Research summary
I study visual and auditory perception, with an emphasis on the effects of self movement. Images move mainly because we do. Visual objects sweep across the retina as we move our eye and head, while head movements change auditory cues to space and motion. How do vision and hearing know where objects are and how they are moving? One solution the brain adopts is to use signals from the motor system and vestibular system to compensate for the self-movement.
My work investigates the fundamental mechanisms that drive these processes. I use a variety of technologies (VR, projectors, CRTs, LED / speaker arrays, eye movement and motion tracking) to understand psychophysical performance. The findings are used to test and develop key theories in perception, in particular how sensory information and prior knowledge are integrated (the Bayesian framework). Some of the results are applied to clinical conditions such as schizophrenia and nystagmus.
Teaching summary
Levels 2:
I give a variety of tutorials on perception, cognition, developmental and abnormal psychology. I teach on the Attention, Perception and Action module, concentrating on cross-modal perception and self-motion. I also run practicals in Perception.
Level 3:
I teach and coordinate the 'Active Vision’ module, where we examine how visual perception supports and is affected by self-movement. I supervise projects on a number of topics in perception.
- Gallagher, M., Haynes, J. D., Culling, J. F. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2025. A model of audio-visual motion integration during active self-movement. Journal of Vision 25, article number: 8. (10.1167/jov.25.2.8)
- Haynes, J. D., Gallagher, M., Culling, J. F. and Freeman, T. C. 2024. The precision of signals encoding active self-movement. Journal of Neurophysiology 132(2), pp. 389-402. (10.1152/jn.00370.2023)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Powell, G. 2022. Perceived speed at low luminance: Lights out for the Bayesian observer?. Vision Research 201, article number: 108124. (10.1016/j.visres.2022.108124)
- Stevenson-Hoare, J. O., Freeman, T. C. A. and Culling, J. F. 2022. The pinna enhances angular discrimination in the 1 frontal hemifield. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152(4), article number: 2140. (10.1121/10.0014599)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2020. Two-dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit in infantile nystagmus reveals quantitative deficits in accuracy and precision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 15. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.15)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. C. A. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. Two-dimensional analysis of smooth pursuit eye movements reveals quantitative deficits in precision and accuracy. Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(5), article number: 7. (10.1167/tvst.8.5.7)
- Shaw, A. D. et al. 2019. Oscillatory, computational and behavioural evidence for impaired GABAergic inhibition in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 46(2), pp. 345-353. (10.1093/schbul/sbz066)
- Garzorz, I. T., Freeman, T. C. A., Ernst, M. O. and MacNeilage, P. R. 2018. Insufficient compensation for self-motion during perception of object speed: The vestibular Aubert-Fleischl Phenomenon. Journal of Vision 18 :13(9), pp. 1-9. (10.1167/18.13.9)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Cucu, M. O. and Smith, L. 2018. A preference for visual speed during smooth pursuit eye movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44(10), pp. 1629-1636. (10.1037/xhp0000551)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Culling, J. F., Akeroyd, M. A. and Brimijoin, W. O. 2017. Auditory compensation for head rotation is incomplete. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43(2), pp. 371-380. (10.1037/xhp0000321)
- Powell, G., Bezeczky, Z., McMillin, R. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2016. Bayesian models of individual differences: combining autistic traits and sensory thresholds to predict motion perception. Psychological Science 27(12), pp. 1562-1572. (10.1177/0956797616665351)
- Dunkley, B. T., Freeman, T. C. A., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D. and Singh, K. D. 2015. Evidence that smooth pursuit velocity, not eye position, modulates alpha and beta oscillations in human middle temporal cortex. Human Brain Mapping 36(12), pp. 5220-5232. (10.1002/hbm.23006)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2015. Two dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit performance in infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7), pp. 2914-2914.
- Harrison, J. J., Sumner, P., Dunn, M. J., Erichsen, J. T. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2015. Quick phases of infantile nystagmus show the saccadic inhibition effect. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(3), pp. 1594-1600. (10.1167/iovs.14-15655)
- Harrison, J. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumner, P. 2015. Saccadic compensation for reflexive optokinetic nystagmus just as good as compensation for volitional pursuit. Journal of Vision 15(1), article number: 24. (10.1167/15.1.24)
- Harrison, J. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumner, P. 2014. Saccade-like behavior in the fast-phases of optokinetic nystagmus: An illustration of the emergence of volitional actions from automatic reflexes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143(5), pp. 1923-1938. (10.1037/a0037021)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Leung, J., Wufong, E., Orchard-Mills, E., Carlile, S. and Alais, D. 2014. Discrimination contours for moving sounds reveal duration and distance cues dominate auditory speed perception. PLoS ONE 9(7), article number: e102864. (10.1371/journal.pone.0102864)
- Dunkley, B. T., Freeman, T. C. A., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D. and Singh, K. D. 2013. Cortical oscillatory changes in human middle temporal cortex underlying smooth pursuit eye movements. Human Brain Mapping 34(4), pp. 837-851. (10.1002/hbm.21478)
- Palmisano, S., Kim, J. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2012. Horizontal fixation point oscillation and simulated viewpoint oscillation both increase vection in depth. Journal of Vision 12(12), article number: 15. (10.1167/12.12.15)
- Davies, J. R. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2011. Simultaneous adaptation to non-collinear retinal motion and smooth pursuit eye movement. Vision Research 51(14), pp. 1637-1647. (10.1016/j.visres.2011.05.004)
- Champion, R. A. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Discrimination contours for the perception of head-centered velocity. Journal of Vision 10(6), article number: 14. (10.1167/10.6.14)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Champion, R. A. and Warren, P. A. 2010. A Bayesian model of perceived head-centered velocity during smooth pursuit eye movement. Current Biology 20(8), pp. 757-762. (10.1016/j.cub.2010.02.059)
- Kolarik, A. J., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Precision and accuracy of ocular following: influence of age and type of eye movement. Experimental Brain Research 201(2), pp. 271-282. (10.1007/s00221-009-2036-6)
- O'Connor, E., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Age, eye movement and motion discrimination. Vision Research 50(23), pp. 2588-2599. (10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.015)
- Souman, J. L., Freeman, T. C. A., Eikmeier, V. and Ernst, M. O. 2010. Humans do not have direct access to retinal flow during walking. Journal of Vision 10(11), article number: 14. (10.1167/10.11.14)
- Edden, R. A. E., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D., Freeman, T. C. A. and Singh, K. D. 2009. Orientation discrimination performance is predicted by GABA concentration and gamma oscillation frequency in human primary visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 29(50), pp. 15721-15726. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4426-09.2009)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Champion, R. A., Sumnall, J. H. and Snowden, R. J. 2009. Do we have direct access to retinal image motion during smooth pursuit eye movements?. Journal of Vision 9(1), article number: 33. (10.1167/9.1.33)
- Souman, J. L. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2008. Motion perception during sinusoidal smooth pursuit eye movements: Signal latencies and non-linearities. Journal of Vision 8(14(10)), pp. 1-14. (10.1167/8.14.10.)
- Kolarik, A. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Age and eye movement [Abstract]. Perception 37(2), pp. 314-314. (10.1068/ava07)
- Davies, J. R. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2008. Perceived direction of motion aftereffect following adaptation to orthogonal retinal motion and smooth pursuit eye movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37(2), pp. 315-315.
- Freeman, T. C. A. 2007. Simultaneous adaptation of retinal and extra-retinal motion signals. Vision Research 47(27), pp. 3373-3384. (10.1016/j.visres.2007.10.002)
- Georgeson, M. A., May, K. A., Freeman, T. C. A. and Hesse, G. S. 2007. From filters to features: scale-space analysis of edge and blur coding in human vision. Journal of Vision 7(13) (10.1167/7.13.7)
- Freeman, T. C. A. 2007. Extra-Retinal Vision: Firing at Will. Current Biology 17(3), pp. R99-R101. (10.1016/j.cub.2007.01.020)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumnall, J. 2005. Extra-retinal adaptation of cortical motion-processing areas during pursuit eye movements. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272(1577), pp. 2127-2132. (10.1098/rspb.2005.3198)
- Naji, J. J. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2004. Perceiving depth order during pursuit eye movement. Vision Research 44(26), pp. 3025-3034. (10.1016/j.visres.2004.07.007)
- Snowden, R. J. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2004. The visual perception of motion. Current Biology 14(19), pp. R828-R831. (10.1016/j.cub.2004.09.033)
- Barrowcliff, A. L., Gray, N. S., Freeman, T. C. A. and MacCulloch, M. J. 2004. Eye-movements reduce the vividness, emotional valence and electrodermal arousal associated with negative autobiographical memories. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 15(2), pp. 325-345. (10.1080/14789940410001673042)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Sumnall, J. H. and Snowden, R. J. 2003. The extra-retinal motion aftereffect. Journal of Vision 3(11), pp. 771-779. (10.1167/3.11.11)
- Sumnall, J. H., Freeman, T. C. A. and Snowden, R. J. 2003. Optokinetic potential and the perception of head-centred speed. Vision Research 43(16), pp. 1709-1718. (10.1016/S0042-6989(03)00254-2)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumnall, J. H. 2002. Motion versus position in the perception of head-centred movement. Perception 31(3), pp. 603-615. (10.1068/p3256)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Naji, J. J. and Margrain, T. H. 2002. Head-centred motion perception in the ageing visual system. Spatial Vision 15(2), pp. 117-127. (10.1163/15685680252875110)
- Freeman, T. C. A. 2001. Transducer models of head-centred motion perception. Vision Research 41(21), pp. 2741-2755. (10.1016/S0042-6989(01)00159-6)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Banks, M. S. and Crowell, J. A. 2000. Extraretinal and retinal amplitude and phase errors during Filehne illusion and path perception. Perception & Psychophysics 62(5), pp. 900-909.
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Fowler, T. A. 2000. Unequal retinal and extra-retinal motion signals produce different perceived slants of moving surfaces. Vision Research 40(14), pp. 1857-1868. (10.1016/S0042-6989(00)00045-6)
- Freeman, T. C. A. 1999. Path perception and Filehne illusion compared: model and data. Vision Research 39(16), pp. 2659-2667. (10.1016/S0042-6989(98)00293-4)
- Ehrlich, S. M., Beck, D. M., Crowell, J. A., Freeman, T. C. A. and Banks, M. S. 1998. Depth information and perceived self-motion during simulated gaze rotations. Vision Research 38(20), pp. 3129-3145. (10.1016/S0042-6989(97)00427-6)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Banks, M. S. 1998. Perceived head-centric speed is affected by both extra-retinal and retinal errors. Vision Research 38(7), pp. 941-945. (10.1016/S0042-6989(97)00395-7)
- Georgeson, M. A. and Freeman, T. C. A. 1997. Perceived location of bars and edges in one-dimensional images: Computational models and human vision. Vision Research 37(1), pp. 127-142. (10.1016/S0042-6989(96)00078-8)
- Georgeson, M. A., Freeman, T. C. A. and Scott-Samuel, N. E. 1996. Sub-pixel accuracy: Psychophysical validation of an algorithm for fine positioning and movement of dots on visual displays. Vision Research 36(4), pp. 605-612. (10.1016/0042-6989(96)89253-4)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Harris, M. G. and Meese, T. S. 1996. On the relationship between deformation and perceived surface slant. Vision Research 36(2), pp. 317-322. (10.1016/0042-6989(95)00083-C)
- Meese, T. S., Harris, M. G. and Freeman, T. C. A. 1995. Speed gradients and the perception of surface slant: Analysis is two-dimensional not one-dimensional. Vision Research 35(20), pp. 2879-2888. (10.1016/0042-6989(95)00036-Y)
- Meese, T. S. and Freeman, T. C. A. 1995. Edge computation in human vision: Anisotropy in the combining of oriented filters. Perception 24(6), pp. 603-622. (10.1068/p240603)
- Gallagher, M., Haynes, J. D., Culling, J. F. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2025. A model of audio-visual motion integration during active self-movement. Journal of Vision 25, article number: 8. (10.1167/jov.25.2.8)
- Haynes, J. D., Gallagher, M., Culling, J. F. and Freeman, T. C. 2024. The precision of signals encoding active self-movement. Journal of Neurophysiology 132(2), pp. 389-402. (10.1152/jn.00370.2023)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Powell, G. 2022. Perceived speed at low luminance: Lights out for the Bayesian observer?. Vision Research 201, article number: 108124. (10.1016/j.visres.2022.108124)
- Stevenson-Hoare, J. O., Freeman, T. C. A. and Culling, J. F. 2022. The pinna enhances angular discrimination in the 1 frontal hemifield. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152(4), article number: 2140. (10.1121/10.0014599)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2020. Two-dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit in infantile nystagmus reveals quantitative deficits in accuracy and precision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 15. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.15)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. C. A. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. Two-dimensional analysis of smooth pursuit eye movements reveals quantitative deficits in precision and accuracy. Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(5), article number: 7. (10.1167/tvst.8.5.7)
- Shaw, A. D. et al. 2019. Oscillatory, computational and behavioural evidence for impaired GABAergic inhibition in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 46(2), pp. 345-353. (10.1093/schbul/sbz066)
- Garzorz, I. T., Freeman, T. C. A., Ernst, M. O. and MacNeilage, P. R. 2018. Insufficient compensation for self-motion during perception of object speed: The vestibular Aubert-Fleischl Phenomenon. Journal of Vision 18 :13(9), pp. 1-9. (10.1167/18.13.9)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Cucu, M. O. and Smith, L. 2018. A preference for visual speed during smooth pursuit eye movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44(10), pp. 1629-1636. (10.1037/xhp0000551)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Culling, J. F., Akeroyd, M. A. and Brimijoin, W. O. 2017. Auditory compensation for head rotation is incomplete. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43(2), pp. 371-380. (10.1037/xhp0000321)
- Powell, G., Bezeczky, Z., McMillin, R. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2016. Bayesian models of individual differences: combining autistic traits and sensory thresholds to predict motion perception. Psychological Science 27(12), pp. 1562-1572. (10.1177/0956797616665351)
- Dunkley, B. T., Freeman, T. C. A., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D. and Singh, K. D. 2015. Evidence that smooth pursuit velocity, not eye position, modulates alpha and beta oscillations in human middle temporal cortex. Human Brain Mapping 36(12), pp. 5220-5232. (10.1002/hbm.23006)
- McIlreavy, L., Freeman, T. and Erichsen, J. 2015. Two dimensional analysis of horizontal and vertical pursuit performance in infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(7), pp. 2914-2914.
- Harrison, J. J., Sumner, P., Dunn, M. J., Erichsen, J. T. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2015. Quick phases of infantile nystagmus show the saccadic inhibition effect. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(3), pp. 1594-1600. (10.1167/iovs.14-15655)
- Harrison, J. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumner, P. 2015. Saccadic compensation for reflexive optokinetic nystagmus just as good as compensation for volitional pursuit. Journal of Vision 15(1), article number: 24. (10.1167/15.1.24)
- Harrison, J. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumner, P. 2014. Saccade-like behavior in the fast-phases of optokinetic nystagmus: An illustration of the emergence of volitional actions from automatic reflexes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143(5), pp. 1923-1938. (10.1037/a0037021)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Leung, J., Wufong, E., Orchard-Mills, E., Carlile, S. and Alais, D. 2014. Discrimination contours for moving sounds reveal duration and distance cues dominate auditory speed perception. PLoS ONE 9(7), article number: e102864. (10.1371/journal.pone.0102864)
- Dunkley, B. T., Freeman, T. C. A., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D. and Singh, K. D. 2013. Cortical oscillatory changes in human middle temporal cortex underlying smooth pursuit eye movements. Human Brain Mapping 34(4), pp. 837-851. (10.1002/hbm.21478)
- Palmisano, S., Kim, J. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2012. Horizontal fixation point oscillation and simulated viewpoint oscillation both increase vection in depth. Journal of Vision 12(12), article number: 15. (10.1167/12.12.15)
- Davies, J. R. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2011. Simultaneous adaptation to non-collinear retinal motion and smooth pursuit eye movement. Vision Research 51(14), pp. 1637-1647. (10.1016/j.visres.2011.05.004)
- Champion, R. A. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Discrimination contours for the perception of head-centered velocity. Journal of Vision 10(6), article number: 14. (10.1167/10.6.14)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Champion, R. A. and Warren, P. A. 2010. A Bayesian model of perceived head-centered velocity during smooth pursuit eye movement. Current Biology 20(8), pp. 757-762. (10.1016/j.cub.2010.02.059)
- Kolarik, A. J., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Precision and accuracy of ocular following: influence of age and type of eye movement. Experimental Brain Research 201(2), pp. 271-282. (10.1007/s00221-009-2036-6)
- O'Connor, E., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Age, eye movement and motion discrimination. Vision Research 50(23), pp. 2588-2599. (10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.015)
- Souman, J. L., Freeman, T. C. A., Eikmeier, V. and Ernst, M. O. 2010. Humans do not have direct access to retinal flow during walking. Journal of Vision 10(11), article number: 14. (10.1167/10.11.14)
- Edden, R. A. E., Muthukumaraswamy, S. D., Freeman, T. C. A. and Singh, K. D. 2009. Orientation discrimination performance is predicted by GABA concentration and gamma oscillation frequency in human primary visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 29(50), pp. 15721-15726. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4426-09.2009)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Champion, R. A., Sumnall, J. H. and Snowden, R. J. 2009. Do we have direct access to retinal image motion during smooth pursuit eye movements?. Journal of Vision 9(1), article number: 33. (10.1167/9.1.33)
- Souman, J. L. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2008. Motion perception during sinusoidal smooth pursuit eye movements: Signal latencies and non-linearities. Journal of Vision 8(14(10)), pp. 1-14. (10.1167/8.14.10.)
- Kolarik, A. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Age and eye movement [Abstract]. Perception 37(2), pp. 314-314. (10.1068/ava07)
- Davies, J. R. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2008. Perceived direction of motion aftereffect following adaptation to orthogonal retinal motion and smooth pursuit eye movement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37(2), pp. 315-315.
- Freeman, T. C. A. 2007. Simultaneous adaptation of retinal and extra-retinal motion signals. Vision Research 47(27), pp. 3373-3384. (10.1016/j.visres.2007.10.002)
- Georgeson, M. A., May, K. A., Freeman, T. C. A. and Hesse, G. S. 2007. From filters to features: scale-space analysis of edge and blur coding in human vision. Journal of Vision 7(13) (10.1167/7.13.7)
- Freeman, T. C. A. 2007. Extra-Retinal Vision: Firing at Will. Current Biology 17(3), pp. R99-R101. (10.1016/j.cub.2007.01.020)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumnall, J. 2005. Extra-retinal adaptation of cortical motion-processing areas during pursuit eye movements. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272(1577), pp. 2127-2132. (10.1098/rspb.2005.3198)
- Naji, J. J. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2004. Perceiving depth order during pursuit eye movement. Vision Research 44(26), pp. 3025-3034. (10.1016/j.visres.2004.07.007)
- Snowden, R. J. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2004. The visual perception of motion. Current Biology 14(19), pp. R828-R831. (10.1016/j.cub.2004.09.033)
- Barrowcliff, A. L., Gray, N. S., Freeman, T. C. A. and MacCulloch, M. J. 2004. Eye-movements reduce the vividness, emotional valence and electrodermal arousal associated with negative autobiographical memories. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 15(2), pp. 325-345. (10.1080/14789940410001673042)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Sumnall, J. H. and Snowden, R. J. 2003. The extra-retinal motion aftereffect. Journal of Vision 3(11), pp. 771-779. (10.1167/3.11.11)
- Sumnall, J. H., Freeman, T. C. A. and Snowden, R. J. 2003. Optokinetic potential and the perception of head-centred speed. Vision Research 43(16), pp. 1709-1718. (10.1016/S0042-6989(03)00254-2)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Sumnall, J. H. 2002. Motion versus position in the perception of head-centred movement. Perception 31(3), pp. 603-615. (10.1068/p3256)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Naji, J. J. and Margrain, T. H. 2002. Head-centred motion perception in the ageing visual system. Spatial Vision 15(2), pp. 117-127. (10.1163/15685680252875110)
- Freeman, T. C. A. 2001. Transducer models of head-centred motion perception. Vision Research 41(21), pp. 2741-2755. (10.1016/S0042-6989(01)00159-6)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Banks, M. S. and Crowell, J. A. 2000. Extraretinal and retinal amplitude and phase errors during Filehne illusion and path perception. Perception & Psychophysics 62(5), pp. 900-909.
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Fowler, T. A. 2000. Unequal retinal and extra-retinal motion signals produce different perceived slants of moving surfaces. Vision Research 40(14), pp. 1857-1868. (10.1016/S0042-6989(00)00045-6)
- Freeman, T. C. A. 1999. Path perception and Filehne illusion compared: model and data. Vision Research 39(16), pp. 2659-2667. (10.1016/S0042-6989(98)00293-4)
- Ehrlich, S. M., Beck, D. M., Crowell, J. A., Freeman, T. C. A. and Banks, M. S. 1998. Depth information and perceived self-motion during simulated gaze rotations. Vision Research 38(20), pp. 3129-3145. (10.1016/S0042-6989(97)00427-6)
- Freeman, T. C. A. and Banks, M. S. 1998. Perceived head-centric speed is affected by both extra-retinal and retinal errors. Vision Research 38(7), pp. 941-945. (10.1016/S0042-6989(97)00395-7)
- Georgeson, M. A. and Freeman, T. C. A. 1997. Perceived location of bars and edges in one-dimensional images: Computational models and human vision. Vision Research 37(1), pp. 127-142. (10.1016/S0042-6989(96)00078-8)
- Georgeson, M. A., Freeman, T. C. A. and Scott-Samuel, N. E. 1996. Sub-pixel accuracy: Psychophysical validation of an algorithm for fine positioning and movement of dots on visual displays. Vision Research 36(4), pp. 605-612. (10.1016/0042-6989(96)89253-4)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Harris, M. G. and Meese, T. S. 1996. On the relationship between deformation and perceived surface slant. Vision Research 36(2), pp. 317-322. (10.1016/0042-6989(95)00083-C)
- Meese, T. S., Harris, M. G. and Freeman, T. C. A. 1995. Speed gradients and the perception of surface slant: Analysis is two-dimensional not one-dimensional. Vision Research 35(20), pp. 2879-2888. (10.1016/0042-6989(95)00036-Y)
- Meese, T. S. and Freeman, T. C. A. 1995. Edge computation in human vision: Anisotropy in the combining of oriented filters. Perception 24(6), pp. 603-622. (10.1068/p240603)
Research topics and related papers
1. Combining prior expectations and uncertainty to explain motion illusions during pursuit.
As the pictures of Charlie above demonstrate, smooth eye pursuit adds motion to the retinal image – movement on the retina doesn’t 'line-up’ with the motion of objects in the world. Hence, when we track Charlie (right picture), the cupboard moves in the image, and he is more or less stationary. One way the visual brain solves this problem is to add estimates of eye velocity to estimates of image motion, which gives an estimate of the 'real’ motion. This process doesn’t always work accurately - observers often misperceive velocity when they move their eyes. Thus, pursued stimuli appear slower (Aubert-Fleishl phenomenon), stationary objects appear to move (Filehne illusion), the perceived direction of objects moving on a different trajectory to the eye is distorted and self-motion veers away from its true path (e.g. the slalom illusion). Each of these illusions demonstrate that eye speed is often underestimated with respect to image speed, a finding that many authors have taken as evidence of early sensory signals that differ in accuracy. In this project we tested an alternative, based on the idea that perceptual estimates are increasingly influenced by prior expectations when motion signals become more uncertain. Most objects are stationary or move slowly; hence the visual system’s prior expectation is a distribution that peaks at 0 (represented by the black line in the movie above). Motion signals are represented by the red line, with their uncertainty (= precision) captured by the width of the distribution shown. Perceived speed is based the combination of the two (they are multiplied together according to Bayes rule to yield the blue distribution). As motion signals become more uncertain, the blue distribution moves towards the prior. Hence perceived speed slows down.
Freeman, T. C. A., Champion, R. A. and Warren, P. A. (2010). A Bayesian model of perceived head-centered velocity during smooth pursuit eye movement. Current Biology, 20(8), 757-762. (10.1016/j.cub.2010.02.059)
2. Auditory compensation for head rotation
A fundamental yet almost entirely overlooked problem in hearing is how auditory motion cues that occur 'at the ears’ are interpreted when the head moves. The motivation for this project is based on the idea that the world is largely stationary, containing only a few moving objects, while the head continually moves (just as the eyes do in vision – see above). At the ear, therefore, the auditory cues to motion are dominated by self-motion not object motion. A considerable amount is known about how retinal image motion is integrated with 'extra-retinal signals’ that are based on motor and vestibular system activity and provide information about eye and head movement. Continuing the analogy, we are currently exploring whether the auditory system uses equivalent 'extra-cochlear’ information to interpret dynamic changes in acoustic images.
To explore this issue, we use a technique based on linking moving sounds with real-time measurements of head rotation. The technique allows us to determine a simple, yet fundamental, assessment of auditory motion perception, namely the degree to which a sound must rotate around the listener in external space in order to appear stationary. Like vision, we discover that hearing is able to compensate for this type of self-movement quite well, but there is a persistent error that we provide evidence for over the course of two experiments. This perceptual error is the auditory analogue of the Filehne illusion in vision, first described almost 100 years ago, in which a static object appears to move against a smooth pursuit eye movement. We are currently investigating whether Bayesian models like that described above could account for the auditory Filehne illusion.
In collaboration with John Culling (Cardiff), Owen Brimijoin (MRC Institute of Hearing, Glasgow Section) and Michael Akeroyd (MRC Institute of Hearing, Nottingham).
Freeman, T.C.A., Culling, J.F., Akeroyd, M.A. & Brimijoin, W.O. Auditory compensation for head rotation is incomplete. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43, 371-380, (2017).
3. Oculomotor control: precision and accuracy as a function of age
Click here for an interview with Tom Freeman on this and related ageing projects
We know that as we grow older, the accuracy of our tracking eye movements decreases. However, little is know about how the precision (variability) of eye movements in either young or older observers. In this project we developed a new analysis that allowed us to account for two types of precision – short-duration 'shake’ and longer-duration 'drift’. We found that older observers were less precise at faster eye speeds. We also found that the way the two precision measures depended on speed differed with the type of eye movement our observers made. When they made reflexive eye movements, shake was largely independent of speed and resembled the variability measured during fixation. When they made deliberate eye movements, both shake and drift increased with speed. This suggests that the two different types of eye movements do not share the same noise source.
Kolarik, A.J., Margrain, T.H., & Freeman, T.C.A. (2010). Precision and accuracy of ocular following: Influence of age and type of eye movement. Experimental Brain Research. 201, 271-282.
Funded by BBSRC/EPSRC 'Strategic Promotion of Ageing Research Capacity’ (SPARC) initiative
Recent Funding
Leverhulme Trust (2019) £239,204
T Freeman, J Culling “Active audiovisual perception: Listening and looking while moving”.
Wellcome ISSF (2016), £38,601
K Singh, J Walters, T Freeman & J Zhang “Neurophysiologically- informed models and machine learning classification of task-driven and
resting state oscillatory dynamics in schizophrenia”.
Fight for Sight / Nystagmus network (2013), £14,350
J Erichsen & T Freeman “Understanding the basis for oscillopsia in nystagmus to provide a basis for treatment”
JE Williams Endowment studentship, £55,235
J Erichsen & T Freeman “Evaluating eye movements as biomarkers for monitoring the progression of Huntington’s Disease to facilitate early
intervention and clinical management.”
Wellcome ISSF (2013), £12,152
P Sumner, S.K. Rushton, T.C.A. Freeman “Improving rehabilitation of visual vertigo through understanding the visual triggers”
MRC (2013), £924,429
K Singh, T.C.A. Freeman, J Walters, L Wilkinson “Defining the disturbances in cortical glutamate and GABA function in psychosis, its origins and consequences”
Royal Society International Travel Grant (2010), £4000
T.C.A. Freeman “Auditory and audio-visual motion perception during eye movement and head rotation”
Wellcome Trust (2007), £135, 799
T.C.A. Freeman “Visual motion sensitivity during eye movement: Investigating the interaction between retinal and extra-retinal noise”
BBSRC/EPSRC SPARC initiative (2006), £37,230
T.C.A. Freeman & T.H. Margrain“Age, eye movement and motion perception”
Research group
John Culling (active hearing)
Krish Singh (schizophrenia, GABA/gamma and orientation perception; brain imaging and active motion perception)
Petroc Sumner (OKN, smooth pursuit and saccades; infantile nystagmus)
Research collaborators
Owen Brimijoin (MRC Institute of Hearing, Scottish section), Michael Akeroyd (MRC. Institute of Hearing, Nottingham)
David Alais, Simon Carlile (University of Sydney): Auditory motion perception
Rebecca Champion / Paul Warren (University of Manchester): Bayesian models of head-centred motion perception
Marc Ernst / Jan Souman (Max Planck Institute, Tubingen): Motion perception during walking
Jon Erichsen (infantile nystagmus, Huntington’s disease)
Tom Margrain (age, eye movement and motion sensitivity)
Undergraduate education
1984-1987 BSc Hons (2i), School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
Postgraduate education
1987-1990 Doctoral degree supervised by Dr M.G. Harris, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
2012 – present day Professor, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
2008-2012: Reader in Psychology, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
2003 - 2008: Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
1999 - 2003: Lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
1997 - 1999: Fixed-term lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
1995 - 1997: Research Fellow with Prof. M. S. Banks, School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley
1992 - 1995: Research Fellow with Prof. M. A. Georgeson, Department of Vision Sciences, Aston University
1991 - 1992: Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
1990 - 1991: Research Associate with Prof. G.W. Humphreys, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
Honours and awards
Awards/external committees
External panel member, Liverpool Hope University Psychology Dept. Review, 2014
Expert reviewer for Bournemouth University mock-REF, School of Psychology, 2013
EPSRC peer-review college (2006-present day).
Editor, Perception
Postgraduate research interests
I am happy to discuss PhD projects in any area of psychophysics and/or motor control, especially those that relate vision, hearing and self-motion. Current projects in the lab include: auditory and visual compensation for head and eye movement; audiovisual integration; Bayesian models of motion perception (with or without self-motion!).
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details available on the 'Overview' page), or submit a formal application.
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James Brawn