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Samuel Jones

Dr Samuel Jones

Lecturer and Post Doctoral Research Associate












Book sections




Most of my teaching focuses on the subversion of cell signalling processes by cancer cells to support their growth and spread, mostly focussing on endocytosis, metastasis and tumour microenvironment. Also provide academic and pastoral support for Pharmacy undergraduates, project students (both MPharm and MSc) and PhD. Full breakdown of teaching below:

Personal tutor for Pharmacy Undergraduates (1st - 4th year) and MSc Cancer Postgraduates

Project supervisor for Pharmacy Students' final year (MPharm) and final MSc Research projects (MSc Cancer)

PhD Supervisor

Lecturer covering topics including:

  • Basic Genetics
  • DNA Damage and Hereditary Cancer
  • Oncogenes and Tumour Suppressors
  • Genomics and Cancer
  • Non-receptor tyrosine kinases: Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK)
  • Receptor endocytosis in cancer
  • Transcription factors in cancer
  • Tumour microenvironment: Basic Principles
  • Tumour Microenvrionment: Immune Cells
  • Tumour Microenvironment: Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
  • Cancer Stem Cells
  • Emerging therapies: Immunotherapeutics
  • Emerging therapies: Proteases and cancer
  • Emerging therapies: Angiogenesis
  • Emerging therapies: Tumour Microenviornment
  • Protein isolation and analysis

Support delivery of proteomics and abstract workshops (MSc Cancer)

Module lead - Research methodologies (MSc Cancer)

  • Run mulitple practical lab classes and workshops covering basic lab skills, cell culture, PCR, confocal microscopy, FACS and proteomics

Technical lead and project supervisor for final MSc Research project (MSc Cancer)



I completed my undergraduate study in Genetics (BSc Hons) in Cardiff University School of Biosciences, where I undertook my final year project with Professor Richard Clarkson focussing on the slective targetting of cancer stem cells in breast cancer. After this, I moved to the Welsh School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University, where I carried out my PhD work exploring the relevance of the protein focal adhesion kinase (FAK) as a novel therpeutic target for triple-negative breast cancer under the supervisor of Dr Stephen Hiscox. I returned to the School of Biosciences for my first postdoctoral post in the Bioimaging research hub. Working under Professor Pete Watson, I worked on understanding the uptake, trafficking and final fate of a novel exosome product produced by our industrial collaborator (ReNeuron) with a view to modify and enhance its effectiveness as a theraputic modality. In 2020, I took up a second postdoctoral research post back in the Welsh School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, working with Dr Kathryn Taylor studying the role of zinc transporters (ZIPs) as therapeutic targets in cancer types representeing an unmet clinical need. In 2022 I was appointed as a lecturer within the department, whilst continuing my active research on zinc transporters. Alongside exploring the role and relevance of these trasnporters to cancer cell growth, I have also began to establish my own research looking at the contribution of these transporters to the metastatic processes of cancer, as well as exploring wider trafficking and regulation of ZIPs.

Professional memberships

Member of the British Association for Cancer Research (BACR)

Member of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)

Member of the International Society for Zinc Biology (ISZB)

Contact Details


Campuses Redwood Building, Room 2.54A, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB


  • Cancer cell biology
  • Cancer therapy
  • zinc transporters
  • Cell Biology
  • metastasis