Dr Michael Harbottle
Director of Recruitment and Admissions
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Prospective research students and postdoctoral researchers I am happy to consider applications for PhD study from high quality applicants with existing funding, or those intending to apply for an external scholarship, in areas which correspond to my fields of expertise, described below. Please contact me via email. Any funded studentships or postdoctoral research positions that become available will be advertised on jobs.ac.uk, findaphd.com or the School of Engineering`s webpages.
Current Interests My research interests lie broadly in the field of nature-based and nature-inspired solutions applied to infrastructure, environmental protection and the circular economy, spanning the environmental sciences and civil and environmental engineering. My group aims to develop engineering solutions which contribute to solving current grand challenges including environmental deterioration, space for nature, urban development and others. Specific areas of interest include:
- Interactions between geoenvironmental and geotechnical engineering and biology (‘biogeotechnics’), using plants and microorganisms to engineer soil structure and properties, and blue-green infrastructure engineering.
- Biological and chemical energy storage in the ground. We are using microbial fuel cells and in-ground fuel generation and supply to explore energy storage and extraction from soils and sediments.
- Pollution management, including engineering aspects of contaminated land remediation (particularly electrokinetics, bioremediation, phytoremediation) and emerging pollutants (e.g. plastics, wet wipes).
- Resource recovery from waste and pollution. Waste and pollution are resources in the wrong place where their recovery has been considered uneconomic or not feasible (or both) but novel, nature-based and nature-inspired solutions can address this.
- Allison, T., Ward, B. D., Durance, I. and Harbottle, M. 2025. Predicting flushed wet wipe emissions into rivers. Water Research 268(Part B), article number: 122733. (10.1016/j.watres.2024.122733)
- Alshehri, K., Basirati, M., Sapsford, D., Harbottle, M. and Cleall, P. 2024. Nature-based secondary resource recovery under climate change uncertainty: a robust multi-objective optimisation methodology. Sustainability 16(16), article number: 7720. (10.3390/su16167220)
- Hashemi Monfared, S. A. et al. 2024. Surface water quality modelling with data scarcity in semi-enclosed coastal regions encompassed distributed islands. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 302, article number: 108778. (10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108778)
- Tarring, E., Robison-Smith, C., Cable, J., Durance, I., Harbottle, M. and Ward, B. D. 2024. Detection of polyvinylpyrrolidone in Daphnia magna: Development of a refractive index quantification method for water-soluble polymers in aquatic organisms. Science of the Total Environment 935, article number: 173428. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173428)
- Alshehri, K., Chen, I., Rugani, B., Sapsford, D., Harbottle, M. and Cleall, P. 2024. A novel uncertainty assessment protocol for integrated ecosystem services-life cycle assessments: A comparative case of nature-based solutions. Sustainable Production and Consumption 47, pp. 499-515. (10.1016/j.spc.2024.04.026)
- Gao, Z., Cui, T., Qian, H., Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2024. Can wood waste be a feedstock for anaerobic digestion? A machine learning assisted meta-analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 487, article number: 150496. (10.1016/j.cej.2024.150496)
- Tarring, E. C., Durance, I., Harbottle, M. J., Lucas, R., Read, D. S. and Ward, B. D. 2024. Water-soluble polymers: emerging contaminants detected, separated and quantified by a novel Gpc/Maldi-Tof method. Environmental Pollution 340(1), article number: 122888. (10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122888)
- Harbottle, M., Smith, H., Kennedy, J., Sapsford, D., Cleall, P., Weightman, A. and Ugalde Loo, C. 2024. Microbially mediated energy storage in the pedosphere. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024EGU General Assembly 2024 - Abstracts. Copernicus, (10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9593, 2024)
- Somani, M., Harbottle, M., Datta, M., Ramana, G. and Sreekrishnan, T. R. 2023. Identification and assessment of appropriate remediation management techniques for the recovery of soil-like material produced in landfill mining. Journal of Environmental Management 348, article number: 119300. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119300)
- Alshehri, K., Gao, Z., Harbottle, M., Sapsford, D. and Cleall, P. 2023. Life cycle assessment and cost-benefit analysis of nature-based solutions for contaminated land remediation: A mini-review. Heliyon 9(10), article number: e20632. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20632)
- Allison, T., Ward, B. D., Harbottle, M. and Durance, I. 2023. Do flushed biodegradable wet wipes really degrade?. Science of the Total Environment 894, article number: 164912. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164912)
- Alshehri, K., Harbottle, M., Sapsford, D., Beames, A. and Cleall, P. 2023. Integration of ecosystem services and life cycle assessment allows improved accounting of sustainability benefits of nature-based solutions for brownfield redevelopment. Journal of Cleaner Production 413, article number: 137352. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137352)
- Sapsford, D. J. et al. 2023. Circular economy landfills for temporary storage and treatment of mineral-rich wastes. Waste and Resource Management 176(2), pp. 77-93. (10.1680/jwarm.22.00008)
- Harbottle, M. J. 2023. Editorial. Ground Improvement 176(1), pp. 1-2. (10.1680/jgrim.2023.176.1.1)
- Gao, Z., Alshehri, K., Li, Y., Qian, H., Sapsford, D., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2022. Advances in biological techniques for sustainable lignocellulosic waste utilization in biogas production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 170, article number: 112995. (10.1016/j.rser.2022.112995)
- Tezer, M. M., De Belie, N., Boon, N., Verstraete, W. and Harbottle, M. 2022. Non-axenic biomasses as bacterial self-healing agents in cementitious mortar. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Milan, Spain, 20-22 June 2022.
- Kanellopoulos, A., Theodoridou, M., Harbottle, M., Lourenco, S. and Norambuena-Contreras, J. 2022. Self-adaptive construction materials: future directions. In: Kanellopoulos, A. and Norambuena-Contreras, J. eds. Self-Healing Construction Materials: Fundamentals, Monitoring and Large Scale Applications. Engineering Materials and Processes Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 215-226., (10.1007/978-3-030-86880-2_8)
- Assadi-Langroudi, A. et al. 2022. Recent advances in nature-inspired solutions for ground engineering (NiSE). International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 8, article number: 3. (10.1007/s40891-021-00349-9)
- Theodoridou, M., Cuzman, O., Tiano, P., Perito, B. and Harbottle, M. 2021. Sporosarcina pasteurii induced carbonate formation for repairing and preventing damage in existing stone masonry structures. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Live 2020 International Conference (RM4L2020), Virtual, 20-22 September 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings of the Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference. Cardiff, Wales: Resilient Materials 4 Life - Cardiff University pp. 48-51.
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. N. 2021. Electrokinetic-enhanced removal of toluene from physically heterogeneous granular porous media. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 54(3), article number: qjegh2020-073. (10.1144/qjegh2020-073)
- Chen, C., Wu, L. and Harbottle, M. 2020. Exploring the effect of biopolymers in near-surface soils using xanthan gum-modified sand under shear. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 57(8), pp. 1109-1118. (10.1139/cgj-2019-0284)
- Muaaz-Us-Salam, S., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2020. Application of enzymatic and bacterial biodelignification systems for enhanced breakdown of model lignocellulosic wastes. Science of the Total Environment 728, article number: 138741. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138741)
- Botusharova, S., Gardner, D. and Harbottle, M. 2020. Augmenting microbially induced carbonate precipitation of soil with the capability to self-heal. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146(4), article number: 4020010. (10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002214)
- Harbottle, M. 2020. The circular geoenvironment - maximising geoenvironmental services to minimize environmental harm. Presented at: Geoenvironment 2020, Delhi, India, 17-21 Feb 2020.
- Oniosun, S., Harbottle, M., Tripathy, S. and Cleall, P. 2019. Plant growth, root distribution and non-aqueous phase liquid phytoremediation at the pore-scale. Journal of Environmental Management 249, article number: 109378. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109378)
- Chen, C., Wu, L. and Harbottle, M. 2019. Influence of biopolymer gel-coated fibres on sand reinforcement as a model of plant root behaviour. Plant and Soil 438(1-2), pp. 361-375. (10.1007/s11104-019-04033-w)
- Muaaz-Us-Salam, S., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2019. The case for examining fluid flow in municipal solid waste at the pore-scale - A review. Waste Management and Research 37(4), pp. 315-332. (10.1177/0734242X19828120)
- Nardi, C. D., Theodoridou, M., Sim, P., Harbottle, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2019. Self- healing lime-based mortars using biological mechanisms and microvascular networks. Presented at: 5th Historic Mortars Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 19-21 June 2019. pp. -.
- Oniosun, S., Harbottle, M., Tripathy, S. and Cleall, P. 2018. Phytoremediation of light non-aqueous phase liquids. Presented at: The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Hangzhou, China, 38 Oct - 1 Nov 2018Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Vol. 1. Singapore: Springer pp. 788-795., (10.1007/978-981-13-2221-1_89)
- Warwick, S., Durany-Fernandez, P., Sapsford, D., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Altered chemical evolution in landfill leachate post implementation of biodegradable waste diversion. Waste Management and Research 36(9), pp. 857-868. (10.1177/0734242X18785723)
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. and Hughes, T. 2018. Performance of single skin masonry walls subjected to hydraulic loading. Materials and Structures 51, article number: 97. (10.1617/s11527-018-1222-z)
- Peppicelli, C., Cleall, P., Sapsford, D. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Changes in metal speciation and mobility during electrokinetic treatment of industrial wastes: implications for remediation and resource recovery. Science of the Total Environment 624, pp. 1488-1503. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.132)
- Theodoridou, M. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Biological self-healing for the protection of cultural heritage stone structures. Presented at: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Chiba, Japan, 20-24 May 2018.
- Theodoridou, M. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Preventing deterioration of construction geo-materials; the new concept of biological self-healing for porous building stone. Presented at: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018.
- Munoz Criollo, J., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2017. Coupled biomass growth and flow in unsaturated soil. Presented at: International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics, University of Leeds, 6 - 7 September 2017.
- Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2017. In situ resource recovery from waste repositories: exploring the potential for mobilization and capture of metals from anthropogenic ores. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 3(2), pp. 375-392. (10.1007/s40831-016-0102-4)
- Muaaz-Us-Salam, S., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2017. Enhanced delignification and methane generation in waste repositories-overcoming heterogeneity. Presented at: Proceedings Sardinia 2017 / Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy, 2 - 6 October 2017. pp. -.
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S. F., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. N. 2016. Sustainability assessment of electrokinetic bioremediation compared with alternative remediation options for a petroleum release site. Journal of Environmental Management 184(1), pp. 120-131. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.036)
- Mugwar, A. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2016. Toxicity effects on metal sequestration by microbially-induced carbonate precipitation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 314 (10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.04.039)
- Harbottle, M., Mugwar, A. and Botusharova, S. 2016. Aspects of implementation and long-term performance of biologically induced mineralisation of carbonates in porous media. Presented at: 26th Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 26 June - 1 July 2016. pp. 1051.
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S. F., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. 2016. Effect of physical heterogeneity on the electromigration of nitrate in layered granular porous media. Electrochimica Acta 199, pp. 59-69. (10.1016/j.electacta.2016.02.191)
- Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2016. In situ resource recovery from waste repositories: exploring the potential for mobilisation and capture of metals from anthropogenic ores. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2016.
- Peppicelli, C., Cleall, P. J., Sapsford, D. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2016. Electrokinetic treatment in the recovery of valuable metals from waste repositories: Metal speciation and transient behaviour of metals during EK. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2016.
- Roberts, M., Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. J., Harbottle, M. J. and Weightman, A. J. 2016. In situ microbial dissolution of iron mineral-bearing wastes for metal recovery. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2016.
- Harbottle, M. 2016. Engineering successful bioremediation. In: Lear, G. ed. Biofilms in Bioremediation. Caister Academic Press, pp. 3-22.
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S. F., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. 2015. Electrokinetic migration of nitrate through heterogeneous granular porous media. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 35(3), pp. 46-56. (10.1111/gwmr.12107)
- Harbottle, M. J., Tomkinson, W., Lewin, G. and von Loggerenberg, K. 2015. Electrokinetic biosparging of toluene in groundwater. Environmental Geotechnics 2(EG1), pp. 26-33. (10.1680/envgeo.13.00047)
- Al-Tabbaa, A. and Harbottle, M. 2015. Self-healing materials and structures for geotechnical and geo-environmental applications. Presented at: XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh, 13-17 September 2015Proceedings of the XVI ECSMGE Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development. ICE Publishing pp. 589-594.
- Mugwar, A. and Harbottle, M. J. 2014. Biomineralisation of metals in soil – effect of metal toxicity and precipitation as a protective mechanism. Presented at: 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Melbourne, Australia, 9-14 November 2014 Presented at Bouazza, A., Yuen, S. and Brown, B. eds.Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Engineers Australia pp. 1136-1142.
- Gill, R. T., Harbottle, M., Smith, J. W. N. and Thornton, S. F. 2014. Influence of 2D physical heterogeneity on the electromigration of nitrate. Presented at: 13th Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation, Malaga, Spain, 7-10 September 2014 Presented at Maroto, J. M. R. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation. pp. 61-63.
- Page, K., Harbottle, M. J., Cleall, P. J. and Hutchings, T. R. 2014. Heavy metal leaching and environmental risk from the use of compost-like output as an energy crop growth substrate. Science of the Total Environment 487, pp. 260-271. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.021)
- Gill, R. T., Harbottle, M. J., Smith, J. W. N. and Thornton, S. F. 2014. Electrokinetic-enhanced bioremediation of organic contaminants: A review of processes and environmental applications. Chemosphere 107, pp. 31-42. (10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.03.019)
- Harbottle, M. J., Lam, M., Botusharova, S. and Gardner, D. R. 2014. Self-healing soil: Biomimetic engineering of geotechnical structures to respond to damage. Presented at: 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Melbourne, Australia, 9-14 November 2014 Presented at Bouazza, A., Yuen, S. and Brown, B. eds.Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Engineers Australia pp. 1121-1128.
- Harbottle, M. J., Zhang, J. and Gardner, D. R. 2013. Combined physical and biological gel-based healing of cementitious materials. Presented at: Fourth International Conference on Self-Healing Materials (ICSHM2013), Ghent, Belgium, 16-18 June 2013Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Self-Healing Materials. Ghent: Universiteit Gent pp. 207-210.
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. J. and Hughes, T. G. 2013. Uniform lateral load capacity of small-scale masonry wall panels. Materials and Structures n/a (10.1617/s11527-013-0092-7)
- Gill, R., Rolfe, S., Harbottle, M. J., Smith, J. and Thornton, S. 2013. Stimulating in situ bioremediation in electron acceptor-limited zones by nitrate delivery using electrokinetics in a model scale aquifer. Presented at: 12th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19 April 2013.
- Page, K., Cleall, P. J., Harbottle, M. J. and Hutchings, T. 2012. Heavy metal content of recycled organic wastes and potential bioaccumulation in short rotation coppice when used as a nutrient source. Presented at: ISWA World Solid Waste Congress, Florence, Italy, 17-19 September 2012.
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. J. and Hughes, T. 2012. The strength of masonry walls when subject to flood loading. Presented at: 15th International Brick & Block Masonry Conference (15th IBMaC), Florianopolis, Brazil, 3-6 June 2012.
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. J., Thomas, J. and Hughes, T. G. 2011. The development of a new method for testing the lateral load capacity of small-scale masonry walls using a centrifuge and digital image correlation. Construction and Building Materials 25(12), pp. 4465-4476. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.02.002)
- Harbottle, M. J., Lear, G., Sills, G. C. and Thompson, I. P. 2009. Enhanced biodegradation of pentachlorophenol in unsaturated soil using reversed field electrokinetics. Journal of Environmental Management 90(5), pp. 1893-1900. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.12.012)
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2008. Sustainability of Land Remediation. Part 2: Impact Assessment. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering 161(3), pp. 117-127. (10.1680/geng.2008.161.3.117)
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2008. Sustainability of Land Remediation. Part 1: Overall Analysis. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering 161(2), pp. 75-92. (10.1680/geng.2008.161.2.75)
- Harbottle, M. J. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2008. Degradation of 2-chlorobenzoic acid in stabilised/solidified soil systems. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 61(2), pp. 173-181. (10.1016/j.ibiod.2007.07.002)
- Harbottle, M. J. et al. 2007. Magnetic resonance imaging of the effect of zeolite on lithium uptake in poplar. Environmental Science & Technology 41(10), pp. 3444-3448. (10.1021/es0623111)
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2007. A comparison of the technical sustainability of in situ stabilisation / solidification with disposal to landfill. Journal of Hazardous Materials 141(2), pp. 430-440. (10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.05.084)
- Lear, G., Harbottle, M. J., Sills, G. C., Knowles, C. J., Semple, K. T. and Thompson, I. P. 2007. Impact of electrokinetic remediation on microbial communities within PCP contaminated soil. Environmental Pollution 146(1), pp. 139-146. (10.1016/j.envpol.2006.06.037)
- Harbottle, M. J. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2007. Uncovering the true impacts of remediation. Technical Report.
- Al-Tabbaa, A., Harbottle, M. J. and Evans, C. W. 2007. Robust sustainable technical solutions. In: Dixon, T. et al. eds. Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 203-232.
- Ouki, S. K., van Herwijnen, R., Harbottle, M. J., Hutchings, T. R., Al-Tabbaa, A., Johns, M. L. and Moffat, A. J. 2007. Novel special-purpose composts for sustainable remediation. In: Dixon, T. et al. eds. Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces. Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell, pp. 177 -202.
- Harbottle, M. J. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2006. Combining stabilisation/ solidification with biodegredation to enhance long-term remediation performance. Presented at: 2nd IASTED International Conference on Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field, Lanzarote, Spain.
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2006. Assessing the true technical / environmental impacts of contaminated land remediation - a case study of containment, disposal and no action. Land Contamination and Reclamation 14(1), pp. 85-99.
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2005. The technical sustainability of in situ stabilisation/ solidification. Presented at: International Conference on Stabilisation/ Solidification Treatment and Remediation, Cambridge, UK.
- Lear, G., Harbottle, M. J., van der Gast, C. J., Jackman, S. A., Knowles, C. J., Sills, G. and Thompson, I. P. 2004. The effect of electrokinetics on soil microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36(11), pp. 1751-1760. (10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.04.032)
- Sills, G. C., Bartolomeeusen, G., Lintern, D. G., Harbottle, M. J. and Lear, G. 2004. The structure of soil. Presented at: Alec Skempton Memorial Conference, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.
- Harbottle, M. and Brown, M. J. 2004. Brownie points. Ground Engineering Magazine, pp. 28-30.
- Harbottle, M. J., C., S. G., A., J. S. and Thompson, I. P. 2001. Movement of pentachlorophenol in usaturated soil by electrokinetics. Presented at: 3rd Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Allison, T., Ward, B. D., Durance, I. and Harbottle, M. 2025. Predicting flushed wet wipe emissions into rivers. Water Research 268(Part B), article number: 122733. (10.1016/j.watres.2024.122733)
- Alshehri, K., Basirati, M., Sapsford, D., Harbottle, M. and Cleall, P. 2024. Nature-based secondary resource recovery under climate change uncertainty: a robust multi-objective optimisation methodology. Sustainability 16(16), article number: 7720. (10.3390/su16167220)
- Hashemi Monfared, S. A. et al. 2024. Surface water quality modelling with data scarcity in semi-enclosed coastal regions encompassed distributed islands. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 302, article number: 108778. (10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108778)
- Tarring, E., Robison-Smith, C., Cable, J., Durance, I., Harbottle, M. and Ward, B. D. 2024. Detection of polyvinylpyrrolidone in Daphnia magna: Development of a refractive index quantification method for water-soluble polymers in aquatic organisms. Science of the Total Environment 935, article number: 173428. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173428)
- Alshehri, K., Chen, I., Rugani, B., Sapsford, D., Harbottle, M. and Cleall, P. 2024. A novel uncertainty assessment protocol for integrated ecosystem services-life cycle assessments: A comparative case of nature-based solutions. Sustainable Production and Consumption 47, pp. 499-515. (10.1016/j.spc.2024.04.026)
- Gao, Z., Cui, T., Qian, H., Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2024. Can wood waste be a feedstock for anaerobic digestion? A machine learning assisted meta-analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 487, article number: 150496. (10.1016/j.cej.2024.150496)
- Tarring, E. C., Durance, I., Harbottle, M. J., Lucas, R., Read, D. S. and Ward, B. D. 2024. Water-soluble polymers: emerging contaminants detected, separated and quantified by a novel Gpc/Maldi-Tof method. Environmental Pollution 340(1), article number: 122888. (10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122888)
- Somani, M., Harbottle, M., Datta, M., Ramana, G. and Sreekrishnan, T. R. 2023. Identification and assessment of appropriate remediation management techniques for the recovery of soil-like material produced in landfill mining. Journal of Environmental Management 348, article number: 119300. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119300)
- Alshehri, K., Gao, Z., Harbottle, M., Sapsford, D. and Cleall, P. 2023. Life cycle assessment and cost-benefit analysis of nature-based solutions for contaminated land remediation: A mini-review. Heliyon 9(10), article number: e20632. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20632)
- Allison, T., Ward, B. D., Harbottle, M. and Durance, I. 2023. Do flushed biodegradable wet wipes really degrade?. Science of the Total Environment 894, article number: 164912. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164912)
- Alshehri, K., Harbottle, M., Sapsford, D., Beames, A. and Cleall, P. 2023. Integration of ecosystem services and life cycle assessment allows improved accounting of sustainability benefits of nature-based solutions for brownfield redevelopment. Journal of Cleaner Production 413, article number: 137352. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137352)
- Sapsford, D. J. et al. 2023. Circular economy landfills for temporary storage and treatment of mineral-rich wastes. Waste and Resource Management 176(2), pp. 77-93. (10.1680/jwarm.22.00008)
- Harbottle, M. J. 2023. Editorial. Ground Improvement 176(1), pp. 1-2. (10.1680/jgrim.2023.176.1.1)
- Gao, Z., Alshehri, K., Li, Y., Qian, H., Sapsford, D., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2022. Advances in biological techniques for sustainable lignocellulosic waste utilization in biogas production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 170, article number: 112995. (10.1016/j.rser.2022.112995)
- Assadi-Langroudi, A. et al. 2022. Recent advances in nature-inspired solutions for ground engineering (NiSE). International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 8, article number: 3. (10.1007/s40891-021-00349-9)
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. N. 2021. Electrokinetic-enhanced removal of toluene from physically heterogeneous granular porous media. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 54(3), article number: qjegh2020-073. (10.1144/qjegh2020-073)
- Chen, C., Wu, L. and Harbottle, M. 2020. Exploring the effect of biopolymers in near-surface soils using xanthan gum-modified sand under shear. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 57(8), pp. 1109-1118. (10.1139/cgj-2019-0284)
- Muaaz-Us-Salam, S., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2020. Application of enzymatic and bacterial biodelignification systems for enhanced breakdown of model lignocellulosic wastes. Science of the Total Environment 728, article number: 138741. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138741)
- Botusharova, S., Gardner, D. and Harbottle, M. 2020. Augmenting microbially induced carbonate precipitation of soil with the capability to self-heal. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146(4), article number: 4020010. (10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002214)
- Oniosun, S., Harbottle, M., Tripathy, S. and Cleall, P. 2019. Plant growth, root distribution and non-aqueous phase liquid phytoremediation at the pore-scale. Journal of Environmental Management 249, article number: 109378. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109378)
- Chen, C., Wu, L. and Harbottle, M. 2019. Influence of biopolymer gel-coated fibres on sand reinforcement as a model of plant root behaviour. Plant and Soil 438(1-2), pp. 361-375. (10.1007/s11104-019-04033-w)
- Muaaz-Us-Salam, S., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2019. The case for examining fluid flow in municipal solid waste at the pore-scale - A review. Waste Management and Research 37(4), pp. 315-332. (10.1177/0734242X19828120)
- Warwick, S., Durany-Fernandez, P., Sapsford, D., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Altered chemical evolution in landfill leachate post implementation of biodegradable waste diversion. Waste Management and Research 36(9), pp. 857-868. (10.1177/0734242X18785723)
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. and Hughes, T. 2018. Performance of single skin masonry walls subjected to hydraulic loading. Materials and Structures 51, article number: 97. (10.1617/s11527-018-1222-z)
- Peppicelli, C., Cleall, P., Sapsford, D. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Changes in metal speciation and mobility during electrokinetic treatment of industrial wastes: implications for remediation and resource recovery. Science of the Total Environment 624, pp. 1488-1503. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.132)
- Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2017. In situ resource recovery from waste repositories: exploring the potential for mobilization and capture of metals from anthropogenic ores. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 3(2), pp. 375-392. (10.1007/s40831-016-0102-4)
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S. F., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. N. 2016. Sustainability assessment of electrokinetic bioremediation compared with alternative remediation options for a petroleum release site. Journal of Environmental Management 184(1), pp. 120-131. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.036)
- Mugwar, A. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2016. Toxicity effects on metal sequestration by microbially-induced carbonate precipitation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 314 (10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.04.039)
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S. F., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. 2016. Effect of physical heterogeneity on the electromigration of nitrate in layered granular porous media. Electrochimica Acta 199, pp. 59-69. (10.1016/j.electacta.2016.02.191)
- Gill, R. T., Thornton, S. F., Harbottle, M. J. and Smith, J. W. 2015. Electrokinetic migration of nitrate through heterogeneous granular porous media. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 35(3), pp. 46-56. (10.1111/gwmr.12107)
- Harbottle, M. J., Tomkinson, W., Lewin, G. and von Loggerenberg, K. 2015. Electrokinetic biosparging of toluene in groundwater. Environmental Geotechnics 2(EG1), pp. 26-33. (10.1680/envgeo.13.00047)
- Page, K., Harbottle, M. J., Cleall, P. J. and Hutchings, T. R. 2014. Heavy metal leaching and environmental risk from the use of compost-like output as an energy crop growth substrate. Science of the Total Environment 487, pp. 260-271. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.021)
- Gill, R. T., Harbottle, M. J., Smith, J. W. N. and Thornton, S. F. 2014. Electrokinetic-enhanced bioremediation of organic contaminants: A review of processes and environmental applications. Chemosphere 107, pp. 31-42. (10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.03.019)
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. J. and Hughes, T. G. 2013. Uniform lateral load capacity of small-scale masonry wall panels. Materials and Structures n/a (10.1617/s11527-013-0092-7)
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. J., Thomas, J. and Hughes, T. G. 2011. The development of a new method for testing the lateral load capacity of small-scale masonry walls using a centrifuge and digital image correlation. Construction and Building Materials 25(12), pp. 4465-4476. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.02.002)
- Harbottle, M. J., Lear, G., Sills, G. C. and Thompson, I. P. 2009. Enhanced biodegradation of pentachlorophenol in unsaturated soil using reversed field electrokinetics. Journal of Environmental Management 90(5), pp. 1893-1900. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.12.012)
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2008. Sustainability of Land Remediation. Part 2: Impact Assessment. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering 161(3), pp. 117-127. (10.1680/geng.2008.161.3.117)
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2008. Sustainability of Land Remediation. Part 1: Overall Analysis. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering 161(2), pp. 75-92. (10.1680/geng.2008.161.2.75)
- Harbottle, M. J. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2008. Degradation of 2-chlorobenzoic acid in stabilised/solidified soil systems. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 61(2), pp. 173-181. (10.1016/j.ibiod.2007.07.002)
- Harbottle, M. J. et al. 2007. Magnetic resonance imaging of the effect of zeolite on lithium uptake in poplar. Environmental Science & Technology 41(10), pp. 3444-3448. (10.1021/es0623111)
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2007. A comparison of the technical sustainability of in situ stabilisation / solidification with disposal to landfill. Journal of Hazardous Materials 141(2), pp. 430-440. (10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.05.084)
- Lear, G., Harbottle, M. J., Sills, G. C., Knowles, C. J., Semple, K. T. and Thompson, I. P. 2007. Impact of electrokinetic remediation on microbial communities within PCP contaminated soil. Environmental Pollution 146(1), pp. 139-146. (10.1016/j.envpol.2006.06.037)
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2006. Assessing the true technical / environmental impacts of contaminated land remediation - a case study of containment, disposal and no action. Land Contamination and Reclamation 14(1), pp. 85-99.
- Lear, G., Harbottle, M. J., van der Gast, C. J., Jackman, S. A., Knowles, C. J., Sills, G. and Thompson, I. P. 2004. The effect of electrokinetics on soil microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36(11), pp. 1751-1760. (10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.04.032)
- Harbottle, M. and Brown, M. J. 2004. Brownie points. Ground Engineering Magazine, pp. 28-30.
Book sections
- Kanellopoulos, A., Theodoridou, M., Harbottle, M., Lourenco, S. and Norambuena-Contreras, J. 2022. Self-adaptive construction materials: future directions. In: Kanellopoulos, A. and Norambuena-Contreras, J. eds. Self-Healing Construction Materials: Fundamentals, Monitoring and Large Scale Applications. Engineering Materials and Processes Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 215-226., (10.1007/978-3-030-86880-2_8)
- Harbottle, M. 2016. Engineering successful bioremediation. In: Lear, G. ed. Biofilms in Bioremediation. Caister Academic Press, pp. 3-22.
- Al-Tabbaa, A., Harbottle, M. J. and Evans, C. W. 2007. Robust sustainable technical solutions. In: Dixon, T. et al. eds. Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 203-232.
- Ouki, S. K., van Herwijnen, R., Harbottle, M. J., Hutchings, T. R., Al-Tabbaa, A., Johns, M. L. and Moffat, A. J. 2007. Novel special-purpose composts for sustainable remediation. In: Dixon, T. et al. eds. Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces. Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell, pp. 177 -202.
- Harbottle, M., Smith, H., Kennedy, J., Sapsford, D., Cleall, P., Weightman, A. and Ugalde Loo, C. 2024. Microbially mediated energy storage in the pedosphere. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024EGU General Assembly 2024 - Abstracts. Copernicus, (10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9593, 2024)
- Tezer, M. M., De Belie, N., Boon, N., Verstraete, W. and Harbottle, M. 2022. Non-axenic biomasses as bacterial self-healing agents in cementitious mortar. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Milan, Spain, 20-22 June 2022.
- Theodoridou, M., Cuzman, O., Tiano, P., Perito, B. and Harbottle, M. 2021. Sporosarcina pasteurii induced carbonate formation for repairing and preventing damage in existing stone masonry structures. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Live 2020 International Conference (RM4L2020), Virtual, 20-22 September 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings of the Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference. Cardiff, Wales: Resilient Materials 4 Life - Cardiff University pp. 48-51.
- Harbottle, M. 2020. The circular geoenvironment - maximising geoenvironmental services to minimize environmental harm. Presented at: Geoenvironment 2020, Delhi, India, 17-21 Feb 2020.
- Nardi, C. D., Theodoridou, M., Sim, P., Harbottle, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2019. Self- healing lime-based mortars using biological mechanisms and microvascular networks. Presented at: 5th Historic Mortars Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 19-21 June 2019. pp. -.
- Oniosun, S., Harbottle, M., Tripathy, S. and Cleall, P. 2018. Phytoremediation of light non-aqueous phase liquids. Presented at: The International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Hangzhou, China, 38 Oct - 1 Nov 2018Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Vol. 1. Singapore: Springer pp. 788-795., (10.1007/978-981-13-2221-1_89)
- Theodoridou, M. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Biological self-healing for the protection of cultural heritage stone structures. Presented at: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Chiba, Japan, 20-24 May 2018.
- Theodoridou, M. and Harbottle, M. 2018. Preventing deterioration of construction geo-materials; the new concept of biological self-healing for porous building stone. Presented at: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018.
- Munoz Criollo, J., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2017. Coupled biomass growth and flow in unsaturated soil. Presented at: International Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics, University of Leeds, 6 - 7 September 2017.
- Muaaz-Us-Salam, S., Cleall, P. and Harbottle, M. 2017. Enhanced delignification and methane generation in waste repositories-overcoming heterogeneity. Presented at: Proceedings Sardinia 2017 / Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy, 2 - 6 October 2017. pp. -.
- Harbottle, M., Mugwar, A. and Botusharova, S. 2016. Aspects of implementation and long-term performance of biologically induced mineralisation of carbonates in porous media. Presented at: 26th Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 26 June - 1 July 2016. pp. 1051.
- Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2016. In situ resource recovery from waste repositories: exploring the potential for mobilisation and capture of metals from anthropogenic ores. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2016.
- Peppicelli, C., Cleall, P. J., Sapsford, D. J. and Harbottle, M. J. 2016. Electrokinetic treatment in the recovery of valuable metals from waste repositories: Metal speciation and transient behaviour of metals during EK. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2016.
- Roberts, M., Sapsford, D. J., Cleall, P. J., Harbottle, M. J. and Weightman, A. J. 2016. In situ microbial dissolution of iron mineral-bearing wastes for metal recovery. Presented at: 3rd International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Lisbon, Portugal, February 2016.
- Al-Tabbaa, A. and Harbottle, M. 2015. Self-healing materials and structures for geotechnical and geo-environmental applications. Presented at: XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh, 13-17 September 2015Proceedings of the XVI ECSMGE Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development. ICE Publishing pp. 589-594.
- Mugwar, A. and Harbottle, M. J. 2014. Biomineralisation of metals in soil – effect of metal toxicity and precipitation as a protective mechanism. Presented at: 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Melbourne, Australia, 9-14 November 2014 Presented at Bouazza, A., Yuen, S. and Brown, B. eds.Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Engineers Australia pp. 1136-1142.
- Gill, R. T., Harbottle, M., Smith, J. W. N. and Thornton, S. F. 2014. Influence of 2D physical heterogeneity on the electromigration of nitrate. Presented at: 13th Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation, Malaga, Spain, 7-10 September 2014 Presented at Maroto, J. M. R. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation. pp. 61-63.
- Harbottle, M. J., Lam, M., Botusharova, S. and Gardner, D. R. 2014. Self-healing soil: Biomimetic engineering of geotechnical structures to respond to damage. Presented at: 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Melbourne, Australia, 9-14 November 2014 Presented at Bouazza, A., Yuen, S. and Brown, B. eds.Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics. Engineers Australia pp. 1121-1128.
- Harbottle, M. J., Zhang, J. and Gardner, D. R. 2013. Combined physical and biological gel-based healing of cementitious materials. Presented at: Fourth International Conference on Self-Healing Materials (ICSHM2013), Ghent, Belgium, 16-18 June 2013Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Self-Healing Materials. Ghent: Universiteit Gent pp. 207-210.
- Gill, R., Rolfe, S., Harbottle, M. J., Smith, J. and Thornton, S. 2013. Stimulating in situ bioremediation in electron acceptor-limited zones by nitrate delivery using electrokinetics in a model scale aquifer. Presented at: 12th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management, Barcelona, Spain, 16-19 April 2013.
- Page, K., Cleall, P. J., Harbottle, M. J. and Hutchings, T. 2012. Heavy metal content of recycled organic wastes and potential bioaccumulation in short rotation coppice when used as a nutrient source. Presented at: ISWA World Solid Waste Congress, Florence, Italy, 17-19 September 2012.
- Herbert, D. M., Gardner, D. R., Harbottle, M. J. and Hughes, T. 2012. The strength of masonry walls when subject to flood loading. Presented at: 15th International Brick & Block Masonry Conference (15th IBMaC), Florianopolis, Brazil, 3-6 June 2012.
- Harbottle, M. J. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2006. Combining stabilisation/ solidification with biodegredation to enhance long-term remediation performance. Presented at: 2nd IASTED International Conference on Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field, Lanzarote, Spain.
- Harbottle, M. J., Al-Tabbaa, A. and Evans, C. W. 2005. The technical sustainability of in situ stabilisation/ solidification. Presented at: International Conference on Stabilisation/ Solidification Treatment and Remediation, Cambridge, UK.
- Sills, G. C., Bartolomeeusen, G., Lintern, D. G., Harbottle, M. J. and Lear, G. 2004. The structure of soil. Presented at: Alec Skempton Memorial Conference, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.
- Harbottle, M. J., C., S. G., A., J. S. and Thompson, I. P. 2001. Movement of pentachlorophenol in usaturated soil by electrokinetics. Presented at: 3rd Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Harbottle, M. J. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2007. Uncovering the true impacts of remediation. Technical Report.
Current interests
My research interests lie broadly in the field of nature-based and nature-inspired solutions applied to infrastructure, environmental protection and the circular economy, spanning the environmental sciences and civil and environmental engineering. My group aims to develop engineering solutions which contribute to solving current grand challenges including environmental deterioration, space for nature, urban development and others. Specific areas of interest include:
- Interactions between geoenvironmental and geotechnical engineering and biology (‘biogeotechnics’), using plants and microorganisms to engineer soil structure and properties, and blue-green infrastructure engineering.
- Biological and chemical energy storage in the ground. We are using microbial fuel cells and in-ground fuel generation and supply to explore energy storage and extraction from soils and sediments.
- Pollution management, including engineering aspects of contaminated land remediation (particularly electrokinetics, bioremediation, phytoremediation) and emerging pollutants (e.g. plastics, wet wipes).
- Resource recovery from waste and pollution. Waste and pollution are resources in the wrong place where their recovery has been considered uneconomic or not feasible (or both) but novel, nature-based and nature-inspired solutions can address this.
Title | People | Sponsor | Value | Duration |
GESPERR - Geobatteries: energy storage in the pedosphere to support the renewables revolution | Harbottle, M, Sapsford, D, Cleall, P, Weightman, A, Ugalde-Loo, C | EPSRC | 201583 | 01/12/2022 - 31/5/2024 |
ASPIRE - Accelerated Supergene Processes in Repository Engineering | Sapsford, D, Cleall, P, Harbottle, M, Owen, N, Weightman, A | EPSRC | 592345 | 01/03/2021 - 29/02/2024 |
Self-healing Multifunctional Advanced Repair Technologies IN Cementitious Systems (SMARTINCS) | Jefferson, A, Gardner, D, Harbottle, M, Davies, R, Mihai, I | Commission of the European Communities | 241185 | 01/12/2019 - 30/11/2023 |
Resilient materials for life (RM4L) | Jefferson, A, Gardner, D, Harbottle, M, Davies, R, Mihai, I, Paul, A | EPSRC | 1668484 | 03/04/2017 - 02/10/2022 |
Environmental plastics pollution from Vietnamese plastic recycling craft villages | Harbottle, M | Universities Wales | 1970 | 01/06/2020 - 30/11/2021 |
Landfill mining: Feasibility of reuse of aged municipal solid waste in geotechnical applications | Harbottle, M | British Council | 6200 | 01/03/2020 - 31/01/2021 |
GEOHEAL - Self-healing geological construction materials & structures | Harbottle, M | Commission of the European Communities | 131684 | 22/1/2018 - 21/1/2020 |
INSPIRE - In situ recovery of resources from waste repositories | Sapsford D, Harbottle M, Cleall P, Mahdi T, Weightman A (BIOSI) | NERC | 671454 | 02/06/2014 - 01/06/2017 |
Self-healing geotechnical structures through microbiological action | Harbottle M, Gardner D | BRE | 60000 | 01/10/2013 - 30/09/2016 |
Materials for life (M4L): Biomimetic multi-scale damage immunity for construction materials | Lark R, Gardner D, Jefferson A, Harbottle M | EPSRC | 1672025 | 01/04/2013 - 31/03/2016 |
In Situ Recovery of Resources from Waste Repositories | Sapsford D, Griffiths A, Harbottle M, Mahdi T, Cleall P | NERC | 56803 | 01/04/2013 - 30/09/2013 |
Response of pollutant chemistry, pathways and mobility to Short Rotation Forestry on brownfield Sites | Dr PJ Cleall, DR MJ Harbottle | Forest Research | 27500 | 01/10/2010 - 30/09/2013 |
To develop Ford's capacity in resource efficiency and environmental performance through improvements in waste management and effluent treatment | Sapsford D, Harbottle M | KTP and Ford Motor Company Ltd | 125710 | 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2012 |
Developing the sustainable laboratory - Waste | Brennan P, Gregory C, Whitmarsh L, Cullen-Unswa, Harbottle M | HEFCW | 8999 | 01/11/2011 - 31/07/2012 |
Combined chemical/biological healing of cementitous materials | Harbottle, M | Institution of Structural Engineers | 300 | 01/01/2012 - 31/01/2012 |
Biological reactors as replacement to activated carbon filters for the treatment of contaminated groundwater | Harbottle M, Sapsford D, Mahdi T | Celtic Technologies | 25000 | 01/11/2010 - 31/10/2011 |
Investigation into Tar Contamination in the Blaenaovon mine water treatment scheme | Sapsford D, Harbottle M | The Coal Authority | 2090 | 01/03/2011 - 31/08/2011 |
Supervised Students
Current research students
Name | Topic | Dates | Other information |
Khaled Alshehri | Resource recovery from waste repositories in a circular economy | 2021- | |
Eve Tarring | Assessing the risks to freshwater ecosystems from water-soluble polymers | 2021- | Supported by the NERC Centre of Doctoral Training in Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment Towards Sustainable Chemical Use (ECORISC) |
Zhenghui Gao | Enhanced methanogenesis in municipal solid waste landfill through breakdown of lignocellulosic wastes | 2021- | Supported by Cardiff-Huazhong Agricultural University International Centre for Doctoral Training on Biomedical and Bioenergy Engineering |
Tom Allison | Identification, Occurrence, Transport, and Environmental Fate of Cellulose-Based Wet Wipes through the Wastewater Pathway | 2021- | |
Hang Qian | Soil-based microbial fuel cells to supply energy for low power underground processes | 2022- | Supported by Cardiff-Huazhong Agricultural University International Centre for Doctoral Training on Biomedical and Bioenergy Engineering |
Liu Tong | Microbially induced carbonate precipitation in limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concrete | 2024- | Supported by Cardiff-Huazhong Agricultural University International Centre for Doctoral Training on Biomedical and Bioenergy Engineering |
Completed PhD projects
Name | Topic | Dates | Other information |
Muaaz Wright-Syed | Enhanced Biodegradation of Model Lignocellulosic Wastes in Laboratory-Scale Bioreactors & Landfills | 2017-2021 | Supported by an Environmental Research and Education Foundation Doctoral Scholarship |
Steven Warwick | A study of landfill content and its chemical evolution using historical, geographic and site monitoring data | 2014-2021 | |
Sunday Oniosun | Phytoremediation of LNAPLs and Residual Oils in the Vadose Zone and Capillary Fringe | 2012-2019 | |
Chen Chunhui | The effect of plant roots and plant & microbial exudates in biogeotechnical stabilization of soils | 2016-2018 | Visiting student supported by the China Scholarship Council |
Khabeer Al-Awad | The effect of biological exudates on the mechanical properties of granular soil | 2014-2018 | |
Stefani Botusharova | Self-healing geotechnical structures via microbial action | 2013-2017 | Supported by BRE, as part of the EPSRC-funded ‘Materials for Life’ project |
Ahmed Mugwar | Bioprecipitation of Heavy Metals and Radionuclides with Calcium Carbonate in Aqueous Solutions and Particulate Media | 2011-2016 | |
Paris Alshiblawi | Investigation of bioclogging in homogenous and heterogenous uncontaminated and contaminated sands | 2011-2016 | |
Richard Gill | Electrokinetic-enhanced migration of solutes for improved bioremediation in heterogeneous granular porous media | 2011-2015 | EPSRC CASE Studentship at the University of Sheffield, co-supervised with Dr S Thornton and Prof J Smith (Shell) |
Katherine Page | Use of Recycled Organic Wastes as nutrient sources to aid the growth of energy crops on brownfield sites | 2010-2014 | Supported by Forest Research |
Ziad Milad | An Experimental Investigation of Landfill Leachate Impact on Surrounding Soil. A Study of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Aspects | 2009-2014 |
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My current teaching is as follows:
Materials & Construction (1st year)
Professional Studies & Construction (2nd year)
Environmental Geotechnics (3rd year)
Environmental Geotechnics (MSc)
Major projects (3rd year)
Case study & dissertation (MSc)
I have been a lecturer and now senior lecturer in geoenvironmental engineering at Cardiff University School of Engineering since September 2006. Following a Masters in Engineering at Oxford University, I joined Fugro Limited (UK), working on offshore and onshore site investigation and engineering. I then returned to Oxford University as a doctoral student working with the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Oxford). Postdoctoral work at Cambridge University Engineering Department followed, with the SUBR:IM (Sustainable Urban Brownfield Regeneration: Integrated Management) consortium. Whilst in Cambridge, I was elected Fellow of Robinson College.
Honours and awards
2024 Telford Premium award for the paper 'Circular economy landfills for temporary storage and treatment of mineral-rich wastes' in Proceeding of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste & Resources Management.
Professional memberships
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Academic positions
2006-2015 Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK
2003-2006 Postdoctoral research associate, Cambridge University, UK
2000-2003 Research assistant / DPhil student, University of Oxford, UK
Committees and reviewing
Member of EPSRC Peer Review College (2017 onwards)
Institution of Civil Engineers Wales Ground Engineering Group - Chair (2015-17), vice chair (2014-15)
Institution of Civil Engineers Education Policy Panel (2012-2018)
Editorial Panel for Proceeding of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement (2016 onwards)
Editorial Panel for Geotechnique (2013-2016)
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Biogeotechnics and blue-green infrastructure engineering
- Soil/sediment microbial fuel cells / plant microbial fuel cells
- Geoenvironmental waste & pollution management
Current supervision
Past projects
Completed PhD projects
Name | Topic | Dates | Other information |
Muaaz Wright-Syed | Enhanced Biodegradation of Model Lignocellulosic Wastes in Laboratory-Scale Bioreactors & Landfills | 2017-2021 | Supported by an Environmental Research and Education Foundation Doctoral Scholarship |
Steven Warwick | A study of landfill content and its chemical evolution using historical, geographic and site monitoring data | 2014-2021 | |
Sunday Oniosun | Phytoremediation of LNAPLs and Residual Oils in the Vadose Zone and Capillary Fringe | 2012-2019 | |
Chen Chunhui | The effect of plant roots and plant & microbial exudates in biogeotechnical stabilization of soils | 2016-2018 | Visiting student supported by the China Scholarship Council |
Khabeer Al-Awad | The effect of biological exudates on the mechanical properties of granular soil | 2014-2018 | |
Stefani Botusharova | Self-healing geotechnical structures via microbial action | 2013-2017 | Supported by BRE, as part of the EPSRC-funded ‘Materials for Life’ project |
Ahmed Mugwar | Bioprecipitation of Heavy Metals and Radionuclides with Calcium Carbonate in Aqueous Solutions and Particulate Media | 2011-2016 | |
Paris Alshiblawi | Investigation of bioclogging in homogenous and heterogenous uncontaminated and contaminated sands | 2011-2016 | |
Richard Gill | Electrokinetic-enhanced migration of solutes for improved bioremediation in heterogeneous granular porous media | 2011-2015 | EPSRC CASE Studentship at the University of Sheffield, co-supervised with Dr S Thornton and Prof J Smith (Shell) |
Katherine Page | Use of Recycled Organic Wastes as nutrient sources to aid the growth of energy crops on brownfield sites | 2010-2014 | Supported by Forest Research |
Ziad Milad | An Experimental Investigation of Landfill Leachate Impact on Surrounding Soil. A Study of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Aspects | 2009-2014 |
Contact Details
+44 29208 75759
Queen's Buildings - West Building, Room W/2.33, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Research themes
- Geoenvironmental
- Environmental engineering
- Pollution and contamination
- Biogeotechnics
- Geological Energy Storage