Dr Robert Heimburger
Lecturer in Christian Ethics and Theology
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Christian theologian of ethics and politics.
I have written on migration, ethics, and theology. My book, God and the ‘Illegal Alien’: United States Immigration Law and a Theology of Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2018), questions the circumstances that led so many to be deemed ‘illegal aliens’. The book explores U.S. legal history and responds with biblical and theological reflections on what it is to be an alien church, a nation, a humble guard of territory, and a recipient of mercy from neighbours. My latest article on migration, with Victor Carmona, examines Church of England and US Roman Catholic bishops’ teaching on migration in the era of Brexit and Trump.
I have also written on forgiveness after conflict among internally displaced persons. My research with Fe y Desplazamiento, the Faith and Displacement Project at the Seminario Bíblico de Colombia (FUSBC), includes, with Christopher M. Hays and Guillermo Mejía-Castillo, ‘Forgiveness and Politics: Reading Matthew 18:21-35 with Survivors of Armed Conflict in Colombia’ (HTS Theological Studies, 2019), as well as co-authored curricula used around Colombia to enable the wellbeing of those forced from home by conflict and other forces.
In my current research, I am asking what the Book of Acts has to say about ethics and politics today.
I am also involved in research on dementia care and theology among Gunadule communities in Panama and African Caribbean communities in Britain. I am collaborating with John Swinton and Jocabed Reina Solano Miselis in the AHRC-funded project, ‘“We Take Care of Our Own”’: A Theological Ethnographic Exploration of the Experience of Caregiving in the Context of Dementia Across Two Cultures’.
I am originally from Alabama, USA. I studied philosophy and music at Davidson College before teaching with Teach for America in the Bronx, New York, and completing an MST in Education at Pace University. I went on to study theology, completing a Masters of Divinity at Regent College in Vancouver, an MPhil in Christian Ethics at the University of Oxford, and a DPhil in Theology and Religion, also at Oxford. Before coming to Cardiff, I was Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Theological Ethics at the University of Aberdeen.
I am available to supervise PhD candidates alongside supervisors across various disciplines at Cardiff University and Cardiff Baptist College. I welcome enquiries about doctoral study on topics related to Christian ethics, theology, the Bible, law, and politics.
- Heimburger, R. W., Murillo Torres, S. E. and Sam, J. W. 2024. Teaching Christian ethics beyond Europe and North America: from a postgraduate research seminar to a theology of listening. Studies in Christian Ethics 37(1), pp. 93-110. (10.1177/09539468231215305)
- Heimburger, R. 2022. El perdón crea comunidad y sana. In: Hays, C. M. and Acosta Benitez, M. eds. Fe y Desplazamiento: la investigación-acción misional ante la crisis colombiana del desplazamiento forzoso. Resource Publications, pp. 229-246.
- Carmona, V. and Heimburger, R. W. 2022. The border, Brexit, and the church: US Roman Catholic and Church of England Bishops’ teaching on migration, 2015-2019. Journal of Moral Theology 11(2), pp. 15-44. (10.55476/001c.37340)
- Greggs, T. Heimburger, R. ed. 2021. Barth and Bonhoeffer as contributors to a post-liberal ecclesiology: Essays of hope for a fallen and complex world. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
- Heimburger, R. W. 2021. Review: Amy Laura Hall, laughing at the devil: seeing the world with Julian of Norwich. Studies in Christian Ethics 34(2), pp. 263-265. (10.1177/0953946820984085h)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2019. Immigration law: a theological response. Theology 122(5), pp. 324-331. (10.1177/0040571X19858)
- Heimburger, R. W., Hays, C. M. and Mejía-Castillo, G. 2019. Forgiveness and politics: Reading Matthew 18:21–35 with survivors of armed conflict in Colombia. {HTS} Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 75(4), article number: a5245. (10.4102/hts.v75i4.5245)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2017. God and the illegal alien': United States immigration law and a theology of politics. Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/9781316817131)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2015. Fear and faith in the kin-dom: new explorations in the theology of migration. Modern Theology 31(2), pp. 338-344. (10.1111/moth.12150)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2013. Ched Myers and Matthew Colwell, our God is undocumented. Political Theology 14(5), pp. 686-688. (10.1179/1462317X13Z.00000000025)
- Heimburger, R. 2010. Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook, eds,Isaiah's vision of peace in biblical and modern international relations: swords into plowshares. Political Theology 11(2), pp. 301-303. (10.1558/poth.v11i2.301)
- Heimburger, R. W., Murillo Torres, S. E. and Sam, J. W. 2024. Teaching Christian ethics beyond Europe and North America: from a postgraduate research seminar to a theology of listening. Studies in Christian Ethics 37(1), pp. 93-110. (10.1177/09539468231215305)
- Carmona, V. and Heimburger, R. W. 2022. The border, Brexit, and the church: US Roman Catholic and Church of England Bishops’ teaching on migration, 2015-2019. Journal of Moral Theology 11(2), pp. 15-44. (10.55476/001c.37340)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2021. Review: Amy Laura Hall, laughing at the devil: seeing the world with Julian of Norwich. Studies in Christian Ethics 34(2), pp. 263-265. (10.1177/0953946820984085h)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2019. Immigration law: a theological response. Theology 122(5), pp. 324-331. (10.1177/0040571X19858)
- Heimburger, R. W., Hays, C. M. and Mejía-Castillo, G. 2019. Forgiveness and politics: Reading Matthew 18:21–35 with survivors of armed conflict in Colombia. {HTS} Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 75(4), article number: a5245. (10.4102/hts.v75i4.5245)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2015. Fear and faith in the kin-dom: new explorations in the theology of migration. Modern Theology 31(2), pp. 338-344. (10.1111/moth.12150)
- Heimburger, R. W. 2013. Ched Myers and Matthew Colwell, our God is undocumented. Political Theology 14(5), pp. 686-688. (10.1179/1462317X13Z.00000000025)
- Heimburger, R. 2010. Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook, eds,Isaiah's vision of peace in biblical and modern international relations: swords into plowshares. Political Theology 11(2), pp. 301-303. (10.1558/poth.v11i2.301)
Book sections
- Heimburger, R. 2022. El perdón crea comunidad y sana. In: Hays, C. M. and Acosta Benitez, M. eds. Fe y Desplazamiento: la investigación-acción misional ante la crisis colombiana del desplazamiento forzoso. Resource Publications, pp. 229-246.
- Greggs, T. Heimburger, R. ed. 2021. Barth and Bonhoeffer as contributors to a post-liberal ecclesiology: Essays of hope for a fallen and complex world. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
- Heimburger, R. W. 2017. God and the illegal alien': United States immigration law and a theology of politics. Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/9781316817131)