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Alexander Krause  BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD

Dr Alexander Krause


BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Alexander Krause


Broadly, I'm interested in the biogeochemical evolution of the Earth system over a variety of timescales and try to understand what this means and has meant for life on Earth, and whether we might be able to apply this knowledge for finding life elsewhere in the Universe. In my research I build numerical models of the Earth system and compare my results to biogeochemical data.

I am also the new Academic Student Voice Lead for the school.










I am a biogeochemist and my main interest lies in trying to understand the co-evolution of life and the Earth through geological time.

I build numerical models of the Earth system, incorporating a wide range of geological data, in order to explore the changes to the surface environment (oceans-atmosphere-upper crust) over a variety of timescales and investigate what processes might have driven these changes.

In particular, much of my work focuses on: deciphering the concentrations of oxygen in the atmosphere and oceans in Earth's past; determining when and why concentrations varied; and how we might be able to use this information for the present day and future Earth, as well as in the search for life elsewhere in the Universe. I am also interested in using geochemical proxies, including isotope ratios, to help reconstruct paleoclimates and past terrestrial weathering, to understand how the Earth gets into and out of climate extremes (hothouse worlds and Snowball Earth events).


Sep 2024 - Present: Lecturer in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Cardiff University, UK

Jan 2024 - Aug 2024: Research Fellow in Biogeochemical Modelling, University of Leeds, UK

Jan 2020 - Dec 2023: Research Fellow in Earth System Modelling, UCL, UK

Oct 2016 - Jul 2020: PhD in Earth Sciences, Evolution of a habitable planet: A biogeochemical modelling study of the rise of oxygen to modern levels, University of Leeds, UK

Sep 2014 - Aug 2016: MSc in Environmental Science, University of East Anglia, UK

Sep 2013 - Jul 2014: Graduate Certificate in Geology, Birbeck, University College London, UK

Oct 2002 - Jul 2005: BSc in Physics and Meteorology, University of Reading, UK

Professional memberships

  • European Association of Geochemistry.
  • I am a co-opted member of the Earth System Science special interest group of the Geological Society of London.

Committees and reviewing

I am on the organising committee for the Earth System Science group's annual, Life and Planet conference.

I have provided peer reviews for the following journals:

  • Nature Geoscience
  • Nature Communications
  • Gondwana Research
  • Journal of the Geological Society of London
  • Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
  • Global and Planetary Change

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29 2251 5354
Campuses Main Building, Room 0.16A, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT


  • Biogeochemistry
  • Earth System Modelling
  • Co-evolution of Earth and Life
  • Paleoclimates and Weathering
  • Isotope geochemistry