Mr Justin James
MA BA (Hons) PG Dip AgilePM Practitioner
Teams and roles for Justin James
Industry and External Engagement Officer
I'm proud to now work in the role of Industry and External Engagement Officer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University. This new role was created to recognise my experience within my roles of Executive Officer for the National Software Academy (NSA) and Project Managers for this and the Data Science Academy. My role is to facilitate a cohesive link between the world of academia and industry, being a conduit for key figures external to the University to access the wealth of knowldge and skills that our staff and students have to offer. This may be within industry live-projects, where students work with organisations on pieces of work provided to them by the companies, developing their soft skills in the process; employment opportunities to demonstrate to our students the wealth of prospects available as part of their degree in Internships or Placements, or graduate positions when they complete their programme, or Research opportunities. Contact me today to see how we can help your organisation tap into the skills, knowledge and experience we can offer you!
Prior to this I was seconded as Project Manager for the relocation of the National Software Academy (NSA) from its home in the Information Station in Newport to space within the University campus in Cardiff. The NSA succesfully relocated in September 2023, after a tight timeframe, by the deadline and well within budget. This position gave me opportunities to develop my Project Management skills obtained in the AgilePM Project Management Practitioner professional qualification.
I was successfully nominated for and won an award in the 2022 Outstanding Contribution Award Scheme. The Panel recognised and appreciated the exceptional level of my contribution and has awarded me an Outstanding Contribution One-off Award, which I was very overwhelmed, pleased and proud to receive.
As part of my role I also develop and manage the automation back-end processes of the COMSC student engagement system, and COMSC laptop provision for students.
- Nicolaou, K., Carlton, R., Jaddoh, A., Syed, Y., James, J., Abdoulqadir, C. and Loizides, F. 2023. Game based learning rehabilitation for children with speech disabilities: Presenting two bespoke video games. Presented at: BCS HCI: 36th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference, York, UK, 28-29 August 2023.
- Nicolaou, K., Carlton, R., Jaddoh, A., Syed, Y., James, J., Abdoulqadir, C. and Loizides, F. 2023. Game based learning rehabilitation for children with speech disabilities: Presenting two bespoke video games. Presented at: BCS HCI: 36th International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference, York, UK, 28-29 August 2023.
2023- Industry and External Engagement Officer (COMSC) - liaison between external organisations or companies and academia; includes industry live-projects and employment opportunities (placements, graduates)
2022-2023 Project Manager (National Software Academy) (COMSC) [secondment] - project management for the relocation of the National Software Academy from Newport to Cardiff
2020-2021 Project Manager (Data Science Academy) (COMSC) [secondment] - project management for the establishment of the Data Science Academy and transition to BAU
2015-2022 Executive Officer (National Software Academy) (COMSC) - establishment of and heading up administrative operations at the National Software Academy at it's disparate location in the City of Newport
2014-2015 Quality and Accreditation Manager (CARBS) [secondment] - Management of CARBS' Module Evaluation, programme handbooks, NSS, PTES
2012-2015 Quality and Accreditation Officer (CARBS) - Module Evaluation, programme handbooks, NSS, PTES, assisting with successful accreditation application (AACSB)
2012 - MA Creative Digital Media (University of Worcester)
2010 - PGDip Rapid Product Development
2005 - BA(Hons) Product Design
Honours and awards
- Outstanding Contribution Award (2022) - winner
- Celebrating Excellence Awards, Sir Herbert Duthie Prize for Staff Development (2022) - finalist
Contact Details
+44 29206 88695
Abacws, Floor Ground, Room 0.33, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG