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Dr Emily Kakoullis

Lecturer in Law

Available for postgraduate supervision


Dr Emily Julia Kakoullis is a Lecturer at Cardiff School of Law and Politics. She specialises in International Disability Human Rights Law focusing on the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Dr Kakoullis teaches on the LLM programme (see Teaching) and is the Assessment and Feedback Lead for UG Law. Prior to taking up this role she was a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter.

Dr Kakoullis has published on the UN CRPD (see Publications), edited together with Professor Kelley Johnson a collection on the CRPD Recognising human rights in different cultural contexts: the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities , and is on the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Disability and Social Justice .







  • Kakoullis, E. and Ikehara, Y. 2018. Article 1 purpose. In: Bantekas, I., Stein, M. A. and Anastasiou, D. eds. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Commentary. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 35-62.



Book sections

  • Kakoullis, E. and Ikehara, Y. 2018. Article 1 purpose. In: Bantekas, I., Stein, M. A. and Anastasiou, D. eds. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Commentary. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 35-62.




Research Interests:

  • International Disability Human Rights Law, focusing on the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD);
  • The interaction between the UN CRPD and domestic cultural contexts;
  • Participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities;
  • Monitoring mechanisms designed to serve persons with disabilities and the implementation of Article 16 - Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse (CRPD 2006).

Research Centres



I have previously taught on the LLB module Human Rights Law, and taught and been module leader for the LLM module Social Care Rights and the Law.  


  • Supervision of LLM Dissertations
  • Supervision of PhD Dissertations

Teaching Academic Affiliations & Training:

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)


Education and Qualifications

Professional memberships

Academic positions

  • 2016 - present: Lecturer in Law, Cardiff University
  • 2015-2016: Research Fellow, University of Exeter

Committees and reviewing


I am happy to supervise postgraduate research students working on international, regional, and domestic disability human rights law, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
I am willing to speak with potential applicants about their research projects.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75082
Campuses Law Building, Room 3.12, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX