Tom joined Cardiff University in 2008 as a graduate teaching assistant. He was appointed as a lecturer in law in 2014.
Tom wrote his doctoral thesis on advance decisions to refuse treatment and has research interests in healthcare law, bioethics and social theory.
In 2012 Tom was awarded a travel grant to attend the LSA conference in the United States and deliver his paper "To Each, Their Island: A Governmental Take on the Growth of Autonomy in Medical Law". Tom is a DAAD alumnus having worked at the Institut für Soziologie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main as a visiting researcher in 2013. He was also selected to attend a workshop on "Organ Donation in Times of Shortage" in the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München. He has written and given papers on advance decisions to refuse treatment, organ donation and bioethics. In 2020 Tom was asked to update guidance for healthcare workers on advance decisions to refuse treatment for the British Medical Journal.
Tom completed Cardiff University’s Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Tom teaches Healthcare Law and Criminal Law. Tom is co-module leader of Consent to Treatment and has previously been module leader on the Themes in Socio-Legal Studies module.
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2020. Fear and loathing in legal academia: Legal academics’ perceptions of their field and their curious imaginaries of how ‘outsiders’ perceive it. British Journal of American Legal Studies 9(1), pp. 17-80. (10.2478/bjals-2020-0006)
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2019. How outsiders see us: Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia and legal academics. Working paper. Cardiff: LawLab Research Centre.
- Hayes, T. 2016. Advance decisions to refuse treatment: autonomy and governmentality at the end of life. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Hayes, T. 2016. Donation and Devolution: The Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013. In: Jox, R. J., Assadi, G. and Marckmann, G. eds. Organ Transplantation in Times of Donor Shortage: Challenges and Solutions. International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine Vol. 59. Springer, pp. 141-155.
- Hayes, T. 2015. A (social) room with a view (to the future): advance decisions and the problem of personhood. In: Huxtable, R. and ter Meulen, R. eds. The Voices and Rooms of European Bioethics. Biomedical Law and Ethics Library Abingdon and New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 87-102.
- Hayes, T. 2013. Informed choice over informed consent: cracking the old chesternut?. In: Gunning, J. ed. Ethics, Law and Society., Vol. 5. Taylor & Francis Group
- Hayes, T. 2012. Balancing principles, forcing food: self-determination and best interests. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9(4), pp. 387-391. (10.1007/s11673-012-9399-2)
- Hayes, T. 2009. Just Between You and Me (and the Public Interest). Cardiff Centre for Ethics Law and Society: Issue of the Month(Oct.)
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2020. Fear and loathing in legal academia: Legal academics’ perceptions of their field and their curious imaginaries of how ‘outsiders’ perceive it. British Journal of American Legal Studies 9(1), pp. 17-80. (10.2478/bjals-2020-0006)
- Hayes, T. 2012. Balancing principles, forcing food: self-determination and best interests. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9(4), pp. 387-391. (10.1007/s11673-012-9399-2)
- Hayes, T. 2009. Just Between You and Me (and the Public Interest). Cardiff Centre for Ethics Law and Society: Issue of the Month(Oct.)
Book sections
- Hayes, T. 2016. Donation and Devolution: The Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013. In: Jox, R. J., Assadi, G. and Marckmann, G. eds. Organ Transplantation in Times of Donor Shortage: Challenges and Solutions. International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine Vol. 59. Springer, pp. 141-155.
- Hayes, T. 2015. A (social) room with a view (to the future): advance decisions and the problem of personhood. In: Huxtable, R. and ter Meulen, R. eds. The Voices and Rooms of European Bioethics. Biomedical Law and Ethics Library Abingdon and New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 87-102.
- Hayes, T. 2013. Informed choice over informed consent: cracking the old chesternut?. In: Gunning, J. ed. Ethics, Law and Society., Vol. 5. Taylor & Francis Group
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2019. How outsiders see us: Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia and legal academics. Working paper. Cardiff: LawLab Research Centre.
- Hayes, T. 2016. Advance decisions to refuse treatment: autonomy and governmentality at the end of life. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
I teach Criminal law, Healthcare Law and Consent to Treatment.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Honours and awards
Law and Society Association Travel Grant (2012)
Academic positions
2014 - present: Lecturer, Cardiff University
I am interested in supervising PhD students in healthcare law, especially relating to issues of consent, advance decisions and end-of-life decisions.