Other Roles and Responsibilities
Research Interests
Learning and teaching in preregistration education
Research includes:
Mixed methods survey of 516 student nurses in two Welsh universities focusing on the factors that influence student attendance during the theoretical component of the Fitness for Practice curriculum
A quantitative pilot study in 2003 identifying the factors that influence student attendance during the theoretical component of the Fitness for Practice curriculum
A grant of £2000 from the Association of Perioperative Practitioners was used to evaluate pre-registration students' experiences of their operating theatre placement with the surgical module of the FFP curriculum
Career Overview
2015 to date: Senior lecturer, School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
2002-2015: Lecturer, Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies
2000-2002: Practice Educator, University Hodpital Llandough, Cardiff
Sept 1997 - Dec 1998: Sister: Anaesthetics & Recovery, Day Theatres, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff
Teaching Profile
Contributes to learning and teaching activities across undergraduate and post-graduate programmes
- Hancock, J. et al. 2023. Admission of surgical patients. In: Hughes, S. J. ed. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford University Press, pp. 41-76.
- Selvaraj, N. et al. 2023. In-Point assessment. Authentic simulation role play, as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments: A collaborative approach between academic and professional support staff in the School of Healthcare Sciences. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Conference 2023, Centre for Student Life, Cardiff University, 7 September 2023.
- Hughes, S. et al. 2023. Authentic simulation role play , as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments.. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 7th September 2023, 07 September 2023.
- Hughes, S. et al. 2023. In-Point assessment: Evaluating authentic simulated role play, as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer for Wales National Conference 2023.
- Hughes, S. 2022. Managing the post-anaesthesia patient. In: Hughes, S. J. ed. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice., Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, pp. 529-590., (10.1093/med/9780198783787.003.0020)
- Hughes, S. J. and Quinn, F. M. 2013. Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education (6th ed.). Andover: Cengage Learning.
- Hughes, S. J. 2012. Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice, A. Berman, S. Snyder (Eds.), ninth ed–International ed., Pearson, Boston (2011) [Book Review]. Nurse Education in Practice 12(2), pp. e12. (10.1016/j.nepr.2011.09.002)
- Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. 2009. Oxford handbook of perioperative practice. Ocford Handbooks in Nursing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Lewis, T., Hughes, S. J., Mardell, A., Hancock, J. E., Bennett, S. K. and Stanfield-Davies, B. 2009. Emergency care. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 551-608.
- Jones, A., Hennessy, P. T., Jones, A. and Hughes, S. J. 2009. Perioperative drugs. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 479-533.
- Cox, F., Bhuda, N. and Hughes, S. J. 2009. Perioperative pharmacology. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 435-467.
- Hamlington, G. et al. 2009. Caring for the post-anaesthesia patient. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 379-434.
- Mardell, A., Edwards, P., Hamlin, L., Journeaux, M., Hughes, S. J. and McQueen, K. 2009. Operating theatre practice. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 271-324.
- Radcliffe, T., Hughes, S. J., Hamlington, G. and Mulcock, K. 2009. Specialist anaesthesia. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 225-245.
- Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. 2009. Preparing the patient for theatre. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 85-105.
- Hughes, S. J. and Stanfield-Davies, B. 2009. Patients with pre-existing disease. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 57-83.
- Hughes, S. J. and Harding, M. M. 2009. Pre-assessment of surgical patients. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 49-56.
- Hancock, J. E., Bennett, S. K., Hughes, C. W. and Hughes, S. J. 2009. Admission of surgical patients. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 23-45.
- Hughes, S. J., Mardell, A. and Williams, S. 2009. Perioperative practice. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-13.
- Hughes, S. J., Milton, S. and Cooper, O. E. 2009. Airway management. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 185-206.
- Milton, S., Hughes, S. J. and Cooper, O. E. 2009. Principles of anaesthesia. In: Hughes, S. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Ocford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 109-130.
- Quinn, F. M. and Hughes, S. J. 2007. Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education (5th ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
- Hughes, S. J. 2006. Evaluating operating theatre experience: Student nurses in South East Wales. Journal of Perioperative Practice 16(6), pp. 290-298.
- Hughes, S. J. 2005. Evaluating the operating theatre experiences of Fitness for Practice student nurses in South East Wales. Presented at: RCN Day Surgery, Perioperative & Surgical Nursing Forum Joint Conference, Jersey, Channel Islands, UK, 15-17 September 2005.
- Hughes, S. J. 2005. Student attendance during college-based lectures: a pilot study. Nursing Standard 19(47), pp. 41-49., article number: http://dx.doi.org/10.7748/ns2005. (10.7748/ns2005.
- Dix, G. and Hughes, S. J. 2005. Teaching students in the classroom and clinical skills environment. Nursing Standard 19(35), pp. 41-47. (10.7748/ns2005.
- Hughes, S. J. 2004. The role of the link lecturer in theatre. Presented at: NATN Speciality Conference, Business Design Centre, London, UK, 14-15 May 2004.
- Hughes, S. J. 2004. The role of the link lecturer in the perioperative environment. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 14(10), pp. 458-462.
- Dix, G. and Hughes, S. J. 2004. Strategies to help students learn effectively. Nursing Standard 18(32), pp. 39-42.
- Hughes, S. J. 2004. The mentoring role of the personal tutor in the ‘Fitness for practice’ curriculum: an all Wales approach. Nurse Education in Practice 4(4), pp. 271-278. (10.1016/j.nepr.2004.01.006)
- Hughes, S. J. 2003. The biopsychosocial aspects of unwanted teenage pregnancy. Nursing Times 99(12), pp. 32-34.
- Hughes, S. J. 2003. Change in the operating theatre environment and the theories surrounding change. Nurse2Nurse 3(4), pp. 34-35.
- Hughes, S. J. 2003. Student nurse theatre placements: The new curriculum. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 13(9), pp. 366-373.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. The effects of giving patients preoperative information. Nursing Standard 16(28), pp. 33-37. (10.7748/ns2002.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. Law and professional practice: Accountability and implications. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 12(3), pp. 94-102.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. Ethical theories and dilemmas. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 12(6), pp. 211-217.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. Anaesthetic nursing. Nurse2Nurse 2(12), pp. 37-39.
- Hughes, S. J. 2012. Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice, A. Berman, S. Snyder (Eds.), ninth ed–International ed., Pearson, Boston (2011) [Book Review]. Nurse Education in Practice 12(2), pp. e12. (10.1016/j.nepr.2011.09.002)
- Hughes, S. J. 2006. Evaluating operating theatre experience: Student nurses in South East Wales. Journal of Perioperative Practice 16(6), pp. 290-298.
- Hughes, S. J. 2005. Student attendance during college-based lectures: a pilot study. Nursing Standard 19(47), pp. 41-49., article number: http://dx.doi.org/10.7748/ns2005. (10.7748/ns2005.
- Dix, G. and Hughes, S. J. 2005. Teaching students in the classroom and clinical skills environment. Nursing Standard 19(35), pp. 41-47. (10.7748/ns2005.
- Hughes, S. J. 2004. The role of the link lecturer in the perioperative environment. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 14(10), pp. 458-462.
- Dix, G. and Hughes, S. J. 2004. Strategies to help students learn effectively. Nursing Standard 18(32), pp. 39-42.
- Hughes, S. J. 2004. The mentoring role of the personal tutor in the ‘Fitness for practice’ curriculum: an all Wales approach. Nurse Education in Practice 4(4), pp. 271-278. (10.1016/j.nepr.2004.01.006)
- Hughes, S. J. 2003. The biopsychosocial aspects of unwanted teenage pregnancy. Nursing Times 99(12), pp. 32-34.
- Hughes, S. J. 2003. Change in the operating theatre environment and the theories surrounding change. Nurse2Nurse 3(4), pp. 34-35.
- Hughes, S. J. 2003. Student nurse theatre placements: The new curriculum. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 13(9), pp. 366-373.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. The effects of giving patients preoperative information. Nursing Standard 16(28), pp. 33-37. (10.7748/ns2002.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. Law and professional practice: Accountability and implications. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 12(3), pp. 94-102.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. Ethical theories and dilemmas. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 12(6), pp. 211-217.
- Hughes, S. J. 2002. Anaesthetic nursing. Nurse2Nurse 2(12), pp. 37-39.
Book sections
- Hancock, J. et al. 2023. Admission of surgical patients. In: Hughes, S. J. ed. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford University Press, pp. 41-76.
- Hughes, S. 2022. Managing the post-anaesthesia patient. In: Hughes, S. J. ed. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice., Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, pp. 529-590., (10.1093/med/9780198783787.003.0020)
- Lewis, T., Hughes, S. J., Mardell, A., Hancock, J. E., Bennett, S. K. and Stanfield-Davies, B. 2009. Emergency care. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 551-608.
- Jones, A., Hennessy, P. T., Jones, A. and Hughes, S. J. 2009. Perioperative drugs. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 479-533.
- Cox, F., Bhuda, N. and Hughes, S. J. 2009. Perioperative pharmacology. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 435-467.
- Hamlington, G. et al. 2009. Caring for the post-anaesthesia patient. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 379-434.
- Mardell, A., Edwards, P., Hamlin, L., Journeaux, M., Hughes, S. J. and McQueen, K. 2009. Operating theatre practice. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 271-324.
- Radcliffe, T., Hughes, S. J., Hamlington, G. and Mulcock, K. 2009. Specialist anaesthesia. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 225-245.
- Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. 2009. Preparing the patient for theatre. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 85-105.
- Hughes, S. J. and Stanfield-Davies, B. 2009. Patients with pre-existing disease. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 57-83.
- Hughes, S. J. and Harding, M. M. 2009. Pre-assessment of surgical patients. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 49-56.
- Hancock, J. E., Bennett, S. K., Hughes, C. W. and Hughes, S. J. 2009. Admission of surgical patients. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 23-45.
- Hughes, S. J., Mardell, A. and Williams, S. 2009. Perioperative practice. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-13.
- Hughes, S. J., Milton, S. and Cooper, O. E. 2009. Airway management. In: Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Oxford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 185-206.
- Milton, S., Hughes, S. J. and Cooper, O. E. 2009. Principles of anaesthesia. In: Hughes, S. and Mardell, A. eds. Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice. Ocford Handbooks in Nursing Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 109-130.
- Hughes, S. J. and Quinn, F. M. 2013. Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education (6th ed.). Andover: Cengage Learning.
- Hughes, S. J. and Mardell, A. eds. 2009. Oxford handbook of perioperative practice. Ocford Handbooks in Nursing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Quinn, F. M. and Hughes, S. J. 2007. Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education (5th ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
- Selvaraj, N. et al. 2023. In-Point assessment. Authentic simulation role play, as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments: A collaborative approach between academic and professional support staff in the School of Healthcare Sciences. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Conference 2023, Centre for Student Life, Cardiff University, 7 September 2023.
- Hughes, S. et al. 2023. Authentic simulation role play , as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments.. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 7th September 2023, 07 September 2023.
- Hughes, S. et al. 2023. In-Point assessment: Evaluating authentic simulated role play, as a pedagogical approach to assist adult nursing students with clinical practice assessments. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer for Wales National Conference 2023.
- Hughes, S. J. 2005. Evaluating the operating theatre experiences of Fitness for Practice student nurses in South East Wales. Presented at: RCN Day Surgery, Perioperative & Surgical Nursing Forum Joint Conference, Jersey, Channel Islands, UK, 15-17 September 2005.
- Hughes, S. J. 2004. The role of the link lecturer in theatre. Presented at: NATN Speciality Conference, Business Design Centre, London, UK, 14-15 May 2004.
Awards and Prizes
- Awarded the Ann Vaughan Memorial Prize following completion of the PGCE with Distinction* at Cardiff University in 2004
- Awarded a grant of £2000 from the Association of Perioperative Practice, to evaluate pre-registration students' experiences of their operating theatre placement with the surgical module of the FFP curriculum.
Membership and External Activity
- Nursing Standard: Review panel
- Book reviewer and book proposal reviewer for Nelson Thornes, Open University Press, Routledge and Palgrave MacMillan