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Rachel Ford

Mrs Rachel Ford

Student Support Manager


Student Support Manager in the School of Law and Politics. 

Supporting students in managing their mental health and wellbeing needs, whist studying at at LAWPL, Cardiff University.  

Informing, educating and signposting to relevent sources of support both in and outside of the university, to best meet individual needs. 

Proving advice and guidance to staff when managing students who may have additional support needs. 


Studying at Bangor University in 2005, I obtained a Psychology BSc degree, which later brought me to Cardiff in 2012 to study Mental Health Nursing, to progress my career as a Mental Health professional. 

Obtaining a First Class Honors degree in Nursing - Mental Health BN, I began my career as a Mental Health Nurse in Cardiff and Vale NHS. 

I have worked in a variety of Mental Health wards as well as assessment and rehabilitation units across Cardiff and Vale. 

In 2019, I began a new role as a Student Intervention Officer at Cardiff University. There, I was responsible for the  assessment, implementation, evaluation and review of students presenting as a risk to self/others whilst studying at Cardiff University. 

In June 2022, I began an exciting new role as Student Support Manager in the School of Law and Politics, which brings me to where I am now. The role involves supporting students in managing their mental health and wellbeing whilst studying with us at LAWPL. 

Professional memberships

Nursing and Midwifety Council (NMC) 

Academic positions

Mental Health Nurse - Cardiff and Vale NHS - 2015 -  2019

Assessment, teatment and care of patients with a variety of complex mental health issues. 

Student Intervention Team - Cardiff University 2019 - 2022

Assessment and intervention for students presenting as a risk to self or others at Cardiff University. 

Student Support Manager - Cardiff University June 2022 - Now

Supporting students within the school of Law and Politics with concerns around mental health and wellbeing. 

Contact Details