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Alexander Jones

Mr Alexander Jones


Teams and roles for Alexander Jones


I am a PhD Researcher at Cardiff University, situated in the department of Logistics and Operations Management. Having received a BSc in Business Management (Human Resource Management) from Cardiff University in 2018, I was accepted onto the ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) Studentship programme. From here, I received a MSc in Social Science Research Methods from Cardiff University in 2019 before undertaking my PhD research: 'Tackling Food Poverty: Building Resilience into Alternative Food Supply Chain Provision', of which I am currently in the write-up phase, expecting to submit Q4 of 2023.

Having worked for a community outreach organisation prior to undertaking my bachelors degree, I have always had a keen interest in social entrepreneurship and social enterprise. This interest led me to undertaking my research into how resilience can be built into social food supply chains. It is hoped that this research will support the long-term economic viability of those providing food to those experiencing food poverty.

I also hold the position of postgraduate Tutor at Cardiff Business School, which has seen me involved in teaching on several Business Management modules at an Undergraduate level.







Current Projects

  • PhD Thesis - 'Tackling Food Poverty: Building Resilience into Alternative Food Supply Chain Provision'
    • Over the past 3 years I have been conducting a study into resilience in alternative food provision, that is, food provision which occurs outside of the traditional exchange of money for food goods. During this time I have been embedded within a food poverty network situated in, and operating throughout, South Wales. Utilising network theory, along with semi-structured interviews and focus groups, I have examined how the structure and processes of this network have contributed to generating resilience capabilities in relation to alternative food provision. I am currently in the write up phase of the above PhD research, with an expected submission of Q4 2023.

Recent Collaboration

  • Community Food Provision: A Mapping Exercise
    • Following successfully securing ESRC IAA Top up CRoSS funding, a mapping exercise of community food provision services across the South Wales area was condcuted in collaboration with FareShare Cymru. Utilising ArcGIS software, this interactive map of community food provision services serves as a strategic tool for the identification of areas in need of greater alternative food provision and more.
  • Building a Community Food Retail Network
    • Following successfully securing ESRC IAA funding, I undertook a project in collaboration with Food Cardiff and members of the Community Food Retail Network to co-design and publish a brochure titled 'Building a Community Food Retail Network'. Collatting the experiences of those members in setting up their own community food retail projects, this brochure serves as a guide to community organisations and social entrepreneurs in setting up similar projects of their own.

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Food insecurity
  • Supply chains
  • Resilience thinking
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Supply chain collaboration