POSITION: Professor
DEPARTMENT: Architectural, Civil & Environmental Engineering
CAREER: 1984-94: Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners as a civil engineer and numerical analyst;
1994-present: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Chair: Cardiff School of Engineering.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Numerical modelling of quasi-brittle materials: Application of micro-mechanical solutions to the numerical analysis of cementitious materials: Coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical solutions for concrete: The development and analysis of biomimetic cementitious materials.
INDUSTRIAL SUPPORT: Support from the finite element company LUSAS for over twenty years.
- Sayadi Moghadam, S., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2025. Rate dependent self-healing model for cementitious materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 309, article number: 113196. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113196)
- De Nardi, C., Sayadi Moghadam, S., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2025. Simulation of autogenous self‐healing in lime‐based mortars. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 49(1), pp. 359-375. (10.1002/nag.3870)
- Shields, Y. et al. 2024. A large-scale demonstration and sustainability evaluation of ductile-porous vascular networks for self-healing concrete. Journal of Building Engineering 95, article number: 110040. (10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110040)
- Ricketts, E. J., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, A., Kerfriden, P. and Lyons, P. 2024. The influence of spatially varying boundary conditions based on material heterogeneity. European Journal of Computational Mechanics 33(3), pp. 199-226. (10.13052/ejcm2642-2085.3331)
- Balzano, B., Sharifi, S., Sweeney, J., Thompson, G., De Nardi, C. and Jefferson, A. 2024. Design of an electric activation system for the smart hybrid tendons crack-closure system in concrete beams. Developments in the Built Environment 18, article number: 100446. (10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100446)
- Freeman, B. and Jefferson, A. 2024. A 3D coupled finite element model for self-healing quasi-brittle materials. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 29-33., (10.18573/conf1.h)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2024. 3D-printed mini-vascular networks for self-healing lime-based mortars. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 44-47., (10.18573/conf1.k)
- Sayadi Moghadam, S., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2024. Biomimetic materials in construction industry: the necessity of simulation. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 55-57., (10.18573/conf1.n)
- Ricketts, E. J., de Souza, L. R., Freeman, B. L., Jefferson, A. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2024. Microcapsule triggering mechanics in cementitious materials: a modelling and machine learning approach. Materials 17(3), article number: 764. (10.3390/ma17030764)
- Shields, Y. et al. 2024. Non-destructive evaluation of ductile-porous versus brittle 3D printed vascular networks in self-healing concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites 145, article number: 105333. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105333)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2024. Biomimicry in built heritage: Mini vascular networks for self-healing lime-based mortars. Presented at: SUBLime Conference 2024, Madeira, Portugal, 11-12 November 2024 Presented at Lourenco, P., Azenha, M. and Pereira, J. eds.Towards the next generation of sustainable masonry systems: Mortars, renders, plasters and other challenges - Proceedings. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães: Universidade do Minho
- Ricketts, E. J., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, T., Kerfriden, P. and Lyons, P. 2023. Near-boundary error reduction with an optimized weighted Dirichlet-Neumann boundary condition for stochastic PDE-based Gaussian random field generators. Engineering with Computers 39, pp. 3821-3833. (10.1007/s00366-023-01819-6)
- Alex, A., Freeman, B., Jefferson, A. and Masoero, E. 2023. Carbonation and self-healing in concrete: Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of mineralization. Cement and Concrete Composites 144, article number: 105281. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105281)
- Sayadi Moghadam, S., Chang, Z., He, S., Schlangen, E., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2023. An enhanced lattice beam element model for the numerical simulation of rate-dependent self-healing in cementitious materials.. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 292, article number: 109632. (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2023.109632)
- De Nardi, C., Freeman, B., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, T. 2023. Mechanical response and predictive modelling of vascular self-healing cementitious materials using novel healing agents. Cement and Concrete Composites 142, article number: 105143. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105143)
- Ricketts, E. J., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, A., Kerfriden, P. and Lyons, P. 2023. Representation of three-dimensional unsaturated flow in heterogeneous soil through tractable Gaussian random fields. Géotechnique (10.1680/jgeot.22.00316)
- Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, A. 2023. A 3D coupled finite element model for simulating mechanical regain in self-healing cementitious materials. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 149(7), article number: 6944. (10.1061/JENMDT.EMENG-6944)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D., Cristofori, D., Ronchin, L., Vavasori, A. and Jefferson, A. 2023. Advanced 3D printed mini-vascular network for self- healing concrete. Materials & Design 230, article number: 111939. (10.1016/j.matdes.2023.111939)
- Jefferson, A. and Freeman, B. 2023. The application of a curing front model to simulate healing in a cementitious microbial system. Presented at: SMARTINCS’23 Conference on Self-Healing, Multifunctional and Advanced Repair Technologies in Cementitious Systems, 22-23 May 2023, Vol. 378. EDP Sciences, (10.1051/matecconf/202337809001)
- Sayadi, S., Ricketts, E., Schlangen, E., Cleall, P., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2023. Effect of microstructure heterogeneity shapes on constitutive behaviour of encapsulated self-healing cementitious materials. Presented at: SMARTINCS’23 Conference on Self-Healing, Multifunctional and Advanced Repair Technologies in Cementitious Systems, 22-23 May 2023, Vol. 378. EDP Sciences, (10.1051/matecconf/202337809004)
- Ricketts, E. J., Freeman, B. L., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, A. and Kerfriden, P. 2023. A statistical finite element method integrating a plurigaussian random field generator for multi-scale modelling of solute transport in concrete. Transport in Porous Media (10.1007/s11242-023-01930-8)
- Gardner, D., Coopamootoo, K., De Nardi, C. and Jefferson, A. 2023. 3D-printed mini-vascular networks for crack-sealing in the concrete cover zone. Presented at: Self-Healing Materials ICSHM 2022, Milan, Italy, 20-22 June 2022.
- Freeman, B., De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2023. Tailoring healing agents for self-healing cementitious materials using predictive modelling and physical testing. Presented at: Self-Healing Materials ICSHM 2022, Milan, Italy, 20-22 June 2022.
- Bagga, M. et al. 2022. Advancements in bacteria based self-healing concrete and the promise of modelling. Construction and Building Materials 358, article number: 129412. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.129412)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Freeman, B. L. 2022. A crack-opening-dependent numerical model for self-healing cementitious materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 244-24, article number: 111601. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2022.111601)
- Maddalena, R. et al. 2022. Applications and life cycle assessment of shape memory polyethylene terephthalate in concrete for crack closure. Polymers 14(5), article number: 933. (10.3390/polym14050933)
- Justo Reinoso, I., De Nardi, C., Reeksting, B., Gardner, D., Jefferson, A., Gebhard, S. and Paine, K. 2022. Use of 3D mini-vascular networks to protect and deliver bacterial spores in self-healing concretes. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Milan, Spain, 20-22 June 2022.
- Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Numerical simulation of self-healing cementitious materials. In: Kanellopoulos, A. and Norambuena-Contreras, J. eds. Self-Healing Construction Materials: Fundamentals, Monitoring and Large Scale Applications. Springer International Publishing, pp. 151-185., (10.1007/978-3-030-86880-2_6)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Advanced 3D printed mini-vascular network for self-healing concrete. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff University pp. 292-296.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Injection moulding of ‘Spheritet’ component for concrete reinforcement. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 302-305.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Concrete crack closure and reinforcement using high performance shape memory polymers (SMP). Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 306-310.
- Davies, R., Jefferson, A. and Gardner, D. 2021. Development and testing of vascular networks for self-healing cementitious materials. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33(7) (10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003802)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D., Cazzador, G., Cristofori, D., Ronchin, L., Vavasori, A. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Experimental investigation of a novel formulation of a cyanoacrylate based adhesive for self-healing concrete technologies. Frontiers in Built Environment 7, article number: 660562. (10.3389/fbuil.2021.660562)
- Shields, Y., De Belie, N., Jefferson, A. and Van Tittelboom, K. 2021. A review of vascular networks for self-healing applications. Smart Materials and Structures (10.1088/1361-665X/abf41d)
- Azua-Gonzalez, C. X., Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, T. 2021. Micromechanics-driven variational method for diffuse-to-localised fracture in quasi-brittle solids. Presented at: 14th WCCM-Ecomas Congress 2020, Virtual, 11-15 January 2021WCCM-ECCOMAS2020, Vol. 100. Scipedia, (10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.200)
- Balzano, B., Sweeney, J., Thompson, G., Tuinea-Bobe, C. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Enhanced concrete crack closure with hybrid shape memory polymer tendons. Engineering Structures 226, article number: 111330. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111330)
- Jefferson, A., Gardner, D., Paine, K. and Al -Tabbaa, A. 2021. Resilient Materials 4 Life (RM4L) – An overview of research on biomimetic infrastructure materials. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff University pp. 2-3.
- Selvarajoo, T., Davies, R., Freeman, B. and Jefferson, A. 2020. Mechanical response of a vascular self-healing cementitious material system under varying loading conditions. Construction and Building Materials 254, article number: 119245. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119245)
- Freeman, B. L., Bonilla-Villalba, P., Mihai, I., Alnaas, W. and Jefferson, A. 2020. A specialised finite element for simulating self-healing quasi-brittle materials. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 7, article number: 32. (10.1186/s40323-020-00171-4)
- Selvarajoo, T., Davies, R. E., Gardner, D. R., Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, A. D. 2020. Characterisation of a vascular self-healing cementitious material system: Flow and curing properties. Construction and Building Materials 245, article number: 118332. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118332)
- Bower, T. A., Jefferson, A. D. and Cleall, P. J. 2020. A reformulated hardening soil model. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics 173(1), pp. 11-29. (10.1680/jencm.18.00054)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. D. 2020. Development of 3D printed networks in self-healing concrete. Materials 13(6), article number: 1328. (10.3390/ma13061328)
- Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, T. 2020. The simulation of transport processes in cementitious materials with embedded healing systems. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 44(2), pp. 293-326. (10.1002/nag.3017)
- Freeman, B. L., Cleall, P. J. and Jefferson, A. D. 2019. An indicator-based problem reduction scheme for coupled reactive transport models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 120(13), pp. 1428-1455. (10.1002/nme.6186)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D., Jefferson, A., Selverajoo, T. and Evans, G. 2019. The development of mini-vascular networks for self-healing concrete. Presented at: Conference on Durable Concrete for Infrastructure under Severe Conditions, Ghent, 10 - 11 September 2019Proceedings of LORCENIS Conference: Durable Concrete for Infrastructure under Severe Conditions : Smart Admixtures, self-responsiveness and nano-additions. Ghent: Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research pp. 19-23.
- Jefferson, A., Javierre, E., Freeman, B., Zaoui, A., Koenders, E. and Ferrara, L. 2018. Research progress on numerical models for self‐healing cementitious materials. Advanced Materials Interfaces 5(17), article number: 1701378. (10.1002/admi.201701378)
- De Belie, N. et al. 2018. A review of self-healing concrete for damage management of structures. Advanced Materials Interfaces 5(17), article number: 1800074. (10.1002/admi.201800074)
- Davies, R. et al. 2018. Large scale application of self-healing concrete: design, construction and testing. Frontiers in Materials 5, article number: 51. (10.3389/fmats.2018.00051)
- Teall, O., Pilegis, M., Davies, R., Sweeney, J., Jefferson, T., Lark, R. and Gardner, D. 2018. A shape memory polymer concrete crack closure system activated by electrical current. Smart Materials and Structures 27(7), article number: 75016. (10.1088/1361-665X/aac28a)
- Gardner, D., Lark, R., Jefferson, A. and Davies, R. 2018. A survey on problems encountered in current concrete construction and the potential benefits of self-healing cementitious materials.. Case Studies in Construction Materials 8, pp. 238-247. (10.1016/j.cscm.2018.02.002)
- Ferrara, L. et al. 2018. Experimental characterization of the self-healing capacity of cement based materials and its effects on the material performance: A state of the art report by COST Action SARCOS WG2. Construction and Building Materials 167, pp. 115-142. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.01.143)
- Broseghini, M., Zanetti, P., Jefferson, A. and Gei, M. 2018. Progressive instability in circular masonry columns. Engineering Structures 157, pp. 96-104. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.11.044)
- Jefferson, A. and Davies, R. 2018. A coupled chemo-mechanical damage-healing model for cementitious materials. Presented at: EURO-C 2018: Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 26 February-1 March 2018 Presented at Meshke, G., Pichler, B. and Rots, J. G. eds.Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures: Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2018), February 26 - March 1, 2018, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. London: CRC Press pp. 285-288., (10.1201/9781315182964-35)
- Gardner, D., Herbert, D., Jayaprakash, M., Jefferson, A. and Paul, A. 2017. Capillary flow characteristics of an autogenic and autonomic healing agent for self-healing concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29(11), pp. 171-184. (10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002092)
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2017. Micromechanical modelling of self-healing cementitious materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 113-4, pp. 180-191. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.02.008)
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2017. A micromechanics based constitutive model for fibre reinforced cementitious composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures 110-11, pp. 152-169. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.01.032)
- Teall, O. et al. 2017. Development of high shrinkage polyethylene terephthalate (PET) shape memory polymer tendons for concrete crack closure. Smart Materials and Structures 26(4), article number: 45006. (10.1088/1361-665X/aa5d66)
- Chitez, A. S. and Jefferson, A. D. 2016. A coupled thermo-hygro-chemical model for characterising autogenous healing in ordinary cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 88, pp. 184-197. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2016.07.002)
- Alnaas, W. and Jefferson, A. D. 2016. A robust method for the simulation of quasi-brittle materials. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics 169(3), pp. 89-108. (10.1680/jencm.15.00019)
- Mihai, I. C., Jefferson, A. D. and Lyons, P. 2016. A plastic-damage constitutive model for the finite element analysis of fibre reinforced concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 159, pp. 35-62. (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.12.035)
- Davies, R. et al. 2016. Multi-scale cementitious self-healing systems and their application in concrete structures. Presented at: The 9th International Concrete Conference 2016 - Environment, Efficiency and Economic Challenges for Concrete, Dundee, UK, 4 - 6 July 2016.
- Jefferson, A. D., Mihai, I. C., Tenchev, R., Alnaas, W. F., Cole, G. and Lyons, P. 2016. A plastic-damage-contact constitutive model for concrete with smoothed evolution functions. Computers and Structures 169, pp. 40-56. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.02.008)
- Bower, T., Jefferson, A. D., Cleall, P. and Lyons, P. 2016. Modelling soil-fibre composite behaviour using a micromechanical approach. Presented at: 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece, 5 - 10 June 2016.
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2016. Micromechanical modeling of self-healing cementitious materials. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Berkeley, CA, USA, 29 May - 1 June 2016.
- Bower, T., Jefferson, A. D., Cleall, P. and Lyons, P. 2016. A micro-mechanics based soil-fibre composite model for use with finite element analysis. Presented at: UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Cardiff, UK, 31 March - 01 April 2016.
- Alnaas, W. F. and Jefferson, A. D. 2016. A smooth unloading-reloading approach for the nonlinear finite element analysis of quasi-brittle materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 152, pp. 105-125. (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.04.018)
- Teall, O. et al. 2016. Self-healing concrete full-scale site trials. Presented at: 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, FIB 2016, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 29-31 August 2016 Presented at Maekawa, K., Kasuga, A. and Yamazaki, J. eds.Proceedings of the 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, FIB 2016. A.A. Balkema Publishers pp. 639-646.
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2016. Micromechanical solutions for simulating atuogenous healing in cementitious materials. Presented at: 24th UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Cardiff, UK, 31 March - 1 April 2016.
- Pilegis, M., Davies, R., Lark, R., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2016. Challenges of self-healing concrete scale-up and site trials. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Berkeley, CA, USA, 29 May -1 June 2016.
- Chitez, A. S. and Jefferson, A. D. 2015. Porosity development in a thermo-hygral finite element model for cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 78(Part B), pp. 216-233. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2015.07.010)
- Hazelwood, T., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Gardner, D. R. 2015. Numerical simulation of the long-term behaviour of a self-healing concrete beam vs standard reinforced concrete. Engineering Structures 102, pp. 176-188. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.07.056)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Mihai, I. C. 2015. The simulation of crack opening-closing and aggregate interlock behaviour in finite element concrete models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 104(1), pp. 48-78. (10.1002/nme.4934)
- Davies, R. E., Jefferson, A., Lark, R. and Gardner, D. 2015. A novel 2D vascular network in cementitious materials. Presented at: fib Symposium 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 May 2015.
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2015. The simulation of inelastic matrix strains in cementitious materials using micromechanical solutions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 133 (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2014.10.010)
- Pilegis, M., Teall, O., Hazelwood, T., Jefferson, A. . D., Gardner, D. and Lark, R. 2015. Delayed concrete prestressing with shape memory polymer tendons. Presented at: fib Symposium 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 May 2015.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Chitez, A. 2015. A continuum coupled thermo-hygro mechanical time-dependent model for concrete. Presented at: CONCREEP 10: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vienna, Austria, 21-23 September 2015Proceedings: CONCREEP 10: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures. American Society of Civil Engineers pp. 397-403., (10.1061/9780784479346.047)
- Hazelwood, T., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Gardner, D. R. 2014. Long-term stress relaxation behavior of predrawn poly(ethylene terephthalate). Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131(23), article number: 41208. (10.1002/app.41208)
- Gardner, D., Jefferson, A., Hoffman, A. and Lark, R. 2014. Simulation of the capillary flow of an autonomic healing agent in discrete cracks in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 58, pp. 35-44. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2014.01.005)
- Jefferson, A. D., Tenchev, R., Chitez, A., Mihai, I. C., Garry, C. and Lyons, P. 2014. Finite element crack width computations with a thermo-hygro-mechanical-hydration model for concrete. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 18(7), pp. 793-813. (10.1080/19648189.2014.896755)
- Mihai, I. C., Jefferson, A. D. and Lyons, P. 2014. Constitutive modelling of fibre reinforced cementitious composites based on micromechanics.. Presented at: EURO-C 2014 Conference, St. Anton am Arlberg; Austria, 24th - 27th March 2014Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Vol. 1. Taylor and Francis
- Jefferson, A. D., Mihai, I. C. and Lyons, P. 2014. An approach to modelling smoothed crack closure and aggregate interlock in the finite element analysis of concrete structures. In: Bícanić, N. et al. eds. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures. CRC Press, pp. 219-223.
- Gardner, D. R., Herbert, D. M., Jayaprakash, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Autonomic self-healing concrete: the capillary flow of cyanoacrylate in discrete cracks. Presented at: 3rd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 2 - 3 September 2013.
- Gardner, D. R., Herbert, D. M., Jayaprakash, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Autonomic self-healing concrete: the capillary flow of cyanoacrylate in discrete cracks. Presented at: 33rd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 2-3 September 2013.
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. A multi-asperity plastic-contact crack plane model for geomaterials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 37(11), pp. 1492-1507. (10.1002/nag.2094)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Chitez, A. 2013. Porosity development in a numerical model for concrete shrinkage. Presented at: Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Vienna, Austria, 10-12 July 2013 Presented at Hellmich, C., Pichler, B. and Adam, D. eds.Poromechanics V - Proceedings of the 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics. ASCE pp. 618-625., (10.1061/9780784412992.073)
- Isaacs, B., Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Davies, R. E. and Dunn, S. 2013. Crack healing of cementitious materials using shrinkable polymer tendons. Structural Concrete 14(2), pp. 138-147. (10.1002/suco.201200013)
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Smoothed contact in a micromechanical model for cement bound materials. Computers & Structures 118, pp. 115-125. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2012.11.002)
- Gardner, D. R., Herbert, D. M., Jayaprakash, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Characterisation of healing agents for self-healing cementitious systems. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials (ICSHM2013), Ghent, Belgium, 16 - 20 June 2013.
- Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D. and Hoffman, A. 2012. Investigation of capillary flow in discrete cracks in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 42(7), pp. 972-981. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2012.03.017)
- Davies, R. E. and Jefferson, A. D. 2012. The simulation of time dependent behaviour of cement bound materials with a micro-mechanical model. Presented at: Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures, Aix-en-Provence, 29 May-1 June 2012.
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2011. A material model for cementitious composite materials with an exterior point Eshelby microcrack initiation criterion. International Journal of Solids and Structures 48(24), pp. 3312-3325. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2011.08.001)
- Dunn, S. C., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Isaacs, B. 2011. Shrinkage behavior of poly(ethylene terephthalate) for a new cementitious–shrinkable polymer material system. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 120(5), pp. 2516-2526. (10.1002/app.33109)
- Gardner, D. R., Hoffman, A. and Jefferson, A. D. 2011. Capillary flow of healing agents in discrete cracks in cementitious materials. Presented at: Third International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Bath, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Gardner, D. R., Isaacs, B. and Dunn, S. 2011. Sustainable self-healing cementitious composites. Presented at: Third International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Bath, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Isaacs, B., Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Gardner, D. R. and Dunn, S. 2011. Enhancement of self-healing in cementitious materials. Presented at: Third International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Bath, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Jefferson, A. D., Tenchev, R., Cole, G., Lyons, P. and Ou, J. 2011. The simulation of early age cracking with a coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical for concrete model. Presented at: International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2011), Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 June 2011.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Bennett, T. 2010. A model for cementitious composite materials based on micro-mechanical solutions and damage-contact theory. Computers & Structures 88(23-24), pp. 1361-1366. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2008.09.006)
- Joseph, C., Jefferson, A. D., Isaacs, B., Lark, R. J. and Gardner, D. R. 2010. Experimental investigation of adhesive-based self-healing of cementitious materials. Magazine of Concrete Research 62(11), pp. 831-843. (10.1680/macr.2010.62.11.831)
- Adam, J. M., Brencich, A., Hughes, T. G. and Jefferson, A. D. 2010. Micromodelling of eccentrically loaded brickwork:study of masonry wallettes. Engineering Structures 32(5), pp. 1244-1251. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.12.050)
- Jefferson, A. D., Joseph, C., Lark, R. J., Isaacs, B., Dunn, S. C. and Weager, B. 2010. A new system for crack closure in cementitious materials using shrinkable polymers. Cement and Concrete Research 40(5), pp. 795-801. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2010.01.004)
- Joseph, C., Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D., Isaacs, B. and Lark, R. J. 2010. Self healing cementitious materials: A review of recent work. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Construction Materials 164(1), pp. 29-41. (10.1680/coma.900051)
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2010. The simulation of microcracking and micro-contact in a constitutive model for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of Euro-C 2003 Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Rohrmoos, Austria.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2010. Finite element material models for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2010), Valencia, Spain.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Lyons, P. F. 2010. Comparison of approaches from simulating moisture content changes in concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of Euro-C 2010 Computational modelling of concrete structures, Rohrmoos, Austria.
- Joseph, C., Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D., Isaacs, B. and Lark, R. J. 2009. Adhesive-based self-healing of cementitious materials. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Self Healing Materials (ICSHM), Chicago, USA, 28 June - 1 July 2009.
- Dunn, S., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J., Isaacs, B. and Joseph, C. 2009. A numerical model for the shrinkage of polymer elements in active self-healing. Presented at: 2nd InternationalConference on Self Healing Materials, Chicago, July 2009, Chicago, USA.
- Dunn, S. C., Jefferson, A. D. and Lark, R. J. 2009. The numerical simulation of highly shrinkable polymers. Presented at: ACME-UK, National Conference on Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Nottingham, UK.
- Isaacs, B., Joseph, C., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Dunn, S. 2009. Enhancement of self-healing in cementitious materials, post-tensioned with shrinkable polymers. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Self healing Materials (ICSHM), Chicago, USA.
- Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. D. 2009. Consitutive model for cemetitious composites based on micrmechanical solutions. Presented at: Association of Computational Mechanics (AMCE), Nottingham, UK.
- Chan, S., Lark, R. J. and Jefferson, A. D. 2009. Influence of rib pattern on SLS behaviour of RC members. Presented at: Concrete Communications Conference, Leeds, UK.
- Jefferson, A. D., Mihai, I. and Lyons, P. 2009. A model for concrete based on micromechanical solutions. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, (COMPLASX), Barcelona, Spain.
- Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Joseph, C., Dunn, S. and Isaacs, B. 2009. Active confinement of cementatious composites with shape memory plastics. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Self Healing Materials, Chicago, USA.
- Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D. and Lark, R. J. 2008. An experimental, numerical and analytical investigation of gas flow characteristics in concrete. Cement and Concrete Research 38(3), pp. 360-367. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2007.10.001)
- Hee, S. and Jefferson, A. D. 2008. A new model for simulating cracks in cementitious composites. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics 161(1), pp. 3-16. (10.1680/eacm.2008.161.1.3)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Bennett, T. 2007. Micro-mechanical damage and rough crack closure in cementitious composite materials. International jJournal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 31(2), pp. 133-146. (10.1002/nag.551)
- Bennett, T. and Jefferson, A. D. 2007. Experimental test and numerical modelling of hexagonal concrete specimens. Materials and Structures 40(5), pp. 491-505. (10.1617/s11527-006-9157-1)
- Bennett, T. and Jefferson, A. D. 2007. Development of an experimental method to determine the effects of cross-cracking in concrete. Materials and Structures 40(5), pp. 491-505.
- Joseph, C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2006. Stochastic regularisation of lattice modelling for the failure of cementitious composites. Presented at: Proceedings of a joint conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics (UK and Irish Society for Scientific and Engineering Computation)., Belfast, UK. pp. 219-222.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Bennett, T. 2005. Micro and continuum models for cross-cracking in concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th Euromech Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, (ENOC2005), Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- Jefferson, A. D., Bennett, T. and Hee, S. C. 2005. Embedded contact surfaces in constitutive models for cementitious composite materials. Presented at: Proceedings of the 13th conference of Association of Computational Mechanics (13th ACME-UK Conference).
- Jefferson, A. D., Barr, B. I. ., Bennett, T. and Hee, S. C. 2004. Three dimensional finite element simulations of fracture tests using the craft concrete model. Computers and Concrete 1(3), pp. 261-284.
- Hee, S. C., Jefferson, A. D. and T., B. 2004. Embedded rough surfaces in a three dimensional constitutive model for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Fracture of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS V), Vail, USA. pp. 139-146.
- Bennett, T., Jefferson, A. D. and Hee, S. C. 2004. Compression damage in a plastic - damage contact constitutive model for concrete. Presented at: CDROM Proceedings of the European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Craft - a plastic-damage-contact model for concrete I. Model theory and thermodynamic considerations. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40(22), pp. 5973-5999. (10.1016/S0020-7683(03)00390-1)
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Craft - a plastic-damage-contact model for concrete II. Model implementation with implicit return-mapping algorithm and consistent tangent matrix. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40(22), pp. 6001-6022. (10.1016/S0020-7683(03)00391-3)
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Shear contact in a plastic damage constitutive model. Presented at: Proceedings of VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLASVII), Barcelona, Spain.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Total-local consistency condition in a plastic-damage model for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of Euro-C 2003 Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, St. Johann im Pongau, Austria.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Tripartite cohesive crack model. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 128(6), pp. 644-653. (10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2002)128:6(644))
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. A constitutive model for aggregate interlock on formed crack planes. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 26(5), pp. 515-535. (10.1002/nag.210)
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Local plastic surfaces for cracking and crushing in concrete. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications 216(4), pp. 257-266.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Tangent moduli for constitutive models with directional planes of degradation. Presented at: Proceedings 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), Vienna, Austria.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Plasticity, damage and contact in concrete crack simulation. Presented at: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK), Swansea, UK.
- Karihaloo, B. L. and Jefferson, A. D. 2001. Looking into concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research 53(2), pp. 135-147. (10.1680/macr.2001.53.2.135)
- Jefferson, A. D. 2001. Constitutive model of concrete with local plastic surfaces. Presented at: Proceedings BCA Concrete Communication Conference, Manchester, UK. pp. 387-398.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2001. Thermodynamics of a multi-component crack model. Presented at: Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Analytical and Computational Fracture Mechanics of Non-homogeneous Materials, Cardiff, UK Presented at Karihaloo, B. L. ed. Springer pp. 377-386.
- Sayadi Moghadam, S., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2025. Rate dependent self-healing model for cementitious materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 309, article number: 113196. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113196)
- De Nardi, C., Sayadi Moghadam, S., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2025. Simulation of autogenous self‐healing in lime‐based mortars. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 49(1), pp. 359-375. (10.1002/nag.3870)
- Shields, Y. et al. 2024. A large-scale demonstration and sustainability evaluation of ductile-porous vascular networks for self-healing concrete. Journal of Building Engineering 95, article number: 110040. (10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110040)
- Ricketts, E. J., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, A., Kerfriden, P. and Lyons, P. 2024. The influence of spatially varying boundary conditions based on material heterogeneity. European Journal of Computational Mechanics 33(3), pp. 199-226. (10.13052/ejcm2642-2085.3331)
- Balzano, B., Sharifi, S., Sweeney, J., Thompson, G., De Nardi, C. and Jefferson, A. 2024. Design of an electric activation system for the smart hybrid tendons crack-closure system in concrete beams. Developments in the Built Environment 18, article number: 100446. (10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100446)
- Ricketts, E. J., de Souza, L. R., Freeman, B. L., Jefferson, A. and Al-Tabbaa, A. 2024. Microcapsule triggering mechanics in cementitious materials: a modelling and machine learning approach. Materials 17(3), article number: 764. (10.3390/ma17030764)
- Shields, Y. et al. 2024. Non-destructive evaluation of ductile-porous versus brittle 3D printed vascular networks in self-healing concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites 145, article number: 105333. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105333)
- Ricketts, E. J., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, T., Kerfriden, P. and Lyons, P. 2023. Near-boundary error reduction with an optimized weighted Dirichlet-Neumann boundary condition for stochastic PDE-based Gaussian random field generators. Engineering with Computers 39, pp. 3821-3833. (10.1007/s00366-023-01819-6)
- Alex, A., Freeman, B., Jefferson, A. and Masoero, E. 2023. Carbonation and self-healing in concrete: Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of mineralization. Cement and Concrete Composites 144, article number: 105281. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105281)
- Sayadi Moghadam, S., Chang, Z., He, S., Schlangen, E., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2023. An enhanced lattice beam element model for the numerical simulation of rate-dependent self-healing in cementitious materials.. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 292, article number: 109632. (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2023.109632)
- De Nardi, C., Freeman, B., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, T. 2023. Mechanical response and predictive modelling of vascular self-healing cementitious materials using novel healing agents. Cement and Concrete Composites 142, article number: 105143. (10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105143)
- Ricketts, E. J., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, A., Kerfriden, P. and Lyons, P. 2023. Representation of three-dimensional unsaturated flow in heterogeneous soil through tractable Gaussian random fields. Géotechnique (10.1680/jgeot.22.00316)
- Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, A. 2023. A 3D coupled finite element model for simulating mechanical regain in self-healing cementitious materials. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 149(7), article number: 6944. (10.1061/JENMDT.EMENG-6944)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D., Cristofori, D., Ronchin, L., Vavasori, A. and Jefferson, A. 2023. Advanced 3D printed mini-vascular network for self- healing concrete. Materials & Design 230, article number: 111939. (10.1016/j.matdes.2023.111939)
- Ricketts, E. J., Freeman, B. L., Cleall, P. J., Jefferson, A. and Kerfriden, P. 2023. A statistical finite element method integrating a plurigaussian random field generator for multi-scale modelling of solute transport in concrete. Transport in Porous Media (10.1007/s11242-023-01930-8)
- Bagga, M. et al. 2022. Advancements in bacteria based self-healing concrete and the promise of modelling. Construction and Building Materials 358, article number: 129412. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.129412)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Freeman, B. L. 2022. A crack-opening-dependent numerical model for self-healing cementitious materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 244-24, article number: 111601. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2022.111601)
- Maddalena, R. et al. 2022. Applications and life cycle assessment of shape memory polyethylene terephthalate in concrete for crack closure. Polymers 14(5), article number: 933. (10.3390/polym14050933)
- Davies, R., Jefferson, A. and Gardner, D. 2021. Development and testing of vascular networks for self-healing cementitious materials. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33(7) (10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003802)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D., Cazzador, G., Cristofori, D., Ronchin, L., Vavasori, A. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Experimental investigation of a novel formulation of a cyanoacrylate based adhesive for self-healing concrete technologies. Frontiers in Built Environment 7, article number: 660562. (10.3389/fbuil.2021.660562)
- Shields, Y., De Belie, N., Jefferson, A. and Van Tittelboom, K. 2021. A review of vascular networks for self-healing applications. Smart Materials and Structures (10.1088/1361-665X/abf41d)
- Balzano, B., Sweeney, J., Thompson, G., Tuinea-Bobe, C. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Enhanced concrete crack closure with hybrid shape memory polymer tendons. Engineering Structures 226, article number: 111330. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111330)
- Selvarajoo, T., Davies, R., Freeman, B. and Jefferson, A. 2020. Mechanical response of a vascular self-healing cementitious material system under varying loading conditions. Construction and Building Materials 254, article number: 119245. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119245)
- Freeman, B. L., Bonilla-Villalba, P., Mihai, I., Alnaas, W. and Jefferson, A. 2020. A specialised finite element for simulating self-healing quasi-brittle materials. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 7, article number: 32. (10.1186/s40323-020-00171-4)
- Selvarajoo, T., Davies, R. E., Gardner, D. R., Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, A. D. 2020. Characterisation of a vascular self-healing cementitious material system: Flow and curing properties. Construction and Building Materials 245, article number: 118332. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118332)
- Bower, T. A., Jefferson, A. D. and Cleall, P. J. 2020. A reformulated hardening soil model. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics 173(1), pp. 11-29. (10.1680/jencm.18.00054)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. D. 2020. Development of 3D printed networks in self-healing concrete. Materials 13(6), article number: 1328. (10.3390/ma13061328)
- Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, T. 2020. The simulation of transport processes in cementitious materials with embedded healing systems. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 44(2), pp. 293-326. (10.1002/nag.3017)
- Freeman, B. L., Cleall, P. J. and Jefferson, A. D. 2019. An indicator-based problem reduction scheme for coupled reactive transport models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 120(13), pp. 1428-1455. (10.1002/nme.6186)
- Jefferson, A., Javierre, E., Freeman, B., Zaoui, A., Koenders, E. and Ferrara, L. 2018. Research progress on numerical models for self‐healing cementitious materials. Advanced Materials Interfaces 5(17), article number: 1701378. (10.1002/admi.201701378)
- De Belie, N. et al. 2018. A review of self-healing concrete for damage management of structures. Advanced Materials Interfaces 5(17), article number: 1800074. (10.1002/admi.201800074)
- Davies, R. et al. 2018. Large scale application of self-healing concrete: design, construction and testing. Frontiers in Materials 5, article number: 51. (10.3389/fmats.2018.00051)
- Teall, O., Pilegis, M., Davies, R., Sweeney, J., Jefferson, T., Lark, R. and Gardner, D. 2018. A shape memory polymer concrete crack closure system activated by electrical current. Smart Materials and Structures 27(7), article number: 75016. (10.1088/1361-665X/aac28a)
- Gardner, D., Lark, R., Jefferson, A. and Davies, R. 2018. A survey on problems encountered in current concrete construction and the potential benefits of self-healing cementitious materials.. Case Studies in Construction Materials 8, pp. 238-247. (10.1016/j.cscm.2018.02.002)
- Ferrara, L. et al. 2018. Experimental characterization of the self-healing capacity of cement based materials and its effects on the material performance: A state of the art report by COST Action SARCOS WG2. Construction and Building Materials 167, pp. 115-142. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.01.143)
- Broseghini, M., Zanetti, P., Jefferson, A. and Gei, M. 2018. Progressive instability in circular masonry columns. Engineering Structures 157, pp. 96-104. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.11.044)
- Gardner, D., Herbert, D., Jayaprakash, M., Jefferson, A. and Paul, A. 2017. Capillary flow characteristics of an autogenic and autonomic healing agent for self-healing concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29(11), pp. 171-184. (10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002092)
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2017. Micromechanical modelling of self-healing cementitious materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 113-4, pp. 180-191. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.02.008)
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2017. A micromechanics based constitutive model for fibre reinforced cementitious composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures 110-11, pp. 152-169. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.01.032)
- Teall, O. et al. 2017. Development of high shrinkage polyethylene terephthalate (PET) shape memory polymer tendons for concrete crack closure. Smart Materials and Structures 26(4), article number: 45006. (10.1088/1361-665X/aa5d66)
- Chitez, A. S. and Jefferson, A. D. 2016. A coupled thermo-hygro-chemical model for characterising autogenous healing in ordinary cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 88, pp. 184-197. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2016.07.002)
- Alnaas, W. and Jefferson, A. D. 2016. A robust method for the simulation of quasi-brittle materials. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics 169(3), pp. 89-108. (10.1680/jencm.15.00019)
- Mihai, I. C., Jefferson, A. D. and Lyons, P. 2016. A plastic-damage constitutive model for the finite element analysis of fibre reinforced concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 159, pp. 35-62. (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.12.035)
- Jefferson, A. D., Mihai, I. C., Tenchev, R., Alnaas, W. F., Cole, G. and Lyons, P. 2016. A plastic-damage-contact constitutive model for concrete with smoothed evolution functions. Computers and Structures 169, pp. 40-56. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.02.008)
- Alnaas, W. F. and Jefferson, A. D. 2016. A smooth unloading-reloading approach for the nonlinear finite element analysis of quasi-brittle materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 152, pp. 105-125. (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.04.018)
- Chitez, A. S. and Jefferson, A. D. 2015. Porosity development in a thermo-hygral finite element model for cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 78(Part B), pp. 216-233. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2015.07.010)
- Hazelwood, T., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Gardner, D. R. 2015. Numerical simulation of the long-term behaviour of a self-healing concrete beam vs standard reinforced concrete. Engineering Structures 102, pp. 176-188. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.07.056)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Mihai, I. C. 2015. The simulation of crack opening-closing and aggregate interlock behaviour in finite element concrete models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 104(1), pp. 48-78. (10.1002/nme.4934)
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2015. The simulation of inelastic matrix strains in cementitious materials using micromechanical solutions. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 133 (10.1016/j.engfracmech.2014.10.010)
- Hazelwood, T., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Gardner, D. R. 2014. Long-term stress relaxation behavior of predrawn poly(ethylene terephthalate). Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131(23), article number: 41208. (10.1002/app.41208)
- Gardner, D., Jefferson, A., Hoffman, A. and Lark, R. 2014. Simulation of the capillary flow of an autonomic healing agent in discrete cracks in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 58, pp. 35-44. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2014.01.005)
- Jefferson, A. D., Tenchev, R., Chitez, A., Mihai, I. C., Garry, C. and Lyons, P. 2014. Finite element crack width computations with a thermo-hygro-mechanical-hydration model for concrete. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 18(7), pp. 793-813. (10.1080/19648189.2014.896755)
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. A multi-asperity plastic-contact crack plane model for geomaterials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 37(11), pp. 1492-1507. (10.1002/nag.2094)
- Isaacs, B., Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Davies, R. E. and Dunn, S. 2013. Crack healing of cementitious materials using shrinkable polymer tendons. Structural Concrete 14(2), pp. 138-147. (10.1002/suco.201200013)
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Smoothed contact in a micromechanical model for cement bound materials. Computers & Structures 118, pp. 115-125. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2012.11.002)
- Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D. and Hoffman, A. 2012. Investigation of capillary flow in discrete cracks in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research 42(7), pp. 972-981. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2012.03.017)
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2011. A material model for cementitious composite materials with an exterior point Eshelby microcrack initiation criterion. International Journal of Solids and Structures 48(24), pp. 3312-3325. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2011.08.001)
- Dunn, S. C., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Isaacs, B. 2011. Shrinkage behavior of poly(ethylene terephthalate) for a new cementitious–shrinkable polymer material system. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 120(5), pp. 2516-2526. (10.1002/app.33109)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Bennett, T. 2010. A model for cementitious composite materials based on micro-mechanical solutions and damage-contact theory. Computers & Structures 88(23-24), pp. 1361-1366. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2008.09.006)
- Joseph, C., Jefferson, A. D., Isaacs, B., Lark, R. J. and Gardner, D. R. 2010. Experimental investigation of adhesive-based self-healing of cementitious materials. Magazine of Concrete Research 62(11), pp. 831-843. (10.1680/macr.2010.62.11.831)
- Adam, J. M., Brencich, A., Hughes, T. G. and Jefferson, A. D. 2010. Micromodelling of eccentrically loaded brickwork:study of masonry wallettes. Engineering Structures 32(5), pp. 1244-1251. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.12.050)
- Jefferson, A. D., Joseph, C., Lark, R. J., Isaacs, B., Dunn, S. C. and Weager, B. 2010. A new system for crack closure in cementitious materials using shrinkable polymers. Cement and Concrete Research 40(5), pp. 795-801. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2010.01.004)
- Joseph, C., Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D., Isaacs, B. and Lark, R. J. 2010. Self healing cementitious materials: A review of recent work. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Construction Materials 164(1), pp. 29-41. (10.1680/coma.900051)
- Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D. and Lark, R. J. 2008. An experimental, numerical and analytical investigation of gas flow characteristics in concrete. Cement and Concrete Research 38(3), pp. 360-367. (10.1016/j.cemconres.2007.10.001)
- Hee, S. and Jefferson, A. D. 2008. A new model for simulating cracks in cementitious composites. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics 161(1), pp. 3-16. (10.1680/eacm.2008.161.1.3)
- Jefferson, A. D. and Bennett, T. 2007. Micro-mechanical damage and rough crack closure in cementitious composite materials. International jJournal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 31(2), pp. 133-146. (10.1002/nag.551)
- Bennett, T. and Jefferson, A. D. 2007. Experimental test and numerical modelling of hexagonal concrete specimens. Materials and Structures 40(5), pp. 491-505. (10.1617/s11527-006-9157-1)
- Bennett, T. and Jefferson, A. D. 2007. Development of an experimental method to determine the effects of cross-cracking in concrete. Materials and Structures 40(5), pp. 491-505.
- Jefferson, A. D., Barr, B. I. ., Bennett, T. and Hee, S. C. 2004. Three dimensional finite element simulations of fracture tests using the craft concrete model. Computers and Concrete 1(3), pp. 261-284.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Craft - a plastic-damage-contact model for concrete I. Model theory and thermodynamic considerations. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40(22), pp. 5973-5999. (10.1016/S0020-7683(03)00390-1)
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Craft - a plastic-damage-contact model for concrete II. Model implementation with implicit return-mapping algorithm and consistent tangent matrix. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40(22), pp. 6001-6022. (10.1016/S0020-7683(03)00391-3)
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Tripartite cohesive crack model. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 128(6), pp. 644-653. (10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2002)128:6(644))
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. A constitutive model for aggregate interlock on formed crack planes. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 26(5), pp. 515-535. (10.1002/nag.210)
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Local plastic surfaces for cracking and crushing in concrete. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications 216(4), pp. 257-266.
- Karihaloo, B. L. and Jefferson, A. D. 2001. Looking into concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research 53(2), pp. 135-147. (10.1680/macr.2001.53.2.135)
Book sections
- Freeman, B. L. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Numerical simulation of self-healing cementitious materials. In: Kanellopoulos, A. and Norambuena-Contreras, J. eds. Self-Healing Construction Materials: Fundamentals, Monitoring and Large Scale Applications. Springer International Publishing, pp. 151-185., (10.1007/978-3-030-86880-2_6)
- Jefferson, A. D., Mihai, I. C. and Lyons, P. 2014. An approach to modelling smoothed crack closure and aggregate interlock in the finite element analysis of concrete structures. In: Bícanić, N. et al. eds. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures. CRC Press, pp. 219-223.
- Freeman, B. and Jefferson, A. 2024. A 3D coupled finite element model for self-healing quasi-brittle materials. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 29-33., (10.18573/conf1.h)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2024. 3D-printed mini-vascular networks for self-healing lime-based mortars. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 44-47., (10.18573/conf1.k)
- Sayadi Moghadam, S., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2024. Biomimetic materials in construction industry: the necessity of simulation. Presented at: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff, UK, 12-14 July 2023 Presented at Spezi, E. and Bray, M. eds.Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 55-57., (10.18573/conf1.n)
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2024. Biomimicry in built heritage: Mini vascular networks for self-healing lime-based mortars. Presented at: SUBLime Conference 2024, Madeira, Portugal, 11-12 November 2024 Presented at Lourenco, P., Azenha, M. and Pereira, J. eds.Towards the next generation of sustainable masonry systems: Mortars, renders, plasters and other challenges - Proceedings. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães: Universidade do Minho
- Jefferson, A. and Freeman, B. 2023. The application of a curing front model to simulate healing in a cementitious microbial system. Presented at: SMARTINCS’23 Conference on Self-Healing, Multifunctional and Advanced Repair Technologies in Cementitious Systems, 22-23 May 2023, Vol. 378. EDP Sciences, (10.1051/matecconf/202337809001)
- Sayadi, S., Ricketts, E., Schlangen, E., Cleall, P., Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. 2023. Effect of microstructure heterogeneity shapes on constitutive behaviour of encapsulated self-healing cementitious materials. Presented at: SMARTINCS’23 Conference on Self-Healing, Multifunctional and Advanced Repair Technologies in Cementitious Systems, 22-23 May 2023, Vol. 378. EDP Sciences, (10.1051/matecconf/202337809004)
- Gardner, D., Coopamootoo, K., De Nardi, C. and Jefferson, A. 2023. 3D-printed mini-vascular networks for crack-sealing in the concrete cover zone. Presented at: Self-Healing Materials ICSHM 2022, Milan, Italy, 20-22 June 2022.
- Freeman, B., De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2023. Tailoring healing agents for self-healing cementitious materials using predictive modelling and physical testing. Presented at: Self-Healing Materials ICSHM 2022, Milan, Italy, 20-22 June 2022.
- Justo Reinoso, I., De Nardi, C., Reeksting, B., Gardner, D., Jefferson, A., Gebhard, S. and Paine, K. 2022. Use of 3D mini-vascular networks to protect and deliver bacterial spores in self-healing concretes. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Milan, Spain, 20-22 June 2022.
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2021. Advanced 3D printed mini-vascular network for self-healing concrete. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff University pp. 292-296.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Injection moulding of ‘Spheritet’ component for concrete reinforcement. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 302-305.
- Sweeney, J. et al. 2021. Concrete crack closure and reinforcement using high performance shape memory polymers (SMP). Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff: Cardiff University pp. 306-310.
- Azua-Gonzalez, C. X., Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, T. 2021. Micromechanics-driven variational method for diffuse-to-localised fracture in quasi-brittle solids. Presented at: 14th WCCM-Ecomas Congress 2020, Virtual, 11-15 January 2021WCCM-ECCOMAS2020, Vol. 100. Scipedia, (10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.200)
- Jefferson, A., Gardner, D., Paine, K. and Al -Tabbaa, A. 2021. Resilient Materials 4 Life (RM4L) – An overview of research on biomimetic infrastructure materials. Presented at: Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020) International Conference, Online/Cardiff, 20-22 Sept 2021 Presented at Maddalena, R. and Wright-Syed, M. eds.Proceedings Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 (RM4L2020). Cardiff University pp. 2-3.
- De Nardi, C., Gardner, D., Jefferson, A., Selverajoo, T. and Evans, G. 2019. The development of mini-vascular networks for self-healing concrete. Presented at: Conference on Durable Concrete for Infrastructure under Severe Conditions, Ghent, 10 - 11 September 2019Proceedings of LORCENIS Conference: Durable Concrete for Infrastructure under Severe Conditions : Smart Admixtures, self-responsiveness and nano-additions. Ghent: Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research pp. 19-23.
- Jefferson, A. and Davies, R. 2018. A coupled chemo-mechanical damage-healing model for cementitious materials. Presented at: EURO-C 2018: Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 26 February-1 March 2018 Presented at Meshke, G., Pichler, B. and Rots, J. G. eds.Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures: Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2018), February 26 - March 1, 2018, Bad Hofgastein, Austria. London: CRC Press pp. 285-288., (10.1201/9781315182964-35)
- Davies, R. et al. 2016. Multi-scale cementitious self-healing systems and their application in concrete structures. Presented at: The 9th International Concrete Conference 2016 - Environment, Efficiency and Economic Challenges for Concrete, Dundee, UK, 4 - 6 July 2016.
- Bower, T., Jefferson, A. D., Cleall, P. and Lyons, P. 2016. Modelling soil-fibre composite behaviour using a micromechanical approach. Presented at: 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece, 5 - 10 June 2016.
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2016. Micromechanical modeling of self-healing cementitious materials. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Berkeley, CA, USA, 29 May - 1 June 2016.
- Bower, T., Jefferson, A. D., Cleall, P. and Lyons, P. 2016. A micro-mechanics based soil-fibre composite model for use with finite element analysis. Presented at: UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Cardiff, UK, 31 March - 01 April 2016.
- Teall, O. et al. 2016. Self-healing concrete full-scale site trials. Presented at: 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, FIB 2016, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 29-31 August 2016 Presented at Maekawa, K., Kasuga, A. and Yamazaki, J. eds.Proceedings of the 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, FIB 2016. A.A. Balkema Publishers pp. 639-646.
- Davies, R. and Jefferson, A. 2016. Micromechanical solutions for simulating atuogenous healing in cementitious materials. Presented at: 24th UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Cardiff, UK, 31 March - 1 April 2016.
- Pilegis, M., Davies, R., Lark, R., Gardner, D. and Jefferson, A. 2016. Challenges of self-healing concrete scale-up and site trials. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Berkeley, CA, USA, 29 May -1 June 2016.
- Davies, R. E., Jefferson, A., Lark, R. and Gardner, D. 2015. A novel 2D vascular network in cementitious materials. Presented at: fib Symposium 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 May 2015.
- Pilegis, M., Teall, O., Hazelwood, T., Jefferson, A. . D., Gardner, D. and Lark, R. 2015. Delayed concrete prestressing with shape memory polymer tendons. Presented at: fib Symposium 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 May 2015.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Chitez, A. 2015. A continuum coupled thermo-hygro mechanical time-dependent model for concrete. Presented at: CONCREEP 10: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vienna, Austria, 21-23 September 2015Proceedings: CONCREEP 10: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures. American Society of Civil Engineers pp. 397-403., (10.1061/9780784479346.047)
- Mihai, I. C., Jefferson, A. D. and Lyons, P. 2014. Constitutive modelling of fibre reinforced cementitious composites based on micromechanics.. Presented at: EURO-C 2014 Conference, St. Anton am Arlberg; Austria, 24th - 27th March 2014Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Vol. 1. Taylor and Francis
- Gardner, D. R., Herbert, D. M., Jayaprakash, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Autonomic self-healing concrete: the capillary flow of cyanoacrylate in discrete cracks. Presented at: 3rd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 2 - 3 September 2013.
- Gardner, D. R., Herbert, D. M., Jayaprakash, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Autonomic self-healing concrete: the capillary flow of cyanoacrylate in discrete cracks. Presented at: 33rd Cement and Concrete Science Conference, Portsmouth, UK, 2-3 September 2013.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Chitez, A. 2013. Porosity development in a numerical model for concrete shrinkage. Presented at: Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Vienna, Austria, 10-12 July 2013 Presented at Hellmich, C., Pichler, B. and Adam, D. eds.Poromechanics V - Proceedings of the 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics. ASCE pp. 618-625., (10.1061/9780784412992.073)
- Gardner, D. R., Herbert, D. M., Jayaprakash, M. and Jefferson, A. D. 2013. Characterisation of healing agents for self-healing cementitious systems. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials (ICSHM2013), Ghent, Belgium, 16 - 20 June 2013.
- Davies, R. E. and Jefferson, A. D. 2012. The simulation of time dependent behaviour of cement bound materials with a micro-mechanical model. Presented at: Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures, Aix-en-Provence, 29 May-1 June 2012.
- Gardner, D. R., Hoffman, A. and Jefferson, A. D. 2011. Capillary flow of healing agents in discrete cracks in cementitious materials. Presented at: Third International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Bath, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Gardner, D. R., Isaacs, B. and Dunn, S. 2011. Sustainable self-healing cementitious composites. Presented at: Third International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Bath, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Isaacs, B., Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Gardner, D. R. and Dunn, S. 2011. Enhancement of self-healing in cementitious materials. Presented at: Third International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Bath, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Jefferson, A. D., Tenchev, R., Cole, G., Lyons, P. and Ou, J. 2011. The simulation of early age cracking with a coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical for concrete model. Presented at: International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2011), Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 June 2011.
- Mihai, I. C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2010. The simulation of microcracking and micro-contact in a constitutive model for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of Euro-C 2003 Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Rohrmoos, Austria.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2010. Finite element material models for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2010), Valencia, Spain.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Lyons, P. F. 2010. Comparison of approaches from simulating moisture content changes in concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of Euro-C 2010 Computational modelling of concrete structures, Rohrmoos, Austria.
- Joseph, C., Gardner, D. R., Jefferson, A. D., Isaacs, B. and Lark, R. J. 2009. Adhesive-based self-healing of cementitious materials. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Self Healing Materials (ICSHM), Chicago, USA, 28 June - 1 July 2009.
- Dunn, S., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J., Isaacs, B. and Joseph, C. 2009. A numerical model for the shrinkage of polymer elements in active self-healing. Presented at: 2nd InternationalConference on Self Healing Materials, Chicago, July 2009, Chicago, USA.
- Dunn, S. C., Jefferson, A. D. and Lark, R. J. 2009. The numerical simulation of highly shrinkable polymers. Presented at: ACME-UK, National Conference on Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Nottingham, UK.
- Isaacs, B., Joseph, C., Jefferson, A. D., Lark, R. J. and Dunn, S. 2009. Enhancement of self-healing in cementitious materials, post-tensioned with shrinkable polymers. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Self healing Materials (ICSHM), Chicago, USA.
- Mihai, I. and Jefferson, A. D. 2009. Consitutive model for cemetitious composites based on micrmechanical solutions. Presented at: Association of Computational Mechanics (AMCE), Nottingham, UK.
- Chan, S., Lark, R. J. and Jefferson, A. D. 2009. Influence of rib pattern on SLS behaviour of RC members. Presented at: Concrete Communications Conference, Leeds, UK.
- Jefferson, A. D., Mihai, I. and Lyons, P. 2009. A model for concrete based on micromechanical solutions. Presented at: 10th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, (COMPLASX), Barcelona, Spain.
- Lark, R. J., Jefferson, A. D., Joseph, C., Dunn, S. and Isaacs, B. 2009. Active confinement of cementatious composites with shape memory plastics. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Self Healing Materials, Chicago, USA.
- Joseph, C. and Jefferson, A. D. 2006. Stochastic regularisation of lattice modelling for the failure of cementitious composites. Presented at: Proceedings of a joint conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics (UK and Irish Society for Scientific and Engineering Computation)., Belfast, UK. pp. 219-222.
- Jefferson, A. D. and Bennett, T. 2005. Micro and continuum models for cross-cracking in concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th Euromech Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, (ENOC2005), Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- Jefferson, A. D., Bennett, T. and Hee, S. C. 2005. Embedded contact surfaces in constitutive models for cementitious composite materials. Presented at: Proceedings of the 13th conference of Association of Computational Mechanics (13th ACME-UK Conference).
- Hee, S. C., Jefferson, A. D. and T., B. 2004. Embedded rough surfaces in a three dimensional constitutive model for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Fracture of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS V), Vail, USA. pp. 139-146.
- Bennett, T., Jefferson, A. D. and Hee, S. C. 2004. Compression damage in a plastic - damage contact constitutive model for concrete. Presented at: CDROM Proceedings of the European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Shear contact in a plastic damage constitutive model. Presented at: Proceedings of VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLASVII), Barcelona, Spain.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2003. Total-local consistency condition in a plastic-damage model for concrete. Presented at: Proceedings of Euro-C 2003 Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, St. Johann im Pongau, Austria.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Tangent moduli for constitutive models with directional planes of degradation. Presented at: Proceedings 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), Vienna, Austria.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2002. Plasticity, damage and contact in concrete crack simulation. Presented at: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK), Swansea, UK.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2001. Constitutive model of concrete with local plastic surfaces. Presented at: Proceedings BCA Concrete Communication Conference, Manchester, UK. pp. 387-398.
- Jefferson, A. D. 2001. Thermodynamics of a multi-component crack model. Presented at: Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Analytical and Computational Fracture Mechanics of Non-homogeneous Materials, Cardiff, UK Presented at Karihaloo, B. L. ed. Springer pp. 377-386.