studying part-time. Prior to this, I obtained a First Class degree in English Literature from Bath Spa University (2015-2018) and a Masters with Distinction from Cardiff University (2018-2019). Under the supervision of Professor Martin Willis, my MA dissertation investigated George Eliot's engagement with queer masculinity in the period c.1854-1861. My PhD thesis, which is supervised by Professor Holly Furneaux, is a development of this earlier project. I am interested in applying recent developments in queer and trans studies to the life and work of George Eliot and George Henry Lewes.
In Summer 2020, I co-organised the ENCAPsulate PGR conference. Between 2020-2022, I co-chaired the Intersec+ions research network, with Beth Pyner. This student-led seminar series included papers on Black British Writing, Trans Rights, Contemporary LGBT literature, and HIV/AIDS theatre. In 2023, I was co-organiser of 'CreativeCrit', a student-led workshop series, exploring creative approaches to academic writing.
Alongside my research, I am a Teaching Associate in English Literature. I teach a range of first-year undergraduate English Literature modules, including Critical Reading and Critical Writing, Ways of Reading, Star Cross'd Lovers: The Politics of Desire, and Drama, Stage, and Page. I was also a guest lecturer on the second-year module Object Women and have run workshops on Queer and Trans Herstory for the ENCAP Reading Week Festival.
My pronouns are he/him.
I am interested in the life and work of George Eliot and George Henry Lewes; the history of sexuality; queer theory; trans studies; and archives and manuscripts.