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Lindsey Garner-Knapp  MA (Toronto), MPP (Calgary), PhD Candidate (Edinburgh)

Lindsey Garner-Knapp


MA (Toronto), MPP (Calgary), PhD Candidate (Edinburgh)

Research Associate


Lindsey Garner-Knapp is a Research Associate with the University of Cardiff School of Law and Politics and a Doctoral Candidate in Politics and International Relations at the University of Edinburgh.

Her scholarship bridges several disciplines including anthropology, public policy, law, politics and international relations and she has conducted ethnographic research in Canada, India, and the UK. 

Garner-Knapp has worked in policy advising, analysis, and implementation for multiple governments including the Scottish Government, Alberta Government, City of Airdrie (Canada), and Essex County Council. This experience has allowed her to work directly with policy officials and policymakers and provide policy guidance to multiple governments. 

With a passion for trade policy and the policymaking process, her current research explores the negotiation processes of the (now paused) UK-Canada free trade agreement from the perspective of officials from the sub-central governments. As a trained anthropologist, she uses ethnographic approaches paired with policy analysis and social network analysis to inquire into who and how interlocutors and stakeholders are woven into the FTA negotiation processes.   

Garner-Knapp's forthcoming book with co-editors Joanna Mason (University of Sydney), Tamara Mulherin (Northumbria University), and E. Lianne Visser (Leiden University), Informality in Policymaking: Weaving the Threads of Everyday Policymaking (Emerald Publishing) presents a challenge to the binary understanding of 'informality' (relative to formality) in the policymaking processes by offers ethnographic accounts of how 'informal' manifests in different contexts globally.   

Academic positions

  • Research Assistant, International Adjudication Under Pressure: The World Trade Organization Appellate Body Case for Support, Carnegie, University of Glasgow School of Law, 2020-21.
  • Researcher, Implications of U.K. Trade Deals for Devolution in Wales, Welsh Assembly Funder, University of Edinburgh Centre on Constitutional Change, 2020
  • Visiting Scholar, Subnational Governments in Free Trade Negotiations, University of Edinburgh Centre on Constitutional Change, 2019
  • Research Associate, Canada-U.K. Free Trade: Balancing Progressive Trade Policies and Economic Benefits, SSHRC-ESRC KSG, University of Calgary School of Public Policy and Department of Economics, 2018-19
  • Research Assistant, Labour Market Challenges in Canada: Evidence-Based Labour Market Policy Looking Forward to 2030, University of Calgary School of Public Policy, 2015-16

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