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Urfan Khaliq

Professor Urfan Khaliq

Media commentator

Teams and roles for Urfan Khaliq

  • Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

    Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences


Prior to becoming PVC and Head of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in 2021 I held several senior roles in the School of Law and Politics. These included: Director of Research (Law), Head of Law, Director of Recruitment and Admissions and Head of School.

Beyond my academic leadership, I have authored a number of articles in leading law journals and chapters in edited collections. My first monograph was published by Cambridge University Press and entitled Ethical Foreign Policies of the European Union: A Legal Appraisal and was awarded the 2009 Universities Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) Book Prize for the work which makes 'the most substantial and original contribution to knowledge in the area of European Studies'. It was also shortlisted for the 2009 SLS Peter Birks Prize for outstanding contribution to legal scholarship and the ESIL Book Prize 2008-2010.

My most recent publications include The Achievements of International Law (Bloomsbury/Hart) and Jurisdictional Exceptionalisms (Cambridge University Press). I am – when time allows – writing two major books: a monograph on general principles of international law and a further book on the history of forced labour in international law.

I qualified as an Advocate of the Punjab High Court, Pakistan in 2004, providing pro bono legal advice to street children in conflict with the law as well as helping with the training in international human rights law of the Pakistani judiciary and legal profession. I regularly provide expert evidence before courts in my areas of expertise.

I have previously been a member of the Research Consultants Panel at Matrix Chambers, Gray's Inn, London where I worked on cases before the UK Court of Appeal, UK Supreme Court, European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. I am also Professeur Invité in Public Law at the Université de Picardie- Jules Verne, Amiens.

I am fortunate to have taught, given conference papers or been a Research Fellow in numerous countries around the world. I am a regular contributor to both BBC Wales and the BBC World Service and have acted as an advisor to a number of NGOs, numerous governments and international organisations on various matters. 

My research and teaching interests encompass: Public International Law, International Human Rights Law, EU Law, Foreign Policy and aspects of Islamic Law. I am a member of REF 2021 sub-panel for Law (UoA 18) and also a member of the editorial board of the International and Comparative Law Quarterly.




  • Langford, M. and Khaliq, U. 2019. Article 26: The right to social security. In: Tobin, J. ed. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 985-1019.















Book sections




My research and teaching interests encompass: Public International Law, International Human Rights Law, EU Law, Foreign Policy and aspects of Islamic Law.  I am also interested in the dialogue between International Law and International Relations and developed post graduate courses in this area as part of the Cardiff LLM/MSc programme.

I am a member of REF 2021 sub-panel for Law (UoA 18) and also a member of the editorial board of the International and Comparative Law Quarterly.


Human Rights Law

International Affairs: Legal and Political Aspects

Human Rights and Global Justice

Public International Law

EU Law


  • American Society of International Law Certificate of Merit for High Technical Craftsmanship and Utility to Practicing Lawyers and Scholars, 2020 (co-winner ).
  • UACES Book Prize, 2009 for the Most Substantial and Original Contribution to Knowledge in the Area of European Studies – Winner.
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, 2020.
  • Elected fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, 2016.
  • European Society of International Law – Prize for the Best Book in the Field of International Law, 2008-2010 - Shortlisted.
  • Society of Legal Scholars, 2009 Peter Birks’ Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Legal Scholarship - Shortlisted.