Alexander Harmer
Teams and roles for Alexander Harmer
Senior Education Developer
Education Development
I am a Senior Education Developer in the Learning and Teaching Academy. I have worked in this role since Summer 2022. I work supporting schools with education development with a keen focus on supporting revalidation and programme design.
Harmer A (2023) Airway Management. In Hughes S J (2023) Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice, 2nd Edition. OU Press. Oxford, UK. (Book chapter)
Royal College of Anaesthetists (2017) Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthetic Services (GPAS) – Intra-operative. London, UK. (Contributor/author on the guidelines development group)
Makin B, Land L, Smith A, Aldridge M, O’Grady G, Nevin G, Harmer A and Mapp R (2011) Does Taking a Manikin Home Improve Basic Life Support Technique? Education Through Simulation News. Issue 13, Spring 2011. Laerdal
Harmer A (2010) Resuscitation: Why is it that we do what we do? Technic: The Journal of Operating Department Practice July 2010 Volume 1 Issue 5 pp10 - 11
Revalidation Support Through the Core Spine. Learning & Teaching Conference, Cardiff University.September 2024.
Creating Champions: Inclusive Student Partnership in Programme Design and Revalidation. AdvanceHE Teaching & Learning Conference, Nottingham. July 2024.
Co-Production and Curriculum Development with Students. Centre for Education Innovation, Cardiff University, UK, July 2018.
Workshops on Resuscitation Guidelines. CODP Conference, Manchester, UK, May 2010.
Enhancing Basic Life Support skills, through self-directed study and electronic assessment. Creating Effective Educational Frameworks for Skills & Simulation Conference. Birmingham City University. 19th May 2009
Currently working as a Senior Education Developer in the LTA since summer 2022. Prior to this I was a lecturer in Operating Department Practice (ODP) for over 20 years. I have held many academic roles including module lead, programme Director, Head of Department and Lead for Student Experience and Engagement. This culminated in being appopinted as Director of Learning and Teaching (DLT) in the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University. I also have extensive experience as an external examiner and chair of examination boards. I am currently co-leading the delivery of the AdvanceHE external examiner CPD here at Cardiff.
Outside of Cardiff I am a Lead Education Visitor for the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) where I lead on programme approvals and institutional periodic reviews on behalf of the regulator.
Before moving to Cardiff in 2015, I worked at Birmingham City University as a Senior Lecturer in ODP. I was programme lead for the joint Military and civillian ODP programme working closely with the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine (RCDM) as part of the Defence School for Health Care Studies (DSHCS).
I also maintained clincial practice throughout this time at evenings and weekends in the private sector. My clinical specialism was in anaesthetics and critical care with a focus on airway management, anaesthetic pharmacology and physiology. I was also an Advanced Life SUpport (ALS) Instructor for a number of years.