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Clara Souza

Clara Souza

Teams and roles for Clara Souza


Cultural and trends researcher specializing in women, media, culture, and innovation.

Featured in magazines, talk shows, radio, and other media outlets, and with an audience of over 180.000 women, Clara is a reference in futures studies and feminist educational media in Brazil. Over the years, she developed and applied futures studies methodologies that led her to be hired as a strategic consultant by leading companies in Latin America and worldwide.

In 2021, she received a "Mindshifters" award, a national award honoring the 10th most inspiring professionals in the country, and was also selected by Google as one of Brazil's Beta Creators.

At Cardiff University, she is currently researching digital feminism in Brazil, and a teaching assistant for the Representations module. 


  • Women's and feminist media studies
  • Influencer culture, influencer branding, and social media
  • Digital feminism, digital cultures
  • Identities, representation, and self-representation
  • Brazil, Latin America, and mestiçagem 

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  • Feminist Media Studies
  • Social Media
  • Digital Cultures
  • Women’s studies
  • Brazil