Andrew Flynn is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Policy and Planning. He has a background in policy analysis and environmental geography. His principal research interests have been in the making and delivery of policy on sustainable development, the implementation of policy and its evaluation. In exploring the dynamics of policy and regulation he paid particular attention to the food system.
His work on food supply chains and technological innovations in the food system have provided insights into the relationships between the state and key economic interests and how these have led to new patterns of regulation. This in turn, has helped to inform work on environmental regulation, particularly in relation to the role of supply chains.
- Heindri, N., Dewi, O. C., Putra, N., Flynn, A., Hanjani, T. and Rahmasari, K. 2024. Vertical greenery systems as microbial air quality filters for community houses located near the landfill site.. International Journal of Technology 15(5), pp. 1361-1379. (10.14716/ijtech.v15i5.6958)
- Cheshmehzangi, A., Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. 2024. Aligning with stormwater management but from the urban design perspective: towards sustainability-driven and water- based planning and design.. In: Cheshmehzangi, A. ed. Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design. Urban Sustainability Springer, pp. 319-327., (10.1007/978-981-97-4924-9_16)
- Cheshmehzangi, A., Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. 2024. Stormwater management: issues, opportunities, and challenges in cities and communities. In: Cheshmehzangi, A., Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. eds. Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design. Urban Sustainability Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-22., (10.1007/978-981-97-4924-9_1)
- Dewi, O. C., Fradani, N. and Flynn, A. 2022. People and space: customers and traders walkway in a traditional market. International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial and Environmental Design 16(2), pp. 163-181. (10.18848/2325-1662/CGP/v16i02/163-181)
- Netherwood, A. and Flynn, A. 2022. Climate risk and adaptation in Wales: leadership for future generations?. In: Taylor, A. ed. Rethinking Leadership for a Green World.. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 310-340., (10.4324/9781003190820-17)
- Netherwood, A. and Flynn, A. 2021. A shift in public policy for future generations in Wales: future generations and well-being planning. In: Linehan, J. and Lawrence, P. eds. Giving Future Generations a Voice : Normative Framework, Instructions and Practice.. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2021. A place-specific approach to environmental governance in China: The protean environmental state.. In: Shei, C. and Wei, W. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Studies.. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, pp. 205-218.
- Cheshmehzang, A., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M., Xie, L., Deng, W., Mangi, E. and Chen, W. 2021. From eco-urbanism to eco-fusion: an augmented multi-scalar framework in sustainable urbanism. Sustainability 13(4), article number: 2373. (10.3390/su13042373)
- Cowell, R., Flynn, A. and Hacking, N. 2020. Conceptualizing environmental governance in turbulent times: insights from Brexit and waste in the UK. Political Geography 81, article number: 102217. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102217)
- Flynn, A. and Yu, L. 2020. The Protean Environmental State in Dongguan: Reconceptualising the local state and ecological development in China. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(3), pp. 443-463. (10.1177/2399654419884331)
- Xie, L., Cheshmehzangi, A., Tan-Mullins, M., Flynn, A. and Heath, T. 2020. Urban entrepreneurialism and sustainable development: a comparative analysis of Chinese eco-developments. Journal of Urban Technology 27(1), pp. 3-26. (10.1080/10630732.2019.1680940)
- Flynn, A., Xie, L. and Hacking, N. 2020. Governing people, governing places: advancing the protean environmental state in China. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 22(5), pp. 724-744. (10.1080/1523908X.2020.1806048)
- Flynn, A., Hacking, N. and Xie, L. 2019. Governance of the circular economy: A comparative examination of the use of standards by China and the United Kingdom. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 33, pp. 282-300. (10.1016/j.eist.2019.08.002)
- Xie, L., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M. and Cheshmehzangi, A. 2019. Water and land: Environmental governance and Chinese eco-development. Journal of Cleaner Production 221, pp. 839-853. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.02.204)
- Xie, L., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M. and Cheshmehzangi, A. 2019. The making and remaking of ecological space in China: The political ecology of Chongming Eco-Island. Political Geography 69, pp. 89-102. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2018.12.012)
- Flynn, A. and Hacking, N. 2019. Setting standards for a circular economy: A challenge too far for neoliberal environmental governance?. Journal of Cleaner Production 212, pp. 1256-1267. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.257)
- Chan, K. and Flynn, A. 2018. Food production standards and the Chinese local state: exploring new patterns of environmental governance in the bamboo shoot industry in Lin'an. China Quarterly 235, pp. 849-875. (10.1017/S0305741018000802)
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2018. Protesting against neoliberal and illiberal governmentalities: A comparative analysis of waste governance in the UK and China.. Political Geography 63, pp. 31-42. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.12.004)
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2017. Networks, power and knowledge in the planning system: a case study of energy from waste. Progress in Planning 113, pp. 1-37. (10.1016/j.progress.2015.12.001)
- Flynn, A., Chan, K. W., Zhao, Z. and Yu, L. 2017. Sustainability, space and supply chains: the role of bamboo in Anji County, China. Journal of Rural Studies 49, pp. 128-139. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.11.012)
- Cowell, R., Flynn, A. and Hacking, N. 2017. Assessing the impact of Brexit on the UK waste resource management sector. Project Report. School of Geography and Planning.
- Flynn, A., Kythreotis, A. and Netherwood, A. 2016. Climate change adaptation in Wales: much ado about nothing?. Environmental Scientist 25(3), pp. 32-39.
- Caprotti, F., Cowley, R., Flynn, A., Joss, S. and Yu, L. 2016. Smart-Eco Cities in the UK: Trends and City Profiles 2016. Project Report. Exeter: University of Exeter (SMART-ECO Project).
- Flynn, A., Yu, L., Feindt, P. and Chen, C. 2016. Eco-cities, governance and sustainable lifestyles: The case of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Habitat International 53, pp. 78-86. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.11.004)
- Collins, A. and Flynn, A. 2015. The ecological footprint: new developments in policy and practice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9780857936967)
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2014. Networks, protest and regulatory systems: the case of energy from waste. Local Environment 19(3), pp. 334-355. (10.1080/13549839.2013.790353)
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. C. 2012. Networks, power and environmental planning. Presented at: Europe matters - European spatial planning, environmental policies and regional development, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 20 September 2012.
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. . C. 2012. Building a network for the ecological footprint community. Working paper. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University.
- Marsden, T. K., Yu, L. and Flynn, A. C. 2011. Exploring ecological modernisation and urban–rural eco-developments in China: the case of Anji County. Town Planning Review 82(2), pp. 195-224. (10.3828/tpr.2011.13)
- Flynn, A. and Bailey, K. S. 2011. Sustainable food supply chains. Presented at: Researching Food Sustainability: reflections, challenges and the future agenda, Cardiff University.
- Marsden, T. K., Lee, R., Flynn, A. C. and Thankappan, S. 2010. The new regulation and governance of food: beyond the food crisis?. Routledge Studies in Human Geography Vol. 29. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Netherwood, A. and Flynn, A. 2010. Climate change adaptation: understanding actor’s perceptions of scale, approaches to governance and ensuring resilience through systemic response. Presented at: Regional Studies Association Conference, London.
- Flynn, A. and Netherwood, A. 2010. Climate change adaptation in Wales: issues of governance and scale. Presented at: Commonwealth Local Government Research Colloquium, Cardiff.
- Flynn, A. and Collins, A. J. 2010. The Ecological Footprint Community: Future Challenges for Networking and Engagement. Presented at: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London.
- Flynn, A. C. 2010. Eco cities and the conventional city: opportunities and challenges. Presented at: International Eco-City Forum, September 2010, Binhai Tianjin, China.
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2010. Building a Network for the Ecological Footprint Community. Presented at: Global Footprint Network Forum, Colle de Val d’Elsa, Italy.
- Flynn, A. C. 2010. Environmental policy. In: Jones, B. and Norton, P. eds. Politics UK. 7 ed.. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, pp. 581-613.
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Framing climate change – reframing governance? Governmentality, ecological modernisation and civic environmentalism in the UK food sector. Presented at: 23rd European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) Congress, Vaasa, Finland.
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Reflexive governance of climate change in the food industry. Presented at: 5th European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Potsdam.
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Review of current practices and criteria used to intergrate environmental and social aspects into urban infrastructure development processes in cities in Europe. Presented at: United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Expert Meeting: Developing Eco-efficient and sustainable urban infrastructure in Asia and Latin America, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Flynn, A. C. 2009. Climate change and governance in Wales. Presented at: UN Habitat Climate Change and Urban Planning Workshop, Rotterdam.
- Yakovleva, N. and Flynn, A. 2009. Organic production: the adoption of a niche strategy by the mainstream food system. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 4(1), pp. 43-60. (10.1504/IJISD.2009.024855)
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Policy stretching and institutional layering: British food policy between security, safety, quality, health and climate change. British Politics 4(3), pp. 386-414. (10.1057/bp.2009.13)
- Collins, A. J., Cowell, R. J. W. and Flynn, A. 2009. Evaluation and environmental governance: the institutionalisation of ecological footprinting. Environment and Planning A 41(7), pp. 1707-1725. (10.1068/a4124)
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2008. Measuring the environmental sustainability of a major sporting event: a case study of the FA Cup Final. Tourism Economics 14(4), pp. 751-768. (10.5367/000000008786440120)
- Flynn, A. 2008. Measuring sustainability: the role of ecological footprinting in assessing the impact of development. In: Heberle, L. and Opp, S. M. eds. Local Sustainable Urban Development in a Globalized World. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 131-144.
- Flynn, A., Marsden, T. K., Netherwood, A. and Pitts, R. 2008. Sustainable Development effectiveness report for the Welsh Assembly Government: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University, Netherwood Sustainable Futures and Richard Pitts Associates. Available at: http://www.assemblywales.org/bus-home/bus-guide-docs-pub/bus-business-documents/bus-business-documents-doc-laid/gen-ld7168-e.pdf?langoption=3&ttl=GEN-LD7168+-+Final+Report+-+The+Sustainable+Development+Effectiveness+Report+for+the+Welsh+Assembly+Governmen
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2008. Measuring Sustainability: The Role of Ecological Footprinting in Assesing the Impact of Development. In: Heberle, L. C. and Opp, S. M. eds. Local Sustainable Urban Development in a Globalised World. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 131-144.
- Flynn, A. and Collins, A. J. 2007. Engaging with the ecological footprint as a decision making tool: process and responses. Local Environment 12(3), pp. 295-312. (10.1080/13549830601183339)
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Evans, B. K. P., Foster, C., Green, K., Flynn, A., Dewick, P., Bleda, M. and Mylan, J. 2006. Environmental impacts of food production and consumption. Project Report. [Online]. Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Available at: http://www.ifr.ac.uk/waste/Reports/DEFRA-Environmental%20Impacts%20of%20Food%20Production%20%20Consumption.pdf
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Wiedman, T. and Barrett, J. 2006. The environmental impacts of consumption at a sub-national level: the ecological footprint of Cardiff. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(3), pp. 9-24. (10.1162/jiec.2006.10.3.9)
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2006. A city's consumption: the ecological footprint of Cardiff. In: Hooper, A. and Punter, J. eds. Capital Cardiff 1975-2020: Regeneration, Competitiveness and the Urban Environment. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 242-264.
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2005. A New Perspective on the Environmental Impacts of Planning: a Case Study of Cardiff's International Sports Village. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7(4), pp. 277-302. (10.1080/15239080500441053)
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A. and Netherwood, A. 2005. Reducing Cardiff’s ecological footprint: A resource accounting tool for sustainable consumption. Technical Report.
- Flynn, A. and Yakovleva, N. 2004. Innovation and Sustainability in the UK Food System: the case of Chicken Production and Consumption in the UK. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 6(3/4), pp. 227-250. (10.1080/1523908042000344096)
- Morgan, K. J. and Flynn, A. 2004. Governance and sustainability. In: Thomas, M. and Rhisart, M. eds. Sustainable Regions. Cardiff: Aureus Publishing
- Flynn, A., Marsden, T. K. and Smith, E. 2003. Food regulation and Retailing in a New Institutional Context. The Political Quarterly 74(1), pp. 38-46. (10.1111/1467-923X.00510)
- Heindri, N., Dewi, O. C., Putra, N., Flynn, A., Hanjani, T. and Rahmasari, K. 2024. Vertical greenery systems as microbial air quality filters for community houses located near the landfill site.. International Journal of Technology 15(5), pp. 1361-1379. (10.14716/ijtech.v15i5.6958)
- Dewi, O. C., Fradani, N. and Flynn, A. 2022. People and space: customers and traders walkway in a traditional market. International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial and Environmental Design 16(2), pp. 163-181. (10.18848/2325-1662/CGP/v16i02/163-181)
- Cheshmehzang, A., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M., Xie, L., Deng, W., Mangi, E. and Chen, W. 2021. From eco-urbanism to eco-fusion: an augmented multi-scalar framework in sustainable urbanism. Sustainability 13(4), article number: 2373. (10.3390/su13042373)
- Cowell, R., Flynn, A. and Hacking, N. 2020. Conceptualizing environmental governance in turbulent times: insights from Brexit and waste in the UK. Political Geography 81, article number: 102217. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102217)
- Flynn, A. and Yu, L. 2020. The Protean Environmental State in Dongguan: Reconceptualising the local state and ecological development in China. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38(3), pp. 443-463. (10.1177/2399654419884331)
- Xie, L., Cheshmehzangi, A., Tan-Mullins, M., Flynn, A. and Heath, T. 2020. Urban entrepreneurialism and sustainable development: a comparative analysis of Chinese eco-developments. Journal of Urban Technology 27(1), pp. 3-26. (10.1080/10630732.2019.1680940)
- Flynn, A., Xie, L. and Hacking, N. 2020. Governing people, governing places: advancing the protean environmental state in China. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 22(5), pp. 724-744. (10.1080/1523908X.2020.1806048)
- Flynn, A., Hacking, N. and Xie, L. 2019. Governance of the circular economy: A comparative examination of the use of standards by China and the United Kingdom. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 33, pp. 282-300. (10.1016/j.eist.2019.08.002)
- Xie, L., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M. and Cheshmehzangi, A. 2019. Water and land: Environmental governance and Chinese eco-development. Journal of Cleaner Production 221, pp. 839-853. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.02.204)
- Xie, L., Flynn, A., Tan-Mullins, M. and Cheshmehzangi, A. 2019. The making and remaking of ecological space in China: The political ecology of Chongming Eco-Island. Political Geography 69, pp. 89-102. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2018.12.012)
- Flynn, A. and Hacking, N. 2019. Setting standards for a circular economy: A challenge too far for neoliberal environmental governance?. Journal of Cleaner Production 212, pp. 1256-1267. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.257)
- Chan, K. and Flynn, A. 2018. Food production standards and the Chinese local state: exploring new patterns of environmental governance in the bamboo shoot industry in Lin'an. China Quarterly 235, pp. 849-875. (10.1017/S0305741018000802)
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2018. Protesting against neoliberal and illiberal governmentalities: A comparative analysis of waste governance in the UK and China.. Political Geography 63, pp. 31-42. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.12.004)
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2017. Networks, power and knowledge in the planning system: a case study of energy from waste. Progress in Planning 113, pp. 1-37. (10.1016/j.progress.2015.12.001)
- Flynn, A., Chan, K. W., Zhao, Z. and Yu, L. 2017. Sustainability, space and supply chains: the role of bamboo in Anji County, China. Journal of Rural Studies 49, pp. 128-139. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.11.012)
- Flynn, A., Kythreotis, A. and Netherwood, A. 2016. Climate change adaptation in Wales: much ado about nothing?. Environmental Scientist 25(3), pp. 32-39.
- Flynn, A., Yu, L., Feindt, P. and Chen, C. 2016. Eco-cities, governance and sustainable lifestyles: The case of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Habitat International 53, pp. 78-86. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.11.004)
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2014. Networks, protest and regulatory systems: the case of energy from waste. Local Environment 19(3), pp. 334-355. (10.1080/13549839.2013.790353)
- Marsden, T. K., Yu, L. and Flynn, A. C. 2011. Exploring ecological modernisation and urban–rural eco-developments in China: the case of Anji County. Town Planning Review 82(2), pp. 195-224. (10.3828/tpr.2011.13)
- Yakovleva, N. and Flynn, A. 2009. Organic production: the adoption of a niche strategy by the mainstream food system. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 4(1), pp. 43-60. (10.1504/IJISD.2009.024855)
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Policy stretching and institutional layering: British food policy between security, safety, quality, health and climate change. British Politics 4(3), pp. 386-414. (10.1057/bp.2009.13)
- Collins, A. J., Cowell, R. J. W. and Flynn, A. 2009. Evaluation and environmental governance: the institutionalisation of ecological footprinting. Environment and Planning A 41(7), pp. 1707-1725. (10.1068/a4124)
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2008. Measuring the environmental sustainability of a major sporting event: a case study of the FA Cup Final. Tourism Economics 14(4), pp. 751-768. (10.5367/000000008786440120)
- Flynn, A. and Collins, A. J. 2007. Engaging with the ecological footprint as a decision making tool: process and responses. Local Environment 12(3), pp. 295-312. (10.1080/13549830601183339)
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Wiedman, T. and Barrett, J. 2006. The environmental impacts of consumption at a sub-national level: the ecological footprint of Cardiff. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(3), pp. 9-24. (10.1162/jiec.2006.10.3.9)
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2005. A New Perspective on the Environmental Impacts of Planning: a Case Study of Cardiff's International Sports Village. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7(4), pp. 277-302. (10.1080/15239080500441053)
- Flynn, A. and Yakovleva, N. 2004. Innovation and Sustainability in the UK Food System: the case of Chicken Production and Consumption in the UK. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 6(3/4), pp. 227-250. (10.1080/1523908042000344096)
- Flynn, A., Marsden, T. K. and Smith, E. 2003. Food regulation and Retailing in a New Institutional Context. The Political Quarterly 74(1), pp. 38-46. (10.1111/1467-923X.00510)
Book sections
- Cheshmehzangi, A., Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. 2024. Aligning with stormwater management but from the urban design perspective: towards sustainability-driven and water- based planning and design.. In: Cheshmehzangi, A. ed. Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design. Urban Sustainability Springer, pp. 319-327., (10.1007/978-981-97-4924-9_16)
- Cheshmehzangi, A., Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. 2024. Stormwater management: issues, opportunities, and challenges in cities and communities. In: Cheshmehzangi, A., Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. eds. Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design. Urban Sustainability Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-22., (10.1007/978-981-97-4924-9_1)
- Netherwood, A. and Flynn, A. 2022. Climate risk and adaptation in Wales: leadership for future generations?. In: Taylor, A. ed. Rethinking Leadership for a Green World.. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 310-340., (10.4324/9781003190820-17)
- Netherwood, A. and Flynn, A. 2021. A shift in public policy for future generations in Wales: future generations and well-being planning. In: Linehan, J. and Lawrence, P. eds. Giving Future Generations a Voice : Normative Framework, Instructions and Practice.. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. 2021. A place-specific approach to environmental governance in China: The protean environmental state.. In: Shei, C. and Wei, W. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Studies.. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, pp. 205-218.
- Flynn, A. C. 2010. Environmental policy. In: Jones, B. and Norton, P. eds. Politics UK. 7 ed.. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, pp. 581-613.
- Flynn, A. 2008. Measuring sustainability: the role of ecological footprinting in assessing the impact of development. In: Heberle, L. and Opp, S. M. eds. Local Sustainable Urban Development in a Globalized World. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 131-144.
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2008. Measuring Sustainability: The Role of Ecological Footprinting in Assesing the Impact of Development. In: Heberle, L. C. and Opp, S. M. eds. Local Sustainable Urban Development in a Globalised World. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 131-144.
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2006. A city's consumption: the ecological footprint of Cardiff. In: Hooper, A. and Punter, J. eds. Capital Cardiff 1975-2020: Regeneration, Competitiveness and the Urban Environment. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 242-264.
- Morgan, K. J. and Flynn, A. 2004. Governance and sustainability. In: Thomas, M. and Rhisart, M. eds. Sustainable Regions. Cardiff: Aureus Publishing
- Collins, A. and Flynn, A. 2015. The ecological footprint: new developments in policy and practice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (10.4337/9780857936967)
- Marsden, T. K., Lee, R., Flynn, A. C. and Thankappan, S. 2010. The new regulation and governance of food: beyond the food crisis?. Routledge Studies in Human Geography Vol. 29. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Hacking, N. and Flynn, A. C. 2012. Networks, power and environmental planning. Presented at: Europe matters - European spatial planning, environmental policies and regional development, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 20 September 2012.
- Flynn, A. and Bailey, K. S. 2011. Sustainable food supply chains. Presented at: Researching Food Sustainability: reflections, challenges and the future agenda, Cardiff University.
- Netherwood, A. and Flynn, A. 2010. Climate change adaptation: understanding actor’s perceptions of scale, approaches to governance and ensuring resilience through systemic response. Presented at: Regional Studies Association Conference, London.
- Flynn, A. and Netherwood, A. 2010. Climate change adaptation in Wales: issues of governance and scale. Presented at: Commonwealth Local Government Research Colloquium, Cardiff.
- Flynn, A. and Collins, A. J. 2010. The Ecological Footprint Community: Future Challenges for Networking and Engagement. Presented at: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London.
- Flynn, A. C. 2010. Eco cities and the conventional city: opportunities and challenges. Presented at: International Eco-City Forum, September 2010, Binhai Tianjin, China.
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. 2010. Building a Network for the Ecological Footprint Community. Presented at: Global Footprint Network Forum, Colle de Val d’Elsa, Italy.
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Framing climate change – reframing governance? Governmentality, ecological modernisation and civic environmentalism in the UK food sector. Presented at: 23rd European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) Congress, Vaasa, Finland.
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Reflexive governance of climate change in the food industry. Presented at: 5th European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Potsdam.
- Feindt, P. H. and Flynn, A. C. 2009. Review of current practices and criteria used to intergrate environmental and social aspects into urban infrastructure development processes in cities in Europe. Presented at: United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Expert Meeting: Developing Eco-efficient and sustainable urban infrastructure in Asia and Latin America, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Flynn, A. C. 2009. Climate change and governance in Wales. Presented at: UN Habitat Climate Change and Urban Planning Workshop, Rotterdam.
- Cowell, R., Flynn, A. and Hacking, N. 2017. Assessing the impact of Brexit on the UK waste resource management sector. Project Report. School of Geography and Planning.
- Caprotti, F., Cowley, R., Flynn, A., Joss, S. and Yu, L. 2016. Smart-Eco Cities in the UK: Trends and City Profiles 2016. Project Report. Exeter: University of Exeter (SMART-ECO Project).
- Collins, A. J. and Flynn, A. . C. 2012. Building a network for the ecological footprint community. Working paper. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society, Cardiff University.
- Flynn, A., Marsden, T. K., Netherwood, A. and Pitts, R. 2008. Sustainable Development effectiveness report for the Welsh Assembly Government: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University, Netherwood Sustainable Futures and Richard Pitts Associates. Available at: http://www.assemblywales.org/bus-home/bus-guide-docs-pub/bus-business-documents/bus-business-documents-doc-laid/gen-ld7168-e.pdf?langoption=3&ttl=GEN-LD7168+-+Final+Report+-+The+Sustainable+Development+Effectiveness+Report+for+the+Welsh+Assembly+Governmen
- Evans, B. K. P., Foster, C., Green, K., Flynn, A., Dewick, P., Bleda, M. and Mylan, J. 2006. Environmental impacts of food production and consumption. Project Report. [Online]. Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Available at: http://www.ifr.ac.uk/waste/Reports/DEFRA-Environmental%20Impacts%20of%20Food%20Production%20%20Consumption.pdf
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A. and Netherwood, A. 2005. Reducing Cardiff’s ecological footprint: A resource accounting tool for sustainable consumption. Technical Report.
Andrew's principal research interests have been in the making and delivery of policy on sustainable development, the implementation of policy and its evaluation.
Recent research projects
As part of the ESRC funded BRASS research centre I am involved in work on food, regulation and sustainability. As part of this programme of research I have also worked on the implications for sustainable development of innovation in the food system. This work was funded from October 2002 - June 2005, by the ESRC and involved collaboration with Professor Ken Green of Manchester Business School). The project was titled Technological Transformations in Food Production and Consumption Systems. Amongst key objectives for the project were to a) produce cases of technological innovation in a range of food types which look at food production, distribution and consumption as a 'system' and b) to identify which technologies are critical for determining the sustainability/unsustainability of Food Consumption and Production Systems.
Analysing the assumptions within the ecological footprint model and evaluating its potential contribution to policy development. The work has been funded by BIFFAWARD for the period 2003-5 (and is now being funded by the BRASS Centre). The work has contributed to the project on Reducing Wales' Ecological Footprint and produced an ecological footprint for the city of Cardiff and led to novel applications of the footprint technique, for example, to the FA Cup Final.
The third theme has been to asses the relationship between patterns of governance and sustainable development. More specifically, the work has focused on the role of the Welsh Assembly Government since it has a novel duty to promote sustainable development in all of its activities. As well as analysing the extent to which internal processes have been reshaped within the Assembly to take account of its sustainability responsibilities, work has examined how the Assembly has sought to engage its partners, such as local government in its sustainability agenda, and also the relationship between UK government and the Assembly. The latter work has been published by the Sustainable Development Commission as Aiming Higher.
- BA (Hons) in Policy Making and Administration, (1982)
- PhD, University of London, (1989)
- Senior Lecturer, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, (1998 - Present)
- Lecturer in Environmental Planning and Policy, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Cardiff, (1995 - 1998)
- Lecturer in Environmental Policy, School of Geography and Earth Resources, The University of Hull, (1991 - 1995)
Professional memberships
- Member of the Defra Advisory Group on SCP evidence
- External Examiner for MA in Food Policy, City University
- Co-Editor of the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning
Contact Details
+44 29208 74851
Glamorgan Building, Room Room 2.64, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA