Professor Jo Hunt
Professor of Law
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Professor of Law in Cardiff School of Law and Politics, and a member of the Wales Governance Centre.
I have over twenty years of expertise in interdisciplinary (law and political science) work on the European Union. I conduct real-time research into the processes and consequences of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, especially as it relates to devolution and the UKs territorial constitution. I publish significant contributions to this debate in leading journals and edited collections.
I engage, influence and inform policy actors in London, Cardiff and Edinburgh on these matters; regularly appearing before Select Committees, (including, at Westminster, PACAC, Welsh Affairs, and former Committee on Existing the EU), and from 2017-2021 I was a member of the Welsh Government First Minister's European Advisory Group.
My work also connects directly with third sector organisations. With my colleague Professor Dan Wincott, I lead a project funded by the Legal Education Foundation, which aims to enhance the capacity of third sector organisations to understand and engage with the consequences of Brexit. This is in partnership with WCVA, the national membership body for voluntary associations in Wales
I teach EU and Public law subjects, and am keen to hear from prospective PhD students interested in developing projects in my areas of teaching and research expertise.
I have been on the editorial board of the Journal of Law and Society since 2003, and am a member of the ESRC Peer Review College.
I have been the Director of Research for the Department of Law since 2019.
- Horsley, T. and Hunt, J. 2024. Internal market governance by consensus rather than conflict? Common frameworks and the potential for positive harmonisation. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 74, pp. 68-90. (10.53386/nilq.v74iAD2.1083)
- Dougan, M., Hunt, J., McEwen, N. and McHarg, A. 2022. Sleeping with an elephant: devolution and the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. Law Quarterly Review 138, pp. 650-676.
- Drake, S. and Hunt, J. 2022. Clarifying the duties of the UK judiciary post-Brexit. Modern Law Review 85(5), pp. 1261-1273. (10.1111/1468-2230.12705)
- Horsley, T. and Hunt, J. 2022. In praise of cooperation and consensus under the territorial constitution: the second report of the House of Lords common frameworks. [Online]. UK Constitutional Law Association. Available at:
- Hunt, J. 2022. Managing regulatory divergence between Wales and the rest of the UK post-Brexit. Technical Report.
- Hunt, J. 2021. Subsidiarity, competence, and the UK territorial constitution. In: Doyle, O., McHarg, A. and Murkens, J. eds. The Brexit Challenge for Ireland and the United Kingdom: Constitutions Under Pressure. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, pp. 21-42., (10.1017/9781108966399.003)
- Hunt, J. and Wincott, D. 2020. The constitutional implications of the UK internal market proposals. Senedd Cymru| Y Gwasanaeth Ymchwil / Welsh Parliament | Research Service. Available at:
- Dougan, M., Hayward, K., Hunt, J., McEwen, N., McHarg, A. and Wincott, D. 2020. UK internal market bill, devolution and the union. Centre on Constitutional Change, UK in a Changing Europe, Wales Governance Centre. Available at:,-DEVOLUTION-AND-THE-UNION-4.pdf
- Hunt, J. and Minto, R. 2017. Between intergovernmental relations and paradiplomacy: Wales and the Brexit of the regions. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4), pp. 647-662. (10.1177/1369148117725027)
- Hunt, J. 2017. Devolution. In: Dougan, M. ed. The UK after Brexit: Legal and Policy Challenges. Intersentia
- Hunt, J., Minto, R. and Woolford, J. 2016. Winners and losers: the EU Referendum vote and its consequences for Wales. Journal of Contemporary European Research 12(4), pp. 824-834.
- Minto, R., Hunt, J., Keating, M. and Mcgowan, L. 2016. A changing UK in a changing Europe: the UK state between European Union and devolution. Political Quarterly 87(2), pp. 179-186. (10.1111/1467-923X.12260)
- Hunt, J. 2015. Harnessing the governance capacity of the EU: transational labour law responses to the exploitation of migrant agriculutral workers. In: Blackett, A. and Trebilcock, A. eds. Research Handbook on Transnational Labour Law. Research Handbooks in International Law Series Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 425-437., (10.4337/9781782549796.00046)
- Bozzini, E. and Hunt, J. 2015. Bringing evaluation into the policy cycle: CAP cross compliance and the defining and redefining of objectives and indicators. European Journal of Risk Regulation 6(1), pp. 57-67. (10.1017/S1867299X00004281)
- Hunt, J. 2014. Making the CAP fit: Responding to the exploitation of migrant agricultural workers in the EU. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law 30(2), pp. 131-152.
- Hunt, J. C. 2012. Ploughing their own furrow: subnational regions and the regulation of GM crop cultivation. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 13, pp. 135-159. (10.5235/152888712801753013)
- Hunt, J. C. 2010. The Factortame litigation: Factortame Ltd v. Secretary of State for Transport. In: McDougall, I. ed. Cases that Changed our Lives. London: Butterworths Law, pp. 27-37.
- Hunt, J. C. 2010. Devolution and differentiation: regional variation in EU law. Legal Studies 30(3), pp. 421-441. (10.1111/j.1748-121X.2010.00164.x)
- Cardwell, M. and Hunt, J. 2010. Public Rights of Way and Level Playing Fields: Horvath v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Environmental Law Review 12(4), pp. 291-300. (10.1350/enlr.2010.12.4.103)
- Hunt, J. C. and Shaw, J. 2009. Fairy tale of Luxembourg? Reflections on law and legal scholarship in European integration. In: Phinnemore, D. and Warleigh-Lack, A. eds. Reflections on European Integration: 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93-108.
- Hunt, J. C. 2007. The end of judicial constitutionalism?. Croatian Yearbook of European Law and policy 3, pp. 135-155.
- Shaw, J., Hunt, J. C. and Wallace, C. 2007. Economic and social law of the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hunt, J. C. 2006. Citizens' rights to receive medical treatment in another EU member state. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 28(2), pp. 217-228. (10.1080/09649060600974325)
- Hunt, J. C. 2005. Combating social exclusion: the EU's contribution. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 27(1), pp. 113-120. (10.1080/09649060500085974)
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. Legal developments. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 41(s1), pp. 79-95. (10.1111/1468-5965.39.s1.10-i1)
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. Fair and just working conditions. In: Hervey, T. and Kenner, J. eds. Economic and Social Rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Legal Perspective. Oxford: Hart, pp. 45-65.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The European Union: promoting a framework for corporate social responsibility. In: Macmillan, F. ed. International Corporate Law Annual., Vol. 2. Hart, pp. 123-140.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The current constitutional debate in the EU. Presented at: The Constitutionalization of the EU, Taipei, Taiwan: Academica Sineca, 2003.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The EU: between social rights and social responsibility. In: Kerner, A., Přibáň, J. and Young, J. R. eds. Current Legal Issues in the Czech Republic and the UK. Prague: Charles University Prague, pp. 127-135.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The EU: promoting a framework for corporate social responsibility. In: Macmillan, F. ed. International Corporate Law., Vol. 2. Oxford: Hart, pp. 123-140.
- Hunt, J. C. 2002. Legal developments. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 40(s1), pp. 79-95. (10.1111/1468-5965.39.s1.8-i2)
- Hunt, J. C. 2002. The legal system of the EU. In: Gower, J. ed. The European Union Handbook (2nd ed.). Regional Handbooks of Economic Development London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 213-223.
- Peattie, K. J., Solomon, J., Solomon, A. and Hunt, J. C. 2002. Research insights in corporate social responsibility (part 2). New Academy Review 1(3), pp. 39-54.
- Hunt, J. C. 2001. The European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. In: Warleigh, A. ed. Understanding European Union Institutions. London: Routledge, pp. 103-122.
- Hunt, J. C. 2001. Legal developments. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 39(s1), pp. 79-95. (10.1111/1468-5965.39.s1.8)
- Horsley, T. and Hunt, J. 2024. Internal market governance by consensus rather than conflict? Common frameworks and the potential for positive harmonisation. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 74, pp. 68-90. (10.53386/nilq.v74iAD2.1083)
- Dougan, M., Hunt, J., McEwen, N. and McHarg, A. 2022. Sleeping with an elephant: devolution and the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. Law Quarterly Review 138, pp. 650-676.
- Drake, S. and Hunt, J. 2022. Clarifying the duties of the UK judiciary post-Brexit. Modern Law Review 85(5), pp. 1261-1273. (10.1111/1468-2230.12705)
- Hunt, J. and Minto, R. 2017. Between intergovernmental relations and paradiplomacy: Wales and the Brexit of the regions. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4), pp. 647-662. (10.1177/1369148117725027)
- Hunt, J., Minto, R. and Woolford, J. 2016. Winners and losers: the EU Referendum vote and its consequences for Wales. Journal of Contemporary European Research 12(4), pp. 824-834.
- Minto, R., Hunt, J., Keating, M. and Mcgowan, L. 2016. A changing UK in a changing Europe: the UK state between European Union and devolution. Political Quarterly 87(2), pp. 179-186. (10.1111/1467-923X.12260)
- Bozzini, E. and Hunt, J. 2015. Bringing evaluation into the policy cycle: CAP cross compliance and the defining and redefining of objectives and indicators. European Journal of Risk Regulation 6(1), pp. 57-67. (10.1017/S1867299X00004281)
- Hunt, J. 2014. Making the CAP fit: Responding to the exploitation of migrant agricultural workers in the EU. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law 30(2), pp. 131-152.
- Hunt, J. C. 2012. Ploughing their own furrow: subnational regions and the regulation of GM crop cultivation. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 13, pp. 135-159. (10.5235/152888712801753013)
- Hunt, J. C. 2010. Devolution and differentiation: regional variation in EU law. Legal Studies 30(3), pp. 421-441. (10.1111/j.1748-121X.2010.00164.x)
- Cardwell, M. and Hunt, J. 2010. Public Rights of Way and Level Playing Fields: Horvath v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Environmental Law Review 12(4), pp. 291-300. (10.1350/enlr.2010.12.4.103)
- Hunt, J. C. 2007. The end of judicial constitutionalism?. Croatian Yearbook of European Law and policy 3, pp. 135-155.
- Hunt, J. C. 2006. Citizens' rights to receive medical treatment in another EU member state. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 28(2), pp. 217-228. (10.1080/09649060600974325)
- Hunt, J. C. 2005. Combating social exclusion: the EU's contribution. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 27(1), pp. 113-120. (10.1080/09649060500085974)
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. Legal developments. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 41(s1), pp. 79-95. (10.1111/1468-5965.39.s1.10-i1)
- Hunt, J. C. 2002. Legal developments. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 40(s1), pp. 79-95. (10.1111/1468-5965.39.s1.8-i2)
- Peattie, K. J., Solomon, J., Solomon, A. and Hunt, J. C. 2002. Research insights in corporate social responsibility (part 2). New Academy Review 1(3), pp. 39-54.
- Hunt, J. C. 2001. Legal developments. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 39(s1), pp. 79-95. (10.1111/1468-5965.39.s1.8)
Book sections
- Hunt, J. 2021. Subsidiarity, competence, and the UK territorial constitution. In: Doyle, O., McHarg, A. and Murkens, J. eds. The Brexit Challenge for Ireland and the United Kingdom: Constitutions Under Pressure. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, pp. 21-42., (10.1017/9781108966399.003)
- Hunt, J. 2017. Devolution. In: Dougan, M. ed. The UK after Brexit: Legal and Policy Challenges. Intersentia
- Hunt, J. 2015. Harnessing the governance capacity of the EU: transational labour law responses to the exploitation of migrant agriculutral workers. In: Blackett, A. and Trebilcock, A. eds. Research Handbook on Transnational Labour Law. Research Handbooks in International Law Series Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 425-437., (10.4337/9781782549796.00046)
- Hunt, J. C. 2010. The Factortame litigation: Factortame Ltd v. Secretary of State for Transport. In: McDougall, I. ed. Cases that Changed our Lives. London: Butterworths Law, pp. 27-37.
- Hunt, J. C. and Shaw, J. 2009. Fairy tale of Luxembourg? Reflections on law and legal scholarship in European integration. In: Phinnemore, D. and Warleigh-Lack, A. eds. Reflections on European Integration: 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93-108.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. Fair and just working conditions. In: Hervey, T. and Kenner, J. eds. Economic and Social Rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Legal Perspective. Oxford: Hart, pp. 45-65.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The European Union: promoting a framework for corporate social responsibility. In: Macmillan, F. ed. International Corporate Law Annual., Vol. 2. Hart, pp. 123-140.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The EU: between social rights and social responsibility. In: Kerner, A., Přibáň, J. and Young, J. R. eds. Current Legal Issues in the Czech Republic and the UK. Prague: Charles University Prague, pp. 127-135.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The EU: promoting a framework for corporate social responsibility. In: Macmillan, F. ed. International Corporate Law., Vol. 2. Oxford: Hart, pp. 123-140.
- Hunt, J. C. 2002. The legal system of the EU. In: Gower, J. ed. The European Union Handbook (2nd ed.). Regional Handbooks of Economic Development London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 213-223.
- Hunt, J. C. 2001. The European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. In: Warleigh, A. ed. Understanding European Union Institutions. London: Routledge, pp. 103-122.
- Shaw, J., Hunt, J. C. and Wallace, C. 2007. Economic and social law of the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hunt, J. C. 2003. The current constitutional debate in the EU. Presented at: The Constitutionalization of the EU, Taipei, Taiwan: Academica Sineca, 2003.
- Hunt, J. 2022. Managing regulatory divergence between Wales and the rest of the UK post-Brexit. Technical Report.
- Hunt, J. and Wincott, D. 2020. The constitutional implications of the UK internal market proposals. Senedd Cymru| Y Gwasanaeth Ymchwil / Welsh Parliament | Research Service. Available at:
- Dougan, M., Hayward, K., Hunt, J., McEwen, N., McHarg, A. and Wincott, D. 2020. UK internal market bill, devolution and the union. Centre on Constitutional Change, UK in a Changing Europe, Wales Governance Centre. Available at:,-DEVOLUTION-AND-THE-UNION-4.pdf
- Horsley, T. and Hunt, J. 2022. In praise of cooperation and consensus under the territorial constitution: the second report of the House of Lords common frameworks. [Online]. UK Constitutional Law Association. Available at:
My research background is in the governance of the European Union. I work at the interface of law and political science, as it applies to systems of multi-level governance. This includes the UK's own system of territorial governance, with its devolution of legislative competence to Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. A particular focus is on understading this constitutional order as we move from the framework provided by EU membership.
I have been funded by ESRC (Senior Fellowship under the UK in a Changing Europe initiative, 2015-2018, £174,990) for a research and engagement project on the impact of Brexit on devolved legislative powers. This project highlighted the issue of managing the exercise of lawmaking powers by the Parliaments and Governments of the UK, in the absence of the framework provided by EU internal market rules. I have hosted roundtables with officials on these matters, and co-authored reports including responses to the 2020 Internal Market Bill e.g. , UK Internal Market Bill , Devolution and the Union which recommended a series of improvements to the Bill. The Report was cited in Parliamentary debate.
Along with my colleague Dan Wincott, i have also been funded by the Legal Education Foundation (2018 and 2020, total £302,653) to establish the Wales Civil Society Forum on Brexit which has supported over 40 organisations with roundtables and written guides, and has been an influential partner for Welsh Government, and for sister organisations across the UK.
My teaching, at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, ranges across EU and Public/Constitutional law topics. I have extensive experience as a module leader, and as an external examiner, for institutions including Leeds, Edge Hill, Nottingham and Glasgow Universities.
I graduated with an LL.B with European Legal Studies from the University of Southampton in 1994. This included an Erasmus year (1992-1993) at the University of Rouen, France. Following an LL.M in International, European and Comparative Law at Keele University in 1994-1995, I moved to the University of Leeds to undertake a Ph.D on policy evolution in EU employment law, and then onto a lectureship at Leeds. I moved to Cardiff in 2001.
From 2015-2018 I held a Senior Fellowship under the ESRCs UK in a Changing Europe initiative with a project on the devolution of legislative competence and its interface with BREXIT.
I have extensive experience in providing written and oral evidence to Parliamentary Select Committees, including House of Commons and House of Lords, and Senedd. I was a member of the Welsh Government First Minister's European Advisory Group until the end of the Fifth Assembly in 2021.
i have been an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Law and Society since 2003.
I am the current Director of Research for the Law Department.
I have supervised PhD projects in the area of EU law and governance. My supervisee Hedydd Phylip is currently researching the implications of EU withdrawal for the Senedd, funded by an ESRC Collaborative Award, which involves her working in the Senedd Research team.
I am keen to hear from prospective PhD students interested in developing projects in my areas of teaching and research expertise, including:
EU Law and Governance
UK: EU relations under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Ongoing significance of EU law for UK law
Public law, especially devolution and the UK territorial constitution.
Current supervision