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Maria Fragoulaki   BA, MA, PhD, FHEA

Dr Maria Fragoulaki



Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Maria Fragoulaki


I am an historian of ancient Greece, specialising in Thucydides, Herodotus, and Greek historiography. I studied classical philology (BA) at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (EKPA). After an interval of ten years during which I studied acting and worked in the acting profession in Greece, I studied for an MA in Classics Education at King’s College London and a PhD in Classics at University College London (2010).

Research and publications:

Kinship in Thucydides: Intercommunal Ties and Historical Narrative (Oxford University Press 2013), on the role of interstate kinship, through colonisation, myth and other cultural factors, in war and politics.


Collective memory

The epic (Homeric) interactions of Thucydides and Herodotus 

Classical reception 

Since 2022 I have developed an interdisciplinary research and public engagement project studying the reception of the ancient war narratives of Herodotus and Thucydides (fifth-century BCE) in public discourse on social media against the background of modern conflicts.

I am collaborating with theatrical and educational organisations in Greece as academic advisor in theatrical productions of Thucydides and other historical texts.






  • Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Thucydides. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia., Vol. 3. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1462-1466.
  • Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Death. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia., Vol. 1. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 414-419.
  • Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Stasis. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia., Vol. 3. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1371-1373.
  • Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Autochthony. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia., Vol. 1. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 205-207.
  • Fragoulaki, M. 2021. The Peloponnesian War. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia., Vol. 3. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1075-1077.







  • Fragoulaki, M. 2014. Death in Thucydides and Homer. Presented at: Classical Association Annual Conference 2014, Nottingham, UK, 13-16 April 2014.







Book sections





Thucydides; Herodotus; Homer; the interaction between history and literature; the political and social history of archaic and classical Greece; collective memory; colonization and ethnicity; ancient Greek mythology and religion; comparative and interdisciplinary approaches to classics; theatrical performance of Thucydides and other historians; the reception of ancient historical texts on social media.

My monograph Kinship in Thucydides, OUP 2013 ( studies the concept of kinship between communities (syngeneia) in Thucydides and ancient Greek politics. It applies modern anthropological work on kinship relations beyond biology and descent (relatedness) to describe and explain the maleable and dynamic nature of intecommunal kinship in ancient Greek politics. As in all periods and societies, kinship is a powerful (albeit at times invisible to cultural outsiders) mechanism, which fuels rhetoric and collective emotions, and mobilises diplomacy and action in war and peace.

Reviews of Kinship in Thucydides, 2013, OUP

P. Liddel, Omnibus 68, September 2014, 69; S. Forsdyke, Histos 8, 23 November 2014 (; C. Scardino, BMCR 16 December 2014; P. Low, Mnemosyne, 2015 68/3, 511-14  (DOI: 10.1163/1568525X-12341909); R. J. Littman, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 21, 2015, 211-243; M. Tamiolaki, Classical Review, January 2015, 65/1, 42-4 (DOI: 10.1017/S0009840X14002686); M. S. Trifirò, Anabases 21, April 2015, 274-5 (URL:; M. Taylor, sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal fur die Geschichtswissenschaften 15 (2015) No. 4 (URL:; S. Roy, Classical Journal Online 5.09.2015; D. Konstan, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 135, 2015, 192-3 (DOI: 10.1017/S0075426915000233); K. Vlassopoulos, Greece & Rome 63.1, April 2016, 134 (DOI: 10.1017/S0017383515000303, Published online: 29 March 2016); P. Debnar, Gnomon 89, 2017, 67-9.


  • Thucydides Global: Teaching, Researching, and Performing Thucydides; International Workshop on Thucydides’ modern reception. A collaboration of Cardiff SHARE, Ruhr Unversität Bochum, Germany & Institute of Classical Studies, London, 30 April 2019; you can read more in this Blog
  • Media and Ancient History: An interdisciplinary research and public engagement project based on a collaboration between ancient historians and digital discourse analysts on the reception of ancient historical texts on social media against current conflicts. Supported by the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Cardiff University.

Research links

Talk on the Human body in Herodotus' battle scenes - Herodotus Helpline



Researching the Ancient World: Final Year Dissertation

Second Year Independent Study Project

Investigating the Ancient World: Skills and Evidence

Greece and the Near East

The Ancient World in 20 Objects

Introduction to Ancient history: Near East, Greece and Rome, 1000–323 BCE

Greek Historical Texts (from the original)

Two Greek Historians: Herodotus and Thucydides

Myth and History in Ancient Greece

Drama in Context: Ancient Greek Theatre, Politics and Society

Postgraduate taught

Doing Ancient History: Themes and Approaches

Themes and Approaches in Ancient History

Myth, Narrative and Theory


I supervise undergraduate and postgraduate projects on ancient Greek literature, history, and modern approaches to antiquity, especially:




Athenian democracy and empire


Memory studies

The interaction of culture and politics

Ancient Greek myth, religion and ritual

Teaching profile


I have designed and taught BA and MA courses in ancient Greek history (archaic and classical periods, in full- and small-size groups, organised in lectures and seminars); ancient Greek literature (Thucydides, Herodotus, Homer, Plato, Greek drama; introduction to ancient Greek literature and history); I have taught ancient Greek and Latin language at all levels.


  • PhD Classics, University College London
  • MA Classics in Education, King's College London
  • BA Classics (Classical Philology), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (EKPA)

Honours and awards

  • 2019: Visiting Researcher, Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC (External funding received)
  • 2019: Exernal funding for the organisation of 'Thucydides Global: Teaching, Researching, and Performing Thucydides'; International workshop (April 2019), co-organised by Cardiff SHARE, Ruhr Universität Bochum, ICS London, and supported by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (SPHS) and the Classical Association, UK
  • 2018-19: Visiting Fellow of the Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, London, UK
  • 14-21 May 2017: Erasmus + International Exchange teaching scheme, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, GAUGN
  • 2016: Internal funding for the organisation of the 2016 Distinguished University Lecture, Cardiff University, Prof. Irad Malkin, 'The Small Greek World' (Cardiff, SHARE)
  • 2013- Honorary Research Fellow, Department of History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
  • July 2007: A.G. Leventis Foundation scholarship, for the academic year 2007-8
  • January 2007: The 2006 George Grote Prize for Ancient History (University of London)
  • September 2005: Hollier Scholarship in Greek, Greek & Latin Dept., University College London
  • 2004-7: Funding of my PhD research by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (Ίδρυμα Κρατικὠν Υποτροφιών, I.K.Y.), following national competition (full fees and subsistence)

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Member of the Advisory Council of the Institue of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London
  • Member of the Council of University Classical Departments, UK (CUCD)
  • Branch Secretary of the Cardiff & District (Wales) Classical Association, UK
  • Member of the Societies for the Promotion of Hellenic and Roman Studies, UK
  • Member of the Classical Association, UK
  • Member of the Society for Classical Studies (former American Philological Association)

Academic positions

  • 2018-2019: Visiting Fellow, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London
  • 2013-2014: Associate Lecturer and Honorary Research Fellow, Birkbeck, University of London
  • 2011-2012: University of London, Lecturer (Intercollegiate MA Course 'Sources and Methods in Ancient History')
  • 2010-2011: Teaching Fellow, University College London, and Associate Lecturer, Birkbeck, University of London
  • 2009-2010, 2005-2008: Postgraduate Teaching Assistant, University College London
  • 2007-2010: Associate Lecturer, Birkbeck, University of London
  • 2004-2006: Postgraduate Teaching Assistant, King's College London

Committees and reviewing

  • Postgraduate Tutor, Ancient History and Religion Department, 2022-
  • Member of the Open Research Integrity and Ethics Committee (ORIEC) for the University, 2021-
  • Examinations Officer for Ancient History, 2017-
  • Research Ethics Officer and Research Integrity Lead, SHARE (School), 2015-18
  • Ancient History Library Representative, 2014-18


  • Historia
  • Greece and Rome
  • Wiley Blackwell
  • Philologus
  • Oxford University Press
  • Journal of Hellenic Studies


I welcome supervision of suitable PhD candidates wishing to work on ancient Greek history and literature of the archaic and classical periods, especially Thucydides and its socio-political context; kinship theory and politics; Thucydides and Homer; myth; collective memory.

Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70558
Campuses John Percival Building, Room 5.01, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU